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  1. 1 point
    Well, that's a real relief! I'll take a look at the Back in Black patch when I get the chance.
  2. 1 point
    Hidden Beks, at some point yes. The commoners are a little tricky... the only reason they need to be restored is that they have dialogue for if you're wearing the Sith Uniforms. These commoners exist in the Cantina, but obviously you can't wear the Sith Uniform in the Cantina without cheats. I'll think of a way to have these guys restored without having a bunch of random people out and about in a gang war zone. The early versions of K1CP was simply too small to have made any incompatibilities with K1R back then. K1R as it stands now is inherently broken, and since the K1R team leader is gone the mod will be fixed - that's why K1CP abandoned K1R compatibility and why I made RC-K1CP to act as an alternative to it. Sleheyron was cut fairly early on, all the Sleheyron screenshots we see are from a time before the Odyssey Engine was adopted. We have very little restorable Sleheyron content outside of one broken arena module and a hallway and the planet textures because of this, it could just be that the Bioware developers decided very early on that the list of planets they had wasn't feasible and so they decided to simply cut a planet to make time for all the planets. Star Wars Battlefront is more focused on the whole "war" side of Star Wars and Republic Commando has very little Jedi inclusion in its plotline. Personally, I think the plotline for Taris fits just fine and the conversion into a Jedi on Dantooine blends well with the story the developers are trying to tell. But your concerns were heard, it's why Obsidian Entertainment chose to make the player a Jedi from the beginning - that decision was derived from fan feedback. I think many of the things cut by Bioware were cut for good reasons, for example: * Bioware Devs couldn't waste their time trying to place every item into the game so some those items that were forgotten were cut. * Gloveless Commoner clothing required a texture variant for each skin tone, increasing the clothing textures from 9 to 27 - why waste time making all of those when you can just have gloves. * The Vulkar Sublevel was either too confusing or its development was taking too long so they got rid of it and shortened the level to save time. * The Outcast Children are literally starving children, who's to say if Bioware kept them in the game that they wouldn't have caused an uproar back in 2004? * There are also audio soundset files for the children NPCs, I'm hoping we all know what a "soundset" in Kotor is and exactly what that entails. Bioware cut many things for good reasons, mostly to save time to get the game more polished. We modders simply come around to collect the pieces and try to bring them back to life in the form of mods like RC-K1CP. No, there isn't. Though since the module itself does exist, it wouldn't take much for someone to come along and repopulate the module with objects and critters to fight. You guys are arguing about Jedi and Lightsabers as if the Jedi from the Start mod isn't a thing.
  3. 1 point
    Thank you for the link! As soon as I have some free time, I'll definitely try to install this mod. If I’m not mistaken, early versions of the Community Patch did not conflict with K1R. However, there were reports on forum about bugs related to the Pazaak tournament on Manaan. Hardly anyone would deny that Taris is more meticulously detailed compared to the other planets in KotOR. Moreover, one of the planets, Sleheyron, didn’t even make it into the game’s final release. I might be mistaken, but this was likely one of the main reasons for the criticism directed at Taris: a significant portion of the content was cut from the game to free up resources for the development of this planet. Perhaps the issue lies in the fact that both fans and casual lovers of Star Wars have become hostages to a certain concept. For them, the Star Wars Universe is primarily associated with the Force, Lightsabers, Jedi, Sith, the vast expanses of the galaxy, and an immense variety of planets. When they start playing the game, they find that their expectations are disappointed. If we step away from the main topic, wouldn’t you, as a content creator, want to use your work to complete what the developers didn’t have time to finish for various reasons, thereby bringing the game closer to their original vision? Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I have a feeling that this content is secondary for you Thank you very much for such a detailed and interesting response! I learned several facts that were previously unknown to me. From now on, instead of Rukil, I’ll be imagining Jolee And to conclude the topic of questions about the material that didn’t make it into the final release of the game: am I correct in understanding that, aside from the Lost Modules Pack, there is no mention of an additional level for Shadowlands in the game files?
  4. 1 point

    Version 1.1


    Using Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 (yes with the spaces) on the Aspyr version of the game causes crashes in certain modules. This mod disables normal/bumpmaps in all world models that had them enabled. World bumpmaps seem to not even be working in the Aspyr update, so there should be no visual difference. This was the biggest problem on G0T0's Yacht, which had constant crashing.
  5. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    KotOR Saber Replacement 2022 (KSR) =========================== Author: Kaidon Jorn July 2022 This saber mod was built using the K1CP mod. It is mandatory that it be installed before this mod. You must also upon installation open up the swkotor.ini and under [Graphics Options]change the line "DisableVertexBufferObjects=1" to read "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" putting spaces between words. So here's a little thing I whipped up.... In this mod for Knights of the Old Republic, all Jedi party members and force wielding NPC's will come with their own unique lightsaber models. These hilt models from my stash have been updated with Crazy34's new lightsaber blade models with ambient lighting. There are also several unique lightsabers that will drop from enemy npc's or come as rewards for quests on each planet in the game. All saber textures have been redone to some extent in an attempt to update this mod from the old SotOR mod. =================================================================================================================== Installation: Run the .exe file after installing K1CP. Removal: A backup folder was created in the KSR main folder on installation, just replace all files into their relevant folders. Then delete all lightsaber files and dialog files that came with this mod within the Override folder. Thanks to: Crazy34 for his great work on new lightsaber blade models, and allowing me to convert my hilts to use his blades. Thanks to SithSpectre for the use of his Unstable Blade texture. JDub96 for helping out with *most* of the saber descriptions and giving me ideas on where to place them. FairStrides and Darth Parametric for all the scripting help and suggestions. Permissions: You may not redistribute files contained herein and you may not use these files in your own mod without my consent. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THESE FILES.