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=Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM=


AUTHOR: Leilukin
FILE NAME: Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM.7z
CONTACT: E-mail to contact@leilukin.com, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream



This mod aims to restore the cut conversation with Jedi Master Lonna Vash by altering the Korriban plot line in KotOR 2. With this mod, the player will see Vash alive in the secret tomb in the shyrack cave after the player confronts Darth Sion in the Sith academy. The player cannot enter the shyrack cave, and by extension, the secret tomb before facing Sion in the Sith Academy. Instead of Vash’s corpse, the player will find the corpse of Kaah Ohtok, Vash’s Twi’lek Padawan, in the Sith Academy. Eventually, Vash will be killed by either Sion or the player in the secret tomb, depending on the player’s choice, so Vash will not appear in the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, but the player can at least talk to Vash before she dies.

However, unlike with other Jedi Masters, the player will not learn any lightsaber or Force form from Vash, due to the lack of restorable material for it.

This mod is an updated version of Sikon’s Lonna Vash Mod, made to be fully compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). This mod is for players who want more Vash content without using any M4-78 mod.

Aside from the changes made by TSLRCM, I have made further adjustments to the Lonna Vash Mod and fixed various bugs with the original mod in this updated version. Most notably, my mod removes the restriction which only allows a player with strong light side or dark side alignment to enter the secret tomb, so players who do not meet the alignment requirement can meet Vash to complete the game’s main overarching quest to find the Jedi Masters. Instead, now the player needs to be at least level 15 to be able to enter the tomb. This change is inspired by N-DReW25's Non-Aligned Passage for Sith Tomb mod.

This mod also provides an optional extra component to give Kaah his unique appearance from M4-78 Enhancement Project (M4-78EP), and voice lines done by Zhaboka, Kaah’s voice actor in M4-78EP. Kaah’s head texture in this mod is made by utilizing a recolored HD texture based on ShiningRedHD’s Ultimate Character Overhaul mod.

For this mod to take effect, you must load a save before visiting Korriban for the first time.




First and foremost, make sure you have The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) installed, since TSLRCM is REQUIRED for this mod to work. You do not need to install the original Lonna Vash mod by Sikon for this mod to work.

Extract the Lonna Vash Mod for TSLRCM.7z you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory.

Run Install.exe, select “Main Installation”, select your KotOR 2 game folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, click the “Install” button and let the installer do its job.

Run Install.exe and select “Main Installation”. You must select TSLRCM’s Steam Workshop folder as your KotOR 2 directory path, then click the “Install” button. The directory of the Steam Workshop version of TSLRCM is \Steam\SteamApps\Workshop\content\208580\485537937.

If you want to install the optional extra component to give Kaah his unique appearance and voice from M4-78 Enhancement Project, you need to run Install.exe again, select “[Optional] Kaah’s M4-78EP Head and Voice”, and select your KotOR 2 directory, then click the “Install” button. Make sure you have installed the “Main Installation” component of the mod before installing this extra component.

If you want to use both Ashton Scorpius’ TSL Better Male Twi’lek Heads mod and the “Kaah’s M4-78EP Head and Voice” component of my mod, after installing both, go to the “Better Male Twi'lek Heads Compatibility” folder of my mod, copy and paste N_kaah01.tpc into your Override folder, and overwrite the file when prompted. Note that you do not need to install the files from the “M4-78 EP” folder in Ashton’s mod, since my patch is a HD version of Ashton’s texture for Kaah’s head. You do not need this compatibility patch if you do not want to install the “Kaah’s M4-78EP Head and Voice” component of my mod.


When you install this mod, two new folders named "backup" and “uninstall” will be created by the installer in the same folder as the installer. Do not delete the folders or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod.

The "Source" folder includes the source of the scripts used by this mod for modders' reference. Ignore the "Source" folder if you only want to install and play this mod.



Open Install.exe and select your KotOR 2 directory where you installed this mod. From the “Tools” drop-down menu, select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup”, then confirm to uninstall the mod.

If you have also installed the “Kaah’s M4-78EP Head and Voice” component, it will uninstall the add-on component first. After uninstalling the add-on, you need to select Yes to delete the most recent backup folder, then select “Uninstall Mod / Restore Backup” from the drop-down menu again to uninstall the main part of the mod.



None currently known. If you find any bugs or problems, please let me know.



This mod is not compatible with any M4-78 mod, including M4-78 Enhancement Project, as this mod is intended to be an alternative to M4-78 mods to restore Lonna Vash’s content.

Other mods that modify Lonna Vash’s content on Korriban will very likely conflict with this mod.

This mod is compatible with my Darth Sion and Male Exile Mod.

If you want to use this mod alongside JCarter426’s Thematic Obscured Mausoleum Burial, you must install my mod after Thematic Obscured Mausoleum Burial.

This mod is compatible with the “Pure Restoration” version of Fallen Guardian’s Dustil Restoration. However, my mod is not compatible with the “Added Content” version of Dustil Restoration, since choosing to take Dustil back to the Ebon Hawk will prevent you from meeting Master Vash and thus lock you out of proceeding the Lost Jedi quest.

If you want to use Ashton Scorpius’ TSL Better Male Twi'lek Heads alongside the “Kaah’s M4-78EP Head” component of this mod, I have included a compatibility patch in this mod. See the Installation section above for instructions to install this patch.

This mod is not compatible with Kaidon Jorn's Schematic Lightsaber Mod.



As per Sikon’s terms in the original Lonna Vash mod, you can do anything to the main component of this mod, including but not limited to, redistribution and further modification. However, you must credit Sikon as the original creator of the mod, include source code for all scripts (except those extracted "as is" from the original game and not recompiled), and you may not add further restrictions to redistribution terms.

However, these terms do not apply to the “Kaah’s M4-78EP Head and Voice” component of this mod, as this component utilizes assets made by other modders and was not part of Sikon’s original mod. Permission is not granted for other users to use Kaah’s voice-over files from this mod in any other mod. Kaah’s unique appearance from this component is a combination of assets created by M4-78 Enhancement Project, ShiningRedHD and Sith Holocron, and thus not to be used in any other mod without their permission.



Sikon for creating the original Lonna Vash Mod
Zhaboka for voicing Kaah, and giving me the permission to use his voice lines
Sith Holocron for giving me the permission to use the Kaah voice lines, and recoloring the HD texture for Kaah’s head
ShiningRedHD for giving me the permission to use a recolored texture from Ultimate Character Overhaul for Kaah’s head
Ashton Scorpius for giving me the permission to use a HD version of his Kaah head texture from TSL Better Male Twi’lek Heads for compatibility
zbyl2 for granting the permission to use Kaah’s unique head from M4-78 Enhancement Project
N-DReW25 for suggesting the idea of giving Kaah his M4-78EP appearance
Cortisol for Holocron Toolset
tk102 for DLG Editor and K-GFF GFF Editor
JdNoa for DeNCS KotOR Script Decompiler and KotOR Lipsynch Editor
KobaltBlu for KotOR Scripting Tool
ndix UR for tga2tpc and tpcview
Stoffe for ERFEdit and TalkEd; Fair Strides for the updated versions
Cortisol and th3w1zard1 for HoloPatcher



What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Use HoloPatcher instead of TSLPatcher as the installer of this mod to make it faster and easier to install and uninstall this mod.

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4 hours ago, Sdub said:

i guess it couldnt be figured out to have her give the class specific forms?

The dialogue and scripts used by the game to have the player learn a new lightsaber or Force form are shared between the Jedi Masters, and there's literally nothing for Vash in those files, even with TSLRCM. The scripts check the player's class and how many Jedi Masters the player has met to decide which form the player will learn, and there's also the fact that the dialogue and cutscene of the player learning those forms are different depending on if the player decides to spare or kill the Jedi Masters. So having Vash give a new form is a tremendously difficult task, and I make no promises that this mod will include such feature, since changing the existing script to do so pose a huge risk in causing new bugs.

It should be noted that even M4-78EP only have Vash give the Niman form specifically, regardless of the player's class.

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2 hours ago, Leilukin said:

The dialogue and scripts used by the game to have the player learn a new lightsaber or Force form are shared between the Jedi Masters, and there's literally nothing for Vash in those files, even with TSLRCM. The scripts check the player's class and how many Jedi Masters the player has met to decide which form the player will learn, and there's also the fact that the dialogue and cutscene of the player learning those forms are different depending on if the player decides to spare or kill the Jedi Masters. So having Vash give a new form is a tremendously difficult task, and I make no promises that this mod will include such feature, since changing the existing script to do so pose a huge risk in causing new bugs.

It should be noted that even M4-78EP only have Vash give the Niman form specifically, regardless of the player's class.

What you did here is still very impressive, apologies if i came off rude or anyting. I just recalled you talking about it in the discord at one point and didnt get to see the follow up. I'll definitely be using this my next play through.

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12 hours ago, Sdub said:

What you did here is still very impressive, apologies if i came off rude or anyting. I just recalled you talking about it in the discord at one point and didnt get to see the follow up. I'll definitely be using this my next play through.

Nah, I don't think you're being rude. I just sense there's a need to explain more on why having Vash give the player a new form would be very difficult, since I kind of expect there are other users who would like to know this, even though my mod description has stated that there's a lack of restorable material for Vash for it. I did briefly explain this in the KotOR subreddit Discord server, but since you asked about, it might as well make this information public.

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"This mod is compatible with Fallen Guardian’s Dustil Restoration."

Brilliant! These two mods are still great on their own, but being able to play them together really helps Korriban feel more like a complete experience and less like an afterthought, compared to the base game. Keep up the good work! ^w^

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I've wanted a mod like this for a long time, so thank you for this!

I have a couple notes/suggestions though:

1. I didn't get a journal update notification after I was teleported outside the cave. The journal did update to say that Vash sacrificed herself, but there wasn't a notification. Not a big deal, but it is noticeable.

2. If you choose to fight Vash, she seems very weak. I don't know if it's just because I left Korriban for last and was a very high level at that point, but I killed her in maybe one or two attacks. I don't know if she is weaker than the other Jedi masters but if she is, could you tweak her so she gives a similar challenge to the other masters?

3. At the end of the tomb, Sion and Vash ignite their lightsabers and then the screen fades to black. I think this feels a bit inconclusive. Obviously we know she dies and the journal confirms it but the scene is ambiguous, you could easily imagine that Sion just cuts her hand off like Kreia and captures her alive or something similar. I think the scene would work better if you added in a fight scene where Vash is killed. Nothing too complicated, but you could have Sion do a basic attack on Vash, then Vash do the same to Sion, then Sion would finish her off with a power attack. It would be short enough so it wouldn't drag on, and it would add some finality to Vash's character.

I think it would help to see her get killed because the Jedi in the story are all afraid of the Sith who are hunting them down. Showing one of them dying at the hands of Sion would reinforce how dangerous Sion and the other Sith are to the remaining Jedi, tying into the plot point I mentioned. I always liked that Vash was already dead on Korriban (even though she was cut for time) because it showed that the Jedi masters were right to fear the Sith Triumvirate, and I think adding a proper death scene to Vash would help keep this feeling intact.

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@HDR1 Thank you for your comment. However, I cannot make any promises that the mod will incorporate your suggestions, because:

1. I am unable to figure out why there is no journal update pop-up in-game after leaving the tomb.

2. I have tried giving Vash similar stats as other Jedi Masters, and combat difficulty and balance is not my forte.

3. There will be bugs if the mod actually shows Sion killing Vash on-screen, due to the fact that the mod has completely different cutscenes for Vash's death, depending on if Vash is killed by Sion or the player. The mod's intention is to set up Vash's character file (in UTC format) in the secret tomb that when she dies, the custom a_vash_ondeath script will be fired to trigger the cutscene of the player character leaving the tomb after killing Vash. If the mod shows Sion killing Vash on-screen, it will cause the PC to suddenly appear back in the tomb again, because the game will still fire the a_vash_ondeath script, which is meant for the scenario where Vash is killed by the player. Additionally, the journal will be updated to the same entry used for when the player kills Vash. There is no way to make Vash's character file consider these two completely different scenarios and cutscenes of her death. In short, there are technical reasons for why the mod does not show Sion killing Vash on-screen.

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The mod isn't working for me, I've installed it before I head to Korriban but I still find Vash's corpse in the cage in the academy. It's possible the mod conflicts with the Schematic Lightsaber Mod as i have it installed as well, but I'm not sure myself. If anyone can help with this please, I would like to try this mod.

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17 minutes ago, Rorikjr said:

It's possible the mod conflicts with the Schematic Lightsaber Mod as i have it installed as well, but I'm not sure myself.

This mod is not compatible with Schematic Lightsaber Mod. SLM overwrites the Korriban Sith Academy module, so do not install SLM if you want to use my mod.

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2 minutes ago, Leilukin said:

This mod is not compatible with Schematic Lightsaber Mod. SLM overwrites the Korriban Sith Academy module, so do not install SLM if you want to use my mod.

Damn. I was hoping try this mod out. Ah well, that's a thing with downloading mods, don't quite know what might happen.

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On 3/1/2023 at 11:44 AM, Rorikjr said:

Ah well, that's a thing with downloading mods, don't quite know what might happen.

General tip: Pay attention to any information about mod compatibility on the mod's download page. If the other mod you want to use is not mentioned and you're not sure if they're compatible, you can just ask. Especially if you want to use large mods like Schematic Lightsaber Mod, it's always better safe than sorry to make sure if the mods you want to use are compatible before installing.

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On 8/12/2022 at 8:39, HDR1 said:

He querido un mod como este durante mucho tiempo, ¡así que gracias por esto!

Sin embargo, tengo un par de notas/sugerencias:

1. No recibí una notificación de actualización del diario después de que me teletransportaron fuera de la cueva. El diario se actualizó para decir que Vash se sacrificó, pero no hubo una notificación. No es gran cosa, pero se nota.

2. Si eliges luchar contra Vash, ella parece muy débil. No sé si es solo porque dejé Korriban para el final y tenía un nivel muy alto en ese momento, pero la maté en uno o dos ataques. No sé si es más débil que los otros maestros Jedi, pero si lo es, ¿podrías modificarla para que ofrezca un desafío similar a los otros maestros?

3. Al final de la tumba, Sion y Vash encienden sus sables de luz y luego la pantalla se vuelve negra. Creo que esto se siente un poco inconcluso. Obviamente, sabemos que ella muere y el diario lo confirma, pero la escena es ambigua, fácilmente podrías imaginar que Sion simplemente le corta la mano como Kreia y la captura viva o algo similar. Creo que la escena funcionaría mejor si agregaras una escena de pelea donde Vash es asesinado. Nada demasiado complicado, pero podrías hacer que Sion haga un ataque básico a Vash, luego Vash haga lo mismo con Sion, luego Sion la terminaría con un ataque de poder. Sería lo suficientemente corto para que no se prolongara, y agregaría algo de finalidad al personaje de Vash.

Creo que ayudaría verla morir porque los Jedi en la historia tienen miedo de los Sith que los están persiguiendo. Mostrar a uno de ellos muriendo a manos de Sion reforzaría cuán peligrosos son Sion y los otros Sith para los Jedi restantes, vinculándolos con el punto de la trama que mencioné. Siempre me gustó que Vash ya estuviera muerta en Korriban (a pesar de que le faltaba tiempo) porque demostraba que los maestros Jedi tenían razón al temer al Triunvirato Sith, y creo que agregar una escena de muerte adecuada a Vash ayudaría a mantener intacto este sentimiento. .

Something different happened to me when I converted it to xbox 360, I did get the notification window indicating that Iona was sacrificed, the detail is that it tells me that I found her in m4-78, even though we are in Korriban and that m4 mod -78 I did not convert it for xbox, I imagine it must be something from the unused files of the game, here I share a photo of that, by the way when I get the corpse of the canvas padawan in the cage of the Korriban academy and I I go to the PC next to me, it doesn't come out to see the holograms of this one, I don't know if it's because of the first option I put when installing



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is this mod compatible with the Lonna Vash is alive mod? I'm having a CTD as I try to go into the Secret Tomb.

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1 hour ago, finnegan said:

is this mod compatible with the Lonna Vash is alive mod? I'm having a CTD as I try to go into the Secret Tomb.

Which "Lona Vash is alive" mod are you referring to? Who is the mod author, and where did you download the mod?

This mod already keeps Vash alive long enough to allow you to talk to her, so any other mod that also keep Vash alive will not be compatible with this mod. As I already stated very clearly under the "Mod Compatibility" section of this mod's download page and README file:


This mod is not compatible with any M4-78 mod, including M4-78 Enhancement Project, as this mod is intended to be an alternative to M4-78 mods to restore Lonna Vash’s content.

Other mods that modify Lonna Vash’s content on Korriban will very likely conflict with this mod.


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8 minutes ago, Leilukin said:

Which "Lona Vash is alive" mod are you referring to? Who is the mod author, and where did you download the mod?

This mod already keeps Vash alive long enough to allow you to talk to her, so any other mod that also keep Vash alive will not be compatible with this mod. As I already stated very clearly under the "Mod Compatibility" section of this mod's download page and README file:


Sorry, I meant if it was compatible with this one, Sith Tomb Lightsaber Fixes 

As I said I'm having a CTD on the loading screen to the tomb. I did attempt to see if it was caused by an incompatibility within these two mods, given  that they are the only mods that modify the 711KOR module. I did try to replace the module with the backup clean version from TSLRCM 1.8.6, but the crash persists. I am also running some texture mods and I tried removing them, but I still crash. 

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@finnegan So it looks like you just copied and pasted your post under the comments section of the Sith Tomb Lightsaber Fixes to my mod without editing your comment. Try to be more careful when you try to post similar things on different pages.

My mod should be compatible with Sith Tomb Lightsaber Fixes since they don't modify the same files from the 711KOR module. Did you encounter any crashes with any other module? Are you playing KotOR 2 on Steam? Are you using the Steam Workshop version of TSLRCM? If so, did you make sure to install the mods to TSLRCM's Steam Workshop folder, and not your game's main directory?

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9 hours ago, Leilukin said:

@finnegan So it looks like you just copied and pasted your post under the comments section of the Sith Tomb Lightsaber Fixes to my mod without editing your comment. Try to be more careful when you try to post similar things on different pages.

My mod should be compatible with Sith Tomb Lightsaber Fixes since they don't modify the same files from the 711KOR module. Did you encounter any crashes with any other module? Are you playing KotOR 2 on Steam? Are you using the Steam Workshop version of TSLRCM? If so, did you make sure to install the mods to TSLRCM's Steam Workshop folder, and not your game's main directory?

I am using the steam version of the game with the legacypc beta and patched executable. I installed all my mods manually including TSLRCM (not through the workshop). All other modules are fine, so if it isn't an incompatibility with your mod I will need to look elsewhere. Could it be caused by a texture mod or item mod? I am using 90sk tunics for js-zs armors as well as a malak and k1 tunics retextures.

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On 6/8/2023 at 7:11 PM, finnegan said:

if it isn't an incompatibility with your mod I will need to look elsewhere. Could it be caused by a texture mod or item mod? I am using 90sk tunics for js-zs armors as well as a malak and k1 tunics retextures.

Crashes can happen due to hardware issues, or issues with a mod that modify models (MDL and MDX files). In the case of the latter, it can happen with texture or item mods if they also modify models. Do not install any KotOR 1 model mods into TSL, or the game will crash.

Which Malak retexture mod are you referring to? When you are asking for mod support and listing the mods you are using, it would be most helpful if you specify the actual names of the mods you use, and ideally provide links to the mods, instead of just saying "Lonna Vash is alive mod" or "Malak retexture", doubly so for texture mods as there could be multiple versions made by different mod authors that do similar things. You cannot expect modders to know the existence of every mod.

I just tested my mod with Secret Tomb Lightsaber Fixes on my Steam version of TSL with the Aspyr patch, and my game did not crash when I entered the secret tomb. I am unable to test it on the legacypc version because it does not run well on my computer, and my game crashed when I tried to load my save.

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I installed most of the mods in this list: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2796596105 (But I'm running only vanilla TSLRCM without M4-78 and without the Expanded Galaxy mod, so I skipped all those mods and related patches)

The malak retexture I was talking about is this: 

The K1 female tunic replacement is another retexture mod from that list (I have a google drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cNjSVluCKLcJb3Xhw9xc8L9NBxjYeD5z/view)

I am also running the Ultimate Korriban High-Res texture pack (some people said it leads to crashes in the Shyrack Cave, though the cave itself is fine for me, only the sith tomb is the problem), here is the link for it: https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1104

If I assume that the problem might be caused by K1 retextures (maybe those same tunics in the first scene in the tomb with Malak and the Jedi recruits?), would removing those files be enough to fix it? I could try that later.

Also this specific crash happens 3/4 of the way through the loading screen, there is no error message of any kind, the game just shuts down.

Thank you for your help, sorry I wasn't more specific in my previous replies.

Edited by finnegan

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@finnegan I tested my mod together with Secret Tomb Lightsaber Fixes, Dark Hope's HD Darth Malak, K1 Female Tunic Replacement and Ultimate Korriban High Resolution on my Steam version of TSL with the Aspyr patch, I did not get any crashes when entering the secret tomb, or the shyrack cave for that matter.

Have you tried turning off Disable Vertex Buffer Objects? Use a text editor to open swkotor2.ini in your KotOR 2 directory, go to [Graphics Option] and change DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 to DisableVertexBufferObjects=0. If that doesn't work, try changing the spacing to Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=0.

Are you an AMD user? If so, have you tried the possible crash fix suggested by the modding guide you linked?


If you are an AMD User (Graphics or Processor, or both), make sure to turn off Frame Buffer Effects and Soft Shadows in the advanced graphic options.

Have you tried playing the game with the Aspyr patch?

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@leilukin I was actually playing with the Aspyr patch in my savegame prior to going to Korriban, I switched in order to fix a texture bug with lightsaber reskins. I could try to revert back and see if that fixes the loading crash. I tried reverting back but I still crash. I tried reloading an earlier save from outside the cave but I crash nonetheless. Also the AMD fixes and ini fixes did not work. So I guess I could either try a save before going to Korriban. I wanted to try to warp directly into the module but I can't get the console to open. I'm at a loss as to what could cause this issue. Other than the mods I've already detailed, the other Korriban-altering mod I installed was the Extended Korriban Arrival mod, which afaik does not affect the 711KOR module of the secret tomb at all.

One thing that may be relevant: I installed all mods with TSLPatchers without extracting them from the archive (I just run it from the archive directly). Would that cause some sort of error that could cause this CTD? Would I fix it by extracting and reinstalling all mods in order? I don't really care about this particular playthrough though I wish to fix this CTD before I start another character.

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On 6/9/2023 at 11:42 PM, finnegan said:

I wanted to try to warp directly into the module but I can't get the console to open.

Unlike the first KotOR game, the console in TSL is invisible, so just type the console code and then enter to see it that works.


On 6/9/2023 at 11:42 PM, finnegan said:

One thing that may be relevant: I installed all mods with TSLPatchers without extracting them from the archive (I just run it from the archive directly). Would that cause some sort of error that could cause this CTD? Would I fix it by extracting and reinstalling all mods in order? I don't really care about this particular playthrough though I wish to fix this CTD before I start another character.

Do NOT, under any circumstances, run TSLPatcher inside the mod's archives. I do not know for sure if it was the cause of your crash, but I have known cases of mod installation errors and heard that the game broke due to the users directly running TSLPatcher inside the mod's archive. I even instructed explicitly on my mod's download pages and Read Me file to extract the mod archive before running TSLPatcher. So you should try fixing your issue by actually extracting all the files from the mod archives and reinstalling all mods in order.

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@leilukin I have extracted and reinstalled every mod in sequence. I have a full list of mod now and the order in which I installed if you think that may help in identifying the problem. I still crash. I attempted to create a new character and warp directly in the 711kor module but I still crash. Should I attempt to verify game files? Or would that break the mods?

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