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Everything posted by LancerChronics

  1. I love combining this with Old Flash's Final Touch head. (you just need to copy over the head models and textures from there, and ensure the Appearance.2da file from here has Handmaiden's row (454 and 638) change modeltype to B (for just body, not F for body+head), and reference row 171 of the Heads 2da in the default and alternate heads column.
  2. Hmm... if that's the case, it makes me wonder if its a standard body, or some piece of armor he is wearing. If its an error in the standard body, I should technically be able to look for a typo or flaw in one of the columns of appearance.2da, right? If its an error in his armor.... that might be a lot tougher. I'd have to find the armor's appearance elsewhere and change it... assuming it has a matching entry.
  3. Okay, so I know the problem Is with the NPC Overhaul Mod. It has to do with Nahata, an enemy whose appearance is changed, but is glitched. They appear as friendly, invisible, and attackable. Interacting with them crashes the game, and when a party member successfully kills them, it crashes the game. If anyone has any other ideas, I'd love to hear them. Or ways to go about enacting a solution to ideas 7 through 10? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Recorded Solution: Replace 208TEL.mod with the backup from the TSLPatcher folder. Problem: I deleted my TSLPatcher folder during a bought of cleanup. Idea 1: Delete various combinations of the 20TEL.mod and associated rim files. Try to load. Problem: No Change. Idea 2: Move outside the zone, Repeat idea 1. Problem: Deleting all files makes it impossible to enter the Bumani Exchange. Deleting only certain ones results in "No Change". Idea 3: Backup install folder, Delete all .mod files. Reinstall TSLRCM on install folder to get a "fresh" 208TEL.mod. Insert that into the real install folder. "Just as good as the backup, or close enough!" Problem: No Change. Idea 4: Move outside the zone. Repeat idea 3... Delete all 208TEL RIM files for good measure. Problem: No Change. Idea 5: Revert back to a previous save, before entering the Bumani Exchange. Problem: Despite 6 Save files...none of them are prior to entering..because I was messing around and doing things non-linearly. (Start smuggling quest, go kill receptionist for Atton influence, go back an finish smuggling quest for lightside points, Rob and murder a guy for Atton influence, go and save the dancer for lightside points.... Alright...let's go kill Slusk now that he is sufficiently confused why someone would just barge in, kill his receptionist and leave.) Idea 6: Fresh installation of kOTOR 2... install TSLRCM and M4-78. Copy over a backed-up override and module folder (minus 208TEL.mod) UNTESTED: Probably would not work if part of the issue is the location of my save game. Idea 7: Kill / Unspawn / Delete / Turn Hostile / Pacify Nahata via the console or some other means. UNTESTED: Unsure if its even possible. Idea 8: Find and modify Nahata's appearance.2da. Maybe its crashing because it doesn't know how to handle the death animation. UNTESTED: i'll need to figure out what row it is...even if its possible. Idea 9: Put Away Kreia and Atton... Beat up everyone myself...just keep running from Nahata as much as AOE's UNTESTED: Maybe it might work? Idea 10: Go outside. Save. Edit my save to have the necessary flags, and just take the loss of XP and loot as penalty for my stupidity. UNTESTED: Anyone know which flags? Idea 11: Cry. And have to restart the game. Thus doing Peragus. Again.
  4. Hi, I was wondering if the paths to associated textures for a model are stored in the MDL file, and not in a 2da. I installed some saber hilt replacement mods, but after scrounging the "Final Touch" mod for Handmaidens head model, I also noticed I liked their lightsabers more than the current replacement one i was using. (at least for some). The issue is that while the "Lightsaber Replacement" mod swaps out everything I expect. (MDL, MDX, TGA, TXI). The lightsabers in "Final Touch" only swap out MDL and MDX, despite a different texture appearance. Now it also swaps out double lightsabers, and those have the full set of model and texture files. So it got me wondering if maybe he just references the same textures in his new model. I've little to no experience with modelling, and have bashed my head against Blender and KOTOR Blender to find out, without much luck opening the MDLs, so I figured I'd just ask.
  5. Just to double-check before I install this: Is there any foreseen incompatibility between M4-78 1.2 and TSLRCM 1.8.5? I think it goes together with 1.8.4, but not sure what changed between that one and the new one.
  6. So, I know the current version up is a demo. Usually, a demo is a section of content, but your description of demo makes it sound like more of a section of potential features. So my question: Storywise - Is it possible to play RoR (the current demo that is up) front to back?
  7. Small question, what was changed to make Cyan blades use the w_lsabrecyan01.tga instead of the w_lsabreturq01.tga? I wanted to use my cyan blade, but it no longer calls the turquoise one. I attempted to just rename it the tga, and delete the relevant txi, which has worked for other lightsabers, but for some reason, the default txi is all screwy for it (which may be why it wasn't used by default in the game). I'm trying to figure out how to switch it back, so that all the Cyan blades call the turquoise texture Edit, nm... I just needed to apparently make a really basic txi file with 2 lines of text, which mimicked the ones the lightsabers use normally..
  8. For some reason i got it stuck in my head that maybe its a faulty shader...because kreia's walking stick appears as purple (grey purple, not glowing "texture missing" purple), atris's prism appears as black, and zez's double bladed appears as grey.
  9. Hmm...something odd, though this may be a way its reacting with my other mods... But for some reason, the sabers don't have textures on the Ebon Hawk. They have textures in the workbench window...and outside on the planet. Just not the Ebon Hawk.
  10. Ugh, now I have to start over... I don't know how, but despite all my best effort to only pull out the individual textures i wanted, and stash the other files deep in a subset od folders...somehow I ended up installing the entirety of viridian echoes...and not knowing when or how, can't ascertain just how basly it screwed up all the other installs. It doesn't even have a TSLPatcher..I don't even... Red flag was the beginner miner armor with 30/- fire resisitance, 10/- sonic, 30/- energy, and 10/- cold. *sigh* here's to another week of modding and not playing the game. Edit: Actually it was a fair bit faster this time around...since i had everything chosen and downloaded. Edit: Actually, was a fair bit faster this time.
  11. Thanks, and I agree. I really did like the concept of having both. So while SH's link was appreciated...I decided to dig in to find out what was wrong...since it was just those 4 nodes, I decided to install PartySwap anyway. I won't read the ending cutscene by wednesday anyway...and i can always put back the dlg backup and rerun patcher.. but even if I don't...I don't think I'll have any issues unless I kill some jedi masters, and not others.
  12. whoops...for some reason I read "Will not mesh" as "break".
  13. I'm actually unsure if Duplisaber + Default Hilt Replacement would actually cause issues. I don't notice any 2da/uti i feel at worst, it will just replace the appearance of a few sabers in Duplisaber. I could see an issue if it altered a game file that was more than cosmetic (as that might cause issues with the way Duplisaber generates the unique hilts), but I don't see how it can be a problem. Here's the changes.ini:
  14. I felt up for some problem solving, so I took a look at the DLG... It seems that the 650jedi.dlg just adds 4 nodes at the end to check to see if you killed vash or not. It doesn't even seem to reference her at all if you left them all alive. And she only seems to speak *if* you left her alive, but killed all 3 other jedi masters. So hypothetically...I could just add these 4 node to your 650jedi.dlg...and all should be A-OK? Especially since I don't plan on doing killing any / leaving any alive, depending on the path I choose. Edit: Ugggggg...why must things be difficult...why can i just have two dlgs open side by side and copy 1 node from one and paste it in the other? Ah screw it...I'll just overwrite. As long as I avoid meeting the conditions outlined by the nodes, I shouldnt crash.
  15. Very convenient timing, Thx for pointing this out! My original plan was to maybe ask what was altered in 650jedi.dlg and then maybe make the change myself, if i could find a working link to the DLG editor.
  16. There is only 1 file that is in my override that is not on that list. 650jedi.dlg confirmed its not a part of Duplisaber, Rece's Power Crystals, or the workbench attunement (which I have also installed) ... which leaves either TSLRCM or M4-78. Hmmm..does that mean i should hold off on installing PartySwap? I really want handmaiden for a female exile... and having both would be nice too. Now that I think about it...maybe its because M4-78 adds another jedi to the final talk? Just a typo.
  17. Side note: I love terrariums, and thus your TSLPatcher readme was a great read. I made one with a mini-Bonsai in a latern once. Couldnt travel with me when i moved. Also, I deleted the files...but i replaced 402DXN and 702KOR from the backup folder...because it seemed odd to delete them outright, hope that's okay.
  18. Thanks! So if DLG files are edited, that covers my main concern between TSLRCM, Crystal Attunment, and Duplisaber. The K2 Power crystal mod adds ~50 new power crystals to the game for lightsabers, now this could potentially cause issue with other mods that add items (Charged armor, Duplisaber) IF there is limited space within the 2da that list out individual items. If theres plenty of room, I may also grab Lightsaber pikes, and adjust their stats to be essentially the equivalent of a scythe, for a massive critical build. Indeed, I definitely planned to keep an eye on that. I just wanted to get my ducks in a row before I started...constantly moving forward and backward on modding a game is bothersome, and I worry about potentially leaving remnants behind. (I know TSLPatcher has a backup, but I'm not 100% that all of these have the patcher.) Thank you! Good to know its working for you. Makes me feel more comfortable about adding it.
  19. Heya! I expect someone's going to end up saying that I bit off too big a helping, but i'm gonna try to get assistance anyway . So, I've been staring at mods for a week now, and I'm itching to play, but there are a bunch of mods I want to try, and I can't seem to figure out what may or may not conflict. I was wondering if could post some here, and more experienced individuals can let me know what does or does not conflict, or a potential order to minimize issues.. (or "you can use x, you just need to delete Y, and you'll lose this event/feature, no biggie", or if you know a separate mod with similar functionality that is compatible, etc.) I know TSL patcher bypasses a lot of issues, but I am unsure if it injects into .dlg files. Installed so far: TSL (Steam - manually added to Windows Registry) TSLRCM (Non-Workshop) M4-78E (Non-Workshop) Not Installed Yet: (Major File Altering - By Priority) Party Swap 1.2 Loot Immersion Duplisaber Workbench Crystal Attunement Bao Dur Wears Robes [OR] Bao Dur's Charged Armor Upgradeable Clothing (Or something that adds A unique Handmaiden's Tunic item) Rece's K2 Power Crystal Alternate Revan Romance Default Hilt Replacement Pack (If Duplisaber can't fit, potentially both, depending on preference..IF they mesh) Quarterstaff Replacement Pack (Textures/ Models Override drops) Young Kreia Face, with Miner Robe (from Alternate Kreia Robes) Stoffe's Handmaiden Look + Viridian Echoes Handmaiden Head (I was going to add the VE sisters, but the presence of an appearance.2DA makes me think those had to be tweaked to work) Viridian Echo's Atton and Disciple Nubian Talia HD 2K T3M4, Visas, Scion SWTOR HKs HD Black Ebon Hawk HQ Stars and Nebula's Realistic Nar Shaddaa Skybox (i was hoping those animated 3d skyboxes would be ready...but i think they are KOTOR 1) Improved Realistic Effects Hi - Res Beams (To replace the lightning above) Underwear, maybe an exile default clothes replacer etc. Exile head textures for whatever I choose. Am I insane? Is this even remotely close to doable?
  20. Right, but attunement straight up replaces the workbench dialog file...which makes me feel like it would lose all the options provided from Duplisaber, even if the sabers did technically exist in game. I am not a fan of consoling in items asI don't have the willpower to resist getting just the slight extra boost that I'm not supposed to have yet...
  21. Heya! So a few pages back, in 2014, there was mention of an attempt of compatibility with Workbench Crystal Attunement mod. Anything come of that? If so.. between TSLRCM / M4-78 / Duplisaber / Attunement, what would be the proper method of installation?
  22. Okay, thanks it good to know. For some reason I felt it might be disallowed, as while there is a New mod request thread... there isn't any mod-link request thread (that i can find via search), and usually those threads, or the "what mod is this/where can i find x" threads are usually pretty popular in other games.
  23. I understand the concept behind not uploading someone else's work...but is it okay to request a link to someone else's work that is already uploaded somewhere else? For instance: Viridian Echo... I can't find that anywhere... but say someone happened to see a functional link on Russian KOTOR site X that was still functional, and uploaded with permissions back in 2009.... Then would dropping a direct link in the forums (or a PM) constitute a violation? Now, what if that same request came in the same exact way... but the PM actually included a link to a dropfile/mega because while no one could find a link..that person just happened to have the original zip on their hard drive? Would that be a violation? Would a forum post of "Hi, I'm looking for VE and (other list of mods...sayyyy 'Young Kreia') here." be considered an issue, especially if its generally considered that these mods are currently inaccessible by normal means? Or would good faith be assumed that should the individual receive links to those files privately, that the files themselves would be legitimate?