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About Alvar007

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  1. There's no texture specified. I used the same method as when I ported Darth Sion and the rest which worked fine. Also the texture for the head and the hair are showing up correctly and those are different objects, so I don't think that's the issue.
  2. All right so I've been trying all the different combinations in retargeting for the game. The first one is using a TOR anim with the Kotor rig, it works flawlessly: You can see the finger precision here, it's pretty accurate: Although it's a shame that the facial animations cannot be added since that was one of the main motivations to use these anims, in that case maybe using the Mixamo animations is better in the long run since there are more of them and they are easier to port. Next I tried retargeting animations between Kotor rigs, in this case the humanoid animations to the Selkath rig: It seems to be working fine, except for the lobes and eyes that probably would need to be animated manually. Maybe that Selkath mod could finally be a reality? Lastly for the most complicated part, porting a TOR model with the original TOR rig into the game. That scaling factor you mentioned was useful, you need to scale then rotate to match the Kotor models and then apply all the transforms. I managed to create object bones from the armature using a script generated by this custom GPT that's especialized in Blender. The script is here if you are interested. Honestly this thing is amazing, you can interact with it like you are trying to explain your problem to another person and it will fix any errors or issues you may have. I couldn't find any other script on the internet aside from the one you posted but that generated a single mesh so it wasn't helpful, then this thing just solves my problem in seconds. Now that you have the rig made of objects you can create an MDL root and retarget the Kotor anim to the TOR armature, then apply the armature keyframes to the object rig using KotorBlender like I did previously. Unfortunately the resting pose will affect the final animation so you need to take care of that. You can either manually pose the vertices in edit mode or you can apply the armature modifier and then add it again. You will see that the model has the legs outstreched more than usual in object mode but not in edit mode, that's the resting position we need. Then when you delete the armature for exporting, the model will come back to the correct resting pose since is no longer being affected by the armature deforming. After doing all this the model was broken in game even though it showed fine in Blender after re-importing it. So I tried converting it to ASCII and importing it to KotorMax (the only version that works for me is 3ds Max 8 ) and now the model itself showed fine. The problem is that the textures appear missaligned somehow, but I checked both in Blender and 3ds Max and the UVs seem to be fine, even after reimporting the model to check that the program wasn't fooling me. Also I made sure that there are no more than 17 bones per mesh and the object names have no more than 16 characters since I remembered you mention that in this same thread. So I'm stuck at this point, I tried everything but I don't really see why it's not working. I have to say I baked the textures from the materials that the plugin uses, but since Blender has tools that rely on the vanilla shaders and not custom ones, the textures on the viewport show fine but they don't bake good inside Blender. So I had to edit them afterwards even removing the alpha channel which was causing the model to be invisible. There's still the hands mesh that won't show up no matter what I do: I attached the files I was working with just in case someone fixes the issue. tor
  3. It's not too bad. The original rig has 4 bones per finger whereas Kotor only has 2, so you won't get as much accuracy but works well enough IMO. Here's an example: In the original the index finger is almost all the way straight when she points, but this is as close as you can get. I'm not sure. The full version is archived on the internet so you can find it easily. I have been checking the plugin out and it seems very advanced so I could probably retarget the TOR anims to the Kotor rig just like with the Mixamo rig. The question is if I wanted to port the TOR rig directly (so that you don't have to reweight TOR characters to the Kotor rig) the skeleton has to be made of objects right? The game doesn't accept normal bones? If so that's gonna be a little more complicated.
  4. So after all this time I am back resurrecting this thread because I made a very interesting discovery! I was poking around with retargetting animations and I managed to port a mocap animation from Mixamo to the game! Thanks to the "Unapply object keyframes" feature that KotorBlender has, I could retarget the animation from the Mixamo armature to the Kotor armature. At first I used the Rokoko Blender plugin to retarget the animations and the results weren't half bad, but then I tried with Auto Rig Pro and the results were even better! Here's how it looks in Blender: And here's ingame: I will keep experimenting on this. I may try to retarget the TOR rig to the Kotor animations like @DarthParametric and @JCarter426 were doing a few years ago, although I don't know how that will turn out.
  5. Hey Salk! It's good to see you again, my friend. I have no doubt of that haha! Best regards
  6. I posted it on their discords but they didn't respond yet lol. I assume they are really busy, just like I usually am. So I don't think I would have time to help them, but thanks for the comment!
  7. Hello, it's been a while since the beginning of the year, but I finally finished the machinima I was working on and I just wanted to share it here. I spent 3+ years on this since I first started it soon after the covid hit the world. Obviously I didn't work every single month on it but still it took way longer than expected. It's a second part to another machinima I did back on summer 2015 when I first started modding Kotor. Since then I learned a lot about the game and really put to use the best that the new tools can offer. So I really have to thank the community for that. Here's the link: Texts are in Spanish but I added English subtitles where necessary. If you wanna see the first part you can go to the same channel or watch it here: I really hope you can enjoy this, even if the story makes no sense lol. I plan on moving on to another projects, so I won't be doing Kotor modding for a time (not that I was already too active or anything anyway lol). I'm still going to visit this site regularly and try to help some people if they have questions, maybe even create some little mods that I have on the request list. I still have to look on MotionBuilder and stuff to maybe make animations easier. One day I will come back and create those Selkath animations. Cheers!
  8. Hey, this is my first status update on this site!

    Anyway, I intended to post this on New Year but there were more complications than I anticipated.

    So recently I softmodded my +20 year old original Xbox and I wanted to try modding the Kotor games with the new tools to check how far you could go.

    I saw some threads about this here and here, which were really useful but I wanted to note some things:

    · From my experiments, textures need to be square with a size of 512x512 maximum, otherwise they will not show up correctly. They don't need to be in TXB format, you can just throw the TGA and TXI into override.

    · I tried converting custom modules (like the ones in Brotherhood of Shadow) to the Xbox version, but they didn't work for some reason.

    · Character models and other mods can easily crash the game. I have had countless crashes which made my console freeze and I couldn't turn it on until a few hours passed which is why this took me so long.

     So with all this I just made a video about it here:

    Excuse the video and audio quality, I don't have a game capture lol.

    I also experimented with the Xbox version of the Jedi Knight games and ironically, they are way more limited than the Kotor games despite having released all the tools and source code for the PC version. You can see a video about it here:

    On another note, my machinima is getting closer to completion and I will show it here once it's done.

    No mods to show this time, but I hope you find this useful if you ever intend to mod the Xbox version of this games. And don't hesitate to post any other info about this I may have missed if you have any!

    Happy New Year!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alvar007


      Well so apparently converting the textures to TXB works at least for one of the custom modules in The Jedi Masters mod for TSL:


      But the module "bos_bridge" from Brotherhood of Shadow throws an aabb node error in MDLEdit, MDLOps gives some "Truncated combinations needed" messages although it writes the ASCII in the end. However if I try to convert this back to Xbox binary either with MDLEdit or KBlender it crashes the game, even with TXB textures.

    3. Thor110


      I bought two original xboxes ages back in the hopes of getting my project on there one day, keep meaning to mod them, but they will likely sit in a box until I am done.

      Great to see more people trying it though ^^

    4. Alvar007


      Thought I would give an update on this: so I'm helping a friend fix the TSLRCM mod on Xbox and so far almost everything is working. I was having trouble with the restored shuttle module and I could not figure for the life of me why it wasn't working. Turns out the Xbox doesn't like the original name for some reason, so I renamed the .mod file to something ended in 101 (for example fak101) and it works! Doing it this way makes the game autosave before entering the module as if it was a new planet or something. You don't even need to rename the inside contents. Also no need to separate the module in different .rim files like the vanilla Xbox modules do. Just everything in a .mod file inside the modules folder works.

      So naturally after this I tried doing the same thing in the K1 fashion with the BoS module that was giving me problems and it worked!


      I had to convert the m60aa_01a to ASCII with MDLOps first, since MDLEdit was giving me an invalid value error when reading the aabb node. Then compile back to Xbox MDL with MDLEdit. The m60aa_01b had a different error: too much vertex calculations but that is easily fixable disabling the option in settings so that you can decompile and compile everything with MDLEdit this time.

      Hope this is useful for whoever wants to play these mods on Xbox, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  9. Like the description says, any mod that doesn't alter the supermodels should work. But even if they did you should be still seeing the Force Power in the list. If you don't then there is something wrong with your spells.2da file.
  10. Steam version always gives problems. Is the Force Power appearing in the list? Try using the legacypc option that apparently you can toggle on steam.
  11. Hey, sorry for the delay. I just tried the mod with a new and an used saved game and it works fine. Are you selecting the right folder in the installer for the right game? Keep in mind you have to select the main folder and not the override one. The Power should appear at the bottom of the Force Powers list when you level up.
  12. Alvar007

    Darth Sion K1 Port

    I think I know what's going on. Apparently I had some mods installed when testing this and my appearance.2da file was modified so I created the item pointing to a row that is non-existent on a clean install. Sorry about that. I've updated the file and also added compatibility for all languages, download it again and it should work now. If this doesn't do it any footage you can record is always welcome.
  13. @DarthParametric I gave it a try. I created my own set of bones and simulated them inside Blender with one of the combat animations. The result is okay inside the program but the bones have both rotation and translation to make the movement look like this. So if you parent them to the head for example you are combining the translations and you get weird results. One solution is to leave them unparented which breaks the rest of the animations but that wouldn't be a problem if someone was to bake them all. The manual cleanup to make smooth loop transitions for each animation is what makes this a pain in the ass. Not to mention is not as realistic because the bones need a few seconds to get back to the resting pose. Also I'm still using Blender 2.79 which uses the old plugin where you have one scene per animation so I would have to bake every single time for each animation. If I'm not mistaken in the new version of the plugin you can have all the keyframes in the timeline like Kotormax so that would be a solution. You can even test the results in Blender itself without having to go to the game or 3DSMax like I did here: The problem comes when apparently the mesh has verts with more than four weights and also some of them go over 1.0. So I corrected that automatically using MDLOps but unfortunately the movement I created breaks in game: So in my opinion this is too much work for too little. I was thinking why not parent the whole lekku to the head so there isn't any deformation? (although there would probably be clipping). Or maybe set it as a danglymesh?
  14. Alvar007

    Darth Sion K1 Port

    That's strange. Are you sure you installed the mod correctly? What language is your game? If it's not english there could be errors with the strings and that could cause the crash (although in the past my experience was that the lines didn't show up but it didn't crash the game). I may have to update the item to support multiple languages anyway.
  15. View File Darth Sion K1 Port Darth Sion K1 Port By Alvar007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION: This mod allows you to play as the Sith Lord Darth Sion from TSL. There is also a custom item robe that you can equip to play as him whenever you want in the game. INSTALLATION: Just run the .exe that comes with this download and select the game's installation main folder (NOT override). To use the custom item you need to enable cheats and type "giveitem darthsion_k1" without quotes in the console. COMPATIBILITY: The item will only work if you didn't modify your appearance.2da before installing this mod. Otherwise you can change the .uti manually to make it work: just open the .uti with K-GFF Editor and change the "subtype" value in the second STRUCT ID inside PropertiesList (the one that has the PropertyName as 59 and not the other one with a value of 1 in that field) from 509 to whatever the row label is in your appearance.2da file. You will have to open it with Kotor Tool after patching it to know this. BUGS: None that I'm aware of. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Alvar007 Submitted 01/02/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No