Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

Sith Holocron


I've previously asked for a HK-Filter tutorial and had success with it thanks to information received on Reddit, so I thought I'd ask around for this next request. (Yes, I'll be asking about this on Reddit as well.)


I'd like to listen to various voice files and have them sound like G0-T0.


I have two programs which I use to do sound editing: Goldwave and Audacity. Though I'm more familiar with Goldwave, I'm perfectly willing to use Audacity to achieve my stated goal.


Can anyone provide a tutorial to teach me - and likely others that actually read this blog - how to create such a filter?


PS: If you visit this thread, why not post a note of some length explaining what you thought of this entry as well? I always wonder who reads my blathering.


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I'm afraid I can't exactly help, but I can answer that last question saying that this blog entry has me pondering if, once a good way to emulate the filter is found, a future RCM update might fix some of those unfiltered lines. Now that'd be a good fix

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... this blog entry has me pondering if, once a good way to emulate the filter is found, a future RCM update might fix some of those unfiltered lines. Now that'd be a good fix

No point in wondering until there's a tutorial to discuss.

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No comments on Reddit yet but the upvotes seems to keep brought down by downvotes. Why would someone down vote a tutorial request? smh

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No comments on Reddit yet but the upvotes seems to keep brought down by downvotes. Why would someone down vote a tutorial request? smh


People don't like G0-T0, I guess.


I've never tried, or really had reason to try, a G0-T0 filter, but it sounds like there's reverb and possibly a bit of compressor going on - that makes the peak levels all closer together, which can create a muffled sound and bring out all those S sounds when it's overdone.

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People don't like G0-T0, I guess.


The filter would not just be helpful for G0-T0 himself.  There are other uses for it as well.

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I was trying it briefly the other day and I concur with JCarter426 that reverb went a long way. I was testing compression and curves when I had to walk away from it. Hopefully someone will have time to figure this out.

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I might have to fool around with this.


On this topic, could someone provide me with the non-filtered lines from G0-T0. I'm specifically looking for those cut GenoHaradan lines but any others you may know about, I would also like to have. Thanks in advance!

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Filter test #1 sounds more like Goto. Do you reckon you could say one of goto's original lines and apply a Goto filter to them to see if you sound similar to Goto by any chance?

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I requested someone provide the unaltered G0-T0 lines above. Send the ones you're referring to over to me and I'll see what I can do.  ;)

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I requested someone provide the unaltered G0-T0 lines above. Send the ones you're referring to over to me and I'll see what I can do.   ;)

I wasn't requesting any specific line I was just saying you could pick a filtered line perhaps the "I am goto, one of the officials representing trading in both the y'tube system and non sanctioned space" line then after you play that one in a video play yourself saying that line unfiltered then after that play the same line again with the filters. I believe you have done something similar when you were picking the filter for the M4-78 Archon.


An unaltered Goto line I know of is "502bounty1011.wav" found in 502 of the stream voices folder.

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You do know that some of the G0-T0 GenoHaradan lines were unfiltered, right? I would think that would be of more importance to you.

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You do know that some of the G0-T0 GenoHaradan lines were unfiltered, right? I would think that would be of more importance to you.

If you're referring to the Goto Bounty Hunter lines meeting I would say that they are using a completely different lower quality filter. I also have another unfiltered line called "602akkere006.wav". If you'd like to test your filters on the Goto's GenoHaradan lines that would be very welcomed.

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I actually quite like the second filter test. Makes him sound less "tinny". There seems to be some reverb on his lines though, is that intentional?

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On 8/25/2017 at 5:54 AM, DarthVarkor said:

There seems to be some reverb on his lines though, is that intentional?

As JCarter426 and ndix UR pointed out, that's mainly what the filter appears to be.  It's all a matter of determine what the right combination is at this point.  


I'm using Goldwave for the videos above but I might have to look into Audacity at some point to see if I can get different results.




Those interested in attempting this with either Goldwave or Audacity are encouraged to post their own videos, and provide details on how they accomplished what they did.


My filters so far . . . 


Filter #1


In Goldwave, highlight clip and then go to Effects at the top.

In the drop down menu, choose Echo, then Presets, then Stereo Reverb

Change Delay to "0.0500"


Add the HK-filter.

Adjust volume as needed.


Filter #2


In Goldwave, highlight clip and then go to Effects at the top.

In the drop down menu, choose Echo, then Presets, then Stereo Reverb.

Change Feedback to "9.00"

Change Volume to "0"

Change Echoes to "1"


Add the HK-filter.

Adjust volume as needed.

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The only thing I didn't like was it had an echo to it. I would also highly recommend checking out "602akkere006.wav" as it actually doesn't have a Filter.

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I would also highly recommend checking out "602akkere006.wav" as it actually doesn't have a Filter.

Do you know what also doesn't have a filter on it? The lines in my first video. ;)

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