Crystal Cave redux and upgradeable crystal 2.0

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About This File

If you wish to use both my Crystal cave Redux and my TSL Inspired Crystals mod you will need to install the main component of the Crystal Cave redux mod first, and then install the second option of the TSL Inspired Crystal Mod. Otherwise they won't work together. 

Crystal cave overhaul and upgradeable crystal 2.0
Author: djh269
Release Date: 16.04.2017 
Release Date (2.0): 16.02.2024
Simply click on the TSLPatcher.exe and click install and sit back and watch the TSLPatcher do its magic

This won't be compatible with any mods that modify the Dantooine Crystal Cave module or mods that edit the vanilla lightsaber item files. It also won't be compatible with any mods that modify the Upgrade.2da file for definite, as there's a very specific limit within the file. You have been warned. 

- There are two minor side quests that are initiated when you play through the mod. 
- The first quest starts when you meet a female Twilek on Dantooine. 
- The crystal cave spawns more crystals, I have used some scripts that were already present but not used and I've added my own. 
- Fixed the other Kinrath eggs being unusable.
- There is a new Mandalorian body, that provides you with a datapad explaining why he and the blue Mandalorian are there. 
- I've also added the Hive Queen to the crystal cave, a force using powerful Kinrath capable of strong force feats, she's not to be underestimated. I've also added a demolitions backpack to the module to assist in taking her down.
- There's also an option to change the vanilla stats of the Kinrath within the cave. 
- I have also changed the Firkrann crystal icon as it was the same as the Sapith crystal icon. And I've changed the description of the red crystal.
- There is a new Twilek Jedi master that spawns on Tatooine, I suggest speaking to him after each planet. 
- The Tatooine Twilek doubles up as a merchant, he has normal items and "premium" items which you can unlock by progressing through the game. 
- Both Twileks have upgraded head textures and robes, courtesy of SpaceAlex's Enhancement mod. 

There's a new personalised crystal that can be upgraded as you progress through the game. In order to upgrade the crystals you have to do it in the following order:  


Crystal 1: Found in the crystal cave on Dantooine
Crystal 2: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Twilek Jedi near the Ebon Hawk in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine
Crystal 3: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Twilek Jedi near the Ebon Hawk in the Docking Bay on Tatooine
Crystal 4: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Twilek Jedi near the Ebon Hawk in the Docking Bay on Tatooine as you progress further in the game
Crystal 5: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Twilek Jedi near the Ebon Hawk in the Docking Bay on Tatooine as you progress further in the game
Option 1 Lightside - Crystal 6: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Rakata near the Mandalorian group in the Temple exterior module. 
Option 2 Darkside - Crystal 7: Can be upgraded by speaking to the new Rakata near the Mandalorian group in the Temple exterior module. 

Here are the stats of the crystals: 

 Main Option 1 - Normal Lightsaber Stats - 



-Personal Crystal 1 
- Enhancement bonus 1
- Regenerate Force Points 1

Personal Crystal 2
- Enhancement Bonus 1
- Regenerate Force Points 2
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 1

Personal Crystal 3
- Enhancement Bonus 1
- Regenerate Force Points 2
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 1
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 1

Personal Crystal 4
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Regenerate Force Points 2
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 2
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 2
- Attribute Bonus - Wisdom 2
- Attribute Bonus - Charisma 1

Personal Crystal 5
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Regenerate Force Points 3
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 3
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 3
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 3
- Attribute Bonus - Wisdom 3
- Attribute Bonus - Charisma 2

Personal Crystal 6 - light
- Enhancement Bonus 3
- Regenerate Force Points: 5
- Damage Bonus - 2 lightside
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 6
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 5
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 4
- Attribute Bonus - Wisdom 5
- Attribute Bonus - Charisma 7
- On Hit: Slow DC 22 
- Massive Criticals: 1d10

Personal Crystal 7 - dark
- Enhancement Bonus 3
- Regenerate Force Points 4
- Damage Bonus - 2 darkside
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 5
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 7
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 5
- Attribute Bonus - Wisdom 4
- Attribute Bonus - Charisma 6
- On Hit: Knockdown DC 22
- Massive Criticals: 1d10

Main Option 2 - Lowered Lightsaber Stats -



Personal Crystal 1 
- Enhancement bonus 1
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1
- Regenerate Force Points 1

Personal Crystal 2
- Enhancement Bonus 1
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1
- Regenerate Force Points 1
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 1

Personal Crystal 3
- Enhancement Bonus 1
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1
- Regenerate Force Points 1
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 1

Personal Crystal 4
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1
- Regenerate Force Points 1
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 2

Personal Crystal 5
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Damage Bonus: Energy 2
- Regenerate Force Points 1
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 2
- Attribute Bonus - Constitution 2

Personal Crystal 6 - light
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1-4
- Regenerate Force Points: 2
- Damage Bonus - 2 lightside
- Attribute Bonus - Wisdom 2
- Attribute Bonus - Charisma 2
- Massive Criticals: 1d4

Personal Crystal 7 - dark
- Enhancement Bonus 2
- Damage Bonus: Energy 1-6
- Regeneration: 2
- Damage Bonus - 2 darkside
- Attribute Bonus - Dexterity 2
- Attribute Bonus - Strength 2
- Massive Criticals: 1d4


Known Bugs:
This mod shouldn't have bugs but if there is Just PM me on Deadlystream.
This mod won't be compatible with any mods that makes changes to the Dantooine crystal cave or any mod that makes changes to the upgrade.2da file. But it has been designed to be compatible with my TSL Inspired Crystals mod, but you have to follow the first paragraph above. 
- The only thing you can't use is the info.rtf or the tslpatcher. Anything else is fine. 
- For usage of Spacealex textures consult his release page on Lucasforums.
- For usage of the scripts found within K1CP consult their release page on Deadlystream.
The Kotor Community Patch team that has let me use their scripts for the mod. 
Spacealex for his brilliant NPC Enhancement mod and for making it a modders resource. 
JC2 for his excellent patience in providing me with dialog and conditional script tutorials!
N-DReW25 for his assistance and usage of his info.rtf file.
Fairstrides for his unquestionable patience whilst helping me out in the past.
bead-v for his module editting assistance.
Kexikus for his tslpatcher advice in making my mod more compatible.
Bioware for such an amazing game.
Fred Tetra for Kotor Tool and everyone who downloads the mod.
Holowan labs for the endless pit of information for Kotor modding.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


- Fixed numerous bugs found within 1.2.

- Added an option for lower Kinrath stats. 

- Added an option to have the Jedi Merchant on Tatooine to have commoner clothing. 

- Added 2 quest lines to the mod. 

- Added a compatibility with my TSL inspired crystals mod. 

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I'm curious why the twi'lek master is not wearing a Jedi Master robe? Is he a humble guy or is he going incognito to avoid attention? Can you speak to him about his choice in clothes? 

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Somethings wrong. I found the Demolition Backpack, the new Mandalorian corpse, the crystals themselves, and Crattis Yurkal mentions that I was in the cave,  but the Leela is not present where she should be. I have not yet completed the main questline for Dantooine, is that an issue. Furthurmore, I don't remember seeing that Force-Sensitive Kinrath.

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She will only spawn after you've spoke to Deesra about the Terentatek. Which is after the completion of the main Dantooine quest, she spawns pretty much when you've completed Dantooine and walk back to the Ebon Hawk for the last time :D


The Hive queen is definitely there, you'll remember her if you see her trust me :P

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Hi so ive ran into a problem where the first upgrade pc on Dantooine isnt appearing. ive completed the main quest on Dantooine, but still no Leela. Does it matter if i go in the cave before finishing the main quest for Dantooine? when i go to Tatooine the next upgrade pc is there, but it wont let me skip the first upgrade. Also one of the mandalorian raider groups on Dantooine wont attack when approached. Please help thanks

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hahaha like there's no way you would miss that cursed Hive Queen! took me 15 minutes, 30+ Medpac, several stimulants & uncounted Force Points for me to defeat that bitch, thanks

  • Haha 1

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On 6/17/2017 at 2:06 PM, djh269 said:

She will only spawn after you've spoke to Deesra about the Terentatek. Which is after the completion of the main Dantooine quest, she spawns pretty much when you've completed Dantooine and walk back to the Ebon Hawk for the last time.

I assure you that I had readed all the posts ...some days ago... and I had forgotten that point... :wallbash:

Maybe is advisable you modify the readme/description, warning to all of us, suffered users and simple mortals, about that. ;)

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I'm not sure at which point of my playthrough has occurred but after level up and go to talk with the Jedi Master of Tatooine several times upgrading the crystal with no problem, in some later visit, when I ask him about the crystal again, the dialog option results in "No, I haven't the crystal" (or something very similar) while I HAVE, mounted or not in a saber, carried or not this saber for any of the characters, and the crystal isn't upgraded anymore. When I've arrived to Unknown World and talk with the Rakata the problem repeats.

The actual stats of my crystal is (oddly, aren't the same written in this page):
- Atac +1
- Damage +1
- Constitution 1
- Dexterity 2
- Strength 1
- Regen. Force 2
Now I see that is similar at Personal Crystal 3 of this page but I can assure that I've "upgraded" the crystal with the Masters more than 2 or 3 times.

I'm not using other MODs modifying Crystals or sabers (neither hilt). Related to this, just other MODs that add items (including crystals or sabers) so I'm not sure where can be the conflict.

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I'm having the same problem as Obi Wan Pere, but I'm also not having any effects show up at all. When i look at the crystal itself it doesn't show any added effects. I have no mods that could conflict with it.

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want to try using this as well as your tsl robes and crystals, but which ones should be installed first?

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My Crystal seems to apply no bonus when placed in my lightsaber, after I spoke with Leela she upgraded it but there is still no effect from the crystal.

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So, downloaded the mod. for some reason, I get 3 of the mysterious crystals, and when i put it in the saber, it turns into a Rubat. Plus, why does my version spawn 3 OF THE DAMN QUEENS?!?! One is bad enough lmao. 

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The solution I found to the crystal not having any stats was to use a lightsaber bought from the NPC in the tatooine hangar. For some reason it doesn't work with any others. It's a little janky but I'm just happy to have it functional!

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I can't get this to work. The Jedi master on Tatooine spawns in as he should, but no matter what I do I can't get the Jedi on Dantooine to appear. I don't know if maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't find any information on what is required for her to appear.

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