Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.2

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Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.2

Here's my third small mod.

MOD AUTHOR: Sith Holocron

GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords



Did the low resolution lighting ever irritate you when walking along Malachor V's surface? Me too!
Once again, I've decided to do something about it.
The new texture uses captures from a real lighting strike.
Constructive criticism is welcome.


About The Update:

When the mod was originally released, Darth Sapiens requested a version that has a flare on the cloud the lightning would be emanating from. I made him a version like that as a thank you for his helping the original version. I think it should be available to everyone – so now’s your turn to try it out.


I decided to make a video today that would show the difference between the "vanilla" lightning in game to the two versions in my mod. That's when I noticed a different version that was in my own Override folder which is a part of Kexikus' HQ Skyboxes II mod.  In the spirit of fairness, I thought I should include Kexikus' version as well. My conclusion? Kexikus' version is the superior lightning and I recommend their version over mine. Hopefully, you've seen this personal note before downloading mine. 

Anyway, here's that video:



There are two versions of the lightning now: the original version and the publicly-unreleased-until-now “flare” version. Both versions have their own folder. Choose your version's folder and put the 2 files inside it into your Override folder. The "Original" version has a choice of DDS or TGA. In that particular case, choose either one you wish.


Take them out again.

Known Bugs:

None known at this time.

Thank You Section:

Zbyl2: For the original testing of this mod.
Darth_Sapiens: For creating an alpha channel that made the black background transparent.
Kexikus: For pointing out transparency issues in the "Original Version"
Darth Parametric: For adding in the missing alpha for the "Original Version", correcting dimensions to power of 4 (2048x2048), and including a DDS version for optimal compression!

Legal Disclaimer:

All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed for profit, either. Use it however you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a derivative mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the read-me, mentioning me. I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Steam Workshop - with the exception of Hassat Hunter who has my permission to do so.

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


  • 1.2: Darth Parametric added in the missing alpha for the "Original Version" of the lightning texture, corrected the dimensions to power of 4 (2048x2048), and included a DDS version for optimal compression.
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Wow, SH! I just read the Revan book about 2 weeks ago and my first thought when I saw the pic for this mod was: Dromund Kaas!

Does this also fix the annoying green glow as well?

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i like em :) just a suggestion, the original texture had a bit of a flare near the clouds, maybe you could recreate a similar "flash effect".

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Fair Strides: It's only the lightning changed.


Darth Sapiens: I might be able to arrange something like that but it wouldn't be a public release. Since you helped me however...


If users don't like it for any reason, please let me know how it might be improved.

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There isn't any lightning texture in the M4-78 Enhancement Project so there will be no conflict. My mod is compatible with the TSLRCM.

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I haven't checked this in-game yet ... but I've never seen this ... TEL_Lightning tga 20737 Kb size to 507 Kb size after 32 bits RLE compression with a .... software.

20737 to 507 ... never seen that rate of compression on a tga ...


oh, btw, thx a lot ... "again" ... gonna check that flare version ASAP always hated low-textured Malachor!  

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Recently completed KOTOR 2 again, and was thinking of this mod. In Malachor I looked at the lightning in the background and had a Danny Devito gif moment.

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