Kreia's Fall in HD with original sound & music V.2

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About This File

"Kreia's Fall in HD with original sound & music."


Author: Darth Varkor
Contact Info: PM me on DeadlyStream


About this mod: Based on a thread started by Sith Holocron over on DeadlyStream (and a suggestion from DarthParametric), I decided to record the in-game version of KreMov01, Kreia's Fall and sync it with the original version's audio. This in-game version existed (I believe) in TSLRCM a while ago, but was eventually left out due to the SFX not matching those of the original BIK movie; Kreia's scream, the SFX of Sion smashing her into the wall, etc. So, I decided to edit the footage and sync it with the original audio to create a more complete experience. This involved trimming the in-game version at some points to match the original beat for beat, but I tried to get it as close as possible.
The edited video was recorded and exported in 1080p resolution and looks great when played as a .wmv file, however, I should note that the conversion to a .bik format has lowered the quality somewhat, however, it is still leaps over the original 2004 version.


Installation: Simply extract the "KreMov01" from either the vanilla or reskin folder to your Movies folder, located within your SWKotOR 2 directory, when prompted to override the original file, click yes.


Uninstallation: Remove the "KreMov01" BIK file. Be sure to put the original BIK back in, otherwise who knows what will happen.


***I recommend making a back-up of the original "KreMov01" in case this you want to uninstall this mod.***


Bugs: None that I know of, this shouldn't interfere with any other mods.


*Please DO NOT re-upload this mod without my permission.*


Special Thanks to:


- DarthParametric for providing the evil Kreia model with both hands.
- DeadMan for the TFU-style reskin of Sion.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions/suggestions!

What's New in Version V.2   See changelog


  • ***VERSION 2.0 CHANGES***
  • - Thanks to the help of DarthParametric, Kreia now has both hands during the cutscene.
  • - There are now two versions to pick from: The vanilla BIK shows Sion wearing his default clothing, and the second
  • has Sion wearing a reskin by DeadMan called "TFU-Style Darth Sion Model."
  • - Minor alterations have been made to the timing of some shots for better audio sync.
  • - A dead frame I noticed in the previous version of the BIK file has been fixed.

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Awesome stuff!


The only possible improvement I could suggest would be using these skins for Sion and Nihilus

Funnily enough, I actually did have that mod installed for Sion, use it in my films! The only reason I removed it for this is because I realised that not everyone playing the game has the mod installed so it'd look out of place. But, then again, this cutscene is a flashback from a while ago so it could be argued Sion just felt like wearing a different outfit that day. The Nihlus HD mod is installed and present in this mod, though, just don't think it shows very well once the video is converted to a BIK.

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Funnily enough, I actually did have that mod installed for Sion, use it in my films! The only reason I removed it for this is because I realised that not everyone playing the game has the mod installed so it'd look out of place. But, then again, this cutscene is a flashback from a while ago so it could be argued Sion just felt like wearing a different outfit that day. The Nihlus HD mod is installed and present in this mod, though, just don't think it shows very well once the video is converted to a BIK.

The Sion skin isn't vanilla enough for me, so I appreciate the consideration.

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Perhaps an alternative addition could be considered?


Pwitty pwease?

If people are interested in it, sure! Definitely an update I'll get around to.

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Awesome. The only problem is that Kriea is missing her hand, when she should still have it at this point in the story. I'm not sure if it is easy to put the Traya texture on the Kriea with both hands model though

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Awesome. The only problem is that Kriea is missing her hand, when she should still have it at this point in the story. I'm not sure if it is easy to put the Traya texture on the Kriea with both hands model though

Gah, you're right. I'm not sure what to do about that I'm afraid. I'm still quite new to the modding game. I'm planning another release at some point involving the alternate Sion skin, so I'll see if I can get in contact with some of the modding wizards on here who might be able to help with that.

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Gah, you're right. I'm not sure what to do about that I'm afraid. I'm still quite new to the modding game. I'm planning another release at some point involving the alternate Sion skin, so I'll see if I can get in contact with some of the modding wizards on here who might be able to help with that.

Couldn't you just apply the cutscene animations to the two-handed Kreia model and record it that way?

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I'm curious how it even worked with the one handed Kreia model. The cutscene animations are on the two handed model. Are they also available as room animations?


Regardless, it should be an easy enough fix to swap them for the purpose of re-capping the cutscene, either via an appearance.2da edit or a model override.

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I'm curious how it even worked with the one handed Kreia model. The cutscene animations are on the two handed model. Are they also available as room animations?


Regardless, it should be an easy enough fix to swap them for the purpose of re-capping the cutscene, either via an appearance.2da edit or a model override.

Just had a look at the appearance.2da, aaaand just as I thought, I have no clue what I'm doing.


If anyone would like to help out/walk me through these changes, that'd be greatly appreciated!

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So, despite being a complete novice at this, I gave it a go. The model name/tag for Kreia with both hands is "Party_NPC_Kreia_Gimped", in the appearance.2da, the race for this is "P_Kreia1hBB. I'm assuming the model used for her fall cutscene is "Party_NPC_Kreia_Stunt" (only because of the being thrown against the wall & picked up by Sion animations, again, novice here so I could be wrong). Next to "Party_NPC_Kreia_Stunt" I tried changing her race from its original to "P_Kreia1hBB", loaded up the game, started the in-game version of the fall cutscene and it crashes upon loading. 

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P_Kreia1hBB is, as both the model name and "gimped" description suggest, 1-handed. It's also the regular party Kreia (post Harbinger hand-chop), not the Dark Side "evil" Kreia. The "stunt" Kreia is the one you meet in the morgue, and has the animations for getting off the bed.


The DS Kreia you confront on Malachor is Party_NPC_Kreia_Evil, using model P_KreiaEvilBB. This is of course 1-handed, and is the model you see in your video. The 2-handed evil Kreia model is P_KreiaEvil02, but that has no appearance.2da entry. This is the model that has the "Kreia's Fall" cutscene animations. I had a look at the dialogue file for that scene (kreiaend.dlg) and it references P_KreiaEvil02 as the stunt model, which explains how the 1-handed Kreia received the animations in your video. The script that is fired by that dialogue (a_kreiaend) calls one of two Kriea UTCs (which share the same tag, "KreiaEvil"), both of which point to the 1-handed evil Kreia appearance ID (naturally, since the only other evil appearance is the one with no hands - as mentioned, there is no 2-handed evil Kreia appearance).


Given the issue with the hood lining, as pointed out by Hassat Hunter here, the logical solution is a revised 2-handed model renamed to override the 1-handed model. This would simply require dumping the files in your Override folder long enough to cap the scene, with no other changes. I'll whip one up and PM you about it.

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