TSL Main Menu Model Fix for Widescreen 1.2

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About This File

This mod adjusts the model files for TSL's main menu so that they properly fill the full screen width of widescreen aspect ratios (i.e. 16:9, 16:10).

By default, the vanilla menus will have gaps in the background at each side of the screen. This is an inherent issue of the model being designed for 4:3 aspect ratios, so when a widescreen mod (or Aspyr's version) is used, areas of the model are exposed that were not anticipated by Obsidian. This mod addresses the issue by scaling the width of the background plane so that it spans the full width of the screen, and adding an additional VFX emitter to the bottom right of the screen so that the fog also spans the full width. Additionally, a minor correction is made to the Easter egg menu to properly apply the appropriate texture to the eyes, eyelids, teeth, and tongue of one of the Twi'leks, which are untextured in the vanilla version. See the attached pictures for an illustration of the changes.

I have edited all 6 menu models, but in practice only 4 of those are typically used in the game (although TSLRCM does also make use of the Easter egg menu). I've included them all to cover all/most eventualities.

Note that this mod primarily adjusts the menu models. No changes are made to the background texture, so any custom version of that texture will work with this mod as well. Per a user request, I have added adjusted logo images to address the stretching on those (they are not part of the model). Both vanilla and TSLRCM versions are included (permission to modify/redistribute the TSLRCM logo provided by zbyl2).

As of v1.2, I have added optional TOR-style logos. These are based on the one GOG created for K1.

Obviously this mod will not be compatible with any other mod that also alters/replaces the menu models like, for example, my own DS player menu mod (although that can be installed over the top of this mod). Any update for TSLRCM will presumably overwrite the Easter Egg menu and the logo.

N.B.: This is NOT a widescreen mod! This is just a fix for when you are already using a widescreen mod like UniWS or Aspyr's natively widescreen version.

Installation Instructions

  • Copy the MDL and MDX files from the "FOR OVERRIDE FOLDER" and paste them into your Override folder
  • If you have TSLRCM, additionally copy the files from the FOR TSLRCM, overwriting when prompted in both cases
  • If you wish to use the TOR-style logo, versions are supplied to fix stretching for those without a GUI fix, or unaltered if you use a GUI fix mod. Make sure you delete any existing KOTOR2Logo.tga in your Override.
  • If you use Aspyr's version of TSL on Steam with TSLRCM installed from the Workshop, you'll need to use TSLRCM's Workshop folder Override folder instead. If you use M4-78, use its Override.


  • Thanks to @bead-v for MDLEdit, that made compiling the menu models possible
  • Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC
  • Thanks to VarsityPuppet for testing 16:10 compatibility
  • Thanks to @JCarter426 for helping with improving some aliasing issues via waifu2x

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


  • Added an updated logo for TSLRCM v1.8.6. No changes to the actual mod itself.
  • Like 4
  • Light Side Points 1

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If I give credit, could I modify these with lower particle effects for my 1.2 release of "TSL of the Old PC" mod? Great work btw. :)

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Do you think you could fix the UI stretching that's present in the Aspyr version? I've seen a mod on this site that fixes this, but it is intended for the legacy version of the game. There's also a Workshop mod on Steam that rectifies this, but it doesn't seem its creator is going to release it as a separate download for manual installation.

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Hey there, I know this is very late, but I have just installed this widescreen model fix after just freshly reinstalling the game + tslrcm 1.8.6, and after copying the "For TSLRCM" files, the logo changed from ver. 1.8.6 to 1.8.5 on the main menu. Is that going to be a problem in the game itself? Or this could be just a display with the wrong ver. but in reality, there is nothing wrong?


Thanks in advance for your reply.

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Per the description, this mod includes a modified TSLRCM logo. It was made long before the most recent update. It's entirely cosmetic and doesn't affect anything in the game itself.

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I added a revised TSLRCM logo with the latest version number as a separate download. Just extract it into the Override and replace the existing one.

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I downloaded the updated TSLRCM 1.8.6 logo, inserted it as expected - and nothing changed, the logo in the game remained at version 1.8.5.

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