2 Screenshots

About This File


Kainzorus Prime, Darth DeadMan, Fair Strides


Mod Name:

[TSL] Clone Wars Armor Pack



Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other,

mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself.


1. Info


This mod will add variety of clone armors and two variants of DC-15 rifle to your game. You can either get them from the corpse of a Republic Trooper corpse aboard the Harbinger, or use the console commands.


2. Installation:


Run the TSL Patcher and sit back, the installer will handle everything, including compatibility with other mods.


3. Usage


All armors, ten DC-15A and ten DC-15S rifles can be found on a Republic Trooper corpse aboard the Harbinger, marked “Republic Quartermaster Corpse”, found in the Crew Quarters.


Item codes are as follows:


clone_clean - Clean Episode III Armor

clone_dirty - Weathered Episode III Armor

clone_blue - 501st Legion Armor

clone_red - Shocktrooper Armor

clone_green - 442nd Siege Battalion Armor

clone_yellow - 212th Attack Battalion Armor

clone_grey - 41st Elite Legion Armor

clone_star - 327th Star Corps Armor

clone_neyo - 91st Reconnaissance Corps Armor

clone_shadow - Shadowtrooper Armor

clone_para - Paratrooper Armor

clone_marine - Galactic Marine Armor

clone_gree - Commander Gree’s Armor

clone_cody - Commander Cody’s Armor

clone_bacara - Commander Bacara’s Armor

clone_bly - Commander Bly’s Armor

clone_deviss - Captain Deviss’s Armor

clone_commando - Commando Armor

clone_boss - Delta-38’s Armor

clone_sev - Delta 07’s Armor

clone_fixer - Delta 40’s Armor

clone_scorch - Delta 62’s Armor

clone_classic - Clean Episode II Armor

clone_captain - Clone Captain Armor

clone_commander - Clone Commander Armor

clone_sergeant - Clone Sergeant Armor

clone_lieutenant - Clone Lieutenant Armor

arc_basic - ARC Trooper Armor

arc_red - ARC Captain Armor

arc_blue - ARC Lieutenant Armor

arc_yellow - ARC Commander Armor

dc_15a - DC-15A Blaster Rifle

dc_15s - DC-15S Blaster Carbine


4. Credits:


Special thanks to:


MarcusLeCoy - Original 501st Legion texture.

Dark_Cuillere - Original Commander Cody texture.

Ruku - Most of original Episode III Clone textures.

Pahricida - Original DC-15A model and textures.

SoM3 - Original DC-15s model and textures.

Holowan Laboratories - For all the great resources.





This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian.

Please do not contact them for support of this mod.



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks

and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are

trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.


Bioware and the Odyssey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp.

Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

What's New in Version 2.2   See changelog


  • Fixed installer syntax error, which caused armor mismatches.
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Hello, I need some help here. I installed the RCM 1.8.3 and the M478EP 1.1, then I installed this mod using the .exe you provided but the log said something about skipping the 2da appearance file or something like that. Then I gave myself all your armors using the save editor and when I equip them they have mismatched models I think, some armors turn me into a robot, other into a Twi'lek in gray armor or others into a clone armor but not the one it should be. Is there something I can do to fix this?

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I have some problems whit the instalation, It says "Warning: Invalid column label "driveanimrun" encountered! Skipping entry..." , this happens when trying to modify the appearance.2da file and happens 31 times ...

And the result is that if I try to equip the weapons the game crashes ...


¿Maybe the problem have something to do whit the Spanish version or TSLRCM 1.8.3?

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For now, Installing this mod after TSLRCM, and then installing M4-78 and other mods seem to solve these issues, until a permanent fix can be found.

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this mod is not working anymore, ever since the update to Kotor 2 on steam, the majority of the armor models are crashing the game upon attempt to equip, one of them makes me look like a big droid, and another makes me look like Kreia. the weapons work fine though.

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I am downloading this for my next playthrough of K2TSL. These armors look amazing and really improve the game for me. I was somewhat upset that I had to make an account to download on this site, but not as upset as I am to see that kotorfiles on filefront bit the dust. This mod was exactly enough to get me to bite the bullet and make an account, because the game without it is simply not worth playing.

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Guest maully217


There is no need to shout or swear Lordben. the reason that no one has answered is because of this. try googling m4-78 or at least try reading whats on these pages.

m4-78 is an extra planet for the sith lords and can be found within this forum if you take time to read the contents.

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Can I request additional skins that look like the captains and commanders of the Clone Wars TV Show like Captain Rex for example?

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Need help. It crashes when trying to equip.

Now It changes what my character looks like. Such as race and person.


Edited by Link

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Hm... IMO the early placement doesn't work as well in TSL as it did in K1, because this requires Heavy Armor proficiency. In K1, the armor was useful immediately because even if you didn't make the PC a Soldier you had a Soldier party member to start. And I feel like a non-soldier PC had more reason to grab the heavier armor proficiency feats in K1's early game than TSL PCs have going through Peragus; In TSL, it's unlikely for a non-Guardian PC to have the requisite armor feats by the Harbinger and it feels like all three classes would be going out of their way.

Maybe buried somewhere in the restoration zone would be a better spot? Idk.

I'll probably have more to say when I can actually try the armors out.

EDIT: Well, the armors function correctly for me, although they do end up looking more metallic than expected (possibly due to another mod ). The guns are overpowered as ever, but that proves a useful compensation for how stupid the AI can be when you forget to switch them off of Aggressive.

Edited by ZeldaTheSwordsman

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