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Everything posted by jjo

  1. That was pretty great. I also enjoyed the Rebecca Romijn cameo.
  2. I saw it and thought it was great fun. James McAvoy made a much better Professor X than I thought he would, but I'm a little iffy on Michael Fassbender as Magneto. I prefered Ian McKellen's "well, I'm just so awesome" personality to angsty Fassbender. I kind of wish they did a bit more with the '60s setting, though. The movie never really felt like it was set in the '60s. But that may just be me.
  3. I don't know of any American meaning for it.
  4. Yep. I've done that several times.
  5. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    It means Jabba doesn't bargain. I posted that one back on page 4. "The Dark Side has made me stronger than I ever was before." -Bastila, KOTOR
  6. I believe you can't find any information about the real Batu Rem. I've played RCM 1.7 about 10 times and I never found an alternate way.
  7. No problem. I'm glad I could be of help and that you finally got to enjoy them!
  8. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Jabba no badda." -Bib Fortuna, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
  9. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Wipe them out. All of them." -Sidious in Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
  10. Okay, lemme get this straight. So you saw Kreia corrupting Brianna twice on the Hawk, right? Did you also see Kreia leaving with Brianna after she talks to Atris? Maybe you do have to talk to Brianna on the Hawk after all. I do remember she asks you why you're so much closer to Visas than her and that triggers the second cutscene with Kreia on the Hawk. If you got the three of those cutscenes, though, and nothing happened...I'm not sure what's wrong.
  11. 2) No, there is no way to trigger it because it's actually not in the game. Nor would it really make any sense. If the Citadel Station blew up, so would the Ebon Hawk and her crew and then the Exile wouldn't be able to get to Malachor. 4) Nope, doesn't do anything. I've heard it will be incorporated in the droid planet mod, though. 6) I don't think there is a way to kill him. I could be wrong, but yeah. Threatening him to leave is good enough, in my opinion; it gets you the credits in the end.
  12. Download the Ravager black screen fix. Not sure what's causing the Sith to not attack. I doubt it's the Trayus Rank Reform since I have that mod and I don't have that problem.
  13. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing." -Yoda, Episode II: Attack of the Clones I apologize for misinterpreting the intent and tone of your post, HK. I'm sometimes oversensitive when it comes to these things and yesterday was a rather trying day for me so I was especially on edge and upset. So again, apologies to you, HK, and to the posters in general for derailing the thread.
  14. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "Size matters not!" -Yoda, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Ugh, I promised myself not to get involved in things like this over the internet since it frequently makes matters worse, but I can't help it this time. Yes, bendarby has stated several times on this forum that he is dyslexic. Despite this, he continues to be ridiculed and treated with disrespect. I'm not sure how to say this without sounding like a complete jerk, but I'm curious about what happened to "treat others as you would like to be treated." I can't speak for anyone else in this forum, but I know I personally would not like to be belittled for something I have little control over. But I digress.
  15. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "The Force is with you, young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet." -Darth Vader, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  16. @nebbalf Download the Ravager Black Screen Fix.
  17. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "There is no death, there is only the Force." -Jedi Code in KOTOR (and other sources, I'm sure) To HK: Definitely have it on PC. It's a small thing that's easy to miss, but I always paid more attention to Sev since he was my favorite.
  18. Nope, you're not the only one. I generally want a good story out of my games, not just "oh here, let's shoot some stuff for some reason." I didn't even like Jedi Knight II very much...never finished it. However, I have yet to play Bioshock. But I digress. To be on topic, I would also recommend buying the Best of PC version, though be wary that you may have to struggle with getting some games to work. For me, KOTOR took a little bit of fiddling around with (it stopped crashing and ran fine after I disabled vertex buffer objects) and Empire at War simply refuses to run. Unfortunately, I can't find a fix for it either. But Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II, and Battlefront all work fine.
  19. I'm generally not a big fan of first person shooters, but I did enjoy Republic Commando. The ending was a bit of a letdown since it was very sudden, but I'd recommend it.
  20. Ah, don't worry about it. I was happy to help. Really? Odd. I never have.
  21. jjo

    Star Wars Quote Wars

    "I can't get involved. I've got work to do." - Luke Skywalker, Episode IV: A New Hope To HK: Sev always said that in my game whenever I blew something up. And you shouldn't shoot me! I have the droid equivalent of cookies! Good luck with your hunt.
  22. I've only had Visas come out and say some parting words. I've read that Handmaiden can show up instead of Visas, but I've never seen her. Anyway, did the game end with Malachor being destroyed? Visas (or Handmaiden) won't show up if the planet is destroyed in the end. She'll only come out if the planet stays intact.