
Stealth Administrators
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Everything posted by Doctor

  1. I liked a @YouTube video How to pickle onions

  2. As usual that looks great.(@YouTube

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPhil


      It looks good, but I would have dumped the apples without any order to shorten the time it takes to make the pie :P

    3. MrPhil


      So I've dicided I'd do such a pie tonight :P

    4. MrPhil


      Yeah, 'twas a good one I gotta say!

  3. Isn't it funny when you start an argumet between your best mate and his girl (although not intentionally) and the get to watch them bickering for hours.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doctor


      and she doesn't want to do a test yet as she's scared it will come back negative. Anyway he asked me to ask her to do one.


      So there we were Saturday night and he said Matt ask her - I replied ask her what.


      He said what we were talking about the other day, about peeing.


      Now I forget the recent conversation about a test but do remember the one months ago.

    3. Doctor


      So I turn to her and casual say Tanita can Joni piss in your mouth.


      Well he bursts out laughing, she starts shouting at me telling me I'm disgusting and after her smacking me a few times Joni manages to say that he meant doing a test.


      So I then ask her to piss on a stick and that's when the arguing started.



    4. Doctor


      She was furious that he told me because she wanted to tell me so they argued for hours after that with me laughing and being told by both of them to shut up.

  4. I liked a @YouTube video The Great British Crumpet

    1. Doctor


      She's a bit eccentric but I do enjoy her videos.

  5. Have had a tooth out.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Doctor


      Turns out the bugger is infected :(

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I hope the procedure is relatively painless.

    4. Doctor


      Unfortunately not - I was in there for an hour and half and it took 4 shots of anesthetic to numb it and then it wasn't completely numb.


      I've now gotta take two different antibiotics four times a day for 5 days.

  6. what's the size of it?

  7. What file format was it?

  8. I have bloody toothache.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      At least it isn't a teeth-ache. (J/K, feel better)

    2. MrPhil


      Lol for SH. Hope you get some magic candies to "fix the ache" :P

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Logan tried putting up a patch for Revenge of Revan but no files are there when people try to download it. Can the original upload be removed so he can try it again?

  9. Doctor


    I shall be taking the forum offline in the morning. It will be off for the day and possibly part of Sunday too as I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. The transfer took longer than I expected and so I decided to have the new hard drive installed over the weekend as it's usually quiet at the weekends and so the downtime won't be as noticeable.
  10. I don't know if this would be possible with out the file being uploaded multiple times and creating multiple threads in the release forum. I will however take a look of course and see if it can be done.
  11. Oh no you don't have to upload again. I'll create the new categories and then the staff will gradually move them. The links won't even change.
  12. I'll take a look at change it a little.
  13. We're still looking for another one or two reviewers if anyone is interested.
  14. Doctor


    You'd probably do better without me
  15. Doctor


    There will be a bit of downtime over the next 24 hours or so as the domain is being transferred to a new registrar. I'm also taking this opportunity to have a bigger hard drive installed on the server as the current one is at 70% capacity. I'll be taking it offline in a few hours as the database will need to be restored on the new HD.
  16. Locking the thread now so we don't all get caught up talking about it.
  17. Having not really played the games in the JK series I had no idea what this mod was about or who made it. I have now been fully informed about it and have decided that it is to be completely banned from Deadly Stream/Republic Knights. By banned I mean that we won't allow any discussion about it, including general discussion, linking to it and certainly no uploading of it to our servers.
  18. Sorry, it should be working now.
  19. Blimey, it's just gone over a year since we started again. How things have changed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor


      I'm the first to admit that the old site was pretty bloody crap.

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Please check your PMs. I have sent two that you should see as soon as possible.

    4. Doctor


      Got them.

  20. It's been a few months since the site was relaunched but we are now finally ready to have official reviews of mods hosted here. We have quite a few mods hosted here now and it's going to take some time for them all to be reviewed and so we're looking for a couple more reviewers to help with this. If you're interested, please fill in the application form here.
  21. I've got a cold

    1. Doctor


      I bloody wish I couldn't, this has been hell. I've been off work all sodding week too.


    2. Mandalore


      Not nice. I had a cold a few wekks ago (can't say I didn't deserve it - that's what happens when you deliberately stand in the pouring rain instead of getting out an umbrella or going inside). Anyway, hope you get better soon.

    3. Doctor


      Good thing out of it though, I've stopped smoking and intend on staying stopped now.

  22. Honest answer - I haven't touched a thing.
  23. I see where you're coming from now. I thought you meant the screens in the file listing pages, didn't realise you meant what it shows in the forum thread. I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.
  24. Yeah click to enlarge them. I can't really justify making the thumbnails bigger as it puts un-necessary strain on the server and takes up more page space too.