
KOTOR HD remake

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No updates in the News section since April on their own website?



In addition, they're boasting Co-op, Online play, New game modes, and a re-made combat system...


They can't come anywhere close to this without cracking the game, which is a big no-no even with the no-profit thing...


And the leader is, in my opinion, a dumba**. Here's why:




He's too stupid to realize "Hey, I can ask permission and credit them in the release..."


Add to that that they claim to be using the same tools Bioware uses, and that they promise support form modern consoles via USB files...


I don't think this is going anywhere, except a lawsuit...

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Hmm... as much as I WOULD like an HD Remaster/Remake of Kotor 1 & 2, this seems a little too fishy for me. Plus the date of the first post is AFTER April Fool's ("Kotor III announced by Max Rebo"... pffha... *grumbles*) is a liiiittle bit suspicious as well. I'd be perfectly fine with having someone on here or LucasForums do a big ol' HD Texture Pack that's faithful to the original look of the game, along with a new looking UI.

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Hmm... as much as I WOULD like an HD Remaster/Remake of Kotor 1 & 2, this seems a little too fishy for me. Plus the date of the first post is AFTER April Fool's ("Kotor III announced by Max Rebo"... pffha... *grumbles*) is a liiiittle bit suspicious as well. I'd be perfectly fine with having someone on here or LucasForums do a big ol' HD Texture Pack that's faithful to the original look of the game, along with a new looking UI.

Many of us have been working to achieve that, but most only got as far as Peragus and Telos with a few forays into the other worlds albeit on a smaller scale than the first two. Xarwarz and few others have a new looking interface.


The biggest hurdle is that the way Kotor 2 renders textures and lights has a lot of artifacting and odd lighting. Additionally, some of the textures are rendered way too close to the camera and would require many placement/geometry tweaks to have any real control on how the look. (Chief of these is the sith ship sprites during the Ravager sequence, and the effects which for the most part are only about 30 pixels in size)

Our only control at the moment is to replace the texture, and hope it renders properly or to uvw unwrap every single asset and alter every file that affects it so it works in-game.


So we modders are hard at work on it, but I personally believe that no one person can obtain the level of control required for a 100% HD retexture unless we learn from each other and allow our work to complement existing works. These games are nearing a decade of age, and the work required is astronomical. Plus "faithfulness to the original source material" is relative from personal perspective, so no one person's work is guaranteed to fit that requirement.


Still at the moment, there are quite a few impressive "HD" textures and high resolution assets on this site to choose from. Just look for the screenshots and personal project threads and downloadable releases to see what progress is being made in which part of the Kotor game.


(Apologies if my post is too large in comparison to your statement, but I feel it needed to be said.)

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That's okay, Malkior. Sorry if I came off a little... snarky, or whiney. I understand that Texture mods on Kotor and TSL can be quite a hassle, and I've seen the works of Xarwarz, and of other peoples work such as sELFiNDUCEDcOMA or Quanon's Malachor Reskin a few months back. And I also understand how time consuming it is for texture mods, and that there's a lot of things to solve if something doesn't look or work right. Again, sorry if I came off wrong.

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That's okay, Malkior. Sorry if I came off a little... snarky, or whiney. I understand that Texture mods on Kotor and TSL can be quite a hassle, and I've seen the works of Xarwarz, and of other peoples work such as sELFiNDUCEDcOMA or Quanon's Malachor Reskin a few months back. And I also understand how time consuming it is for texture mods, and that there's a lot of things to solve if something doesn't look or work right. Again, sorry if I came off wrong.

It's cool. I didn't take it that way. Admittedly I'm getting a little frustrated with some of the in-fighting (myself included) between texture modders and how we use the terms "high rez and HD" to describe our own interpretations of the few (hundred) textures we can change instead of working together to fix the parts we neglect to address.


... And (I'm guilty of this too) the problem of if we've modded an oft forgotten part, we take exception when someone else decides they want to do their own take on it, as if we own the rights to it.

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Yeah, I can understand that. It is frustrating when people start fighting amongst themselves, when they could just team up and do something with their combined potential instead of just wasting energy on arguing for some other reason. All-in-all I think it's just a matter of personal preference, which is fine, but we don't have to start an unnecessary sh**-storm over it.

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Yeah, I can understand that. It is frustrating when people start fighting amongst themselves, when they could just team up and do something with their combined potential instead of just wasting energy on arguing for some other reason. All-in-all I think it's just a matter of personal preference, which is fine, but we don't have to start an unnecessary sh**-storm over it.

Yep it is indeed. Also sorry if I was a tad aggressive in my response. Yours was a legitimate question.

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Yep it is indeed. Also sorry if I was a tad aggressive in my response. Yours was a legitimate question.

Ah, it's all good, Malkior.

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So then, now that I've considered how significantly I want this, how do you guys feel about me or perhaps a few other folks from the site (if they wanted to) drafting up a list thread of all of the problem areas we see throughout the Kotor and Kotor 2 games


which 1) interfere with a proper HD retexturing so that no level of Photoshop/Gimp wizardry can come even close to the quality expected of an HD texture(IE bad geometry or bad rendering)


or 2) are either too low quality of textures by design as an example, the particle effects; or are placed too close to the camera and look blurred as a result.


Some solutions could be as easy as rewrapping a bunch of models or as hard as remaking parts of the module.



I've also considered using the request thread, but this list has many parts and would also need to be updated as people found difficult parts to work with.

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Well what do you know, they did release something after all:

Judging by some of the more unsavoury comments and by the video itself it appears as if they ran into "unforeseen difficulty". I mean I don't know how they could have possibly set down a definitive time-frame with a mod of this scale and scope, especially considering it had not been in development all that long. In any event has anyone actually tried what they did release?

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Why the vid when there's not even anything shown, could have been just a text somewhere :/

Seems a lot of fake/overambitious bound to fail KOTOR projects are announced recently...

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Why the vid when there's not even anything shown, could have been just a text somewhere :/

Seems a lot of fake/overambitious bound to fail KOTOR projects are announced recently...


If you watch the footage, it just seems like they redid some of the textures. Xarwarz has easily done more of a remaster than these guys.

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What the hell was even changed with this mod?

I'm looking at their Vanilla vs Remastered gameplay comparison video, and hardly anything appears to have been changed.

It looks like they compared the game on lower settings to higher settings.

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Looks extremely minor. Some earlier ones just look like the brightness was turned up. I'm also curious to know which animations were changed. Looks more like charlatanism showing extended clips and then assuring the audience the second one is "improved".. I mean no disrespect if they poured hours of work into it, but I am at least suspicious..

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