
N-DReW's NPC Overhaul Series

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7 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

You see... I've been trying to update KSR for many months now, usually I have a button that I can press to update my mods... but this button doesn't appear with KSR for some reason. Could it be that... that... I didn't upload KSR, and didn't make KSR... therefore I am not responsible for updating it? Nah, can't be... I'll keep trying!


In the mean time, until KSR is updated do NOT use KSR... period, as it is known to break the Dantooine Murder quest amongst other things. That is all I can say in relation to the NPC Overhaul Project.

I only explained to the other user why KSR2021 isn't a good option for usage, not blaming it on ya. And besides, I had experience with that thing for many months, so... 

Just using Tin-Cans mod and updated hilts for K1 (this doesn't break any script and makes it easier to work with the game) 


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On 6/1/2024 at 9:08 AM, N-DReW25 said:

What you have described is planned, yes. Like how Heart of Beskar and Czerka Redux exist to overhaul Mandalorians and Czerka, a similar mod will one day be made for the Sith!

Just curious, how far are you going with the Korriban with your Sith mod? 

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15 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

Just curious, how far are you going with the Korriban with your Sith mod? 

I am still planning out the Sith mod, other NPC mods are also in development and will be released before the Sith mod. But I can say the following about the Sith mod.


The "Prospective Sith Student" NPCs shall be renamed to "Sith Hopefuls" as many other NPCs refer to them as "Hopefuls" and not "Prospective Sith Students". These Hopefuls are the ones begging the other Sith Students for a medallion so that they can enter the Academy.


Above the Sith Hopefuls in rank are the characters Lashowe, Shaardan, Mekel and Hijata. Whilst their in-game names won't be changed, they'll become the new "Prospective Sith Students". As Uthar says in-game, none of them are "true" Sith yet.


Most mods that covers the Sith Academy will give these NPCs Dark Jedi Robes, they do this because the player cannot wear the Sith Officer uniform they wear... but even if these NPCs wear Dark Jedi Robes there is nothing forcing the player to conform to their uniform policy. In my mod, these NPCs will wear the Armor items they drop, for example, Lashowe drops Echani Light Armor... so she'll be wearing that. By having the Prospective Sith Students wear random armor, it makes sense as to why the player might be wearing Jedi Robes or armor... there simply isn't a set uniform policy for the Prospective Sith Students.


Once a "Prospective Sith Student" earns their prestige and finishes the final test, they would become "Sith Students". These NPCs are the generic Sith Students you see in the Academy and will wear Dark Jedi Robes.

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Here's a sneak peak at a new feature for the NPC Diversity Pack.


If you've been following this mod since the very beginning, you'll know that the NPC Diversity Pack used to be called the "Diverse Galaxy" mod. It became a "pack" when I began adding new and experimental features like removing the Lite NPCs, changing weapons and changing soundsets as optional installations. I've since merged those installations with the main mod and now the NPC Diversity Pack is now one mod again, it is no longer a "pack".


So... how do I fix this? Well, by making the NPC Diversity Pack a real "mod pack" again. In the next update you'll be able to choose between the main "Diverse Galaxy" mod aka the main mod and the "PC NPC" Addon.





The PC NPC Addon would be installed AFTER the main Diverse Galaxy mod... if you want to. If you don't install this Addon, you'll get the NPC Diversity Pack mod you all know and love today. But by installing the PC NPC Addon, most of the background generic NPCs will get PC "Player Character" heads thus increasing the diversity of the NPCs of your game even further. Head reskins will affect the PC NPC Addon so that can either be a plus or a negative depending on your mods.


Now you might be saying "But the K1CP already does this!"... well, not really. From what I can tell from the K1CP files, the Lite NPCs are simply replaced with special NPCs whose clothing are pre-determined via the body model. If K1CP didn't do this, they K1CP devs would have to add clothing items to over a hundred NPCs as I've already done in this mod. For example, if K1CP replaced a Lite NPC with a Mullet Man and gave him white clothing every single other NPC who uses the same appearance will also wear white clothing... creating a clone effect across modules.


But this isn't the case in the PC NPCs Addon of the NPC Diversity Pack, you are very, VERY unlikely to see the same NPC head with the exact clothing combination with the NPC Diversity Pack and its future Addons.


Speaking of future Addons, I'm planning on making the planned "Generic Head Plus" mod an Addon of the NPC Diversity Pack. My reasoning for adding it into the Pack is for compatibility reasons, I don't have to go out of my way to look out for weird compatibility tweaks or force players to use the NPC Diversity Pack if I've already included the mod in said pack.


And of course, these planned additions are OPTIONAL. Meaning, if you don't like/want them, you don't have to install them.

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Hi, I really like some of your mods and I'm about to try them again in a new playthrough. This time I will install these mods:

  • K1 Community Patch.
  • K1 Loot Overhaul
  • NPC Diversity Pack
  • J'C Czerka Busssiness Attire
  • Czerka Redux
  • Duros Armed & Ready
  • Heart of Beskar
  • Ultimate Sith Governor

Is this the right order for installing them?

In addition, I will install some of Dark Hope's reskins (War Droid, Kebla Yurt, Doctors HD, Darth Bandon, Uthar Wynn, Astromech Droids HD and Protocol Droids HD), A Crashed Republic Ship in a Nameless World and DarthParametric's Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes. Do you know if any of these mods could cause incompatibilities? Right away, I guess the War Droid reskin will override Czerka's droid reskins from your mod, but I don't know about the others.


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7 hours ago, Spectrometer said:

Is this the right order for installing them?

Install them in this order:

  • K1 Community Patch.
  • NPC Diversity Pack
  • K1 Loot Overhaul
  • JC's Czerka Busssiness Attire
  • Duros Armed & Ready
  • Czerka Redux
  • Heart of Beskar
  • Unique Sith Governor


7 hours ago, Spectrometer said:

In addition, I will install some of Dark Hope's reskins (War Droid, Kebla Yurt, Doctors HD, Darth Bandon, Uthar Wynn, Astromech Droids HD and Protocol Droids HD), A Crashed Republic Ship in a Nameless World and DarthParametric's Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes. Do you know if any of these mods could cause incompatibilities? Right away, I guess the War Droid reskin will override Czerka's droid reskins from your mod, but I don't know about the others.

Dark Hope's War Droid reskin will NOT affect Czerka Redux... but that isn't a good thing either, the Czerka War Droid will use the Kotor style 512x512 resolution texture whilst the other war droids will use Dark Hope's ultra HD ultra realistic textures... it will look odd to have them side by side.


As Dark Hope has not finished all of the generic commoner head and clothing reskins, some NPCs in the Diversity Pack will have ultra HD heads and clothing outfits whilst others won't... so imagine an NPC with a photo realistic outfit but with Kotor's default style head texture, or the opposite, an ultra realistic face with Kotor's default style clothing. None of these head/clothing reskins are incompatible with the above listed mods, but do note that until Dark Hope releases all of the head and clothing textures you'll have some weird mish mash NPCs. Also keep in mind that Czerka Redux has two new Czerka themed clothing outfits, so even if all of Dark Hope's clothing mods are released you'll still have two clothing variants that won't be covered by Dark Hope's mods.


Dark Hope's Darth Bandon, Uthar Wynn, Astromech Droids HD and Protocol Droids HD won't be of any issue with the above listed mods.


A Crashed Ship on a Nameless World by LDR compatibility is planned for an upcoming Heart of Beskar update, until then... incompatible.


I can't see why DarthParametric's Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes would be incompatible with the above listed mods.

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Thank you for your detailed answer! I was thinking mostly about incompatibilities with the Loot Overhaul, but I see that there are none.

I know the HD reskins will be viewed side by side with the old ones, but I can stand it. I'll also use the Ultimate Character Overhaul upscale, so it will be a little less jarring.

I'll let you know if I encounter any problems.



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