Doctor Evil

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Everything posted by Doctor Evil

  1. The greater the risk, the greater reward. The move to put Darth Vader as Luke's father was risky as hell and that turned out awesome. The Reddit is actually quite accurate... a lot of people have read it, I know PLENTY of people in my actual life who have read it, believe it, and want it to happen. And let me tell you, the hate for Jar Jar isn't nearly as huge as you believe it to be, it's just the vocal group that makes it seem like Jar Jar is terrible Much closed-mindedness I sense in you. If you actually watched the video, read the reddit, and went back to watch the movies all over again you'd find all of the evidence is spot on... If he's not something more than it is, then what do you attribute these facts to be... coincidence? Luck? As obi-wan said, there's no such thing as luck, but Jar Jar seems to be incredibly lucky... And before you say "it's just coincidence, bad bull blah blah blah..." explain why Jar Jar mimicks in multiple sequences what other characters are saying as they are saying, or how he perfectly performs several movements of the Zui-Quan form?. He's a fully CGI character, everything his character does is deliberate, nothing is accidental. Please do your homework before posting Second of all, he's not dead, what kind of bullcrap did you pull that from? And no, they're not casting Ahmad Best in the movie, that does not mean Jar Jar isn't in it, for all we know he switched to his more sinister voice, ALA Andy Serkis.
  2. As long as you don't take it seriously, it's the funniest crap ever made... the whole grandpa wookie porn sequence made me cry from laughter
  3. Read the comments on this mate, that will tell you the fan reaction of Jar Jar being a sith lord. So far, the post is in the top 5 reddit posts of all time, I think that says something. Of course people would probably get salty about it, but I don't think Jar Jar would actually physically be snoke, we might still see his face in flashbacks as the reveal is shown. Like I said, Jar Jar = Darth Plageuis = Snoke One of the goals of the movies is to redeem the prequels in the eyes of the fans, I think this would be a damn good way of doing that. Now, granted, a lot of Star Wars fans are quite close minded about this, sadly, but I bet you they might change your minds if this twist is executed right. Haveyap is right on the money. TPM, while not a great movie, is not nearly as awful as fans claim. Jar Jar never annoyed me that much, the only bad parts were Jake Lloyd and some tedious, unnecessarily long sequences combined with a few snore-worthy acted interplay scenes. AOTC is the worst Star Wars movie made... the plot doesn't even get going until half way through, and by then the audience has already checked out. Revenge of the Sith is really close to being a good movie, but there are a few scenes with some god awful dialogue that just ruin the believably of what else is fantastic. I also would like to point out that some people believe the holiday special is better than the prequels... which leads me to believe those guys are either sniffing glue or would have been upset at any little difference between the OT and the prequels. (Though I will admit my friend and I watched it and we laughed harder than we ever have in our lives)
  4. Well JJ Abrams is known for throwing red herrings out there to confuse the audience before it is released (I.E. ST Into Darkness) so you never know
  5. TBQH if it isn't true i'll be slightly disappointed simply because of the potential of this twist... The only other plausible identity for Snoke IMO would be Darth Maul (Assuming Jar Jar is Plageuis
  6. Kyle Katarn was fantastic character... with a not so fantastic apprentice... (P.S. someone should remake Jedi Knight Jedi academy and revamp the story, because the dark side ending of JKA is the stuff ) Anyway, if this is what I think it is, we got another confirmation, or perhaps not necessarily a confirmation but an affirmation of support of the theory by Mark Hamil
  7. oh boy, Mark Hamil had better not be trolling:
  8. I think my pants need changing (God I hope this stuff gets mod support like Freelancer did)
  9. So far it's a mystery, but there's a theory he's actually Darth Plageuis, which rhymes with the whole Jar Jar theory
  10. You're trying to justify random attacks, which include ewoks trying to hit the AT-STs with their fists or dropping rocks. occasionally they manage something successful, but again it's just so bad. Welcome to 18th Century field combat 101. Troopers lined up to attack in lines rather than spreadding out and finding cover, this was probably what was employed. They also had a SHIELD generator, so that the massive influx of droids could be handed by their own hand-shield units blocking the fire and the artillery launching EMP balls at them. Not a bad strategy, They stood there because they knew they had to keep the droids occupied until the city was taken, moving and advancing on their positions may have jeopardized that. Oh please, you're adding depth to a scene that probably has nothing more to in than "oh this is sad, feel bad for the dead ewok." Star Wars isn't exactly one for those Band of brothers themes at all (except for Republic Commando and Battlefront.) This entire concept is just grasping at straws mate, you using opinions to justify how "the ewoks are better" while I'm using facts The tree trunk may have been plausible if it had sufficient mass to heavily dent a clearly structured tank, I don't think anyone would have done this on any tank in world war II because it probably would not have work ... Are you kidding me? You yourself said they are run by a Gungan king, the movie SHOWS they have a council, and, oh yes, the king promotes Jar Jar to a General and as seen there are captains in this military... All elements which you say they don't have. And you say the ewoks do have some sort of functioning government and military? The ewoks at best are run by some tribal king and that's it... Dead and done, they end up worshipping a droid because they have never seen it before, and Gungas are all like "meh" because they are far more advanced than that. Sacred Place doesn't necessarily mean one area, just because of what Jar Jar said... Again, it's CLEAR that the rest of the military shows up when they go out to battle the droids, not all of what we saw in the grasslands were in the forest with the Gungan King. Please watch the movie again, because your evidence is so poorly strung together it's almost giving me cancer. Indeed, I'd like to actually return to the subject at hand
  11. You can still get it on Amazon for like $15 or i think someone has it on GOG... Microsoft needs to stop being such pansies and release the copy on Steam, it's one of my favorite games ever
  12. I'm disproving his statement of how the gungans were at war with the Naboo, I touched on the "believability" in other posts mate How dare you post anything of the Holiday Special.... Think of the children!
  13. I just bought my 980 ti and I'm fearing that will soon be out of date next year by a large margin
  14. Then that supports my point, visually I see teddy bears with ancient mechanisms while the Empire has advanced technology... The gungan attacks were coordinated while the Ewoks played it by ear, they weren't nearly as organized. Yet they were able to form ranks, have an actual plan of attack, utilized different kinds of troops and vehicles to attack their enemy How are they believable at all? Emotion or not, I didn't care at all about those "oh poor care bears getting blasted" That was the only part that was believable. Their strategy was a diversion so that the Queen's forces could infiltrate the city and take the capital, clearly explained in the movie. Their form of government is irrelevant to them being an effective military, and again, the final point is a support for the whole Jar JAr sith lord theory, he was MANIPULATING them Where, at all, does it say they are at war with the Naboo? Not in the movie, and whatever book you're citing is no longer canon. The hostilities are mere quabbles and disputes, not wars... I think you need to watch Episode 1 again. The civilians were possibly evacuated to a different place, I doubt they would put all of their military in one position, as shown in the scene... It was a fraction of what they mustered in the grasslands battle. I'm wondering what your point is with this quote and how at all it supports your thesis that the whole Ewok battle was superior in any way to the Gungan battle. Mesa Denken Yousa just hate the Gungans
  15. No kidding, but when I'm playing light I kind of feel guilty. I want a mod that keeps her alive but gives the same effect. Council doesn't scold you, but she doesn't join you
  16. I could not be more hyped. I was a huge fan of Wing Commander and Freelancer, wishing Freelancer had gotten the treatment and sequel it deserved. Now it looks like it is. What are your thoughts? An FPS game with a space sim all together? Is it too ambitious? I think this could work, but you're probably gonna need a kickass rig... I have one
  17. The issue with MCU is how repetitive it's becoming... instead of: OH BOY ANOTHER MARVEL MOVIE, it's: ok, let's see what they're doing. Still, the trailer looks good. I never read the comics, but as a casual fan I can say it looks good... but that final line has me itching my head. When, if ever, were Captain American and Iron Man friends in the MCU? As far as I can remember, they were rivals always snipping at each other for the most part. As for Batman v. Superman... Couldn't that have just put the title as Dawn of Justice? Would have been far better, less of a mouthful. I'm not convinced by Jesse Eisenberg as Lex, and the trailer wasn't exactly promising.... They basically ran through the entire plot for the most part, and that's just bad... Overall: Civil war is going to be the better movie, because I haven't seen anything from the DC heads that proves they are gonna match up. the last good DC movie was the Dark Knight (rises sucked and Man of Steel was meh at best).
  18. I actually played this back in 2005 for the first time when I was 10, still love the game. I prefer Kotor II to I, but I still hold some love for me. I just wish some parts would be fixed. I always play now with the dialogue mod that's more realistic, but I want a mod that completely removes Juhani without forcing me to use a custom party member... unless it was yuthura. I actually have been brooding creating a Zaalbar overhaul, because that character was just completely thrown away it seems and could have been a lot better. Ah well
  19. Depends on the game, Kotor I's Dark Side playthrough is largely bland and unrewarding since it's so painfully one-dimensional, but at times it's fun TSL it's 50/50... Dark Side playthroughs are often fun, and sometimes more rewarding than light side because of how different it turns out, and how Kreia basically bitch slaps you for killing the masters... there's a lot I can cite: Fantastic writing, chilling dialogue, and the Vaklu sequence of Onderon is far more enjoyable than the Talia sequence... (assuming Vaklu is dark side
  20. QFT... One of the reasons Matt Lanter was so good at portraying Anakin in the Clone Wars series is because he actually had people who could legitimately write and direct, George Lucas was hardly around. While Christensen may not be the best actor, he certainly gets far too much criticism for what he does EDIT: I'd like to point out that the talent he was surrounded by didn't put up that much of a performance either. Lucas managed to get me to snore at Natalie Portman and Ewan McGreggor (until EP3), and worst of all Samuel Jackson... The only actor who I felt was real and really did a fantastic job all throughout was Palpatine's actor Ian McDiarmid Right, because an army of teddy bears with spears is perfectly capable of killing fully trained and armored soldiers equipped with lasers and armored walker tanks... Sorry, but every time I watch ROTJ I try to skip nearly every scene involving the ewoks other than the final one, because it's so bad it's funny. The Gungans are far more plausible as an army than the Ewoks because they had weaponry capable of combatting the droids, I.E. the EMP balls, there's also the fact that their society is far more developed than the Ewoks, as the Ewoks are the equivilant of Homo-Erectus to the Homo-Sapien. No offense, but some of you need to get your nostolgia goggles off
  21. I'm not into the hype either, I'm just analyzing on what is actually quite plausible for these new movies. It doesn't make sense for them to stand completely apart from the other movies other than characters
  22. All JJ said was that he was a skeleton in a desert probably, which is either a red herring or a confirmation of my theory of Plageuis --> Jar Jar --> Snoke.. While he did comment on the theory on EW, he didn't say anything conclusive other than it was "an amazing theory" As for the actors, I'd like to see a source on that please
  23. This guy is the person who said "there has been an awakening" in the very first trailer, I think it it's pretty much confirmed he's in these movies [/sarcasm] Snoke is said to be alien, tall, and somewhat snake-like... And let's face it, bringing in a brand new sith lord never before mentioned would be lame because it makes the effort in the OT pointless and that a sith lord will rise no matter what. Also, this trilogy, whether you like it or not, will include tie-ins to the prequels that make all 3 trilogies connect somehow. Darth Plageuis as the big bad guy in Episodes 7-8-9 makes a lot more sense than some brand new sith out of F***ing no where, because Plageuis was said to be able to preserve life of those he cared about... Sith care nothing but for themselves, thus he preserved his own life. Please do your homework, and correct me if I'm wrong but you need to read the entire Jar Jar theory through
  24. Here's how I predict this might unfold in the new trilogy: We won't see Jar Jar(Darth Plageuis) as himself but rather the new body that Snoke embodies. We see Jar Jar in the desert of Jakku and automatically think HAHAHAHAH HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED USELESS FOOL, when the body is there for more than just fan service but rather as a shedding of skin. When we actually meet Snoke/Darth Plageuis, he reveals himself as the true person behind Palpatine the whole time, and he hid among enemies more effectively that Palpatine.. etc etc... Long story short, Plageuis transferred his spirit to a more potent, more fear inspiring body "Snoke" and thus assumed control of what was left of Palpatine's Empire and formed the first order. Thus both sides, the Jar Jar haters and the Sith Jar Jar fans, are happy. Here's a video that supports my thesis -->
  25. And this is exactly the kind of closed-mindedness that makes a lot of the prequel haters look cancerous(no offense), same with those moaning about the OT edits. I myself don't like the prequels, but I at least can admit and see that some of it was done right. Jar Jar Binks, I agree, was horribly done, but that's a fault of Lucas's execution... Had he actually envisioned Jar Jar as the true sith lord, then that's brilliant in itself. Cutting Jar Jar out of a few scenes and reducing the childish humor would have actually helped make that case.