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Everything posted by DarthSolous

  1. Great work! The final screen is my personal favorite. Now if only there were a Bastila head model that resembled her in the screen...
  2. Great idea, but I agree with Goat. They should stop attacking regardless of which option you choose to "cleanse the grove."
  3. I haven't tried it, but it seems to be fairly popular.
  4. I've heard it's pretty good, possibly better than the previous one. I'd test it for you, but I'm in the middle of a playthrough with a different rebalance mod.
  5. This is the one I've used in the past: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/65/? Edit: Here's another that I haven't tried: http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/342/?
  6. I'll ask them then. Out of curiosity, how difficult is it to port a K2 model to K1 using the program you listed?
  7. Hello, DeadlyStream community. I'm requesting a SWTOR-style HK remodel for the first KotOR game. I have a mod which remodels the entire body except for the head (http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/67/?). I was hoping someone might be interested in remodeling the head to look more like this: http://img02.deviantart.net/681c/i/2012/307/a/2/hk_47_and_hk_51_render_by_avenger09-d54ogdx.jpg Thanks
  8. Great work! Do you plan on making some for the Republic?
  9. DarthSolous

    Revan's Head

    Is there any way you could retexture VP's canon Revan head to look like this. The only thing holding it back from looking identical to Revan is the model imo.
  10. DarthSolous

    Ordo HD

    That texture looks amazing.
  11. DarthSolous

    Revan's Head

    Great reskin. One of the best Revan mods out there alongside VP's Canon Revan Head & Old_Ben's Revan reskin (which is sadly no longer available)