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Everything posted by Constar

  1. Yes Please!! I am currently workiing on a Mandalorian-Overhaul and I am working on character specific skins for some of the named Mandalorians in the Dxun-Camp. Your skin would be great!
  2. Yeah, I allready thought about that part. I use a greay, rubber-ish material for it (you can see it in the screenshots). I think I will darken it a bit.
  3. 3.04GB... I guess i downloaded a whole buch of textures and mods:O
  4. Okay. As you can see a few parts of armor are still missing (Boots and one lower leg part; Lower arm parts and belt). But I hope that there is allready some change visible.
  5. Okay. Have the 3 color schemes set up! Only certain areas are missing. I think I will work on some T3 now, and finish them later.
  6. Oh I totally did not see that! Thank you ! I will look into that for sure! Also, have a first look on my mandalorian! (lower arm-protectors, gloves and one leg are not reskinned, and I am also not happy with the back of his head yet.) What do you guys think about the mask? I wanted it to look more swtor like.
  7. Hi, some of you may know my Atton 4K retexture (if you don't you can find it here: ) I got a lot of positive feedback for my texture back then and decided to do more. Here is what I currently have in queue: - T3-M4 clean version (K1-Stle) - T3-M4 worn out version (K2-Style) - Mandalorians - Kreia - TSF and Lt. Grenn I will post pictures and updates in this thread whenever I can. I am also very eager to hear your ideas for my WIPs and your suggestions on the next texture I should work on!
  8. okay I made V2 of this mod. it's nothing amazing, just gender equality: I made the female low-tier-assassins look like the male ones, since it has a visual consistence with it.
  9. challenge accepted! Next up: T3-M4 (and maybe the other droids of his kind, too, since skins are a lot easier once the pattern is set up)
  10. Sry for not being active so long. I had to do a lot of stuff for school and there were also other things going on in my life. But now I am back and I will work on more reskins.
  11. All of your texture are 100 times more fitting for the game! I love them!
  12. Oh well, that's good to know! But the mod will work this way, too, won't it? Anyways, next time I will have a project like this I will remember this.
  13. I am really exited for your Dxun mod! I allways felt like something was missing from that place. Especially when meeting the Mandalorians. Dxun was supposed to be one of the major places to break the exiles spirit during the Mandalorian Wars, and that really didn't show well in the game. Maybe you could add some Mando Officer as a boss or something, that is crippled but survives and later on in the camp you have the chance to meet him again and talk to him, or maybe even end what you began.
  14. Well now it makes sense! But wouldn't the race data change the characters soundset as well?
  15. Yeah I know I saw the line in appearance.2da . But when I changed it to F it had the default body again, without a head. Somehow it works with B.
  16. File Name: Proper Sith Assassins File Submitter: Constar File Submitted: 22 Jul 2014 File Category: Skins This mod changes the Sith Assassins model to the more appropriate model of the Sith Stalker, as seen in the 'The Force Unleashed'-Games. IMPORTANT: You need to have reapper's awesome Sith Stalker Armor installed, because my mod aims to be used as a patch and leave the original files untouched. You can download the original here: Credits: -Reapper , shiftee, deadman, uberblack for creating the astonishing model and the original mod -Kainzorus Prime for ginving me advice for all that modding stuff -Me for creating this patch -src888 for spotting a bug in the V2 Installer Click here to download this file
  17. Okay I finally managed to create a patch! It should be approved and ready to download in short time. Oh and you have not been entirely correct, Kainzorus Prime, I didn't have to replace B with F. In fact it only works with B for modeltype. don't know why, but that doesn't matter since it finally works^^
  18. Version 2.1


    This mod changes the Sith Assassins model to the more appropriate model of the Sith Stalker, as seen in the 'The Force Unleashed'-Games. IMPORTANT: You need to have reapper's awesome Sith Stalker Armor installed, because my mod aims to be used as a patch and leave the original files untouched. You can download the original here: Credits: -Reapper , shiftee, deadman, uberblack for creating the astonishing model and the original mod -Kainzorus Prime for ginving me advice for all that modding stuff -Me for creating this patch -src888 for spotting a bug in the V2 Installer
  19. Yeah maybe Atton was not the best example^^. But it anyways, it is good to know that this is possible. When I get better with .2da editing I will try this out! Thanks guys!
  20. So recently I stumbled upon a few beared reskins for some characters. They actually were pretty nice. But I wouldn't like to meet them bearded. In fact it would be nice to see them to 'grow' a beard dynamically. My idea is to add some kind of fixpoints in certain quests or events. Let's take Atton for refence here: Lets say you meet him shaved. After being arrestet on Telos Citadel Station he has a stubble. When you arrive on the next planet his beard has grown a little again. I think you get where I am going with this. So the Idea is to add, lets say, 3 different levels of 'beardyness' (sry I don't know the english word for that one:/), and the ability to tell a character to shave, or let him shave himself on his own, linked with the 'growth-points' in the story. Is this possible?
  21. Okay ironically just after this conversation something like this has occured in my game, something I couldn't fix. Everytime I start a new game this cutscene plays. and afterwards I am in the Ravager-module for this scene. I am there as my char if I sip the tutorial and with T3 when I play it. I removed some mods I thought could be causing that, but that didn't fix it...
  22. Constar

    4k Atton

    Thanks, Kreia is added to my list! If you want to stay tuned about the project visit this mod's developement thread:)
  23. This looks really amazing! one thing that bugged me all along in both the Kotor games was, that no matter how high def the characters look, no matter how great the atmosphere was, the weapons allways looked like scrapmetal-pipes with 2x2 textures. I am truely amazed by this! I can't wait to see them in Kotor 2!
  24. I had the same problem, too. My problem was with the "Damaged Ebon Hawk mod". Delete all it's files, let the cutscene play and reinstall the mod afterwards. Worked for me...
  25. From what I've seen Starpoint Gemini 2 is very impressive, indeed. Have you ever played Egosoft's X-Series? X-Rebirth is rubbish, but the other games are epic! And they are Combat-RPGs with a lot of space battles, too.