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KotorHDTVchannel last won the day on November 29 2013

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11 Jedi Padawan

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About KotorHDTVchannel

  • Rank
    Jedi Padawan
  • Birthday 10/15/1996

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    Science Fiction/Comedy/Action Movies, Gaming, Recording stuff...

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  1. I have the Steam versions of both TSLRCM and M4-78EP. Will this conflict with that?
  2. I liked your series of K2A!

    1. KotorHDTVchannel


      Thanks! Sorry for not replying here as I haven't been on this site very often in the last months. But I'm usually available on YouTube :D

    2. KotorHDTVchannel


      Thanks! Sorry for not replying here as I haven't been on this site very often in the last months. But I'm usually available on YouTube :D

  3. When's the next episode of K2A coming?

  4. Have you checked my walkthrough? I have like 4 parts of M4-78 and I've shown mostly everything that is on the planet, including finding power cores... You can find it on YouTube, or go at the TSLRCM forum and search my thread with the walkthrough parts...
  5. For Episode 4 not really... but from Episode 5 I'll probably need a volunteer! ( Episode 4 shall be uploaded in February, I think, so for the moment no need to bother ). Anyways, thank you! I'll notify you when I'll need the volunteer! Well it seemed like that, but I was confused XD!
  6. Ehh... yes for what? That you're interested in doing voices for some characters or that Google Voice is good?
  7. I don't know, dude... I KNOW how to make voices more like of a female in Audacity, but is it Google Voice that good?
  8. Hi everyone! I've started from December 2013 a Kotor 2 Abridged series, and so far I've managed to upload 3 episodes. The series is ongoing. But as you guys know, games not only have male characters, but also females. I've managed to make a "granny" voice-like for Kreia, which seemed really perfect, but I'm afraid that for younger characters like Visas, Brianna, Mira, etc, I might need someone with a female-ish voice ( preferably a girl/lady/woman ). So mostly I'd need a bit of help on the voices of the female characters from kotor 2, as for the male ones, me and my friend MasterMario97( from YouTube ) can mostly do them ( but if some of you boys are interested in voicing some characters, let me know! ). I'll notify you for the moment that on Episode 4 ( the upcoming one ) I won't really need other people to do voice-acting, as I'll be showing mostly the Ebon Hawk, so no new characters shall appear... From Episode 5 onward I'm afraid things will get harder... Thanks in advance!
  9. I plan to continue my Kotor 2 Abridged series, make more other Abridged series ( not really ONLY with Star Wars ) and as games I plan to play: Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. I wish you all a GREAT 2014!
  10. Nice! It's good to see how Peragus II REALLY looks like, as thus far I've only seen asteroids around... and that planet, but this mod seems to show the real thing!
  11. KotorHDTVchannel


    Lol, how did you made her stay RIGHT there? Did you push her all the way to the Ithorian compound? And I don't remember this animation coming from THIS telosian woman...