
Stealth Administrators
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Everything posted by Doctor

  1. Doctor


    Hey welcome to DS.
  2. Hey welcome to the forums.
  3. Doctor


    After the IRC serving being down for a while, I've installed the IPS Chat system as a temporary system. The style does need changing and I'll be working on that over the next few days but it does work.
  4. In the top right corner of each image there should be a check box. Check it for each image you want to delete and at the bottom of the page you'll find a dropdown box and delete should be there.
  5. Does it work now? The problems have been fixed now thanks to the Invision team.
  6. That is a unique which is given to the files each time they are requested. It's nothing important as such.
  7. Have you tried downloading it since registering? Guests can't access the downloads area. Also make sure you use the download file link on the files info page and no other link, each time the files are requested they have a unique key and other links will expire after an hour or so. Lastly try with a different browers and see what happens. If you still have no success try taking a screenshot and attaching it here, if possible also note the exact time and timezone so we can check the server logs.
  8. In my opinion, as good as Windows 7 is, you just can't beat XP.
  9. And not so highly priced.
  10. I don't get any errors either, could you take a screenie next time if possible.
  11. I think Vista is one of mankind's worst mistakes.
  12. Actually lost is the wrong phrase - I still have the disks I just have no idea where they're currently residing.
  13. I have KoTOR and KoTOR Tool installed on Windows 7 and haven't had a problem with either of them - I haven't even had install the fix. Can't say for TSL as I lost my disks months ago.
  14. Lets try to keep things civil guys.
  15. I can't find an option for it anywhere, it's not just the spam they're also reporting files and comments for no reason whatsoever. I'll keep looking and if I can find a way to stop them from leaving comments and reporting the files then of course I'll open it up again but for now at least it will be disabled.
  16. Unfortunately due to constant spam from unregistered users, the download section has now be disabled for guests.
  17. That was a bloody epic season starter, can't wait for part two - I have a theory about it;
  18. I'll add a new section to the download system for uploading game saves.
  19. Still looking at the screen problems. I removed the text from the changelog box. It will only display a changelog if you enter text there.
  20. When viewing your file you should see at the bottom of the description and above the reviews area a link that says Upload New Version - That will allow you to alter the description and add/delete screens. As for the way they're ordered, without uploading one myself I can't be sure but it looks like they're ordered the way they're uploaded - If you hover over the screens for your last file the link ends &record=397, 398, 399 etc. I'll upload some random stuff to see what happens.
  21. I've just validated a file for you - Is it the same one?
  22. Try it now buddy.

  23. Oh god - Dobby's dead!

    1. MrPhil


      Uh? The book has been out there for very long. At this rate, it's not like it should be a big spoiler :P

    2. Doctor


      Actually compared to the others I thought it was a little boring really. There's some good films out this year, can't wait for X Men.

    3. Mandalore


      X-Men, Iron Man 3, the Avengers (that may be next year, I can't remember) and Thor are what I'm waiting for.

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