Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Everything posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. When I play my light side planet order I am able to convert Atton Rand as soon as I finish the refugee sector. After destroying Goto's yacht I am able to convert Mira by bringing her back to Nar Shaddaa to feel the force of the moon. Dark side was always different but I always converted Atton first. How about you?
  2. With over easily over 100 plus games I have never had this problem, however 99% of those games were played on winXP with the same config settings... I wish I would of waited for more comments but last night I uninstalled to the game when I read the last comment which was posted before yours saying that that there was something wrong with my system. Which of course there isn't. I have Fallout New Vegas installed on Ultra settings runni9ng "Midhrastic ENB", and Skyrim at Ultra settings so I knew that "my system" was working fine. Besides my "system" is a dedicated gaming rig. My "system specs" are on my profile page. Unfortunately I clicked the "record video button for FRAPS without realizes it and my ssd filled up the other day so I thought maybe the two issues were related. I decided to see what would happen if I reinstalled the game following the instructions that were listed on this thread. That was also when I decided to check my FRAPS folder and discovered all the videos of my last KOTOR II gaming session. Anyhoos I guess I'll reinstall it next week sometime At least I backed up my save games folder Thanks for all the help
  3. I cut the folder to my desktop and tried your solution but it ha no effect. Every time I move each of those two files my computer remakes the file. Let try to explain it better: When I try to enter the cantina the LOADING screen freezes right towards the end of the bar and if I click the left mouse button the game crashes then with a pop up window saying that the game is not working. I just came back from trying to let the game load for over an hour. The game is crashing when I try entering the cantina.
  4. ok give me a sec; I can't, even compressed the file is too big at 6.28mb and the limit is 5mb and that is just the SAVE file not the entire folder. *sigh* I can't even find a "opengl dll" on my entire computer. Do you know of the path where you think it could be found?
  5. 100% vanilla because I wanted to avoid the mod incompatibility issues that prevented me from completing the m4-78EP on my last try 2 years ago.
  6. Ok I went to an earlier save when I first entered the Merchant area and ran past straight to the cantina and was able to enter it. However I turned around and left and tried to re enter and boom! CTD again. I guess I am going to try and replay the entire Iziz part from the Sith Assassin attack and again. Maybe I'll go to one save game before that which is no big deal as I have a save game right before speaking to Mandalor. But that will have to be some time next week as I have no time to game this weekend.
  7. So I haven't had a problem until I came to Iziz. It took me a few time to enter the merchant square. The game froze and then a CTD. I finally got in and played up until I needed to solve the murder and tried to enter the cantina. CTD. I have multiple saves and went back and tried 3 different saves. I guess I could try replaying the entire Iziz part completely as a last resort.
  8. For those of you who read my blog about the future of moding then this rant by darkone (the owner of the nexus) will be of interest to you. I was not aware of Valves and Bethesda's plans but if yuo read my blog then you already know that I predicted this would happen over 5 years ago. " BLOG PIECE: Modding as a hobby versus modding as a career, and the position of the Nexus" http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12444/?
  9. I didn't read your spoiler but thanks for that! Um... when I play the Light Side I am able (after Telos) to finish Nar Shaddaa (my first visited planet after Telos) to have 2 converted Jedis, (Rand and Mira) and all the pieces for HK-47 and obviously I have Goto with me. That is 3 droids so then I could go to Dantooin and juice up on crystals. I also usually can finish Nar Shaddaa with two lightsabers. One from the game quests and the other from the jedi Master. With the TSLRCM I have HK-47 completely built at the end of Nar Shaddaa because I get all the pieces from the assassin droids because they attack so often on Nar Shaddaa. After this planet I am unstoppable. I have a complete team with a least two lightsabers (sometime more and sometimes less depending on the drops) and three droids. My next stop is Dantooin and I go get the crystals right away so basically I play the entire planet with powerful lightsabers. I spend all my money on the Jedi merchant near the enclave. This thread is a VERY interesting and fun read so far.
  10. Why don't we have the choice to keep our blogs private (for community only) or public (where the web bots could scan them so they show up in web searches?) My idea is that we bloggers should be able to control whether or not an entry could be seen outside of the community membership. Discuss
  11. For those of you who read my blog about the future of moding then this rant by darkone (the owner of the nexus) will be of interest to you. I was not aware of Valves and Bethesda's plans but if yuo read my blog then you already know that I predicted this would happen over 5 years ago. " BLOG PIECE: Modding as a hobby versus modding as a career, and the position of the Nexus" http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12444/?

  12. Now it always seemed to me that the game was designed to be played in a certain order so you are able to get a lightsaber and start off converting 2 followers into Jedi. Rand and the bounty hunter girl Mia I play the game with 2 different ways. The first way I when I play a Jedi character and normal difficulty level; Narr Shaddaa, Dantooine, Dxun, Korriban, Return to Dxun, Return to Onderon, Retrurn to Dantooine When I play at the "difficult" level I play as a dark side Sith Lord and I go to Korriban, Dantooine, Narr Shaddaa and then return to Dxun and Onderon and rfinally return to Dantooine. Because of the new m4-78 planet I am playing the dark side but folllowing my light side planet order because I wanted to make sure I was strong enough for the droid planet since it comes after Korriban. What order do you play the planets in?
  13. I guess not eh? I think you should be directing your response to VarsityPuppet as it was he who couldn't find the song he wanted. I didn't bother to click on the "Show More" button as I had no need to.
  14. Yes, what he needs to do is write the play list song titles and marker number in the description box so people could easily find the song they want. If I were him I would also open a SoundCloud account and upload his MP3 recordings there too. The site is fine tuned for music
  15. So I quickly skimmed through your piano anthology. My favourite part was the last song when the ebon hawk lands on the station and the final battles commences. That part was done very well. Advice; the hour and twenty five minutes is a turn off. I suggest you either cut the video up into separate songs or figure out how to put the song markers in the video so we could fast forward and rewind and listen to each sound separately. I think this latter suggestion is easier ant this point but keep in mind that you want your videos on You Tube to be between 2-6 minutes with 10 minutes being to longest. Once you go beyond the 6 minute mark the less attractive the video becomes and therefore the less hits you are going to get. The sweet spot is 2-6 mins. Once you build a following then you can increase the length of your videos. Thanks for sharing <3
  16. Supported (link to my account proving my support) but I'll only buy it if it comes with a kotor 1 dark side revan and hk-47 ...but if it is ever made I'll likely buy it any ways for some of my nieces and nephews
  17. Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a Real Bionic Arm

    1. VarsityPuppet
    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Omg what a lucky girl!!!! Two of the hottest superheroes in any universe... *jaw dropping* heheehe

    3. Sith Holocron
  18. Oh I forgot; maybe you could try making the facial hair turn grey for when he turns to the dark side? Just a fun thought^^
  19. OK great since I haven't installed it yet but I will very shortly. Cheers^^
  20. Hey Darth_Sapiens; I have to wonder if you are following a similar technique that is being used to add Bump and Reflection Mapping in Morrowind.
  21. Updated "My Modern Morrowind Build Guide" blog entry to version 2.9a" Added Bump and Reflection Mapping tutorial link in "Modding Tutorial Websites for Morrowind" section.

  22. My only suggestion is that you include the iconic dancing girl. I saw that you added a pic but it is just not the same for me. I do like everything else you made. It really does look modern.
  23. Fabulous work here! The images a just brilliant. I can't wait to see them in game.