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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    View File Mandalorian Jagi Making its DeadlyStream debut while my other mod ideas are still cooking, but here's a simple change to spice up your KotOR immersion. This mod does two things, three at most. 1. Changes Jagi's appearance to a reskinned PMHB03--I tried to give a scarred/burned texture to the head to imply that Jagi did not survive Altheri unscathed. 1.5. Puts Jagi in Mandalorian Battle Armor--he wasn't at Malachor, which means he wasn't there when Revan committed cultural genocide. 2. Changes the appearance and soundset of Jagi's two thugs from Rodians to Mandalorian Warriors--he said he sent the call out to the surviving clans, so why shouldn't he bring them along? Submitter PirateofRohan Submitted 04/08/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. 1 point
    I'm currently learning C++ to finally learn how to use TSLPatcher to pack mods. (Without just using the buttons ) Any advice that helped you get to know TSLPatcher like how to use, tokens, GFF data?
  3. 1 point
    True. To be honest, there's very little left to compete, it's just been so long for me that I've forgotten how to do it (I think all that's left is some scripts to position HK48 at the right area during cutscenes). I once took some sage advice that I should never ask for voice work until the mod was 100% complete, and here I am several years later, when once I arrogantly thought it was ready at 98%. So, yeah, I def regret not taking that advice. HK-48 means a lot to me personally, so I do promise that I will finish it when I can. I just need to relearn KOTOR modding in the meantime.
  4. 0 points
    Done. You'll have to rename the files to what you'll need yourself. This concludes the transaction. Sarna TGA.7z