
Stealth Administrators
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Everything posted by Doctor

  1. I'm on it. The IRC server was moved and has a new IP address, I missed the email so I couldn't update the DNS in time, it should be running again in the next day or two.
  2. Cockup fixed and limits removed.
  3. To make sure that the members count isn't out of proportion to the post count, each month we prune members who registered 2 months ago but haven't posted. For example, if we prune on 31 March - Anyone who registered on or before 31 January and hasn't posted will have their account terminated. To make sure your account isn't terminated, all you have to do is make at least one post anywhere in the forum.
  4. Guests should now be able to download files although they are limited to 2 files per day and a max of 100MB bandwidth per week. I say should to allow for the usual cock ups I make when adding/editing features.
  5. I have no problem with that. I'll have it done in an hour or so.
  6. We prune every month or so to make sure that the members count isn't out of proportion to the post count. A couple of days ago I removed members who had registered before 18 January with no posts.
  7. Four new games have been installed in the arcade. Mind Wrap Happy Tree Friends Dynamite Dare Level Hexalot
  8. You should be able to edit now.
  9. Doctor


    The app uses a new API so I'll be installing it again soon.
  10. Just a quick FYI - This guy created another thread more or less asking the same thing in the Help Desk forum. However in that post, he implied he had an illegal copy of the game so he's now been banned.
  11. I just investd in TDU2 today - I loved the first one and have been looking foward to playing the second. I have to admit I was very dissapointed in it. I played about an hour and then turned it off. I understand as you advance in the game you can get better cars but I found the cars I had were useless - I'd be driving along and completely random and for no reason, I'd lose control of the damn thing and crash. I'm not sure if I'll give it another go but how it stands right now, sooner rather than later it's getting traded in. Anyone else played it and found it crap or enjoyed it?
  12. Try now, you should be able to purchase it.

  13. Doctor


    There is something on the site (an essay I believe) from the guy who owns it and I think it's meant to say why but to me it just about said everything apart from why it shut and when he last took a crap. To be honest though it was just a quick look and I didn't really absorb it.
  14. Doctor


    The app used MyGamerCard - If/when they use a different provider I'll enable it again.
  15. Doctor


    I've removed the app.
  16. Thanks, it's not important, just nice to know how people found us.
  17. Which forum did you find us on?
  18. I've pinned TSLRCM and the fix so they'll always be the first files shown. I'll change the homepage soon too.
  19. Yeah it's supposed to be like that.