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Everything posted by Doctor

  1. And that's pretty much all there is to the story really, I feel like crap - That and KFC followed by Lemsip is not a pleasant experience.
  2. Doctor


    It's just ice here now and it is hell. I got the bloody fork truck (or as my niece calls them, bee buck) stuck earlier, it did not want to move. Luckily I haz 4x4, there wasn't enough room to get it in front or behind the bee buck so I hooked a chain over the towbar and then wrapped it around the forks and floored the bastard, it moved then.
  3. The forum will close down at 5pm (GMT) on Christmas Eve and unless anything goes drastically wrong, it will open up again on Boxing Day running Invision Power Board. I hope it isn't too early in the day to close it but like most I have a busy evening on Christmas Eve. There's the devil task of wrapping gifts, carol singing in the evening, midnight mass and then of course I have to prepare myself for Santa's arrival, I swear to god I'm gonna catch that old git this year, anyone want in on joyriding in the sleigh? The new software is more or less ready to have the database imported now, just a few minor things to do to it. I'm still going to be a little busy finishing things off and doing a few test imports so I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas now in case I forget before the forum closes. Best Wishes --Matt
  4. Doctor


    The bugger here is thawing nicely now, thank god.
  5. Doctor


    We had a White Christmas last year in as much as there was snow on the ground but it didn't actually snow on Christmas day.
  6. Doctor


    There's still time and apparently we haven't seen the last of it yet.
  7. Doctor


    My bad, I left the front door open.
  8. Doctor


    Once again we had a bit more snow last night, only an inch or so this time thank god. I decided yesterday it was time to put the little wee fibre optic christmas tree and the outside lights up at work, well the lights were up already, due to the snow at the beginning of the year I couldn't take them down and then summer I couldn't be arsed so they've been up (but not on) all year. The trouble is part of one set has fallen from it's little clippy thing and is dangling down... oh well. Sorry about the crappiness of the pics, they were taken with my phone.
  9. LordDeathRay is a member here, try sending him a PM
  10. Doctor


    More again last night and it was thawing well yesterday... damn stuff, I've had enough of it now.
  11. Try this. I removed your email address, like most forums we get a lot of spammers come here so it's best not to display email addresses.
  12. Doctor


    Blast I remember everytime it snowed I would get up earlier than normal to listen to BBC Radio Norfolk to see if school was closed. I'd always have my sledge ready just in case.
  13. Doctor


    More of the bloody stuff last night.
  14. Doctor


    I'm not saying that global warming isn't partly to blame but I don't think it's all that. I can remember when I was a kid we used to get snow like this every year and then it gradually over the years calmed down so it only lasted a few days at the most. To me this is just a proper winter like we used to get.
  15. Doctor


    We had a load more today. Apparently it's no where near over yet. On the second picture, those pallets were put outside at about 6am and I took the pics at about 8.30am. There was about 2-3 inches of snow on them and that was in just 2 or so hours.
  16. Yeah that did annoy the hell of me too, I tried numerous things so it could be installed before Telos but it kep screwing things up in the mod or default game. I'll have to take a look again and see if I can fix it, can't even remember what exactly it screwed up now
  17. The .lip and .ncs files shouldn't cause a problem if they're left there but the .dlg ones possibly could but they should be in there, have you maybe already deleted them? I'm not familiar with the other mods you want to install but if they use the same files then just overwrite them and you should be fine.
  18. Doctor


    We had a load more today, it's about 6 inches deep... Epic!
  19. Doctor


    My only problem is it came too early, I've been singing Christmas carols all day and generally pissing off my work mates (good job I'm the boss really). Going to test the lights tomorrow to see if they still work, due to the snow we had at the beginning of the year I never took them down, I hate heights and there was no way I was messing around on the roof in snow. I put a tenner on only 18 lights working now.
  20. Doctor


    Woot! We've had loads of snow today here in Norfolk. Anyone else had a decent amount? The pics were taken about 8am this morning, since then we had a lot more come down but I didn't get a chance to take more pics.
  21. They're all different and they're not in the same range so I can't blacklist the range of IP's.
  22. Doctor


    Yeah people can see it. I'm sure someone who knows something will post soon, just give them time.
  23. All blogs/posts deleted and told to bog off.
  24. I've just added a poll to this thread. Sorry about the white text on grey background... anyone else looking forward to leaving vBulletin behind us?