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About This File

This is a mod by Silveredge9 which I received permission to reupload due to filefront's collapse.


I have marked it as incompatible with K1R, but the truth is I'm not certain whether it is or not. So long as this mod is installed prior to K1R they're likely to work together, but I am not the original author and am unwilling to make a definitive statement to this effect.


The contents of this file, and its readme, have not been altered in any way from the original which Silveredge9 uploaded; the unmodified readme follows:


Knights of the Old Republic - Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance Mod v1.1


AUTHOR: Silveredge9
EMAIL: silveredge9@hotmail.com
NAME: Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance Mod V1.1


DESCRIPTION: A unique appearence for the spirit of Ajunta Pall to replace the default Dark Jedi one. Includes an option to make Ajunta semi transparent.


File Index


N_DeadeyeH01d.tga x 4
N_JediMemM08.tga x 2


I always though the default Ajunta Pall character was a little uninteresting and generic, looking the same as the enemies you fight in the game. So here, at last is an cool appearance to match his cool voice.


Firstly, choose if or not you want a solid Ajunta Pall, or a Semi Transparent "Ghost-Like" Ajunta Pall. And open the associated folder, either Non-Transparent, or Transparent.


Then are 2 variations of the head to choose from, with ghostly eyes or with sith eyes. To use the Sith Eyes version, copy the file from the Sith Eyes folder into the override folder after the installation.


Also the horrible shield effect has been removed.


Should you want to retain the shield effect on Ajunta Pall, don't move 'clear_effects.ncs' or 'kor37_freedonnad.dlg' in the Override folder.


Version Updates
- Transparent Ajunta Pall option added.


How to Install This Mod
- Choose whether you want Solid or Transparent Ajunta Pall, and move the TGA files into the Override directory.
- Unzip all the rest of the Zips contents into your Override directory, located in your LucasArts/SWKotOR folder.


How to UnInstall This Mod
- Remove all the listed files above from your Override folder.


Contact Info
- Email all questions or comments to: silveredge9@hotmail.com

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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loveeeed the transparent alternative... he IS a ghosty one isn't he?? great stuff/concept ...     ;)

Yeah it makes sense. I always imagined Sith ghosts would be more like that and not like the Jedi ones since the Jedi are in 'Heaven' and Sith go to 'Hell'.

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I download it. Attempt to extract it and it says the file is empty.


Change the file extension from .zip to .rar (by right clicking + rename file), and then extract it with 7zip. 

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This mod makes one of the male PC heads have a shiny effect on their hair. I have been unable to find the cause of this effect. If only we had a TSL Patcher version of this wonderful mod and a fix for this bug, I would have given it five stars instead of four. 


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This mod makes one of the male PC heads have a shiny effect on their hair. I have been unable to find the cause of this effect. If only we had a TSL Patcher version of this wonderful mod and a fix for this bug, I would have given it five stars instead of four. 



If you have KotOR Tool, you can edit the appearance.2da file in your Override folder. That head is on the rows 148-150. If you go horizontally along until you find the column called "envmap" and replace what is in rows 148-150 with "DEFAULT" (without quotations), it might fix the shiny hair problem.


As for the mod, all I have to say is simply magnificent!

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So I noticed that

"This file has been reported as broken because:

file does not work"


Is this some oversight, does it actually work or not?

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So I noticed that

"This file has been reported as broken because:

file does not work"


Is this some oversight, does it actually work or not?

It works fine, but for some reason I can't get the shield effect off despite having the clear_effects.ncs file in the Override folder.

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Hi, I don't know if you are aware of this, but the appearance.2da file from this mod adds several lines from the Brotherhood of Shadow Solomon's Revenge (i.e. Alien_Rodian_99, Sith_Female_Twilek, etc.). Causes a bit of a pain if you actually use that mod as well, as it causes duplicate lines in the appearance.2da that affects modding

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Wish there was a TSL patcher for this as this changes the appearance.2da file rather than adds what it needs to the main file. I've been having trouble with this mod working because it conflicts with other texture mods that do something similar. Would love to have it work and give praise for it. I think this a great minor touch-up for vanilla KotOR.

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Would it be possible for someone to make this mod work with TSLPatcher so that the appearance.2da and heads.2da files and the changes made to them can just be incorporated into those already-existing files? I already have those files in my Override folder and made changes to them with other mods. Installing this mod basically requires us to "replace" our already-overwritten 2da files with this one and so we will lose whatever changes we made with other mods in those files.

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8 hours ago, EAF97 said:

Would it be possible for someone to make this mod work with TSLPatcher

Per the rules, only Silveredge can create a new version of this mod. However, I previously created a standalone installer that uses TSLPatcher to set up the appearance entries. You can grab it here. After installing it, you will need to grab the the textures from Silveredge's mod and paste them into the Override folder.

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