Doctor Evil

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Everything posted by Doctor Evil

  1. "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force." Plus he practically was Tarkin's ***** through A New Hope. Anyway, we're de-railing the thread ._.
  2. Dear god... time travel in Star Wars. That's a new one, I don't think we've seen that at all in any Star Wars, EU or otherwise, but I think it's one we'd all like to avoid unless it's done right, otherwise you end up looking like Star Trek: Voyager
  3. Ehh.... I don't see that happening, I still think Snoke is going to turn out to be a re-incarnation of Plageuis. If not, I'd love to see how this would be done, especially since the alternative is some random evil dude popping out of no-where
  4. I was hoping Kylo Renn's identity would have been kept secret till the next movie or episode 9 to reveal that he is..... Ezra. Too bad, because that would have been a wonderful tie in. Still, I'm ok with how it turned out, but it'd be nice if the galaxy could move on from the skywalker drama ALL HAIL LORD SIDIOUS. TBH, if you think about it, what was the real reason that the rebellion started? I mean were things THAT bad under the empire? Destroying planets aside (which occurred as a message like nagasaki and hiroshima to the rebels) I read that the empire was pretty good. Maintained peace, had a decent military corps that was worth joining and taught you a lot, levelled out the economy, etc. We didn't really see how evil they were until they destroyed Alderaan and tortured Leia
  5. You realize he's messing with you right? Still think she's a kenobi. Remember, in the Clone Wars, it shows how Kenobi got intimate with Satine a lot before Anakin came into the picture, and they are depicted as somewhat scorned lovers. I'm sure that she probably hid it when Kenobi chose to stick with the order rather than her.
  6. I've seen this by some people and this just makes no sense... Franchises change, but this is just subjective This is my sentiment here along with a lot of us who enjoyed the movie, we're done with having superweapons after this one, but I think for the movie it didn't detract from it. Maybe it's because the last time Star wars did this was 30 years and 3 movies ago Characters die, this movie was meant as a passing of the torch to the new generation. You don't kill the mainstays of the new trilogy in the first movie. As for the role passage, Luke is going to be a bit similar to how Yoda was, I'm interested in seeing how that dynamic works. IMO Han's similarity to obi-wan is only because he tells them of the force and then dies. That's it, and it's fitting for him because he was the one who was like "force is bullshit" in the original movie, it shows how much his character has changed. They said in the movie it was the Hosnian System, stated when they get to the resistance base. I'm fine with there being no tatooine or coruscant considering how they were in nearly every single movie. A. The movie does a lot of visual story-telling, which was enough IMO to get a feel of what's been going on. You don't always need exposition. I will say this, however, the opening crawl could have had a bit more detail on the state of the Republic. B. The same argument could be made for the Rebellion on staying on Yavin IV, just because we saw them re-unite there doesn't mean they aren't shortly going to leave. Does he need to be redeeming? If anything, the movie is showing the opposite of Vader's transition. He's probably not going to be redeemed, if anything he'll be full dark from here on out. a) Please tell me how? From what I'm seeing, this is just you upset because Han died (no offense). Him killing somebody else wouldn't have had half the effect that Han's death had, considering he was his father, and an estranged one at that. b. that's subjective, but I digress c) He's not a sith, atleast not yet. Snoke himself says he needs to complete his training, if anything he's a neophyte. Also explains why he gets his but whooped by Rey. d) That's a choice, not a need. e)...ok? And what purpose would that serve? It would do the same thing to Darth Maul, terribly under-used. Like I said, you don't kill the mainstays of the trilogy in the first film. I laughed when he said it would be "beneath him" what a joke I think she's a kenobi, but as for her abilities we don't actually know the full story behind Rey. She could have had training and not known it, and I'm sure this will be explained in the next movie Don't understand why he would... it's a freaking sword that's made of lasers. He's had training in melee clearly thanks to every storm trooper having that baton Where the hell is the romance other than Han and Leia's rekindling? Seriously? Rey kissing Finn on the head does not equate to romance QUOTE (since there's apparently a limit?) "I know this looks like a lot of complaints, but I did enjoy the movie overall. It was a good movie, I think. Just had some flaws and wasn't the continuation of the Star Wars saga that I was hoping for. Admins, sorry if this post went too long." I'm sure you did, I just wanted to address them for you And as for it not being the continuation... And let's face it the new star wars is not going to be a visual representation of our head-canon anymore... It's new stuff.
  7. Agreed, while I also wasn't erred by the superweapon thing, I think it's time to move on *cough*pseudonym for Darth Plageuis *cough* For me, The scene with the destroyer eclisping Jakku and the following music as the shuttles descended towards it. Also the march of the resistance theme. Here's a link to the soundtrack, it's on youtube --> TBQH the music was somewhat tame in places, but I think it's because they wanted to let the scenes speak for itself rather than setting the tone for it Personally, I think he was greatly acted, particularly how his voice sounded almost robotic and menacing even when after he removed his mask in some parts. These are just my opinions though
  8. I dunno if you're being sarcastic, but that's actually hilarious.
  9. I think that's false since Han Solo he actually doesn't know why he left and is probably scratching for reasons, the real reason of why Luke went missing will definitely be revealed come 2017. Speaking of which, did anyone else notice or think that maybe Han and Luke weren't on the best of terms given of how Han reacted when he heard Luke mentioned? It almost sounded grudgingly when he said it, as if he took issue with Luke completely disappearing, or maybe he blamed Luke for Ben's fall to the dark side.
  10. Hate to burst your bubble bud, but you do realize LucasArts was dissolved right?
  11. So that's all that makes TFU good? Having a demi-god Jedi doesn't make something good if it's not done right, and it wasn't. TFU 1 was ok but then TFU 2 became hilariously dumb. If anything, it ruined the OT because basically anything Luke does makes him look pathetic compared to Galen. TBH the video may be cringe-worthy, but that doesn't mean everything they did was so. All that needed to happen was a shake-up on top and the company could have gone on just fine, would have rather'd that than disney handing the keys to EA
  12. Still makes the big calls since he OWNS the franchise. Being an owner means you do actually have a huge say in what goes on because you have the money invested, it's why NFL teams do what the owners tell them to do because they are OWNED by the owners. Business 101
  13. We accept constructive criticism, but you've said the same thing over and over and many of us provided counter-points which you and several others failed to respond to most of the time. Instead of engaging in an actual debate you decided to send some OOC insults my way, and then of course things just got heated from that end on a lot of people. It's a topic that needs some rest before it's brought up again. Just look at what you're talking about. Rather than joining in on our current discussion on whether TFA canonizes KOTOR, you're dragging it back to your "oh woe is me the superweapon is bad" Come on dude. I'm all for debating on what is a "flaw" in your opinion, but I actually want it to be a debate rather than just a complain session which it turned out to be. To a point yes, but there's no reason they can't officially canonize it, if anything they can just state that "Revan disappeared after destroying the star forge" hinting that while kotor I and II may be canon, TOR never was (and make a lot of people happy that way) Well I will say that there wasn't much time for them to "grieve" since the First Order arrived on their doorstep soon after, but I agree it would have been nice for a bit of gathering on that. As for poe, I think that choice was for dramatic choice as giving the audience a red herring, and adding some flashback scenes later on wouldn't exactly have worked on their re-union since it was about to focus on destroying Starkiller Did anyone else notice Mark Hamil is still fat? Admin: Next time I have to remove profanity from this thread, I'm locking it and providing bans to the offenders. Re-read the site rules.
  14. /sarcasm Keyword LucasArts in the name of the studio, he makes the big decisions on what gets cut and what gets sold "Lucas initially served as the company's chairman" Even if I'm wrong, he still had a huge say in what goes on because he owned the company
  15. Great work, but honestly this lightsaber would make more sense replacing that generic sith light saber we get at the end of Korriban, making it more than just another lightsaber, don't you agree? Just a minor note there, nothing editing a UTP wouldn't fix. Do you plan to make a Kotor 2 version as well? I can definitely say my evil Exile would love to use this mofo in slicing jedi
  16. Well, it technically is star wars gaming, and that is what the title is about
  17. I'd like to point out that Battlefront EA is on sale for 40% off, and it's only a month off release. What does that tell you? *cough*failure*cough*
  18. not necessarily... If luke gives background to rakata prime and says how Revan disappeared after destroying the Star Forge (doubt if he will unless Revan is slated to appear in the new movies, but we can hope), then that means no more TOR. They can pick and choose what is canon here
  19. Really? Have they posted official figures on their sales? If they really were selling that many copies, then they would post the figures right on their page. See, they made a mistake in letting people play the beta, because that really settled in many people's minds that the game was garbage. That's why I think the game flopped initially
  20. Hardly, if the movie has been selling a ton, then games should sell a ton, I think the sales figures for Kotor were figuratively high for its day, so Disney should figure that EA screwed up rather than there isn't a market for star wars games
  21. Disney will soon learn that they erred in letting EA handle SW games......... I hope the sales I hear sucked for it, only 3-4 million up to this point. That's a failure for a AAA game. I don't even know if I'd buy it if the price went down to $10, because that's still money going to EA
  22. Look at it this way, if Lucas was never in charge of star wars gaming, then the TSLRCM project would never have been needed XD
  23. Well hey, we didn't catch that this guy was the real PHANTOM MENACE until too late
  24. I read your post, it was basically the same thing you've been saying over and over, I snipped it because it was a bit much to put in the quote. You keep saying how I didn't read your post yet the ironic thing is you never read any of my points in my previous posts and just continued on the same sad tirade without bothering to address what I said. For somebody who's supposed to be setting an example to others, you're not doing a very good job. I'm trying to pull away from the discussion that got extremely heated, but you're basically stuck in it and continuing to add personal attacks against me. Like I said, I get you didn't like it, but for crying out loud if you're going to complain, please set up another topic. The majority of us would like to talk about something else other than something that had over 5 pages of people gutting after each other I'd like to point out that this movie doesn't do the majority of its storytelling in exposition but rather in visuals, and from the visuals I got the story was great. I managed to figure out a lot of stuff in the movie just fine, and this post is pretty damn accurate right here To be fair, the title of the movie is "The Force Awakens", and it's said the force has a will of it's own, so perhaps she let her instincts take over and the "force" guided her. I think the answers to this will come in the next movie, I don't think the writers would have left it just like this.