Effixian's Taris Arena Changes 1.0.1

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Knights of the Old Republic
TITLE: Effixian's Taris Arena Changes
AUTHOR: Effix(ian)
CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam

~ JDub96 and Effix present, a Knights of the Old Republic mod ~

This mod tries to make the Taris Arena contestants look more interesting, mainly by giving them new variations of the Combat Suit.

There's also a Combat Suit variation for the player, that's in the first aid container in the corner of the room (near Twitch).

Somewhat like souvenirs, Kebla of the Equipment Emporium sells replicas of the new Combat Suit variations that the arena contestants wear.

I've split this mod up into 2 parts.

A: The NPCs wear new combat suit variations, the player can loot its own version and Kebla sells the replicas.

B: Further changes to make the NPCs more unique:
- Gerlon Two-Fingers gets a scruffy beard
- Ice gets a more unique Echani inspired head
- Marl gets a unique head with beard
- Twitch gets a different texture to make him look a bit more menacing
- Bendak gets a different texture based on my TSL mod "Mandalorian Reskins"

- Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet
- The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet



Part A:
Simply copy the files from the subfolder "Part A - Combat Suits" to your game's Override folder.

Part B (optional, but requires Part A):
Run "TSLPatcher - Install Effixians Taris Arena Changes - Part B.exe" and point it to your main game's folder.

None known.

Not compatible with other mods that change or include the same files.

1. Remove from the Override folder:


If you've added Part B, also remove:


2. If you haven't installed any mods after this mod you can get the following files from the mod's backup folder and put them back in your override folder:

You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me.

- JDub96 for the overall mod concept and thinking up the different combat suit variations
- DarthParametric for an improved script
- Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool
- Camo pattern by Fauzy Ramadhan @ vecteezy.com

My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ko-fi.com/effix



What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


New script added, an improved one provided by DarthParametric.
Hopefully it will take away the issues that Westhoff123 reported.

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I don't usually download your mods because they are outside of my tastes, however this one is pretty great. It gives the Taris duelers some much needed individuality. Gonna have to strip out the clothing changes for Marl, completely remove the changes to Bendak Starkiller for compatibility with my own build (Already have mods that alter them that I'm cool with) and upscale the textures, but I'll be using everything else.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: Okay don't think I really need the drops.

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1 hour ago, JDub96 said:


Taking out/not using some parts of the mod.

If anyone wants help with personal tweaks like that, let me know, I'd be glad to assist.

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Okay, I've finished making the changes. Everything has been merged together in one TSLPatcher and some of the hard overwrites have become edits but Part A and B remain seperate (as seperate install options, choose in the installer). As I said before I've removed changes to Bendak Starkiller, Removed Marl's Outfit changes, and removed the drops. Everything else is the same with the exception of the combat uniform textures being AI Upscaled and they look pretty nice.

Thanks for making such an awesome mod!

If anybody wants it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xlEgL-sD4dRAdxFh5KS4ULYw7xvn5He7/view?usp=sharing

Please let me know if I made any mistakes (wouldn't be the first time) as I did this in 5-10 minutes. Should work though.

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I found an interesting glitch, If I install everything in the Part A folder I can never trigger the Bandek fight. Every time I talk with the Hutt he will just keep saying that he still needs time to prepare for the duel (even if I leave the cantina).

However if I install everything but these 3 files, k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs, keblastore.utm, and org_tar_a02ae.ncs, it will work fine. If I even install just one of those 3 files it will cause it to not work either. Is there any way you can fix this? I tried it without installing any other mods just to be sure and the same problem occurs. 

To be fair I'll still use the mod it will just be slightly disappointing to not be able to obtain the other combat suits. 

Edited by Westhoff123

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On 5/27/2022 at 7:16 PM, Westhoff123 said:

I found an interesting glitch, If I install everything in the Part A folder I can never trigger the Bandek fight. Every time I talk with the Hutt he will just keep saying that he still needs time to prepare for the duel (even if I leave the cantina).

However if I install everything but these 3 files, k_ptar_a02ae_en.ncs, keblastore.utm, and org_tar_a02ae.ncs, it will work fine. If I even install just one of those 3 files it will cause it to not work either. Is there any way you can fix this? I tried it without installing any other mods just to be sure and the same problem occurs. 

To be fair I'll still use the mod it will just be slightly disappointing to not be able to obtain the other combat suits. 

I don't really know how keblastore.utm could mess up the rest, it's not in the same area and it simply adds some items to her inventory.

That said, DarthParametric provided a new improved script that hopefully will fix some issues.

Do note that:
- Kebla's store will only update if you use a save in which you haven't been to the Upper City South yet
- The changes inside the cantina will only work with a save in which you haven't been inside the Upper City Cantina yet
So, that's pretty early in the game and you might not want to replay from that point... it is what it is, that's how the game works.

Lastly: you can just cheat the items in, they're pretty cheap like the original Combat Suit so you're not really breaking the credits balance.

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I had a weird glitch where Every one of the Arena fighters besides Deadeye Duncan were invisible, and whenever I go into the the area with the hutt and the first dueling ring cutscene plays (when Gerlon Two-Fingers and Deadeye Duncan fight) my game just crashes.

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18 hours ago, LewokGuy said:

I had a weird glitch where Every one of the Arena fighters besides Deadeye Duncan were invisible, and whenever I go into the the area with the hutt and the first dueling ring cutscene plays (when Gerlon Two-Fingers and Deadeye Duncan fight) my game just crashes.

Hm, strange, I haven't had that myself and I tested that part like 30 times because it automatically starts when you enter the room.

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7 hours ago, Effix said:

Hm, strange, I haven't had that myself and I tested that part like 30 times because it automatically starts when you enter the room.

Could it be because I have only installed Part A for it? I didn't install Part B because I didn't really like the head changes.

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15 hours ago, LewokGuy said:

Could it be because I have only installed Part A for it? I didn't install Part B because I didn't really like the head changes.

That shouldn't be a problem.

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7 hours ago, Effix said:

That shouldn't be a problem.

It's weird. I don't think it would conflict with any other mods I have installed seeing as how they are mainly just weapon retextures and skybox fixes. I have Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge installed could it be that?

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21 hours ago, LewokGuy said:

It's weird. I don't think it would conflict with any other mods I have installed seeing as how they are mainly just weapon retextures and skybox fixes. I have Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge installed could it be that?

No idea, sorry.

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I have a glitch which might be similar to what happened to LewokGuy. I only installed Part A so far, and when I entered the cantina, only Duncan is displayed correctly in his new combat suit. Gerlon wears his new combat suit, but is depicted with a blue Twi'lek head, while Ice and Marl are turned into male npc models of some sort and Twitch was turned into a Twi'lek npc in light armor. Might be that one of the bazillion mods I'm using is causing this, but I haven't received any errors concerning these models, so I'm at a bit of a loss.

EDIT: Okay, the issue was fixed after installing Part B, as far as I can see. 

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Ok, I'm having a weird glitch here. Like those two before me, only Duncan appears in the cantina, while the rest of the duelists are nowhere to be seen. This is the only mod I've added to my list since my last playthrough, so I imagine that it has to be it. I've trying unistalling the mod, but it didn't fix it.

Edit: I've managed to fix it by installing the Redux from the comments, however after defeating all the duelists, Bendak doesnt't appear.

Edited by Doomeyer

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8 hours ago, Doomeyer said:

Ok, I'm having a weird glitch here. Like those two before me, only Duncan appears in the cantina, while the rest of the duelists are nowhere to be seen. This is the only mod I've added to my list since my last playthrough, so I imagine that it has to be it. I've trying unistalling the mod, but it didn't fix it.

Edit: I've managed to fix it by installing the Redux from the comments, however after defeating all the duelists, Bendak doesnt't appear.

Possibly just a vanilla issue, compared to the original script this one only adds the item to the container.

Try googling bendak not appearing, such as:


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On 4/25/2022 at 11:22 PM, LordMerek said:

I don't usually download your mods because they are outside of my tastes, however this one is pretty great. It gives the Taris duelers some much needed individuality. Gonna have to strip out the clothing changes for Marl, completely remove the changes to Bendak Starkiller for compatibility with my own build (Already have mods that alter them that I'm cool with) and upscale the textures, but I'll be using everything else.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: Okay don't think I really need the drops.

What are you modifying with Marl and Bendak Starkiller? 

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8 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

What are you modifying with Marl and Bendak Starkiller? 

For Marl, it's a TSLPatcher version I made of the Duros Lower City Merchant by MasterWaffle (The second option in the installer gives Marl the Taris Dueling Suit included with the mod). Don't think it touches Marl's head though pretty sure I left that in.

For Bendak Starkiller, it's the amazing Bendark Starkiller Embelm Armour by redrob41.

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On 5/29/2023 at 1:21 PM, LordMerek said:

For Marl, it's a TSLPatcher version I made of the Duros Lower City Merchant by MasterWaffle (The second option in the installer gives Marl the Taris Dueling Suit included with the mod). Don't think it touches Marl's head though pretty sure I left that in.

For Bendak Starkiller, it's the amazing Bendark Starkiller Embelm Armour by redrob41.

Understandable that you'd prefer that version of Bendak, the one in this mod just looks bland IMO; to me it looks like Bendak started painting his armor only to run out of yellow after one paldron.

EDIT: Apologies to Effixian. I can tell you put effort into all of this, and I love the work you did on the others - the outfits suit them well, a beard makes perfect sense for Marl, and Ice looks fantastic. It's just that to my tastes, Bendak seems oddly plain. I'm curious as to why you went with almost-all-gray.

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