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Status Replies posted by narshaddaarocks

  1. Is it me, or does Disciple's character strike you as more of a scout/explorer class rather than a soldier? 

    1. narshaddaarocks


      @N-DReW25 Huh. Interesting. Too bad, it would have been cool to have another alien in the party.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is it me, or does Disciple's character strike you as more of a scout/explorer class rather than a soldier? 

    1. narshaddaarocks


      What do you guys think he would have been like if he was a Devaronian as  planned?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Remember Shem from FileFront and LucasForums? You ought to read his personal thoughts about KotOR on Reddit. (KotOR1 spoilers throughout.)

    1. narshaddaarocks


      Shem's awesome! His videos were so interesting, funny, and insightful!  

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. The disrespect to Thor continues!

    Yes, I know they did it on the comics once, but that doesn't mean they have to apply it (and several other things I'm not happy about) to the movies!

    1. narshaddaarocks


      Alright, maybe I'm being over negative and cynical, but that's what's part of being a Star Wars fan. LOL So I'll wait and see for now.

      I will say the Black Widow, The Eternals, and Doctor Strange 2 movies sound amazing!    

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. It seems to be when a company goes out of there way to please the "fans" it's always some of the worst imaginable stuff possible, and those of us that didn't ask for it or want it, don't seem to much matter. 

    1. narshaddaarocks


      If you liked how Thor was before being in shape and fighter, well now he's an overweight drunk who never gets better and they did it that way to make him "relatable" and for laughs.

      Don't have strong feelings on TLJ either way, but I can only assume a lot of people were upset with Luke almost killing Kylo, and maybe they did that to make Luke "complex" or something. 

      If you liked how Thor was before (or Luke) it seems you're cast aside.  But that's just me. I could go on all day about this kind of stuff. :p


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Lol a "certain movie" Disney released a couple a months ago had me thinking if KOTOR 3 is ever made we would see things like Revan and Carth dying (no funeral, sorry Carth), Canderous would be an overweight drunk who abandons his people, Bastila would be so useless and have a "haircut",  HK-47 would no longer want to kill and instead spends his time at DexterJettster's diner chilling with fans, and The Exile would find a way to make sure she can't the person is she now. 

    So yeah, I'll stick with TJM if Disney ever releases a KOTOR 3. LOL!


    1. narshaddaarocks


      I'd like to also say I'm everyone if I'm being overly negative, but I was fan of the Marvel films as much as I am the KOTOR games, so I found it very disappointing they seemed to taking a page out of the Revan book by applying similar things from that book in Endgame. Makes no sense at all, and that's why I said if KOTOR 3 was ever made, you would probably see some of the same things happen to the KOTOR characters. 

      So I'll shut up about it now. Lol

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. Lol a "certain movie" Disney released a couple a months ago had me thinking if KOTOR 3 is ever made we would see things like Revan and Carth dying (no funeral, sorry Carth), Canderous would be an overweight drunk who abandons his people, Bastila would be so useless and have a "haircut",  HK-47 would no longer want to kill and instead spends his time at DexterJettster's diner chilling with fans, and The Exile would find a way to make sure she can't the person is she now. 

    So yeah, I'll stick with TJM if Disney ever releases a KOTOR 3. LOL!


    1. narshaddaarocks


      Lol! True, true, but at least Canderous snaps out of it at the end and gets the people back. Thor never recovers and is now a loser for all time. Imagine HK being a loser too that's obsessed with taking selfies with fans for some reason. That diner scene felt like it was lifted right out of Attack of the Clones. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Lol a "certain movie" Disney released a couple a months ago had me thinking if KOTOR 3 is ever made we would see things like Revan and Carth dying (no funeral, sorry Carth), Canderous would be an overweight drunk who abandons his people, Bastila would be so useless and have a "haircut",  HK-47 would no longer want to kill and instead spends his time at DexterJettster's diner chilling with fans, and The Exile would find a way to make sure she can't the person is she now. 

    So yeah, I'll stick with TJM if Disney ever releases a KOTOR 3. LOL!


    1. narshaddaarocks


      Indeed! For whatever reason, Disney decided to do the crap I theorized to other characters in a movie series finale a couple months ago, so I have little interest in seeing Canderous talk about his alcohol every five seconds or seeing HK take selfies!  
      And The Exile getting that "dance" with Kavar (or Atris if you play male)! But don't worry, Bao-Dur could be the new Exile! :P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hypothetically speaking: What TSL songs might best fit a YouTube documentary on a large scale mod?  You may only choose from the TSL soundtrack and yes, you can post a YT link if you can't recall the name of the song. (Posting a YT link might be preferable actually.)

    1. narshaddaarocks


       Always makes for good background music imo.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. GenoHaradan Legacy 1.0.1 is out!!!


    New features include:
    *Atton will always mention Revan whenever you talk to Atton about the GenoHaradan

    *Fixed the installation allowing you to hear Zez-Kai Ell's new restored lines


    *When the player is taken to the GenoHaradan base, on top of Atton contacting the player via comlink, Kreia can also telepathically talk to the player before the boss fight


    *Dessicus and his goons start off as invisible


    *The GenoHaradan secret base is always locked off like in vanilla. This is to prevent the player from entering before or after the big fight


    *Visas and Handmaiden/Disciple have been removed from the Ebon Hawk scene being replaced by Goto or Mira/Hanharr who all interact in the scene with some cut/unheard lines.


    *Fixed the descriptions of most GenoHaradan items


    *Restored an unused texture for the GenoHaradan Mesh Armor


    If you play 1.0.1 and you don't experience these new changes or they are bugged please report them as soon as you can!

  11. Disney mulling over KOTOR series.  Read more about it here.

    1. narshaddaarocks


      I don't know. I rather they focus on the movie side more, but I guess Solo bombing changed all that.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. GenoHaradan Legacy has been released! Though it is far from final.


    In 2017, I set out to make Exile007's 2012 "The GenoHaradan" mod compatiable with TSLRCM with my own improvements. During my development, I wrote a new GH plot inside the Jekk Jekk Tarr so I dropped Exile007's mod to make my own.


    Recently, I figured if my planned GH mod will take so long to make but Exile007's won't why not finish my work on Exile007's mod and release that for the time being. Essentially, I've made Exile007's GenoHaradan mod compatible with TSLRCM fixing all major bugs and generally improving the mod.


    This mod is far from final, if any bugs are found I will release bug fixes and content patches in the coming months and when my own GenoHaradan mod is finished it shall be called "GenoHaradan Legacy Enhancement Project" or "GenoHaradan Legacy EP" (Yes, I went that there).


    Go ham with what has been unleashed and leave feedback, advice and criticism


    1. narshaddaarocks


      @Sith Holocron

      Oh of course I’ll play it (as soon as I wrap up M4-78EP 1.5 today or tomorrow FYI). I really meant I’ll contuine to follow its progress. After all our good friend here has probably come the closest to putting the GenoHaradan in the game. And since I obviously love Nar Shaddaa ;), this is an amazing development!

      Thanks @N-DReW25 !

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. GenoHaradan Legacy has been released! Though it is far from final.


    In 2017, I set out to make Exile007's 2012 "The GenoHaradan" mod compatiable with TSLRCM with my own improvements. During my development, I wrote a new GH plot inside the Jekk Jekk Tarr so I dropped Exile007's mod to make my own.


    Recently, I figured if my planned GH mod will take so long to make but Exile007's won't why not finish my work on Exile007's mod and release that for the time being. Essentially, I've made Exile007's GenoHaradan mod compatible with TSLRCM fixing all major bugs and generally improving the mod.


    This mod is far from final, if any bugs are found I will release bug fixes and content patches in the coming months and when my own GenoHaradan mod is finished it shall be called "GenoHaradan Legacy Enhancement Project" or "GenoHaradan Legacy EP" (Yes, I went that there).


    Go ham with what has been unleashed and leave feedback, advice and criticism


    1. narshaddaarocks


      *Sees Dessicus boss fight is released and cut Atton dialogue as well*

      OMG awesome! Thanks! I will continue to watch this mod with great interest.  :p

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi there all.  I've made three new blogs recently.  Check them out and post if you have relevant insights to share. Likes also accepted. ;)

    Blog #96 - What do you HATE about the M4-78 EP?
    Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP?

    Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

    1. narshaddaarocks


      @Sith HolocronI actually have not yet, but I will comment on those as soon as I do play it which shouldn't be long.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi there all.  I've made three new blogs recently.  Check them out and post if you have relevant insights to share. Likes also accepted. ;)

    Blog #96 - What do you HATE about the M4-78 EP?
    Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP?

    Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

    1. narshaddaarocks


      And I just added an idea to your list!

      I agree with you, let's give Master Vash the ending she deserves.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi there all.  I've made three new blogs recently.  Check them out and post if you have relevant insights to share. Likes also accepted. ;)

    Blog #96 - What do you HATE about the M4-78 EP?
    Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP?

    Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

    1. narshaddaarocks


      I haven't played 1.5 yet, but I did just comment on your Vash blog.

      Very interesting one there!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

  18. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks


      I did that and it works fine for when they are killed, but when I click on them to hear their dialogue they still sound like Gamorreans.



    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  19. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks


      Alright, I've been able to change the appearances of the Exchange thugs easily enough,  but they still sound like Gamorreans when I talk to them.

      Does anyone know how to change the sound to where when I click on a Rodian it sounds like a Rodian and not a Gamorrean?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks


      Alright. Thanks.

      I'm gonna play around with Kotor Tool to figure out, and then hopefully I can make the mod I want and release it here and then come up with some other stuff to make.

      Thanks again everyone for your help!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks


      @DarthParametric I just did that and it worked! Thanks for your help!

      @LiliArch Oh okay. Thanks. In your opinion, how hard is it to learn how TSLPatcher works?

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  22. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks



      Thanks, I followed the steps, but it's still not working for some reason.

      Does this look right? The version I'm using of K2 is the "Kotor Collection" if that helps.



      That sounds good. Would I able to change the appearances of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad with ERFEdit?  

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  23. As someone who's never hard would it be to change up the appearance of some of the Exchange thugs in the Refugee Quad?   

    1. narshaddaarocks


      @Sith Holocron

      Change some of  them from Gamorreans to Rodians, Trandoshans, Weequay, Aqualish  etc.


      Thanks for the explaining that. I downloaded KOTOR Tool, but I can't access K2 for some reason. The root path during installation doesn't have K2 there, so I put it in manually, but even when I do that K2 is blurred out for some reason.

      Here's a screenshot if that helps.804458092_Screenshot(42).thumb.png.d51877977e50811678823870f03c4e46.png  


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  24. Isn't it pretty funny GO-TO is so obsessed with saving the Republic that he lets the Exchange hire Azkul and the mercenaries to take over Dantooine from the Republic? 

    1. narshaddaarocks


      @JCarter426 It doesn't make much sense at all and maybe they should said it was Czerka or some other criminal organization instead that payed off the mercs to make sense within the story.  

      And that "going to Dantooine first" was something Lucasfilm canon people came up with back in the day. Though the Wookieepedia page says Nar Shaddaa first now. Strange. 

      I’ll look for it when said  Dantooine went first and post a screenshot of that  

      No idea why Lucasfilm changed that since it's all "Legends" or whatever.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  25. Isn't it pretty funny GO-TO is so obsessed with saving the Republic that he lets the Exchange hire Azkul and the mercenaries to take over Dantooine from the Republic? 

    1. narshaddaarocks


      Here's a screenshot of that datapad.

      And I see what you're saying, but I just have always found it a little bit weird. I guess that's why Dantooine is visted first canon wise or whatever.

      Star Wars_ Knights of the Old Republic II_ The Sith Lords 1_26_2019 6_54_52 PM.png

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)