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About This File

A Mod for Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic
Author: N-DReW25
1.0.0 Release Date: 17.06.2023

Please install the K1 Community Patch FIRST before this mod!

Simply click on this mod's INSTALL.exe, click install, sit back, and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic.

In the Kotor games, certain alien NPCs can wear the same robes and armor the player can (such as the Twi'leks and the Devaronians) whilst other aliens can't (such as Trandoshans and Rodians). The reason why this is is because of the way these aliens are setup, for example, the Twi'lek is made up of two models: the head and the body, whilst the Rodian is one single model containing both the head and the body.

The Duros NPCs are one of the aliens that use 1 model for the entire NPC instead of two, this prevents the Duros from visibly wearing any armor that's equipped on the Duros NPC.

Whilst most players won't really notice the single model alien NPCs who can't wear armor, what they might notice is how the Duros on Dantooine who are aligned with the Mandalorian faction there aren't wearing the iconic Mandalorian armor. One could argue that the Duros themselves aren't Mandalorians as they're only ever referred to as "allies" of the Mandalorians, but one longer has to argue, as this mod is here to change everything!

In 2015, JCarter426 released his Head Modder's Resource for K2 on MediaFire which took many one model aliens and separated the heads from their bodies. This allowed one model NPCs like Rodians to wear Jedi Robes when previously they couldn't.

This was not a mod; however, it was a resource for other modders to pick out assets they wanted to use in their own mods. In the past 8 years, the only thing that has come from the Modder's Resource was the Duros Jedi cameo in the Full Jedi Council mod by Kexikus and Duros Mandalorians in the Smash City Studios fan film "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path".

The idea of Mandalorian Duros has been a dream ever since I first saw the "A Familiar Path" fan film, and today we get to live that dream!

The Duros who accompany the Mandalorians on Dantooine and the Duros who work as Miners on Tatooine shall wear Mandalorian armor and Czerka uniform instead of the Duros outfit we all know and love.

Originally, I wanted to have two totally different separate mods that edited the Mandalorian Duros and the Duros Miners on Tatooine separately... but to ensure the cleanest installation process I've decided to release this mod, "Duros: Armed and Ready!", before those two mods so that if players don't like those two secret mods then players can simply opt for this simplier mod instead!

Those two secret mods shall require "Duros: Armed and Ready!" for the Duros aspect of those mods to work properly, but until those mods are released players do not have to worry about this.

Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have bugs, but if there are feel free to report it to me on Deadlystream.

It is possible that Duros modified in this mod shall perform 'idle' animations that clip through the Duros head (such as when an NPC brushes their hair, the Duros who perform this animation will brush right through their face). This bug isn't fixable without brute work modding (possibly involving a new unique Duros heavy battle armor and Czerka body model with different animations), though it shouldn't really be noticable as the Mandalorian Duros will turn hostile and attack the player if you approach them... the bug is only noticable if you focus on the Duros Miners.

When the Duros Miners on Tatooine speak, their lips will not move. This might either be an oversight on JCarter426's part back when he made the heads or a result of porting the head to K1, this might be fixed in a future update.

Please report any incompatibilities!

Will be incompatible with any mod that changes the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine or the Duros Miners on Tatooine, though I don't know of any mods that do this.

The Duros in this mod use the heavy battle armor and Czerka uniform body model, so any changes to these models will affect the Duros (Again, I don't know of any mods that do this).

Duros reskins, Mandalorian Armor reskins and Czerka uniform reskins should be compatible with this mod, though how they look together is up to personal opinion!

Do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod without my permission.

The Duros head models themselves are free for any modder to use!

Thanks to:

JCarter426: For creating the Duros heads in the first place, without you this mod wouldn't have been possible!
Smash City Studios: For using the Duros heads in the "Star Wars KOTOR: Episode 1: A Familiar Path" fan film, their appearance greatly inspired this mod!
Bioware: For such an amazing game!
Fred Tetra: For Kotor Tool!
Stoffee: For TSLPatcher!
Everyone who downloads the mod!


What's New in Version 1.3.0   See changelog


* Fixed the Duros head model. Their lips will now move when you speak to them on Tatooine.

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Wish I had seen this mod when it was released. This is brilliant!

They look a bit odd with human proportions, but I still love the idea just the same.


Is there any plan to make more Duros NPCs in other areas of Kotor or even Kotor 2? 

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One small nitpick. Duros usually have a different hand structure/shape than humans. Would be great if a future update of this mod gave them Duros-shaped hands. 

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11 hours ago, Malkior said:

Is there any plan to make more Duros NPCs in other areas of Kotor or even Kotor 2? 

The problem with adding more Duros is part of an overall theme of my NPC Overhaul style mods.


With the tools and resources we have today, I believe it's possible to give every NPC in the game a unique appearance. The problem is that we don't have enough NPCs for all these possible unique appearances, with the limited number of Duros who appear in Kotor and the possibility of future Duros skins (albeit unlikely) it might be very difficult to implement more Duros with the ability to wear Armors.


And as for a K2 variant, I can foresee a few issues with that. The Duros' lips don't move, this might just be a bug as a result of porting JCarter's head model to K1 or maybe JCarter didn't bother/didn't know how to make the lips move when he originally made the head resource. If the Duros' lips don't move, this won't work with an NPC like Samhan Dobo who has proper in-game dialogues.


I do intend to port most of my K1 NPC Overhaul style mods to K2 at some point, however, for now I'm simply sticking to K1 as I still have more mods to make. If I do ever get around to porting this mod to K2, I would have to map out & decide which NPCs will get a Duros with armor appearance (Off the top of my head there aren't many contenders who could use a Duros in armor).


4 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

One small nitpick. Duros usually have a different hand structure/shape than humans. Would be great if a future update of this mod gave them Duros-shaped hands. 

As many of us can guess, this mod is rather basic... whilst it would be possible to create body variants with new alien hands or reshape the entire model entirely to fit the Duros structure, I'm afraid that is beyond the scope of my modding capabilities.

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JC did something similar with Rodians, but he just retextured the Rodian body model to give them Czerka uniforms. 

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7 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

but he just retextured the Rodian body model to give them Czerka uniforms. 



The rodian body model itself was not rextured in JC's mod, the human Czerka model was reshaped to have the Rodian animations with Rodian hands.


Below is an example from Revenge of Revan of a Rodian who was reskinned, not remodeled, to look like something else (a Jedi).


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3 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:



The rodian body model itself was not rextured in JC's mod, the human Czerka model was reshaped to have the Rodian animations with Rodian hands.


Below is an example from Revenge of Revan of a Rodian who was reskinned, not remodeled, to look like something else (a Jedi).


Okay, still, would be cool if you or JC did something like that with the Duros. 

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6 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Okay, still, would be cool if you or JC did something like that with the Duros. 

As I said, that is beyond my personal scope... however, I may know someone who can.


The modder @Stormie97 tinkers around with a project called "High Quality Aliens", I'm not sure what the current plan is with his mod as I know he goes through phases of developing ideas and break periods for various reasons, though maybe Stormie might consider taking inspiration from this mod if he ever makes his High Quality Duros mod.


Maybe he can make a new Mandalorian model for his Duros, or maybe he can make a unique Mining outfit for the Duros on Tatooine. Ultimately, what Stormie does is up to him though my money is on him making something more complicated than this.

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* The mod is now compatible with the most recent version of K1CP.

* Added a 2nd installation that is compatible with the NPC Diversity Pack mod!


How was this not compatible with the most recent version of K1CP and your own NPC Diversity Pack mod? 

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On 5/8/2024 at 8:19 AM, JasonRyder said:

How was this not compatible with the most recent version of K1CP and your own NPC Diversity Pack mod? 

Duros: Armed & Ready relied on files provided by K1CP 1.9 to work.


K1CP 1.10 removed said files and I never realized until I went to install it, without those files this mod doesn't work so the latest update added those files to Duros: Armed & Ready.


These things unfortunately happen :(

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