Mission Vao HD by Quanon 1.1

   (15 reviews)

9 Screenshots

About This File

This mod replaces all Mission Vaos textures. She will have an updated skin which has a bit more detail. I tried to smooth the seams. Work Quanons, edited by Dark Hopa.

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What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Had I realized what this actually was, I would have nominated and voted for this as mod of the year, a joint effort from you and Quanon :D

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I like the new details, but I don't like the pink tips and prominent freckles on her face and lekku. Also, I Quanos' original color better. Could you release another version of this mod with those specifications? 

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Excellent reskin work! There is one small problem I noticed though. When you are far away from Mission, you can notice a black line down her face. Is there any way to correct this seam?

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On 9/18/2017 at 7:14 PM, Maphisto86 said:

Excellent reskin work! There is one small problem I noticed though. When you are far away from Mission, you can notice a black line down her face. Is there any way to correct this seam?

I know this is old but for anyone having this problem, this is what fixed it for me. 

Open the P_MissionH01.txi file from this download in notepad and add these lines under envmaptexture CM_SpecMap: 

mipmap 0

downsamplemax 0

clamp 1

For me, Mission was the only one showing the black line and only during gameplay and not cutscenes or her character profile. If this doesn't work, there's more stuff you can try in this thread: Black Line in middle of face. - Page 2 - General Kotor/TSL Modding - Deadly Stream

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This is a complete must have mod. It looks like Fen's Mission mod, but better. This will be a permanent save to my override folder! (P.s, I would like head download link, if you don't mind)

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