Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Everything posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. UnderworldArmor.esp is a dirty mod and needs to be cleaned with tes4edit. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU REMOVE THIS MOD IMMEDIATELY. It is well known to have "Dirty Edits" within the Oblivion community. It was also the cause of my Landscape rips where half of Bravil disappeared. ***You have to listen to what BOSS says. Boss has been run by a TEAM of people over the years. There is a seperate BOSS TEAM for every game that BOSS is used for. (Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout NV and a few other games) So when you say that a mod is not recognized and it is placed at the bottom of the order what you should do is now learn how to send the mod over to the BOSS TEAM by (right clickng on the mod I think) and the BOSS TEAM will figure out where to place it so it works properly and doesn't interfere with other mods and the game. They will then put that into their next update. ***Don't assume because you don't obviously notice something that it isn't having a "negative" effect. Like I wrote about in this thread, the problems start small and slowly get bigger and biggerr until one day all your game saves become corrupt!!!It is a common problem. Don't make that mistake. This is not like using mods here. It is more complicated.You can read about these types of things happening to people all over the Nexus forum LoL ***Also you may want to look over my post where I wrote about "LOAD ORDER". I posted the "GENERAL RULES" of where certain types of mods go in the load order. I got that from the blog of a very well known German Oblivion modder who is a friend of mine for many years now. If BOSS says that a mod needs cleaning by tes4edit then YOU MUST do 1 of 2 things. Delete the mods or learn how to use TES4Edit. I highly recommend you follow the advice that BOSS tells you. Like I wrote in this thread, BOSS may also tell you how to fix the problem or it may tell you that a mod is out of date or has been replaced by a better mod. But remove the UnderworldArmor right away. And also check what BOSS is saying about the rest of the mods you are using. If BOSS says they are dirty and need cleaning I recommend that you remove them right away one by one (that means remove one, start a game and make a new save then close your game and then go remove another and repeat until all the dirty mods are removed. Then learn how to clean the mods using TES4edit (BE CAREFULL as it could destroy your whole game if you make a mistake. I am warning you right now!) Once you learn how to clean a mod then you can re-install the mod. ***Nexon's Armory??? Is that with the crazy armored horse? If it is I don't recommend you use it. There are a lot of problems associated with that mod. I do believe BOSS says it is dirty. Anyways there are many NEVER and better mods that give you cool weapons. Look for a mod called.. google dragon age weapons for oblivion nexus mods and see what come s up. I'll look for a link for you. It has the weapons from the last dragon age game and it also has the weapons for each hand They also look MUCH better XD Also if you like that armor I have a better one that you will like. I will find the links for you I promise! One more point... well 2 - 1) I hope you are using Wrye Bash. Under the Save Game Tab can you tell me what colour your last saved game is? (It should be the one on top of the list but the save games are numbered.) It should be PURPLE. Not blue or yellow or orange and definitely not red. If you are not using it then you should go get it right now. There is a link on the 3rd or fourth post in this thread. Wrye Bash and BOSS work together. BOSS will put all the mods into the correct order in your Wrye Bash automatically. (Also make sure that you don't let OBMM changes Wrye Bashes LOAD ORDER. One the initiasl start up of Wrye Bash it gives you the opportunity to set that. Wrye Bash is #1, BOSS #2 and OBMM is #3 in order of superiority and importance! 2) You are at around 35 mods on this list. Lets assume you have a few others so you are now at 40... and lets assume you are using OBSE (which you should be) and you are using the MUST have mods that I listed then you should be arounf 50 mods. I don't know how much ram you have but I recommend that you do NOT go over 60 mods and definitely not over 100. You will start to notice significant lag (Loss of FPS and Mouse lag) once you pass 60 mods. It all relates to how much memory your video card and computer needs to load everything. It also has to do with how large the mod is. So like large TEXTURE mods and extra landscape mods (the big extra mission mods) are going to have an IMMEDIATE effect. Keep that in mind. A lot of people go overboard and burn out their systems by pushing it too far. BTW I am playing Fallout 3 now. It is very similar to Oblivion. I have to say I am enjoying this game. I am not sure yet if it will replace Oblivion or even equal but so far I am enjoying blowing things up :biggrin: What is cool about this game is that you can pick anything up and use it as a weapon. So when you run out of bullets you can hit the guy over the head with your gun or a tire iron or led pipe or baseball bat or even a pool cue XD Of course I have heavily modded the game and I am using a rare Loli race. In fact tomorrow I will be porting my New Oblivion Loli's head face and hair over to my Fallout character. Lets hope that goes better than the 4 hours I spent this afternoon trying and failing to get a an important mod to work with all the ini changes I have to make
  2. Can you share on how and what you used to make it? I love stuff like this XD
  3. Absolutely amazing (^o^) I happen to agree with everything you have written here. Good for you and thank you for sharing. I wasn't keen on many of the changes the tslrcm took liberty with but I wasn't about to complain when I am of the belief that the tslrcm is perhaps the greatest achievement in video game modification history to date. With that being said KUDOS to you. Although the changes are minor in the overall tslrcm they are significant and lean on the immersion of the entire game. And as we all know, Star Wars Fans are a "SPECIAL" breed XD Congratulations once more for having the guts to do it. I look forward to playing it in the next few weeks when I start my tslrcm 1.8.2 m4-78ep run through in May.
  4. weocps is an obse plugin so it is unlikely the cause of the problem. That would mean that obse is the problem and it is not. I use that plugin and it is on every list i have ever read. I recommended it in this thread. Who knows what caused it. It could be anything. I like that you are using a flan race. I never used one because it is made for ultra high settings but I am happy you are enjoying it. I love his work<3 I'm playing Fallout 3 now. It's really cool but it makes me want to buy a new gaming rig. In Oblivion I was able to play in med settings but in Fallout 3 it set me to low. Still the game looks great and it is a blast to play. Going to make a quick run through and then play the new m4-78ep and then Morrowind. Hopefully I will have enough saved up for a new rig by then XD
  5. No worries. I have been in a bitchy mood all week. "biggest issues I've had, would be once when I couldn't get Savlian Matius to speak with me after dealing with the Daedra outside the castle(and thus couldn't continue the quest), and once where grabbing a Sigil Stone didn't place me back outside the closed gate. " I am 99.9% positive this is because of a "Wild Edit" caused by a mod you are using. It could be caused by evean an armor or clothing mod. It happens when the creator of the mod is inexperienced or when the mod was not cleaned with TES4Edit http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/11536 Tes4edit will clean the mod for you but I am warning you to read the instructions as it can ruin your whole game. In fact I recommend removing the mod as it is probably affecting other areas of your install. Tell me if this is what happened; inside the oblivion gate you grabbed the stone and after the fire you remained inside the and had to leave by going out the way you came in? If this is what happened then it is likely caused by one of your armor or clotyhing mod. Only use mods by people who have lots of endorsements or lots of released mods. If this is what happened then a mod you downloaded is effecting otherr mods and other parts of the game. It will keep on getting worse and every time you start your game it will effect different parts so one day for example your house may look different than the last time you played. Weird stuff like that until it effects a primary sysytem like a entire city or landscapes. When I first started played I had a very cool mod, one of the top downloaded armor mods but it was not cleaned and half of Bravil went missing. Just from an armor mod. Months later I figured it out but the dammage was done. I had to do an entire reinstall. So many first time modders release stuff that look great but the mod is crap. In fact they are having a huge problem on Skyrim nexus with mods that are not cleaned by TES5edit. The reason most mods are not cleaned is because they are so faulty that tes5edit can't clean them but the kids release the mod anyway not thinking that it will ruin someones entire game. I hope you installed BOSS. If not go and install right now and just run it. It is plug and play. When the report come up copy and past all the mods that you are using here. Boss may even tell you what mod is causing the problem and tell you how to fix it!!! BOSS is a mod that has an entire TEAM working on it now. Follow their instructions or remove the mod. I usually remove the mod unless I plan on using it forever. As far as high level bad guys, what do you want them to do. Sit there and let you kill them. I too am summoning monsters help me and I chase them or launch NUCLEAR BOMB from midas spells and magic and just nuke the whole area Post your boss list. If you want to see my Non Adult boss list then just download my 2 character saves and in the level 56 fighter 7zip file there is a notepad with all the mods I use for that oblivion setup.But I would like to see yours.
  6. I am perplexed as to why you wouldn't follow the advice for setting up Oblivion on this thread. The mods listed here all FIX the parts of the game that are broken or are parts of the game that have been improved. Every mod here is MUST HAVE. There is no point playing the game of Oblivion without these mods period. This list of mods is a BASE LIST. A STARTING POINT and from here you then add in other mods you want to make the game your own. The mods listed here make the game play properly. This list was made for people LIKE YOU who have weak video cards and or older computers. I just can not understand why you wouldn't follow the instructions. After the obse and other utility mods the first mod I listed to install was the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. For gods sake dude even on Bethesda's own website they recommend downloading it. Your posts only prove that you can lead a horse to water but they will likely pee in it. I am flabbergasted as to why you would ignore the thread. IT IS EQUAL IN DISABILITY TO PLAYING KOTOR2 WITHOUT THE RCM. The UOP fixes of 2500 problems and I listed 2 other UOPs to download that fix thousands more. Unless you are using an OOO setup which you are not then it should be used http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Recommended_Mods Why are you playing a broken game and using shitty old obsolete mods when I have gone through the trouble of listing all the updated mods to be used if you are going to play Oblivion for the first time? Do yourself a favor and start following the advice here and fix your game. I assure you that my advice is considered basic and there is nothing listed here that anyone would disagree with. Here is another list so you can double check if you want BUT YOUR COMPUTER can't play most of the mods listed so that is why they are not on my list. https://arwenevecom.ipage.com/Oblivion/OB-mods.htm The UOP does fix it with voice files and no you do not have to drink the potion right away. You can continue playing as a vampyre and drink it later. There is also a quest in the SI expansion mod that will cure you as well. And if you ever plan on going into the SI and you don't want your game crashing every 10 minutes then If I were you I would start following my advice here.
  7. So today is your lucky day! I am sharing two game saves. The first one is a goty level 32 Bretton female mage. What is special about this save is that it is 100% completely VANILLA. The game is like 98% complete with only a handful of caves untouched. This is perfect to play Claudia's Little Secrete Gold Edition or any Knights of the Nine mods ( i forget the name of the mod I'm thinking about lol). I'll come back and fix this later. The second is my level 56 heavily modded female loli elf fighter. There is a picture of her 2 posts above and also included in the file. You need to download MBP+ to use her so I included the the Vuze file so you can download the files. You will be downloading an all in one MBP+ with over a dozen races in an omod file. So obmm is needed. The omod file is 1gb of compressed data and 10gb once you open it with obmm, so make sure you have enuf disk space. It will take some time for obmm to open the file so take it easy and go make a snack. walk the dog and do some laundry XD ***This save game is only 33% complete so there is tons of game play left and you get to play it against enemies at full strength.. At this point I am in the middle of re-installing my Oblivion so the save has not been merged with Wrye Bash so I leave that to you. Icluded is the list of mods I am using copied from BOSS. You should be ok to use it without all of these mods but I HIGHLY recommend them. The rest the mods I use are Asian and rips or adult mods so I am leaving them out. ***EDIT: If you get a CTD then it is because you are not using the cosmetic race overhaul so you will have to get it. It is listed in the notepad and just google it and you will find the link where to download it. Both the saves are included in the 7zip so have fun (:KTBUs Oblivion Character Saved Games.7z
  8. The future of this thread; I do plan on finishing this thread and re organizing it into an adobe document available for download. I am fully aware that it is incomplete an obviously disorganized. I have already started the updated version on my computer and it will have now have links to the source. So many other people have done similar projects HOWEVER what stands mine apart from them is that this one is geared towards old and weaker gaming systems. I have yet seen a similar guide. I do want to thank those who have commented on this thread and to the forces here at deadly stream for allowing me to post it. Cheers and happy gaming; ~Kate
  9. Yep thanks! It was because I had to clear my cache on this chrome browser. I plan on switches back to an older version of firefox shortly. btw nice signature banner lol XD
  10. Midas Spells and Magic Quests are amazing and you really need to be level 30 to start them but you can try the early quests at level 25 They are really hard and you should keep any followers at home as they will die. The mod is inspired from the old Dungeon and Dragon games like Neverwinter nights and Buldars Gate The Unofficial oblivion patch trumps other stand alone mods. In fact those older stand alone mods will probably mess up your game now as they were made before the UOP. Deadly Reflex is a must have if you are a fighter. There's no point playing a fighter without it. Here's my level 56 fighter loli character; she may look cute but SHE KICKS ASS!!! The new Lush & Gaudy update by Brittainy GO HERE AND DOWNLOAD ALL OF HER MODS RIGHT NOW like seriously XD http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/users/2078877 The new Northern Nebula update by Brittainy
  11. Ya that's a cool mod. I don't use it anymore. You can find maps to go with it. I'll look through my mod list and link them here I am getting ready to start playing Fallout 3 now (just bought it n ebay) It is supposed to be better than Oblivion and play the same way. In fact I'm going to check it right now XD Are you using the deadly reflex mod? You should be. You can slice throats and all the kill moves are animated for the entire game. Look into that.
  12. That is not a daedric weapon you are talking about. It may have fallen from a daeric baddie but it is not daedric quality. You don't get daedric level items until level 20+ That is why you should not have run through the game, you missed out on what the game has to offer. The Daedra are much cooler looking and stronger at level 20+ The weapons and magic items are killer at level 20+ Do not start the main quest until you are at least level 20. TRUST ME! Just go exploring caves and ruins then maybe level 18 go start the main quest. Stick to fighter guild or mage guild or just guild stuff in general. What I do is start the Kvatch quest and close that gate save the martin guy and do the bonus quest (clear castle) then fast travel to the The Blades hide out near bruma and then do everything they ask until Martin puts you into the "Daedric Item Quest" Then Stop. Do not continue the main quest until level 20-25. Do not give any Daedric quest items to martin until level 20-25. That's when you start to see Daedric Items and weapons and armor. It is on par with glass armor so they should start falling at the same time. If you don't like the leveling then get a leveling cheat mod that will level you at full power every time. People don't even think of it as cheating really.
  13. This is a real nice and friendly place to ask any Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 questions. It may seem quite but they will answer your posts with 100% the right information. http://arwen.freeforums.org/index.php You can find me there too, you know... when I'm not here XD
  14. FIXED It's all good now. Thank you

  15. *****************HELP******************** the forum looks perfect until i sign in and then the screen resolution goes all wacky 1 perfect size 2 again this thread b4 i sign in 3 and the HORROR begins and my profile page looks like this wtf oh the humanity, the horror, what am i going to do WA!!!!!! ok... alright... I'M OK NOW but it seriously sucks
  16. something is wrong!!! I can't see the website when I sighn in It looks fine before i sign in but once i sign in the screen resolution goes all wacky. I have taken screen shots and will post on a help page or on my dia noga thread ! :(

  17. is it just me cuz i can't see this site anymore?

  18. New website? It is so ... err... white in here now! XD

    1. bendarby24


      i do miss the old look :/

    2. Mandalore


      It reminds me of the Kaminoan cloning facility - the themes will be back soon.

  19. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul aka OOO http://devnull.sweet.../OOO_Guide.html This is the best there is. Nothing else comes close. Everyone who knows what they are doing has this set up or another type of ooo set up. This will change every aspect of the game. Read about it here: (I have most of these mods in my game) http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/07/16/ten-essential-oblivion-mods/ Overall it doesn't really matter because once you reach level 30+ the game plays a little different in that it kinda levels out. With my level 56 mage I kill the weak guys with one blast of magic while the tough guys are a challenge. My advice is to not start the main quest until you are level 25-30 then go at it. The game is much more fun at higher levels. So if you are a fighter do the fighter guild quests but i reccomend being a mage so you can use the mod MIDAS SPELLS AND MAGIC . read about it on that list or just install my list of obse mods and play Claudia's Little Secrete Gold edition. It is an adult mod and raunchy but you will laugh the whole way through! Then uninstall it and start your OOO install. If you want to try Claudias little secrete I will upload a vanilla level 36 female bretton mage with the entire game complete so you can start playing CLS right away. I'll upload her later tonight on this thread. This is also a good list of mods to look into http://www.gamefront.com/top-10-oblivion-mods/ make sure you get Companion Vilja to play with. http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Vilja.htm and visit her forum for any help
    1. Mandalore


      "Bounty hunter"?

    2. gua543


      Did you also notice that we may see Darth VadAr in one of the spin-off movies? This was either written by an overly happy fan or by a complete idiot.

    3. Jac


      While it'd be great to see Han again, I don't think he could carry a movie by himself (he being the character and not Mr. Ford). What made him great were his interactions with the other characters and I don't see that working if he's the main character. Still, Disney doesn't usually make mistakes with movies so we'll see what happens. I'm waiting to see how the next episode turns out.

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