High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes 1.0

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High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes

By Sithspecter




Through the course of Knights of the Old Republic, the Ebon Hawk become's the player's home. Complete with a workbench, engine room, crew quarters, and racy swoop bike, the Ebon Hawk doesn't lack much. Except for a view, that is. Looking out the cockpit windows is less than inspiring, given the blurry and inaccurate view presented. After tjsase released his High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes for TSL, I knew the first game needed the same treatment.


This mod completely replaces the existing cockpit skybox with a newly modeled and textured skybox with HD textures. The skybox has been rendered to reasonably accurate perspective, and shows you a real, crisp view of the landing area.




Use of High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes is extremely easy: Put all the files in your Override folder and then play! That's it!
The new models and textures will automatically appear when you load up your last save. If the Ebon Hawk is taking too long to load, see "Texture Quality" below.




1. Open the .zip file for the mod
2. Open the folder labeled override
3. Extract all the files to your KotOR override folder




This mod should be compatible with any mod. I do not know of any other mods that alter the Ebon Hawk skybox, so it should be fine with any combination of mods.


Texture Quality:


Due to the way the skybox is set up and the massive file sizes used in this mod, the Ebon Hawk will take about 5-10 seconds longer to load each time.


There are four different size versions available on Nexus and Deadly Stream to suit different player needs. If the Ebon Hawk it taking too long to load, you can download smaller version to reduce load time somewhat:

  • Extra Large: 2048 by 2048 textures, best quality, longest load time
  • Large: 1536 by 1536 textures, great quality, long load time
  • Medium: 1024 by 1024 textures, good quality, reduced load time
  • Small: 512 by 512 textures, reduced quality, fastest load time



Credit goes to tjsase for inspiration from your TSL High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes and for giving me permission to do this mod.
Credit goes to Kexikus for the inspiration from your screenshots. They look fantastic so I modeled the screenshots for this mod after your High Definition Skyboxes mod.




Do not upload this mod or assets from this mod, modified or not, to other sites without my express permission. I have uploaded this mod to multiple sites and can provide support on those sites.



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Hey, um, can you do "skyboxes" for the Star Forge?


I included one for the Star Forge in this mod, or do you mean something different?

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Amazing! This was very much needed! The cockpit's skyboxes were desperately needing an overhaul, and you've done that and then some. I downloaded the XL textures; very high quality! Also, might I add that using Kexikus's High Quality Skyboxes mod was a great decision. 5/5. Keep up the awesome work! 

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I included one for the Star Forge in this mod, or do you mean something different?

I mean like the High Quality Skyboxes by Kexilus. I forgot that you didn't do those skyboxes.

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Actually, I think that's covered by his High Quality Star Fields and Nebulas.

I'm talking about like the interior of the Star Forge, outside of the windows, where the digital matte paintings are low-res, compared to the rest of the game.

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I was never one of those "graphics for the win" types, a great story, good characters and a good soundtrack is what trully make a game a work of art. On the other hand, an improvement is always welcome, and you did an amazing job with this (and all your other projects!)

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I was never one of those "graphics for the win" types, a great story, good characters and a good soundtrack is what trully make a game a work of art. On the other hand, an improvement is always welcome, and you did an amazing job with this (and all your other projects!)


I agree, I don't like lots of flashy graphics or anything like that. But, I do try to fix some of the things in KotOR that take away from the overall experience, and make them blend in a bit better.

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Amazing work, definitely has a permanent place in my override folder. Those blurry textures even bothered me way back in 03 on the original xbox. 


On a site note: I had major lag issues on the ebon hawk with the XL version on a weaker PC. I toggled every other Ebon Hawk mod I had (animated galaxy map, ebon hawk 2012) before I realised that it may be this one. Switching from XL to M fixed the issue and increased my fps from 5 to 60. I'm guessing I just didn't have enough video memory to handle the XL textures. So if anyone has any fps issues on the hawk, try using a different version. Loading times are NOT the only thing that is affected like the readme suggests.

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Thanks for the information. It's tough to tell how my mods get handled on lower end systems. I will try to figure out a workaround to reduce the load times and lag.

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Thanks for the quick response. I understand how that can be a problem, and as I said simply switching to a lower rez version fixed the issue completely. I would definitely be willing to test out any future changes if you need someone to see how it runs on a lower end system.

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Amazing work!!!!!

Some times, looking thru the windows of the Hawk I was tempted to grab a ladder, a bucket with water and a piece of rag, just to check...

I'm not either one of these fallen in love of the high resolutions, they are grateful and welcome but not a transcendental question for me but this great work is different. I've only seen the aspect of Dantooine and it looks nice, very nice.

Just one thing... I'm playing with K1R version and on the landing zone there is a hutt named Shuma in front a big door (hard to lose sight of him) that I don't see when I'm onboard, maybe he goes to toilet every time I board the Hawk? (just kidding):laughing:

Congrats for this work!! :clap::clap:

  • Haha 1

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Just an FYI, but you left on texture in the XL pack at a measly 1024x1024 (ebo_dal.tga). But not a huge deal especially considering the massive quality boost this mod is. Thanks so much!

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Weird issue I've encountered is when you fly from planet to planet for the first time, the cockpit skyboxes don't render properly, often times just being white.

After exiting and then reentering to reload Ebon Hawk does it load correctly.

Edit: After trying all of the other sizes, apparently my desktop PC can't handle M-XL which is really weird to me. So S it is.

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