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Everything posted by Black_Rogue

  1. I don't think there is any dialogue for her outside of M4 "yes I downloaded the mod, very good I might add" not including the video T3 has for her to say anything at the council. I have seen a video of her being re added to the council in the end too, and all they can really get her to say from the voice files of her is 2 or 3 lines already used in the game. Also speaking of Kaevee, she didn't realty have a place in the game, even in TSLRCM she is kinda a loose end, she seeks another master and that's the last we hear of her. Same with Vash's apprentice if you tell him to find another master "unless he dies still at M4, didn't go down that path. If that was a path at all"
  2. First TSL walkthrough, got stuck at the jammed door in Peragus's medbay. hit it with my foot for about an hour before I realized how to work the computer and get the plasma torch. This was about 5 ish years ago and on a very worn Xbox version.
  3. Very interesting article. but a question though, would this technology also allow not only new "map areas" on planets but also alough the creation of new planets itself? "just curious because im interested in building new maps and areas on Kotor 2
  4. Hi, Just installed M4-78, how do I know if I installed it correctly?
  5. im no modder so I have no idea what can and cant be changed on this game "If someone could tell me that would be great" other than that great findings!
  6. The only thing I can say about this is if you where to add a Atris/Nihilus fight scene, the timing would have to be perfect or it would confuse people or simply be too out of context. it would have to be Pre Peragus/prologue or after you land on Telos. But then it couldn't show after the time of meeting Atris. Because by then her goal would be to gather the Jedi, not hunt Sith lords. But I do believe that such a video is needed to connect the cover and add more depth to the Sith Lords and Jedi Masters relationship. Also to explain the "if this is a early game cutscene and she survives the fight, why wouldn't the Sith go after Atris as well" question, "yes im assuming someone is going to ask this question" She could either be presumed dead by Nihilus or be already determined corrupt and used as a pawn by the Sith Lords "which could also explain the reason she became corrupt in the first place, losing the fight and 'try' to be turned against the Jedi"
  7. same here, some containers make u use powerful mines. Personally I don't like this since it removes the usage of minor mines from the game 'I use powerful ones to do more damage to units"
  8. they just said its not in the game files though. And the same source has at least 1 mistake about what is cut and when it really wasn't
  9. I'm not a Star Wars fan, I prefer Histrical/Modern Genre. But my do I truly enjoy Kotor 2

    1. HK-47


      "I'm not a Star Wars fan..."


      Diagnostic: Your statement has caused an error resulting in a comprehension subroutine failure. Resetting. Executing "What the frell is wrong with you?!" script. *charges rifle and asks query*

    2. Black_Rogue


      I simply never got interested in star wars, Kotor 2 I truly enjoy because it is a boss RPG/Free Roam

  10. perhaps he had succumbed to the dark side, or perhaps he was "healed" instead of just knocked out, like what happened to Hanharr, but instead of by Kriea, by the Sith on Onderon who took him with them, but I guess that doenst answer how they knew about the jedi on Telos. Unless Kriea secretly sent out the information. Or after the masters death, they felt a disturbance in the force that drew them to Telos
  11. Then I wonder where that quote came from. Still his outcome is an interesting point that was ignored. Both in-game "wasn't in Prison" and in Kriea's Prophecies. What we mainly know is that He Disappeared from the game between Telos Battle and Malachor which explains why he wasn't the one that set the mass shadow generator "with his earlier dialogue u can infer he would have been obligated to do it himself" and why atton and Grenn made the comments about him and HK. unless mentioned outside of the game, why would he need to die, perhaps he was originally supposed to go off with HK and just act like his pilot, since he was originally from the area of the factory, he could have shuttled HK into the base "huge flaw in HK-50s security measures?" or more likely into the Czerka camp. maybe he never died at all? he was just the HKs taxi driver "unless they can fly there own ships" or maybe he wanted to stay at the Restoration zones "unlikely"
  12. i'm restricted to 1? My all time favorite, age of empires 3 And more in no order R.U.S.E. Age of empires 2 Pirates of the Caribbean by Bethsodea "yes they made the first POTC video game, very loosely close to the actual movies" Minecraft Call of duty "anything before black op II, after that it became Halo Parody" Red Dead Redemption World of tanks
  13. I'll do that, thanks for directing me to this, I guess its not very important where he learned to fly, as long as he can fly the ship It's like asking where Visas learned to use the force
  14. does explaining how Atton whent from a Sith Assassin/Shock trooper to becoming a pilot count as a plot hole? his immediate history between leaving the Sith to being on Peragus is mostly not talked about either
  15. yes I shouldn't be complaining about a mod I haven't tried out yet. I ment no offense to the mod or its developers. but I have played Koriban and it compared to all vanilla Planets is the smallest by a longshot, without M4-78 being there as a "Part 2" to the Vash quest its basically a 5 minute academy you find a dead master and you leave, the only worthwhile perk to going to koriban in vanilla is the secret tomb in the cave
  16. Vouching for Kotor 2 you can definitely feel like something is missing when going through it, almost like a lack of planets for the RPG that made the game an easy drive and Korriban a 5 min gass station
  17. that's the padawan on droid planet right? I didn't download that mod yet until I get a full completion of TSLRCM "complete everything through a couple of walkthroughs" and fix some bugs im having. That, and I've heard that M4-78 is kinda choppy and feels more like a INDEV test than a full part. No offense or anything still glad to see people work on it.
  18. Kavae is another special character added to the game, because as far as I know, she is the only Jedi related character in the game that isn't in your party or a master. which is sad kinda because with all the Jedi left hidden that leaves 4 masters and a hermit padawan. Just something that was really left out of the game, other non master Jedi
  19. I've never known about 1/2 the stuff you could do with B-4D4 until after reading the recommended walkthrough, although B4 is a quite unique game aspect for various reasons: 1. only non- party solo entity in the game 2. has his own soundtrack 3. is one of the few non party minor plot entities that can be found on more than one planet "others being C-3FD, Tobin, Zarhon, T-1N1 and Opo Chano" 4. You can chose his fate. 5. has a role in both LS Telos "steal him" and DS Telos "acts like Lorsos equivalent of Moza"
  20. yes, irritated me as well, although chodo might have said something like "thank you for helping return one of us to our herd"
  21. the one where he suggests to use grenades for mass slaughter in the cantina gave DS, the riot incite and the force persuade didn't give me any DS "wasn't as surprised about force persuade one though" so yes there are a few ways HK gets influence and no DS is given "I'm doing a LS play through by the way"
  22. speaking of what gives you light side/ dark side points there are many times where it surprised me about what i could say and still not get dark side points "3 influence gains with hk of all people on onderon, only one gave dark side points afterwards"
  23. regardless it fits current plot, if slusk wasn't dead and u freed him he might get recaptured, especially if you had "paid off" gamorean guards that would attack you if you don't force persuade past the secretary or some such. making it silly to free him until then
  24. I have a few bugs, but might not be caused by TSLRCM, I will uninstall it and test after current playthrough, if they persist it is a game side bug. not really worried about them, except a few are annoying "map issues with lighting and entities, some dialogue gets skipped even if you don't manually skip it" only other tidbit is that certain added content isn't "smooth" it can feel normal but then at times it feels spliced and thrown in "how you start the HK factory for example, spawning right in front of the sub level door, as if the highly sophisticated assassin droids wouldn't have restocked the actual military base with a few telos droids" other than that great mod!!!