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About skud13

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    Jedi Initiate

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  1. skud13

    Kotor Apeiron

    The team got the green light from Disney, EA and LucasArts. Legal issues are out of the question in this production so long as they aren't making money from the game (selling it). Donations are allowed and are legal; it's the selling of the actual game that would be illegal. Simply look at large projects like Nehrim or Enderal for Oblivion and Skyrim. Those had plenty of donations and none were ordered cease and desists. The Middle Earth Roleplaying mod got the cease and desist because of Shadow of Mordor. You will need the original game to actually play this, because the game will copy over the voice, sound and music files from your installed Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic game folder, and will not be released with those files.
  2. Is this still only 2 hours long? How far into the story can I get into the mod in its current condition?
  3. A simple .2da edit of the Appearance.2da file should suffice. You would only have to swap out the race+model+texture names in the columns of soldier models you wish to replace, with the race+model+texture names from the columns of the armour you wish to replace with.
  4. I have modified your Republic Commando helmets to better fit the proportions of the body armour you used for the RC models (which is less bulky than the official version in the original game and concept art). I have also modified them be more similar to the original helmets in the concept art and video game. Finally, I have also modified each helmet of Boss, Sev, Scorch, and Fixer to be slightly different in shape as each one in the original game had different proportions. I am requesting your permission to publish this modification as a replacer to your RC models in your mod. I won't include anything other than the .mdl/.mdx files, so people would still have to download your mod(s). Note: The image is from TSL (I have edited both Kotor 1+TSL's version).
  5. skud13

    Modified mods

    Where I post my modified versions of other peoples mods so I can reference to the authors my work to get their permission to post my modified variant.