
Stealth Administrators
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Everything posted by Doctor

  1. That would be a default setting of vBulletin. I changed it to 14 so that should be more than enough.
  2. Bloody hell, I never checked those or the downloads, I was too busy trying to fix the styles. I'll get it fixed, depending on the problem it may not be until late tomorrow or Thursday though as it's now 10.45pm and I have to get up at 4.30am to be at work at 5am.
  3. I'm not too fond of the dark either but last time we made styles it was voted to be dark. Would you like me to make another style/styles and keep it the default colours but change the blue to green/yellow/red and better blue? I've enabled the default vBulletin style again so you can see what I mean.
  4. Yeah it will be, I'll be making a blue, red and yellow style like the old forums. To be honest I will most likely wait until vBulletin 4.1.0 as the style system will be changing, again, and the styles will probably break. However I will definitely wait until this green style is perfect as then it will just be a case of replacing the green with the other colours. User profiles still need some major changes which I'm working on but I think most of the other aspects are complete now.
  5. I think I know the problem now. Green is the only style available at the moment so as you can't choose others the chooser is most likely hidden.
  6. The vb 3 was quicker to style, you just change a couple of things and the whole forum was sorted, with vb 4 each part of the forum has a different style option, it's better in as much as you can customise each section how you want but it takes a lot longer to achieve, that and the names for the settings aren't that obvious, you have to decipher what they mean.
  7. The reason for the quick change; Deadly Forums - Forum Software The reason the last forum was lost;
  8. Doctor

    Unreadable !

    The poll and text area have now been fixed.
  9. Try clearing your browsers cache, that may be the problem. [ATTACH=CONFIG]50[/ATTACH]
  10. It wasn't final, I'm still tweaking things and most likely will be for the next couple of days. If you see anything that doesn't look right or don't like please let me know. It's at the bottom of the screen at the left.
  11. It's been a while since I've done any scripting and I'm going by memory so I could be wrong here but try this; int StartingConditional() { object oPC = GetFirstPC(); int int1 = GetHasFeat(FEAT_EMPATHY, oPC); if ((int1 = 1)) { return 1; } return 0; } Replace FEAT_EMPATHY with the feat you want to check.
  12. The green style was disabled while I worked on it, it's still not done but I've enabled it now. Here's an explination to what's going on;
  13. I've fixed it for the green style but can't seem to on the others. Until this is sorted only the green style will be available
  14. I've tried looking into it but I can't figure out what the problem is. I'll keep trying.
  15. I've been having a bit of a play around and created a 'Dynamic' signature image for members to use on other forums. The image will pull information from the database and show your information about your account here such as user title and post count. You can find the code to use in your My Settings found here. This what the image looks like but obviously it will show your info and not mine. The font for your name is a php font I made from the Star Wars windows font, it's not come out as well as I had hoped so I will be making a new one but it will automatically change once I replace it.
  16. It's fixed now. The SEO rules for the forum and the downloads section were conflicting due to the word 'mods' - I've changed it so the downloads use 'modifications' now.
  17. Doctor

    Dog Food

    There's probably some nutters who would get excited about point 3 and therefore totally ignore point 2... or something. Last night they had the same thing but it was with lamb not duck, it smells the same.
  18. Doctor

    Dog Food

    First off I would like to say that this is just a rambling, feel free to stop reading here if you wish. After taking the dogs for their walk so they could... well have a crap, I returned home where I set upon preparing their grub. I got the bag of dry biscuits and hurled a cup full in each of their bowls and then I took two tins of meat for them. I looked at the labels, apparently the food they were about to eat was 'Tender Roast Duck with Peas, Carrots and Rice' now to me this sounded really nice and got me a bit peckish, so much so I hollered over to the current Mrs Doctor/Stream I said 'Mrs Doctor! put you a round of bread in that there toaster and hunt out the homemade Strawberry Jam!' Now the reason I had to request homemade Strawberry Jam on Toast was due to the fact that we, like most normal households, had absolutely no peas, carrots or rice and only a limited supply of tender roast duck therefore making the above meal that the mutts were about to enjoy impossible for me to have, with the exception of opening a third tin but even I do have some limits. Anyway, I opened the tins of meat and emptied the contents into their bowls and then it hit me, the stuff absolutely reeked! So the point of this blog, if it really has one which I highly doubt, is how the hell can something that sounds so damn delicious smell so god damn bad? What the heck do Pedigree Chum do to it to make it smell worse than a farm? If anyone here happens to work for a pet food firm please, please tell me what happens here.
  19. Doctor

    Return of Hunger

    Maybe they aleternate
  20. Doctor

    Return of Hunger

    There seems to be a problem with the comments. The background is a different colour on yours.
  21. Yeah I'll start working on them in the next few days.
  22. Doctor

    Return of Hunger

    It's good to see your blog again. Looking forward to more of them.