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Everything posted by jjo

  1. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Pretty." -Sev from Republic Commando. (I'm not sure why, but this quote always cracked me up in the game. Oh, and I do believe it's "Objection" and not "Disagreement", HK. )
  2. You're welcome. And as bendarby above me stated, Malachor VI is unfortunately not ready yet. But I'm sure it'll be on this site when it is.
  3. I believe it's recommended to begin a new game. I know problems frequently arise if you try to play a save with an older version of RCM after installing an updated version.
  4. Sentinel is my favorite starting class, but it really depends. If LS, I like being Sentinel/Weapons Master or Guardian/Watchman. If DS, I like Sentinel/Sith Lord or Consular/Sith Lord. I just really like being a Sith Lord - after all, it's in the game's title. I always use dual lightsabers - one regular and one short for off-hand. My stats vary, but I tend to focus mostly on dexterity and wisdom. Dexterity adds to your character's dodging ability and with the Finesse feats, there's really no reason to pay any attention to strength. And I like using force powers constantly in battle (especially when I play DS), so more wisdom points are cool.
  5. Perhaps for some, but I seem to be of the minority opinion that it doesn't really need much explanation. Mira fell out of the Hawk, survived, wandered around Malachor, and ran into Hanharr. It doesn't work well in RCM as it is since the other companions are never really addressed...they just kind of show up in the Trayus Academy with Mira somehow. I think as long as the other companions are addressed, Mira waking up on the planet is good enough for me. /shrug
  6. I'd bet that the Force protected her and willed her to live.
  7. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "They say the Force can do terrible things to a mind. It can wipe away your memories and destroy your very identity." -Carth Onasi, KOTOR
  8. I wasn't very clear in my post, but having Vsync off is more likely to kill your video card as it doesn't put a cap on how many frames a game runs per second (hence, 3000 fps can happen). Turning Vsync on makes sure the game does not run above 60 fps at any time and helps preserve your video card. Most people turn Vsync off because it's supposed to yield "better" graphics. This has never been the case for me - having Vsync on has no difference on how the game looks to me than having it on. However, Vsync on for some (including HH) can make games look very choppy and therefore be difficult to play. As I said before, it's never done so for me, but I've heard it happening to some people.
  9. I'm running a Vista laptop with an overqualified graphics card. KOTOR and TSL were basically my life for about 5 months and my video card shows no signs of dying. However, I do always play video games with Vsync on as running too many frames per second can overwork and fry your computer. Besides, the human eye really can't perceive the difference between anything higher than 30 frames per second. No reason to have something run at 3000 frames per second. Actually, it should work for both since they both use the same .dll file. I've never needed to use it for KOTOR since I have the Best of PC version, but the comments verify this and I have actually just copied and pasted the .dll file from KOTOR into TSL's file and had it work fine. The patch worked fine for me until I uninstalled TSL and then had to reinstall it. After that, I always got the "This program has stopped working" or whatever every time I tried to open it even with the patch. But I was able to work around this by taking the .dll file from KOTOR Best of PC and use that in the TSL file (as stated above). Neither have I, but this is a "fix" that's listed quite frequently on other websites. No idea why.
  10. jjo

    Revan novel revealed!

    Merci. Je connais bien les québécois. Hooray! I'm glad that my six years of studying French haven't completely gone to waste yet. I did have to sit and think about those two sentences in my last post for about 20 minutes, though. But I'll try starting out with Zahn, then. Thanks again for the suggestions. And yeah, TOR...I was actually considering it since it's supposed to be really friendly to solo-players, but then I realized it'd be kind of a waste of money since I could just go out and find another single player game that I wouldn't have to pay for monthly. I'm eagerly anticipating Arkham City. And as for KOTOR, there's always Revenge of Revan! I apologize to the OP for the off-topic posts.
  11. I'm a little confused as to Kreia's animation as well. I've used VP's Kreia fix and she still had the "suicide" animation when I visited the Dantooine enclave right before endgame as a darksider. Or is there a different suicide animation that I'm forgetting?
  12. jjo

    Revan novel revealed!

    Thanks for the suggestions. I was always kind of wary of EU books since a lot of them seem pretty similar to Fanfiction to me. But I'll check and see if any of these are at the library and investigated. Et j'espère que cette question ne vous ennuie pas, mais quelle nationalité êtes-vous? (Je suis désolée pour les erreurs grammaticales. Je n'ai pas écrit en français depuis longtemps.) Oh yeah...TOR. I still like to pretend that's not happening. But I always played Revan as lightside too. Lightside female, but lightside nonetheless. I always disliked playing as male and darkside for either gender for some reason.
  13. jjo

    Revan novel revealed!

    Honestly, I think the thing that made Revan great is that (s)he was ambiguous and was basically anything you wanted him/her to be since you picked/were Revan. I think if I found out too much about Revan, the charm would really wear off. But that's probably just me. And I never read EU comics and novels anyway.
  14. @ Ddrenai: If you want Malachor to be destroyed, resume production on the HK-51 models and reprogram their behavior core before you destroy the HK-50 line. This usually doesn't for me when I play DS, though. Usually Malachor still remains intact, but there was one time I did this and the planet was destroyed. But it always works when I play LS.
  15. I'm tempted to list all of the mods I have installed in my game since I've never really had any problem with major compatibility issues. But I won't. VP, I have these mods of yours installed with no issues whatsoever: -Peragus Tweak 1.2 -VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans (only installed fixed loot scripts and fixed bronze/orange colors) -Trayus Rank Reform 1.2 -Handsister Fix 1.1 -Kreia Green Fix They're all awesome mods that have greatly enhanced my game and made it more enjoyable. So don't even start thinking that you're a bad modder or anything like that. It's simply not true.
  16. Holowan Labs is a good place to start looking. And StarWarsKnights features many modding tools.
  17. But anyway. I thought that if someone disappeared and a body was never found, it's a sure sign the character wasn't dead. Or have I just been reading too many comics again?
  18. jjo

    Cut-content not encountered

    I don't think the other 2 events are in the RCM, but I know Disciple will joke about being laigrek meat with a male Exile. He doesn't bring it up if you play as female. I guess he tries to appear more heroic for the ladies.
  19. You're welcome. I'm glad it worked for you. It makes sense, in a way, but it's not very clear. You do start off dueling Visas with dual lightsabers and the game does tell you "You need 2 lightsabers" after you equip yourself and Visas with one (I think). But yeah. I think the instructions should be clarified. They should let you know the Exile needs 2 sabers and Visas needs a lightsaber of some sort.
  20. jjo


    I was wondering if anyone could change the hairstyle of this head model: I like the model, but her hair is distractingly stiff. It's like she's wearing a cardboard cutout on top of her head to pass it off as hair. If anyone decides to do it, I'd like the standard game DS transitions to be kept in place (no extra Sith tattoos or making Sith eyes be the only DS transition, please) and updated portraits if possible.
  21. Oh man. I'm so excited for this mod. But as Bob Ta'aar theorized, I'm hoping the low quality sound is from compression and not inherent in the game. Having worked on films, I can say that sound quality has a major effect on overall quality. Poor sound quality makes the whole project seem unprofessional and unpolished. Regardless, the amount of work done on this mod is incredibly amazing. I'm really looking forward to playing it.
  22. I've gotten this to work when the Exile is wielding 2 lightsabers (either both regular or one regular, one short) and Visas is wielding a single or double lightsaber. Just leaving the appropriate amount of lightsabers in my inventory (or wielding only one lightsaber) never worked for me.
  23. Huh. I never downloaded "that which shall not be named" since I heard tons of reports that it caused major problems for the game. But I'll try the one you suggested, staticjoe. I hate having to use my CD all the time.
  24. jjo

    Update on 1.8

    Oh wow. Glad you're okay, HH.