Diversified Wounded Republic Soldiers on Taris 1.4

   (14 reviews)

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About This File

Based on this request thread, this mod attempts to inject a bit of extra variety into one of the minor elements of KOTOR. It makes some changes to the locked kolto tank room in Zelka Forn’s medical clinic in Upper City South on Taris.

In the vanilla version of the game, the room has two placeable square kolto tanks, the floating bodies in which both use the PMHC04 (“Mullet Man”) head. For this mod, those were removed and the room model was edited to add two additional round kolto tanks, which match the ones along each side of the room. Additionally, the glass of the tanks had its texture replaced with one of the other variants in the game that is a bit darker and uses an environment/cube map for a hint of reflection. The empty tanks in the preceding room (behind Zelka Forn) were also edited for consistency. For the sanity of those with OCD, the position of the wall light at the back of the tank room was adjusted so it aligns with the centreline of the room.


The floating body model from the kolto placeable was replaced with a new one with clean geometry at the neck join to facilitate using any player or NPC head. Additionally, an all-new female body variant was added, posed to roughly match that of the original male version. Two of these new body variants replaced the original two at the end of the room, with a number of additional bodies placed in the tanks along each side of the room. Zelka Forn’s dialogue when you enter the room for the first time seems to indicate that there should be more present than just the two originally depicted in the vanilla game. Due to limitations on the number of possible placeables K1 can deal with, outlined here by ndix UR, the floating bodies are now part of the room model.


  • The mod includes a TSLPatcher installer for Windows users. Those on Linux or Mac should replace it with the appropriate HoloPatcher version which will run natively on their OS.

Known Issues:

  • This mod relies on editing the Taris Upper City South module's GIT (tar_m02ac). As such, it will not be compatible with any save in which you have previously entered the Upper City South level. Given that is the very first level you enter after leaving the starting apartment on Taris, that means you'll typically need to start a new game to utilise this mod.
  • Per some of my posts in the original request thread, I initially experienced some issues with the tank’s glass texture affecting lighting on the body models (and even outright visibility in one instance) depending on the player’s viewing angle. I believe this has been resolved, but it’s possible the problem may still occur on hardware/OS combinations that I have no way of testing.
  • The floating bodies use these player head models. There is no provision for dealing with a clone of the head the player is using now that the mod has switched to incorporating the bodies into the room model. A future update may replace these heads with NPC heads instead.


  • Edited versions of both room models for the medical facility (M02AC_02G & M02AC_02H) are required for this mod, so will not be compatible with any other mod that edits those models. They still use vanilla textures however, so they will be compatible with texture mods.
  • The mod will not be compatible with any mod that edits the two entries for the original tank placeables in the module’s GIT (Placeable List entries 0 and 22). It should otherwise be compatible with other mods that alter the Upper City South module, as long as they utilise a properly set up TSLPatcher configuration.
  • Since it has come up in the comments, Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul Mod is compatible, but ONLY if you install it before installing this mod (KP's mod will forcibly overwrite any and all module files, so install it before anything).


  • Thanks to bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit, and ndix UR for MDLOps 2K18 Edition, all of which were required at various points to get this to work.
  • Thanks to ndix UR for many and various discussions and troubleshooting regarding models, compiling, textures, etc.
  • Thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion to change the bubble VFX.

What's New in Version 1.4   See changelog


  • Replaced the tank glass envmap with something less jarring
  • Switched the soldiers to use the "crispy" body textures from my Diversified Jedi Captives on the Star Forge mod, added matching head textures
  • Replaced the weird looking bubble VFX with the one from the underwater suit (thanks to Dark Hope for the suggestion)
  • Like 8
  • Thanks 1
  • Light Side Points 1

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If anyone is curious, this mod will NOT be compatible with the Manaan Overhaul mod by Jorak Uln for reasons that DP already described, unless you're willing to go through and delete all the specific files relating for the Overhaul's Kolto tank, you will get a glitchy mess in the med room if you use both.


Technically the Kotor Overhaul mod is also not compatible, but a five minute copy+paste/replace with ERFEdit can fix that.

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Technically the Kotor Overhaul mod is also not compatible, but a five minute copy+paste/replace with ERFEdit can fix that.


The NPC Overhaul?

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If anyone is curious, this mod will NOT be compatible with the Manaan Overhaul mod by Jorak Uln for reasons that DP already described, unless you're willing to go through and delete all the specific files relating for the Overhaul's Kolto tank, you will get a glitchy mess in the med room if you use both.

I have no interest in download 800MB or whatever it is to find out, but I assume this is only a texture issue? Specifically the tank glass texture, LSI_Bact03. I'm curious as to what the "glitchy mess" is, exactly.


Technically the Kotor Overhaul mod is also not compatible, but a five minute copy+paste/replace with ERFEdit can fix that.

That's because Kainzorus Prime is a naughty boy and didn't set up his installer for compatibility. A quick glance suggests the only issue is the forced overwrite of the module, so the easy solve should be to install NPC Overhaul first, then this mod afterwards. My mod will patch his existing module file.

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I have no interest in download 800MB or whatever it is to find out, but I assume this is only a texture issue? Specifically the tank glass texture, LSI_Bact03. I'm curious as to what the "glitchy mess" is, exactly.



That's because Kainzorus Prime is a naughty boy and didn't set up his installer for compatibility. A quick glance suggests the only issue is the forced overwrite of the module, so the easy solve should be to install NPC Overhaul first, then this mod afterwards. My mod will patch his existing module file.

The mod comes with several MDL/MDX files, some of which might be for the Kolto Tanks. I don't know what the model name is for it, so I may be wrong on that. I'll redownload the gargantuan mod and look for it later tomorrow.

Anyway, here's what I got with that mod installed.




The strangest part is how the other soldiers don't even spawn in.


I mentioned ERFEdit because while installing your mod first does ensure both mods work together, the effects of the NPC overhaul mod will not fully work on this specific module. That's where ERFEdit saved the day and I just copied and replaced the UTC files from Prime's MOD file to yours.

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In the case of Jorak Uln's mod, that's using a save after having entered the area previously. You are spawning the original Mullet Man placeables.


In the case of Kainzorus Prime's mod, no, do not install mine first. Install KP's first, them mine over the top. That should require no further action (aside from not using an existing save once again).

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interesting, Thanks for the update and reference to that read. It like is that very issue as I am noticing weird glitches graphical but nothing that is crashing the game. And I got a lot of mods running. Ill go through and thoroughly check all mods I've obtained to calculate the .2da. Is there a resource that I can use to edit 2da files and hopefully remove any lines that are causing this

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The latest 1.2 update of the mod resolves the problem by not using placeables at all, but it is not compatible with older versions of the mod (and requires a pre-Upper City South save).

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I have a problem with the soldiers not spawning. All the pods are empty. I'm using the Manaan overhaul mod, but I deleted all the kolto related stuff just in case and I still have the problem. Do you know what might be causing this?

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Yeah I swapped the default glass texture, which the Manaan Overhaul mod replaces, and it has the visibility issue I mention in the description because of the way the game renders transparency.

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Quick question though, how come the bacta textures screw up the soldiers? Is it the txi's or something? (Also the bacta textures were from Jorak's Sith Base overhaul)

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I wonder if Zelka Forn was right 

'Their injuries are terrible most won't survive. But at least I can make their last days more comfortable. And at least they are hidden away from the Sith.'

Perhaps a few might recover from their wounds 😃and be safe if they got down to the Lower City when Taris is being bombed, if they're where survivors maybe Zelka Forn does take a few to lower city for safety maybe, if Gadon Thek did survive who knows. 

In this mod I believe that a few Republic Soldiers maybe did survive the wounds I believe that it's possible in this mod fewer would and be evacuated to Lower City where it's safe from the bombing that's my theroy. 😁

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I know this is an old thread, but I just got to this part, and none of the people in the tanks were showing up DarthParametric, now, I made certain I do not have JorakUln's Manaan, and I have the textures, (just did a search for them), what other requirements are needed? I do have these mods installed for taris:
[K1]_Cantina_3956_BBY_-_ Song_for_the_Cantina_v1.0.2
Bek Control Room Restoration 1.1
Bendak Alternative
Bendak Starkiller Armour by RedRob41
HD Calo Nord by Emperor Turnip
K1 PAVOR v1.1.0
Kill The Janitor
Nicer Lower City Puzzle Rewards (this one I've not installed because it would've messed with Selven)
Rodian Messenger Restoration
Taris Sith Base Dialogue Enhancement

Now I had picked up some mods to also clean up the heads, but that wouldn't do anything would it?

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You deleted/removed lsi_bact03.tga/txi from the Override folder and the tanks are still empty?

Edit: I just updated the mod to assign a custom texture to the glass. You can try installing that. There is no harm doing so over the top of an existing installation.

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I hadn't yet, I will though wasn't sure I should've. I'm hoping that the mods I had wouldn't do anything. I do have Jorak Uln's Endar Spire complete overhaul mod, prior to this I also had the sith bases mod as well. Those will not conflict will they? And I will have to restart I am guessing :( Reason for asking, is I want good graphics mods for all of the game. The better to record it ya know? Hence why I downloaded yours, your diversified soldiers one removed the blandness, a major plus :)

I do get this warning all the time, and I do go into the tsl then replace it:
[Warning]     A file named tar_m02ac.mod already exists in the Modules folder. Skipping file...

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