Doctor Evil

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Everything posted by Doctor Evil

  1. I was condescending when you yourself decided to play that game, don't expect me not to level the playing field, but w/e. I responded to most of them, to which it seems you had issues with it and then proceeded to get all personal, but ok. Those "statements" regarding pay attention actually applies because it seems to me you're gut reacting and then not focusing on what else the movie is doing, because the movie moves fairly fast. Don't get upset when I can play the same game you can.
  2. I actually brought it up simply as a fact, not as a response. I said that it surpassed Avatar as #1 scoring film, to which HH replied and I did as well, and I also pointed out it's as a result of people going to see it multiple times
  3. Well, hey, tis all good. Take your time on it, besides I gotta re-do all my mods on TSL again anyway
  4. Well, the problem with it still needs to be solved with the TSL patcher, it's complicated AF to get this baby working, and now i'm getting broken games because of the nar shadaa thing not triggering now
  5. Well, the ones you responded to were subjective, but since you seemed to enjoy the movie, I didn't think it was that big of a deal, If you want I'm down to go back to that. However, there wasn't much to say. The only ones of mine you went on were the kylo ren ones, which again were subjective so there wasn't much point since there wasn't much else to be said. I can truthfully and confidently say that I have tried to the best of my ability to address the criticisms of the movie that people bring up, and at times I do concede parts which are a bit dumb or not well thought out, but looking back through the thread I say I've pretty much responded to most people when I started in this thread, but then again I'm biased there because... hey, it's me My problem is that I want to have an intelligent debate, and then what I ended up getting back from certain people was just whining and insults with no substance, and then taking my quotes out of context and completely ignoring others when people responded. To me that was just... ugh.
  6. Oh it's you again. Your "logical and compelling arguments" were nothing but whine fests that were filled with "boo hoo my EU got cut from canon, my comic books aren't canon!" and pretty much getting upset when I pointed out flaws in YOUR arguments then shutting down completely. I'm starting to believe that some of you just have problems reading in general, I never said this movie was without flaws as I have pointed it out from time to time, but the flaws you're pointing out mostly aren't even really present. You say I ignore your posts and yet you ignore mine on a consistent basis. Look back and pretty much I address each and every one of your points quite well, at least until you decided to do your whole "oh i'm clever so I'll edit my post over and over to respond to what Doctor Evil is saying when he makes a new post!" So before saying how "Dr Evil ignores me and my points and insults me!" Try thinking about that and how that actually applies to you, because I have read every single one of your posts and responded to them adequately; and when I do, usually I get "oh you're an idiot, I'm not gonna bother responding!" Meaning you can't even summize a response, and are upset because I actually do my homework. If you can't do basic reading and back your own points up with evidence (which you haven't done well at all) then you deserve to be ridiculed. This is a debate, after all, don't get upset when I point out flaws in your own argument and can actually engage in a long, well thought debate. Oh, and I do hope maybe you'll take what I said into consideration this time. If you actually read what I say and respond in kind by addressing my points, I will treat you with respect because I have done that with every one of your posts. The hypocrisy is real. And so far you dissenters haven't really given me a decent argument of why this movie isn't good, one of the reasons being that whenever I respond to your posts, I rarely get a full response in kind. All I'm getting is conjexture, baseless anger, and "flaws" that are either present in all of Star Wars (the convenient stuff) or "It's a rehash so it must be bad" when it's actually not a rehash if you pay attention, and the whole rehash argument can be applied to nearly every Star Wars movie. Also, Box office isn't the only way to judge a movie, but it is a factor. If a movie was garbage, it wouldn't be getting nearly the amount of money it needs. Compare TPM with TFA's box office. TPM and TFA have a huge divergence in how much money they earned, simply because TPM wasn't a good film and people said it wasn't, thus fewer people watched it as a result. With TFA, people have said it was a good film and thus people keep going to see it, and then go see it again because they like it so much. It's basic logic, you should try it sometime bub Now, as much as I'd love to discuss me, how about now we move back onto the subject at hand, which is actually discussing the movie. I think it's all but clear she's had some training at the time, but my hope is she doesn't know luke at all. (sorry if my sentences run a bit, it's early over here, I'll probably go back and format them so they might be a bit easier)
  7. I really like how you and HH have failed to prove me wrong on any of my points and just end up not addressing them yet think you're extremely intelligent at the same time for disliking the movie, and it is scoring a point in my meaning that people think the movie is good. That's an opinion I share, glad you have an issue with that kiddo.
  8. No, the backlash for TPM was pretty immediate. I remember people clapping as the opening credits rolled and then booing at the end, and critics were extremely harsh on it. Never heard one person booing at the end of TFA, it was either mostly claps or silence if it was a casual crowd AS for the people, on my end most people loved it even more on their second viewing, so we can go either way, but as I said the box office stats speak for itself How would it damage the character at all? This again sounds like "we must worship the OT it is all that is holy blah blah blah" It's perfectly concievable that he had relations with satine when he was a horny young boy because he was a horny young boy second of all they loved each other and when that happens, its more than just chillig.
  9. Maybe my other points of Leia being in love but not falling, how love redeemed anakin, and love kept Luke kept himself from killing Vader. You still have yet to answer me on those, let alone the dozens of other counter-points I've put across you during this thread that you have failed to address, or even Jolee's point of love. There are countless others. Love is a central part of Star Wars, and it's a central part of the light side. OH YEAH, let's pull one from EU which is non-canon: Luke and Mara Jade. Weren't those two in love? They must have fallen to the dark side, then...not! You're trying to sound snarky and smart when you're making claims without backing them up, then completely ignoring the evidence I bring up to disprove you (this has to be the 5th time, right?). Kind of makes you look dumb. If you're wondering why I'm a bit annoyed with you, that's the reason right there.
  10. Exactly my point. The Clone Wars series showed that the two were extremely close in their younger years, and given that fact, it's extremely likely they did more than just cuddle, and they weren't much older than teenagers during that time (they might actually have been teenagers, I don't know their exact age, but it was before Obi-Wan met Anakin).
  11. Oh dear, if only you could actually read my points and address them correctly, but then you haven't done that very well throughout this thread, let alone come up with decent theories. You're really not that good at this, aren't you? If love in general lead to the dark side, then I guess the galaxy would be pretty devoid of life. Nice logic there bub. Take it from Jolee Bindo --> "Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled... but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love... that's what they should teach you to beware. But love itself will save you... not condemn you." ―Jolee Bindo, to Revan, when discussing love ( ) Ben Solo fell to the dark side not because he loved his father, if anything love nearly brought him back to the light, as it did when Vader saw his son nearly electrified to death. Love, if anything, is an artifact of the light side. Star Wars has plenty of evidence to this. What we saw between Anakin and Padme was (attempted at least) passion, though they were actually in love, they let their passions take over them and in the end it controlled anakin's actions. Fear of losing padme is what drove him to the dark side, not love itself
  12. No, fear of losing padme lead to the dark side. Very different thing. Guess Leia is on the dark side then since she loved Han. Obi-Wan was quite different in his padawan days, and a bit unorthodox. I wouldn't put it out of his capabilities to be more than close with women, say Satine. Cool story, but if it was bad then people wouldn't be going back to re-watch it. People knew TPM and KoCS was garbage after their first viewing, and if they aren't thinking TFA is bad now, then it's actually good. If it takes 3 viewing just to pique your interest, then you have problems. Sorry to burst your bubble, but a lot of people genuinely like the movie because its a good movie
  13. Yeah, it's totally jacked
  14. Just saw this and lol'd TR-8R is apparently the best new character of the film, he's even a meme. Love it
  15. So it just passed avatar is #1 grossing film in America of all time Regardless of what you thought, a lot of people love it apparently, a lot of people I know are going to see it multiple times
  16. Needlessly considering the "answers" he was seeking was pretty much in the movie, and in Star Wars itself. But let's forgive the OT for making the a lot of the same "mistakes" that this movie has made simply because it's the OT
  17. That's because it's a game design rather than an actual canon fact, it was that way so soldiers and non-jedi classes had an excuse as to why they couldn't use lightsabers.
  18. *sigh* here we go again. I like how instead of proving me wrong you're just being a total tool by throwing OOC insults at me. It's ok though because I can still prove you wrong through actually ADDRESSING YOUR POINTS ._.. And since you only responded to one point of mine without addressing any other (you did this in a previous post as well bud ) and went "oh im not gonna bother!" just shows how incompetent you are. Don't go questioning people's mental abilities when you take people's quotes out of context and then only respond to one point. I actually do point out problems with it from time to time, but the difference is that I don't obsess on it like you do. I try to also focus on what the movie DID good, which apparently you could not figure out for yourself. Yep, you clearly fail at paying attention to the movie. Han goes back to smuggling because of what happened to Ben solo. He can't cope with the fact that he lost his son, and thus leaves Leia to try and get away from everything. It's the same as if his son had died, parents tend to break up and have problems. This is what happens to real people. Apparently you once again didn't read what I said. The Falcon is pretty easy to detect since it has a glaring ID signature, and I'm sure that Han would recieve an alert immediately if it was in his vicinity. Yes, he happened to be in the area. Maybe it's another explanation of "The force wanted it to happen" like every other coincidence in Star Wars, or maybe you just have nostalgia goggles on. Actually, he/she did find it parked for no reason. If you remember, the only reason why the Exile took the hawk was because it was the only ship capable of getting them out of there. The Exile has no clue of what the Ebon Hawk is except that it got them out of there. It wasn't until AFTER Peragus that Kreia and T3 explain why the Ebon Hawk happens to be there. Just like TFA, or did you miss that tidbit while your mind was trying to come up with a tirade? You didn't like the movie? Fine, but don't go out of your way insulting people who actually did Notice how I have the courtesy to address every single quote of yours instead of taking them out of context. You're trying too hard to appear intelligent by criticizing the "coincidences" when the movie actually explains itself.
  19. But compared to what's around them it's ancient. For all intents and purposes, it's a collector's item. Welcome to Star Wars convenience. That's such a backwards argument and you know it, do you even read what you're saying? We run into Han and Chewie because Han's been looking to find the falcon, and since he'd recognize it's signature anywhere, it's not exactly unexpected that we'd run into him. Try again Oh wait, could it be that maybe all movies are extremely convenient? But sure, let's make everything stroke your ego, and have exposition to explain everything You're saying all this stuff and not giving any evidence. Han's importance to TFA is to Kylo Renn's character development. Second of all, he's the one who knows how to get the droid to the Resistance. Thanks for taking my quote of context, really makes you look smart... not. If it's so ridiculous, maybe explain how it is Oh boo hoo, a non jedi can use a lightsaber because all it is is just a sword made of laser beams, that doesn't mean they are good. Maybe you should look back where I said kylo is injured. Do you even read? Apparently the concept of a trilogy is incomprehensible to the likes of you. Star Wars is no longer meant to be just one movie, nor has any of the movies since ESB. There were PLENTY of questions that made sense in return of the jedi, but I guess that get's a pass since it's the original trilogy. Take a look at lord of the rings and you'll see what I mean "The Force" is use to explain every single convenient thing in Star wars, and there is a lot of them. If you can't handle that, go watch another movie.
  20. That too, I probably should have mentioned that XD
  21. If it's garbage, then why would it be guarded? Second of all, the falcon was regarded as garbage by Luke in ANH, so there. It wasn't perfectly considering that it nearly crashed a couple times due to dust collecting in its engines. Second of all, I can guarantee that the owner of that shop probably kept it fueled in case he needed to make a hasty escape. It's not that hard to open the doors since there probably is a switch on the outside Welcome to plot development 101, Luke and Obi-wan just so happened to run into han and chewie in A new Hope That's a plot question that will probably be answered later, but these "just so happened" questions aren't special to this movie but pretty much all of star wars. Why did Luke just so happen to crash next to yoda's house on Dagobah? Why did the Red R2 unit that Owen bought so happen to blow up so R2 could go with 3p0? Really? How so? How would Rey know to go to Maz's planet considering she doesn't even know it exists? BB-8 would take them to the resistance system, but she wouldn't find the lightsaber ... ugh. Han was integral to the plot because he was one of the reasons Ben fell to the dark side, not to mention the reason he probably fell further. Han and Luke probably weren't on the best of terms since Han probably blamed him for his sons fall, why would he tell HIM of all people where he went. Second of all, why would Han just let Luke stay where he is without going to check up on him, AND if Han was really the only one to know where he is then it would have been easier for the First Order to just nab him and laugh as they interrogate him. AS for R2, he was with leia, so yeah. This is Star Wars, not Interstellar or 2001. If you're looking for scientific accuracy, you're looking in the wrong place considering the very first movie had laser blast sounds in space and that lightsabers are about as practical as that, or that even a moon-sized space station is able to travel nearly as fast as a ship as small as the millenium Falcon. I'll admit it was a bit dumb, but I refer to my previous point *sigh* Kylo was wounded, and he was inexperienced because Snoke clearly says "It's time to complete his training." He wasn't a full sith, rather a dark jedi wannabe. Second, all stormtroopers carry that energy baton, which means Finn probably would have had training with it. Counts as a melee weapon. Maybe you should pay attention more to the movie. Finn barely did much as he ended up getting his arse kicked anyway Again... Renn isn't a full sith. But then again you're forgetting we barely know Rey's background at all. You're jumping to conclusions when you're leaving out a ton of possibilities, like maybe she was trained and she didn't know it? Why is she having flashbacks about the Jedi getting killed when the movie doesn't say she was there? Or, Why do you think she kept with a staff all those years on Jakku? Don't you think THAT might have helped? Never thought of it that way
  22. Thanks guys! Actually, I discovered that replacing the sith lightsaber is as simple as re-naming the file to what the Sith Lightsaber's is, thus removing the necessity of a UTP edit ( plus I assume the game requires you to have the saber itself in inventory in order to progress, so having the file as the name of the sith saber would probably prevent broken games )
  23. Doctor Evil

    Kyle Katarn Head

    And thus God (Kyle Katarn) made his entry into the Kotor Universe
  24. No, because Pre-Vizla used the darksaber in Clone Wars, it pretty much shows that anyone can use them, because they are just swords with laser beams (hue hue austin powers reference) I don't get how people come up with this notion that lightsabers require special powers to use, where at all was it said that non-jedi can't use them very well? If anything, they just prefer blasters because you can only be GOOD with a lightsaber if you have the force because that helps you block blaster bolts.