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Everything posted by jjo

  1. I've done this quite frequently (my preferred way to do things ). But I was curious as to whether I could wipe out Sasquesh after I've already settled with him peacefully and gotten the part from Hussef. I remember trying that a long time ago and hostile options didn't show up for me. Yeah, I was always disappointed by the large amount of rockets and darts I obtained and never used. But Mira does look much better DS than LS. I think Brianna does as well. Visas...well, someone once commented that she turns into a prune when she turns DS. Bao-Dur also looks better DS, but I think he's the only guy that does. Atton looks like a decaying corpse. It simultaneously makes me laugh and creeps me out.
  2. jjo

    Update on 1.8

    Thanks for the update, HH!
  3. I know busting that girl out of her prison caused the Gamorreans to attack, but I've never been able to kill Visquis Sasquesh after I've settled things peacefully with him. Odd. I also enjoy stealing their stuff and having them attack me.
  4. I made a thread about this, but no one replied so I'll ask about it here. Hope I'm not being an annoyance. "It would've helped had she made him understand. But a hero of the Republic, no matter how brave, could not understand war as Revan did." -Kreia on Malachor V I noticed that Kreia will say the above quote, regardless of female Revan's alignment. It's a trivial point, but isn't Bastila the one Revan actually left behind if Revan was set as DS female? Carth was dead before Revan even remembered the Unknown Regions, so she wouldn't really think about taking him along. And if Revan is set as DS female, the Sith holocron of Bastila will appear on Korriban. Shouldn't Kreia be talking about Bastila instead of Carth if Revan was a DS female, then? ----------- Clarification: Kreia says this when she mentions that the Exile would have to leave behind loved ones when journeying to the Unknown Regions, as Revan did.
  5. ...Wait, is there a way to kill the Exchange after you've settled with them peacefully? I've never seen that option.
  6. I don't use it myself, but there's no reason it shouldn't be compatible since it's just a set of reskins.
  7. Yes to the first question. I forget specifically where the other piece is, but I've always been able to construct my lightsaber on Nar Shaddaa rather early on in the planet. Even if I go full DS and just kill everyone. I'm actually pretty sure that you can construct your lightsaber on the first planet you visit after Telos. I've never visited Korriban or Dxun first to try this out, but yeah. DS acts are just pretty fun in general in TSL. Actually, the power cell will be part of his remains if you kill him. Or it should be. I've never had a problem constructing the speeder after killing Lavassou. Hee. I've always loved this line. I always convince Geredi that an attractive Twi'lek is waiting outside for him. I am perversely satisfied when I imagine his disappointment and horror. I've been tempted to try it out so I could get Hanharr when playing LS. I'm curious to see exactly how he'd react to a LS Exile. What he'd say and all. I always love doing this, even if I do join with the Exchange. Reminds me of Kreia saying, "If you have such power, I would make use of it...there is no need to dirty your own hands when you can convince another to drive a blade into their own heart."
  8. Wait...so the white text shows up as black, right? I imagine it'd be impossible to read if it didn't. I pretty much always go to Nar Shaddaa first. Mira joins your team if you're LS or neutral. I think I remember reading somewhere that you have the Skip Peragus and Telos mods, so it'd actually be pretty easy to stay neutral. Be evil with Atris and nice to Bao-Dur in the Academy. In Nar Shaddaa, I help the refugees and piss off the Exchange, but usually still end up on the darker side of neutral. Basically, tell those 2 Exchange boys to give you all their credits and jump in the pit. This gives DS points, but will actually cause and INF gain with Bao-Dur because the refugee just runs off if you talk to him (pretty sure this will be fixed in 1.8, though...which is kind of a shame since I exploit this bug all the time...). Kill Lavassou and the crew members waiting for their captain at the docks, agree to help Lootra get his wife back, cheat Kahranna out of her credits in the refugee sector, threaten and kill the Serreco thugs, help that one lady get her daughter back by killing everyone in the Exchange, and heal the sick guy. Also, you can lead that one Duros in the Pazaak den to his death. Some of these may have to be adjusted, but yeah. Of course, there's always the Mira/Hanharr Choice mod, but I've never used it because that would make it too easy for me. Well, you shouldn't feel obligated to post here. Just chime in whenever you feel is appropriate. I'll have to agree with MrPhil here. Hanharr is really strong and does have an interesting back story, but I won't really use him all that much if he's a part of the team. Other than going out on Dxun for the INF gain, Hanharr doesn't get to leave the ship much. But I'll take Mira out rather often. Mira's mine ability is unique and pretty useful (and she has that rocket launcher!), but Hanharr's Wookie Rage is basically the same as the Marauder's Fury. I dunno...maybe I was just disappointed since Hanharr can't be Jedified, contrary to my expectations. And of couse, Hanharr chasing Mira through those mines gives me a laugh every time. Another plus for Mira.
  9. Mira's definitely one of my favorite characters in TSL. She's funny and just pretty cool in general. I love it when she ribs Atton for his crush on the (female) Exile. And how she'll get mad at HK-47 on the Ebon Hawk if you ask her to make you grenades. If there were actual romance quests in the game, I'd have a hard time choosing between her and Visas for my male Exile. I'd probably almost never choose Brianna because, as much as I like her character, I always feel like she's trying to substitute the Exile for her dad. Oh, I know you can Jedify companions by losing influence. We had that big conversation...a page back? Two? But if you play DS and lose influence with your teammates, they don't fall to the DS and get the "corrupted" appearance that I enjoy so much. Especially for Bao-Dur. Besides, it's much more fun (for me, anyway) to take alignment hits and seduce companions to the DS than to just be mean to them and leave them on their LS paths. Eh, I suppose. I still find it kind of pointless since my alignments are always maxed out by then. I'll always save them if I'm playing LS, but I'll just leave them alone if I play DS. I would save them regardless of alignment, but I'd lose my max DS benefits so I just leave them alone when playing DS. Aw, HH. I miss your input in this conversation. You should join in!
  10. ...That Zabrak totally has a target right on his crotch. But these are looking really nice! Looking forward to the completed product.
  11. Yeah, it's pretty disappointing that you can't really Jedify Brianna with low influence. It can probably happen if the Exile also had really low influence with Visas, but there wouldn't be much point since you have to defeat Brianna in those three matches and defeating her causes an influence gain. But I found her rage amusing enough to make up for the inability to Jedify her after that conversation. I actually like the Handmaiden, but I think she's the best teammate to piss off. Her anger always makes me laugh for some reason. Oh man. I never knew you could kill Saedhe. I'm always nice to him in order to gain influence with Bao-Dur, even when I play DS. And Brianna's monster line is pretty great. I never knew she could talk to Dillion either. Now I feel like I should do a playthrough where Brianna is always on my team. I've never really liked playing with one teammate all the way through, though; I always switch up my party members depending on the situation and just generally how I feel. Kreia=total badass. She's probably one of the best characters in Star Wars. I usually send a Jedified Atton or Bao-Dur into the tomb. Although a well-leveled up HK-47 is pretty fun too. It never really made sense to me why the Exile would kill her (or his) teammates. I doubt any of them would or could refuse to follow the Exile and it would be in the Exile's benefit to keep them around and feed off of their Force bonds, like the Nihilus slaves.
  12. Sounds good! I'd max out influence with Visas to be safe, but I'm pretty sure that's a big enough gap. Did you talk to Brianna on the Ebon Hawk and have her be all pissy at you yet?
  13. jjo

    Handsister Fix

    Hooray! I'll try it out ASAP. Thanks, VP.
  14. He certainly is... Dantooine was the first planet I went to the first time I played DS and the battle with Vrook surprised me. After trying several times and losing in hand-to-hand combat, I found out that hiding behind those planters with trees in them caused Vrook not to see you. So I planted some mines behind a planter while Vrook stood around looking like an idiot and then came out and got him to chase me right into the mines. It was pretty glorious. Zez's earrings always distract me in conversations.
  15. Thank you. I was wondering more about a mod link, but I found one It's only single-bladed but it still looks pretty cool. I like playing DS in TSL, but I think a large part of that is due to my indignant feelings the first time I played it (I was LSF). I mean, I went through saving all these planets and people, doing the right thing, and in the end, the Jedi Masters decide to cut me off from the Force anyway. What the heck?! I did more good for the galaxy than you pompous jerks ever did! So I played as DSM the second time and had great fun killing all of the Jedi Masters. Also, male Exiles (kind of) get to actually have romance whereas the female Exiles don't get much. I forget which path it is, but there's one way that this doesn't work as well because there are 4 Sith troopers blocking the entrance to the inner academy. Fighting them alerts the Sith Lords/Marauders/Assassins in the nearby rooms as well as the gun turrets and that's quite a fight. But it still works for the majority of that path. As for the other path, it's very easy to sneak by everyone and get right to Sion. I knew it! Brianna totally has a bunch of spare clones running around! (And I'm a little surprised there's a fourth page myself.) Oh, okay. I thought I was going crazy or even more blind since the only difference I noticed were the braids. But I agree. To me, a hairstyle change isn't really enough basis for comments about how "different" Brianna looks. The variation in appearance should be more pronounced, I think.
  16. jjo

    TSLRCM 1.7 typo?

    If I understand the context correctly, this may not be a typo. The word "tire" can be used as a verb to mean "to wear out the patience of". It's basically a synonym for "bore". It can also mean "to make weary". For example: "I tire of this conversation" would be akin to saying "This conversation bores me" or "I am weary of this conversation."
  17. Which is one of the reasons why I love coming here. Everyone has huge Override files! My boyfriend, despite being a bigger Star Wars geek than me, is really baffled by the amount of time I spend looking for KOTOR mods. But then again, he's not big on PC gaming, so... Ooooh. Sounds cool. Do you have a link to the Exar Kun lightsaber, by any chance? I was just curious: do you play as DS every time you go through TSL? I like to switch things up in TSL, but for KOTOR, I pretty consistently played as LS. I only did 2 DS playthroughs (one as female Revan and one as male) to see the contrast. That's another mod I'm eagerly awaiting. Actually, when I started this thread I wondered how these scenes would be different in Malachor VI and which character I would get to fight as and all. With the amount of times I've played TSL in the past few months, I've gotten pretty tired of Malachor as it is. The cutscenes are pretty cool, but the rest of it feels like a real drag to me. The last couple of times I've just gone through Trayus Academy with a stealth generator on so I could get to the end faster. But I'm sure that Malachor VI will breathe new life into the planet and it'll be fun to play again.
  18. Don't forget about the fight between Visas and Handmaiden! There's only one fight I like using mines with, which is the fight with Vrook when I play DS. It's nice seeing that pompous jerk explode.
  19. Hi, VP. That was fairly cool and slightly scary that you posted right after my HandSister Fix comment. Made me think of Kreia talking about how a stray thought could draw Nihilus's attention. i've totally been playing too much TSL
  20. The order of mod downloads is pretty important, as I've learned by having over 1800 files in my Override. I just kind of freaked out when I encountered that bug because I didn't have any other heads downloaded and that mod was supposed to just add in a new male PC head, but it somehow morphed all of the Handmaiden sisters into dudes with a head from vanilla TSL. It was pretty funny watching that cutscene for the first time, though, since the lips synced up and everything. At least all of the comments about Brianna looking different from her sisters made sense in that scene! (As an aside, I'm looking forward to the day when VP's HandSister Fix will be compatible with TSLRCM. It irks me how Brianna really doesn't look different from her sisters.) I've lost interest in downloading heads for either game, though. Most mods I've encountered only feature Sith eyes for the DS transitions, which I hate. I think the decaying look is pretty cool. And I like to have consistency.
  21. If I knew anything about modding, I would volunteer to do it. But knowing me, I'd probably cause my game to explode into a BFBVFS if I tried.
  22. Yeah, I knew about those. But I'm usually impatient and take a few LS hits in conversation with her and then bring her along to the Refugee Sector (where you can get lots of INF with her for doing DS acts) so I can max out INF as soon as possible. Kreia says something to the effect of "Yes, excellent choice" if you choose Mandalore. And I guess I'm lucky, in a way, that my family members on both sides live in different countries so we never have family reunions. By all accounts, family reunions are kind of awkward and frequently unpleasant (as is my dad's side of the family...). I've been scared off of downloading heads for TSL. One time I downloaded this head mod right before Brianna's fight with her sisters and it somehow turned all of the Handmaiden sisters into the PMHC06 guy in commoner clothing. They then disappeared after the cutscene in which they threaten Brianna. I've never heard of anyone else encountering the bug so I figured it was just a mod conflict, but I know for sure that mod caused the bug because it stopped after I uninstalled it. Thanks. That cleared things up for me.
  23. ...There is? I'm still able to edit posts I made back in February. The edit button is still there for me and functioning.
  24. I'm a little confused. Will the fix to the "Kreia effect" be that you won't gain INF with companions that are against DS acts or will the points be adjusted so you'll actually gain a significant amount of INF? I didn't realize the influence gain was so low. But I never really exploited it much anyway since, like staticjoe66, I usually just take the one person I'm trying to lose or gain influence with to whatever event. I find that gaining INF with Visas is harder if you play as DS rather than LS since you basically gain all the INF you need with her in one conversation if you're LS. Though I suppose you could always take the LS hits when talking to her and then just go out and slaughter children. And I agree that evil is way cooler in TSL. I mentioned before that I always liked playing LS better in KOTOR, which remains true. But DS in TSL is so much more fun. I mostly enjoy being able to kill Vrook (who I think is a real jerk). I'm pretty sure the only 2 companions Kreia actually praises you for choosing to go to Freedon Nadd's tomb are Bao-Dur and Mandalore. I liked her commentary on HK-47: "Not the most subtle choice..." But I usually like to send Visas, Handmaiden, and Mira/Bao-Dur if I play male (Mira if LS, Bao-Dur if DS) and Atton, Disciple, and Visas/Bao-Dur if female (depends on if I want a Jedi from each class or not). I like the idea of romantic rivals working together. I agree that the double-bladed lightsaber animations don't look that great, but I love using them. I just think they're really cool since they remind me of Darth Maul and he was super awesome. Generally, I'll give Atton, Visas, Disciple/Handmaiden, and Bao-Dur twin blades, single for Kreia and Mira, and my Exile will wield two lightsabers (one normal, one short in the off-hand).
  25. O_O The amount of bugs in that thing sound like the thing of nightmares. Good god. Kind of related: is there any way that the dialog/audio files could be spliced so NPCs will refer to Revan as "she" if Revan was set to female? I usually like to set Revan as female since that was my favorite way to play KOTOR and it really bugs me when I hear references to the wrong gender.