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Status Updates posted by Circa

  1. I've played KOTOR countless times over the years, but this was the first time I did the Promised Land quest on Taris all the way through. It's not something you do linearly because you have to backtrack. Kinda interesting.

    1. Bek


      That quest always left me feeling empty. All the cool npcs you meet in the undercity just disappear, and you and your party are the only ones left in the undercity.

    2. jc2


      First time your character leaves an impact on a module, besides killing everyone in it, really.

    3. Mellowtron11


      It is a little sad to see the undercity so empty after that quest. 

  2. Anyone have the RAD Game Tools or the Miles Audio Tools they can send me? Can't find them.

    1. Sithspecter


      I'd be interested as well if anyone had these handy.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I might have them but you'd have to wait until my computer is back. If anyone else has them available now, please offer a link so they don't have to wait.

    3. Circa


      Fair Strides took care of me, poke him if still interested.

  3. Anyone hear anything further about a mobile version of TSL? I know Aspyr was considering it.

    1. VarsityPuppet


      Haven't heard anything.


      Though to be honest, now that it has controller support and runs on mac, I don't know if I'd need a mobile version. Seems nice in theory though.

    2. Circa


      True. I loved playing K1 on mobile though. Very smooth and convenient. I could play while sitting on the couch or lying in bed!

  4. Has anyone done an HD retexture of T3-M4 yet?

    1. Darth_Sapiens


      lol i have one in the works but i haven't felt like working on it for a while.

    2. Circa


      Looking forward to it!

  5. Is LucasForums gone temporarily again? Or for good?

    1. Sithspecter


      It may be gone for good. Nobody really knows, the main admins haven't shown themselves for months.

    2. milestails


      It's normal for it to go down for a short period of time, but this time has been unusually long.

  6. Is there a list of recommended K1/TSL mods? Saw one on LF but the links are to FF.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Circa


      If you think KOTOR modding is easy, you'll look at JKA and wish you had started with it. :P

    3. milestails


      I'm not a modder; I am just interested in what the go to mods are in case I do try JK.

    4. Circa


      Cool. I'll send you a link to the list once it's done!

  7. KOTOR for iOS is currently on sale for $2.99!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Circa


      Nice. It's really a refreshing feeling playing through without any mods and a new play style.

    3. Rece


      Hmm, it runs really smoothly! I'm surprised :D

    4. Rece


      I'm currently making a review for the app :D


  8. The Ithorians might have the worst textures in TSL imo. Are there no retextures of it around?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Malkior


      The Aliens Redetailed update will have Ithorians, actually. If you want to see what they will look like once it's released, check out my WIP :)

    3. Circa


      Yes, they look a lot better, for sure! Any chance they'll get even more detail? Compared to shots of some of the other alien textures, they don't look quite as detailed. Nice work on that so far though!

    4. Malkior


      Well, that's the thing. Among being the worst textures in the game, the Ithorians are also the worst UVW wrapped of every single character, second maybe to the Gamorreans.


      I've had talks with some folks about rewrapping some of these and other aliens, but it might make the mod take longer to actually finish as I can't unwrap them from my home PC.

  9. What ever happened to that old aVoL Vader model for TSL?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mephiles550


      Just downloaded it again. :)

    3. Circa


      Someone should get the creator of it to upload it here, if possible.

    4. milestails


      PM me and I can link you to a working download.