Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Everything posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. First of all let me start off by saying it has been too long! No really it has been WAY too long. I don't think many people honestly realize how much I love KOTOR 1&2. I grew up watching my older brothers and sister fighting over who was going to play it next. I was just happy watching them play. I remember when my eldest brother allowed me to play his character the first time. It is bringing a tear to my eyes as I type this. Ya it is that emotional for me... So when I tell you that I love this game it is because it bring up memories of my childhood. Memories that are forever a part of me. This game is a part of who I am. I am a Star Wars fan just like you. I also have other gaming loves. Nothing compares to KOTOR but some come close. I am a big fan of the old Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms by BioWare, Black Isle Studios and Wizards of the Coast. That includes Baldur's gate 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2 and Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2. In more recent years I became addicted to Bethesda games starting with Oblivion. I had a very successful thread here instructing people on how to set the game up on an old crappy gaming computer XDDD. Recently I have been playing Morrowind, Fallout 3 and I have just completed 2 playthroughs of Fallout New Vegas. I have had Skyrim in my desk drawer since December but I have not had the desire to play it yet. I had New Vegas (FOV) in my drawer since last May and I only just installed it after new years. Mainly I wanted to play the game so I can install Tale of the Two Wastes (TTW) which is a mod that combines both Fallouts (3 & NV) together. My friend Nessa who has created some of the best mods for Neverwinter Nights, Oblivion and FNV has been busy lately modding TTW and I have promised her that I would alpha/beta test her work. Her mods are hard to find and she likes it that way. Not all of her mods are in one place either. She likes it that way too She likes lots of things ... LMAO So there is lots to talk about and lots of gaming pics to share with you. This blog is open to everyone and I will not be moderating the comments. Just remember that I have 1 rule and 1 rule only. I will not accept any form of bigotry of any type. That includes include personal beliefs, race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. You don't have to agree with mine or anyone else's opinion but you have to be respectful of their right to have a different opinion than yours. people will respect you more if you practice this type of internal thinking. You will also be a happier person yourself. Hey, thanks for stopping by. Visit and comment often. Hopefully I'll be writing about stuff that interests you. And more importantly I hope to make you smile at least once with every new entry. Cheers and many blessings ~Kate Next entry: My private Morrowind Build Guide; How to set the game up so it has all the features of a modern looking game from A to Z! Pic: My Fallout New Vegas character, "Rachael" who is a replicant. Ya that's right, I am talking to you science fiction fans. I am role playing the replicant Rachael from the movie BLADE RUNNER. She is pictured in a studio mod that I made for a friend. Well I didn't make the actual studio mod, I created a mod that adds textures to use with the studio. It is called Psijonica Presents TheAfterKings Photo Studio Add On Pack.
  2. I just want to say hello to everyone here. I am so pleased to see that this place is doing well. I have a strong itch to play the game again. My last attempt eneded in utter failure but this time around my new gaming rig was built to handle all the games I play in ultra settings. I am now studying the set up instruction here and I hope to be playing soon. I really can't wait XDD

  3. Hmmm... I never had those problems with the fighter guild quests. You must have done something in-perfect but I really wouldn't worry about it XDD Umm... ya in the mages guild quest it is a bug that it is still tresspassing but since the room isn't used by anybody really you never get in trouble for it. Btw, if you have notices in the skingrad house you are also tresspassing in rosethorn manor (even if you own it) when you go on the balcony and sometimes (rarely) the gaurd may see you and come arrest you in the house. hehehe I always wanted to install MMM but never got around to it because I have used childrens anuad and I am now using Monster Girl which basically does the same thing and these two mods are newer, using newer resources and modding techniques (ie newer obse scripts and other) Monster Girl is right now in the last stages of beta and is cureently being cleaned with TES4edit. My next install will be a OOO and Frans set up using all of the Better Cities and Unique landscape mods with Qarl's Texture Pack 3 and QTP 3 Redimized. *** This is the Rolls Royce set up of Oblivion*** and when it is complete I will then think about adding MMM. When I do that I will link the instructions for people who want the best Oblivion set up and have the hardware to run it. I am kinda finishing my Oblivion play as I am into Morrowind and starting Kotor2 again now. Some GIFs I made
  4. WoW! I mean this is really sick! I am super excited about this. Here's the update page so everybody can read about it; http://www.theverge.com/2012/12/10/3750736/valve-steam-engine-console Update 21 came out today and it is a must read. Here's the steam link if you want to sign up to be a beta tester http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamMachines/ It is probably too late now The next update is Friday and hopefully they'll tell us more details about the OS and the machine/box specs and stuff.
  5. I think the title says it all. I can see people profiles when I am not logged in. I have never seen that before. Usually you have to create an account and sign in. A members only section where we can take off our clothes and post. What, Hey! LoL
  6. you can buy Kotor 1&2; the disk versions off of amazon for $16.00 shipping included http://www.amazon.co...c/dp/B00027CXEM

  7. Well if what they are saying is true, Valve and steam are going head to head against Microsoft and want to destroy them and take down play station too. I don't understand you other comment on your page that said microsoft is going to steam. I don't think that is ever going to happen. Steam and Valve are setting themselves up as a competitor to Microsoft. They are anti microsoft since win8 came out and it is why steam and valve came together from what I have read. I have been following this for a while. You can find all the articals that have been written about this on the verge link. They have a special page that has real time updates on this whole story and you can go back and read every update.
  8. Well I think I can help you out there. Think of it as a thank you present for all you guys have done. Sendinding it through PM
  9. the living dead trilogy (classic) blade (the first super hero flick that was real good) austin powers (too funny) hangover (too funny) mad max (duh) except the last one was kinda weak the naked gun (too funny) aliens (my fave space scifi flic) indiana jones (classic) the bourne trilogy (the only movies I ever seen that were as good as the books) the godfather (duh) LOTR my fave trilogy is; The Matrix I don't include star wars because it is a series, a trilogy starts at 1 and ends with 3 and that's what makes it a trilogy.
  10. WoW the future of gaming without windows live? F*CK YEAH! I have been waiting years for Linux to come of age. Linux has been used by the military and banking institutions and telephone companies but this really is a white light shining the into the future. I hope this means that the future of gaming tower PCs will start to climb again so the pricing comes down. I also hope that I can start to use a Linux OS again to play KOTOR 1&2, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skirim and other video games. It's a must read; http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/23/4762370/steam-box-os/in/3514777
  11. http://www.virtualdub.org/ Hey thanks Mandalore, very very kewl. PS. Nice signature banner
  12. Well if you go back and read my instructions it tells you how to get it all in a OBMM ready file so if you are able to click a button it is as easy as 1,2,3 Yes it is "sides" replacer for the Rosethorn house. Although when I used it years ago in medium textures I losttoo much fps and it didn't funtion properly but now that I can play in large textures I use all of his replacers. The way Oblivions engine works is if you are using a mod with large textures and your game is set at medium textures then the game will automatically change it to medium textures and if the mod dosen't come with medium textures then that's when you notice the heavy lag and stuttering and bad stuff- eventually ctds... I have been playing ALAnonimUBANGA_0_98_3_VIP_EN_PL by ALAnonim http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42121/? that adds a huge (as large as oblivion if not larger) new landscape/world to explore but like most extra landscape mods it is done only in large textures. That means in medium or less you can't really play it without the LOD all messed up. Basically the mountains will change colours like a rainbow until you come right to it. Anyhoos this mod is a beauty. It is like Morrowind and Oblivion combined with the best parts of each. Check out the pictures on the mod page and you'll see how stunning this place is. Fantasy heaven XD oops how did this get here? here's a gif showing the very kewl waves crashing on the shoreline using some type of mesh overlay technique ... waiting for my new moonshadow textures XD
  13. I'm using this one here: link. Had to get a RF version of the female texture as well, although I found that before I actually found the page for the race. I actually edited the textures myself a little bit, adding the markings from the "Dea Obscura" race.(which I would use that race mod, but it seems to have an issue - both times I've tested it, I've seen the "Script Effect" icon disappear, so that every spell that uses it, has no icon next to it). Slof has a download of PSD's for her "Better Bodies" mod, which included the textures for the DO markings(although the Better Bodies mod only deals with the vanilla races, alongside the three from SI). I was thinking about trying to add the hairs to the race that the Nexus page and the readme priovides instructions for, but I decided not to. I do already have Apachii's wig mod, although I didn't grab one for Lunae(just went with and kept one of the vanilla hairstyles). That is the Moonshadow race but if you install MBP++ you get a lop ear moonshadow elf option. I posted an OBMM version earlier in this thread where you get like 20 new races. Anyhoos... why don't you share your textures here so I can try them hmm... That would be nice lol btw did you see the pic of my Rosethorn manor? Do you like it?
  14. So sick. You have really done a lot of work with both titles. They look awesome. They really do Dianoga approves XD
  15. It won't conflict with anything to do with the dark brotherhood. All the mod does is add a chest. I'm sure it will be fine. The mod changes the clothes for every faction except the dark brotherhood. It gives each faction unique armor and it addds a room in the mages bedroom. I'll try to find a link for you for the hi rez skin textures. You have like six choices. They are awesome.
  16. Hey thanks btw you can buy the disk version off of amazon for $16.00 shipping included http://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Knights-Old-Republic-Pc/dp/B00027CXEM
  17. Hi; how can I listen to the next podcast?

    1. zbyl2


      It's not up yet, not sure why. Nag VP about it ;)

  18. Okies... I am re-igniting this thread. YAY I am going through the motions of re-installing kotor2 and the new ep although this installation will be kept as simple as possible so I can avoid any problems and complete aall the quests and new content. I will be playing on the hardest difficulty as an evil character using swords only and only dark side powers. I will be recording my play with fraps and posting them on youtube. I have never posted a FRAPS video on youtube before so if anyone has some advice I could sure use it; like what screen size should the video be and how long should the recoding intervals be and such things like that. I will be testing everything out this week and I am shooting for the start date if all goes well by the end of september. That should give me some time to do some play testing and stuff. I'll be using this thread to link updates and stuff (better late than never eh?) Cheers
  19. When I first started playing oblivion I used to roleplay as a vampire in dark brotherhood. I loved playing at night and sneaking around in the cities and killing people and stuff hehehe... but these days I roleplay as a good mage who is suffering some mental health issues after touching that book you steal from the cult from the main quest and also from being in the shivering Ilses too long XD. Oh I love Mannimarco Revisited; here is an old mod but a super fantastic mod that works really well with mannimarco revisited (in fact it comes with extra files to use with it it) Banes Guilds United -- Updated You can find it here with some other mods you may like https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1325560-relz-dreamed1s-itty-bitty-mods-and-fixes/ Hey Rtas what type of moonshadow elfe are you using? Is it the regular one or the Lop eared version because if you are using the regular one I can show you were to get some unique hi rez body and face tatoos. I would use them myself but I use the lop ear version Here are some pics I made this summer. I'll look for some house mods for you I always liked the under water sea domes; if you haven't seen that one just google it.
  20. If you like to play as an assasin then you should play this mod; Dark Brotherhood Chronicles by Amadaun and AndalayBay http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/41090/? the mod was released in 2011 and it is still being updated. That's always a good sign of a quality mod. They also have their own website.
  21. Edit: oh hey ya Rtas, i didn't see your post, nice mods you have been playing. One of the things that has always bothered me about vampirism is that if your eyes turn red then everybody should know yet it is as if they are colour blind. I am playing Monster girl mod the strange edition with the shadowy children's anuad mod (it happens to be one of the best mods ever compiled. It is like a 500 in 1 mod but it is almost impossible to find) If you guys just want to add some small mods that add a lot of game play David Brasher is another very well known bethesda mod creator. I use a lot of his mods and like Arthmoor his mods are clean and he has been around since the beginning http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/users/1139939/? Anyways I am enjoying Morrowind. There is a mod called Morrowind Overhaul - Sounds & Graphics 3.0 (msog 3.0) https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1414019-relz-morrowind-overhaul-sounds-graphics-30/and it up grades the entire game textures/meshes and everything. It takes an hour to install but it makes the game look amazing. Morrowind looks much better than oblivion hands down. The cities and towns just blow oblivion away. It is like a living "Lord of the Rings" movie. If you have a good gaming rig this mod will make the game's graphics on par with Oblivion and Skyrim. Do not use this mod if you don't have a modern gaming rig with core2 quad processor and a modern video card with at least 2gigs of memory on it because... well for many reasons... I now completely understand why older folk who played Morrowind were so upset with Oblivion. The quests are amazing and the lore (hope you like reading) is comparable to the old Dungens and Dragons games. They also followed an old time gaming trick that is not used anymore; the graphics get better as you progress in the game. You start off and everything looks crappy but the city I am in now is just what a fantasy city should look like.People are living in a village of mushroom trees and castles are huge l9ike they should be. Noyhing looks the same. Now the negative part. The game engine is OLD. It doesn't matter how fast you click your mouse to swing your sword it is all like rolling dice. It all depends how much you have developed a skill. This is OLD SCHOOL gaming for sure. In any event I am thinking about an Morrowblivion install that combines the 2 games but uses the Oblivion engine. Playing a Sea Elf race named Psijonica (I should probably start a new Morrowind thead but I don't have it in me anymore. Too busy with rl.
  22. Hey ya Mandalore; A Brotherhood Renewed by Arthmoor!!! Well ya of course. Arthmoor is practicaly a legend in modding Bethesda games. I am right now watching the million second quiz while trying to instal kotor2 on my laptop
  23. New gaming rig allows me to play in large textures; I am playing Morrowind now and most likely will create a new http://morroblivion.com/ install soon
  24. Well you should look into MMM This is a good way to install it. This is how I am going to do it http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/43471 I am going to set it up and then put it away and finish the m4-78ep.