
N-DReW's NPC Overhaul Series

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Good updates as usual. Oh and a comment about the Sith Governor Mod: Does the Sith Governor still drop the "Governor's Robe" and the "Sith War Sword?" I hope he does. 

And are you still working on the Gameplay Enhancement Mod? 

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14 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Good updates as usual. Oh and a comment about the Sith Governor Mod: Does the Sith Governor still drop the "Governor's Robe" and the "Sith War Sword?" I hope he does.

Not at this current time. This may be done at some point in the future though, possibly through a separate mod!


14 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

And are you still working on the Gameplay Enhancement Mod? 

You mean the K1 Gameplay Improvement mod? No.


That mod was removed at my request as I specifically wanted to start again, that mod got so convoluted that I realized it'd be easier to start again from scratch.


The NPC Diversity Pack and the associated mods I'm making as part of this NPC Overhaul series is the legacy and continuation of what the K1 Gameplay Improvement was supposed to be, and since you probably know the K1GI mod was MUCH bigger than these current mods you can be rest assured that I have a LOT planned to compensate for the K1GI's loss.

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Another thing I like is Ebmar's Ajunta Pall mod. Is that compatible? What about K1R? 


And you and EAF97 should really work together. He has some great ideas and the screenshots of his NPC overhaul mod look promising!

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12 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Another thing I like is Ebmar's Ajunta Pall mod. Is that compatible?

You mean this mod? The mod made by Ebmar?


This mod does not touch Ajunta Pall so it should work! You might also be thinking about VarsityPuppet's mod, that should work too!


12 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

What about K1R? 


The reason being is that it's incompatible with the K1 Community Patch. The K1R devs have almost all abandoned Kotor modding so the critical bugs left in K1R 1.2 will never be fixed so there's no point in downloading it, I do plan to make some of my own restorations for the K1 Community Patch as an alternative to K1R at some point in the future. 


12 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

And you and EAF97 should really work together. He has some great ideas and the screenshots of his NPC overhaul mod look promising!

I guess we all have our own visions for a what a 'good' NPC Overhaul mod might look like, and I'm afraid my vision and EAF97's vision are different.


My NPC Overhaul is a series of mods, not just one. Mods like the NPC Diversity Pack, Smuggler's Deluxe, Unique Sith Governor, Onderon Fashion etc. are intended to be all installed together but if a player wants to, either because of their taste in style or compatibility reasons, they can pick and choose what they want.


I'm not sure if EAF97's NPC Overhaul, from what I've seen, would be suited for that. I personally disagree with much of what he's done for his NPC Overhaul, and yet he might hold what he's done very dearly.

Should he have to abandon the work that he's worked hard on, and should he let go of his ideas that he likes just to accommodate my views?


And the most important thing: he hasn't been online since April 6th so it's a moot point!


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Yes! VarsityPuppet's Mod is exactly what I was talking about! 

Oh and what about JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes and Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Robes mod? 

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On 5/29/2023 at 4:53 AM, JasonRyder said:

Oh and what about JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes and Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Robes mod? 

The NPC Diversity Pack only affects vanilla appearances on NPCs, it will be compatible with most, if not all, Jedi Robe mods.

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A new mod for the series has been uploaded and is pending approval!


The mod's main logo can be found here:




Once an Admin approves the mod, it shall be found via this here link: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2310-k2-to-k1-clothing-pack/



I would also like to subtly hint at one of my next mods for the series, those who can translate the following should get a pretty big idea of what it might entail!

.-..-. - .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- .-..-.

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6 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

A new mod for the series has been uploaded and is pending approval!


The mod's main logo can be found here:

  Reveal hidden contents



Once an Admin approves the mod, it shall be found via this here link: https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2310-k2-to-k1-clothing-pack/



I would also like to subtly hint at one of my next mods for the series, those who can translate the following should get a pretty big idea of what it might entail!

.-..-. - .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- .-..-.

Good work as usual. Oh and will you be restoring the Outcast children, Shuma the Hutt, and the Echani Mercenary in the Manaan Cantina? I'd like to see those three restored. 

And I figured out the message. 

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A new mod has been made for the series called "Duros: Armed & Ready!"

You may refer to the below screenshot to get an idea of what this mod does!



Similar to the Sith Governor mod I released a while back, this mod was originally part of a much bigger mod that was released early as a standalone feature. Once the mod has been approved by Admins, you can download Duros: Armed & Ready! from this link here:


Why did I release this mod? And what is the 'much bigger mod' it was originally apart of? Well, I released this mod to get the Duros feature out of the main mod... this way if you don't like the main mod you can still have the Duros feature without it.


And what is this "main mod" I keep referencing? Well, let's just say if you install Duros: Armed & Ready! before the "main mod" you will greatly enhance the Mandalorian Duros on Dantooine... alongside all the other Mandalorians in the game!


I present to you, the name of the "main mod"... further details of this mod shall be released when development progresses!




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I do need to get off my ass and do a Non TSL Patcher of my class mod. It does have a Mandalorian Commando Class for Canderous and other Mandos. Tslpatcher confuses me right now. Heart of Beskar might get some mileage out of Mandalorian Commando class

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Another good release! May I suggest that you add female Mandalorians to the "Heart of Beskar" mod? Like Inyri Forge did: Female Mandalorians


Oh and it appears that Ebmar's Republic Soldier's New Shade mod isn't compatible with this mod and/or your Sith Commandos[K1], Ladies of the Sith Army, and Commandos of the Old Republic. I tried using all of them and Trask would get stuck in the dialogue when he confronts Darth Bandon. I then installed all the mods except Ebmar's and everything worked as intended. 

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Now I know I just leaked the "Heart of Beskar" mod, though that mod is still in active development... the mod I'm about to leak now is almost ready!



Here's a bit of backstory on how this mod came to be!


So one night I was brain storming ways I can create unique NPCs for future mods for this series, I then dug through TSLs game files to see what assets I could use... then I saw Bao-Dur's files and a lightbulb activated in my head!

"YES!" I said out loud... I'm going to port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm to K1, but then it hit me, I only have Bao-Dur's clothing, the combat suit, heavy combat suit, military suit and light battle armor models with the Repulsor Arm and since Bao-Dur is a male that means no females with Repulsor Arms. Even if DarthParametrics DarthParametrics Bao-Dur arm modder's resource I'm still very, VERY limited to what NPCs I can give Repulsor Arms to.


I have to be consistent with the lore of Kotor and I have to avoid mod conflicts, so I can't pick an NPC like Gerlon Two-Fingers as NPCs refer to him having a paralyzed hand... not a cybernetic hand. I can't give Davik a Repulsor Arm, in the vanilla game I could as he only wears his pink battle suit... though in my own NPC Diversity Pack he wears civillian clothing in his first appearance and in Onderon Fashion he instead wears Onderon robes, I don't have the knowledge to add the Repulsor Arm to those NPC models and this problem would only get worse for other peoples mods who add unique appearances to the game.


In the end, I was left with 4 canidates: Deadeye Duncan, J'ane Khan, Gadon and Brejik.


Deadeye Duncan: At first, this seemed like a good idea... then I realized all the Taris citizens who mock Duncan for his inflated ego and his clumsy combat skills will now instead be mocking an elderly disabled person who clearly isn't fit to participate in the arena... and Ajuur has set this disabled person for 54 duels, that he lost 54 times, and the other duelist happily kicked his ass every single time.


And then I remembered you met Duncan on Manaan in cut content and since he wears commoner clothing, this makes his Repulsor Arm impossible (for me at least).


J'ane Khan: He's the GenoHaradan Assassin in the Durasteel Battle Armor who fights alongside Hulas on Tatooine. He's simply a background character who you fight, the problem with J'ane is that if I, or any other modder, decide to change his appearance that would quickly make this mod incompatible with those other mods.


Gadon: Gadon already had his eyes blown out in an off-screen swoop crash, it'd be cruel for this mod to also slice his arm off!


Brejik: In the end, it turns out Brejik was the PERFECT NPC to give a Repulsor Arm to... and so "Brejik's New Repulsor Arm" was born!


When can I download this mod?


You can download the mod from the following link once an admin approves it!- https://deadlystream.com/files/file/2322-brejiks-new-repulsor-arm/



Stay tuned!

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I always thought Bao-Dur's arm was a unique design of his own invention. But Brejik having a cybernetic arm does make sense. He might've killed a Hidden Bek who severed his arm, further bolstering his tough, ruthless, and 'a little bit insane' reputation. Another NPC that could wear Bao-Dur's arm is Kandon Ark, Brejik's lieutenant. 

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12 hours ago, N-DReW25 said:

I'm going to port Bao-Dur's Repulsor Arm to K1

Not sure I'm really a fan of grafting it onto important NPCs. If you want to give people cybernetics, you'd be better off porting arms and legs from TOR so they are a bit more unique.

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12 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

just curious would it have any of the special effects of Bao-Dur's arm

Shield breaker? I'm afraid not, this is simply a aesthetic feature.


10 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

I always thought Bao-Dur's arm was a unique design of his own invention. But Brejik having a cybernetic arm does make sense. He might've killed a Hidden Bek who severed his arm, further bolstering his tough, ruthless, and 'a little bit insane' reputation.

That's the idea behind it!


Many NPC Overhaul type mods change Brejik and Gadon by swapping their Armor, but these two characters both appeared in the old Kotor comics wearing their vanilla armor with their Kotor appearances. I feel by giving Brejik a cybernetic arm would work as it'd both make Brejik unique from all the other antagonists in the game and it would be consistent with the Legends timeline... Brejik's last appearance in the comics was 3962 BBY, we can assume he lost his arm between then and 3956 BBY when Kotor takes place.


Though if players agree with the idea that the Repulsor Arm is indeed Bao-Dur's own invention, players are more than welcomed to skip over this mod.


10 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Another NPC that could wear Bao-Dur's arm is Kandon Ark, Brejik's lieutenant. 

And there's where a mod-conflict would arise, Kandon Ark is modified in Leilukin's KotOR 1 Twi'lek Male NPC Diversity mod.


As I said in the post above, I'm very limited by assets available to me and NPCs that won't conflict with other popular mods... hence why only Brejik has the arm.

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good to know. I do enjoy your content, N-Drew.  Just curious, other than appearances, what other content are you planning for Heart of Beskar?

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Your mention of the KOTOR comics reminded me of something. I noticed in your Vrook and Zhar fix mod(and in the K1CP), you switch Vrook and Zhar's robe colors, but they wear red and blue robes, respectively, in the KOTOR comics. The same color robes they wear in the un-modded game. I know you did it to correct an inconsistency with an endgame cutscene, but now it contradicts the KOTOR comics. 


Also, do any of your mods or the K1CP restore Sharina Fizark's appearance on Dantooine if you buy the wraid plate from her? 

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14 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Not sure I'm really a fan of grafting it onto important NPCs. If you want to give people cybernetics, you'd be better off porting arms and legs from TOR so they are a bit more unique.


Those are good ideas, DP.  I am not a player of TOR but they have interesting aesthetics that everyone should look into or get ideas from

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12 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

good to know. I do enjoy your content, N-Drew.  Just curious, other than appearances, what other content are you planning for Heart of Beskar?

Just know that Dantooine is almost done, and once Dantooine is done I shall leak some screenshots of the finished work right here! ;)


9 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Your mention of the KOTOR comics reminded me of something. I noticed in your Vrook and Zhar fix mod(and in the K1CP), you switch Vrook and Zhar's robe colors, but they wear red and blue robes, respectively, in the KOTOR comics. The same color robes they wear in the un-modded game. I know you did it to correct an inconsistency with an endgame cutscene, but now it contradicts the KOTOR comics. 

That's because the vanilla game is the default source material for the Legends timeline. Vrook and Zhar wear red and blue even though they wear blue and read in the cutscene, Gana Lavin is canonically a brunette white female even though she's a black haired asian female in her encounter outside the cantina, Bolook is canonically orange even though Rickard calls him a "green skinned Nerf Herder!", Handon is canonically average build even though the player refers to him as being "fat", Iriaz are canon only because their head appears on Davik's wall and Bolook mentions them, Handon vaguely references Shuma the Hutt in his dialogue but since Shuma is cut content this Hutt Handon references is treated as a new character.


Cut content and bug fixes aren't considered canon as the restorations/fixes weren't done by Lucas Games approved companies. Even TSLRCM isn't canon, the only part of TSLRCM that is canon is the HK-47 ambushing Goto on Malachor V... but that's only because that scene was referenced in a Star Wars information book that's considered canon to the Legends timeline. The planet M4-78 is canon because it's mentioned in passing in a Legends comic book. 


All mods, whether it's K1R, TSLRCM, K1CP, GenoHaradan Legacy... they're all non-canon to the Legends timeline.


However, I will tell you why I think the Vrook & Zhar robe fix isn't contradictory to the Kotor comics.




As we can see in this screenshot from the Kotor comics, you can see Atris as she appears in Kotor 2, we can see Vrook wearing his red robes from Kotor 1 and we can see Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell wearing their K2 cloaked robes. Obsidian developed the K2 cloaked robes to replace the K1 robes for their game, but this comic confirms that both the K2 cloaked robes and the K1 robes existed together in the Legends timeline.




This here is a young Master Vrook wearing the blue robes, that is consistent with the Vrook & Zhar fix patch.




Here's a screenshot from the TOR history cinematics that show Vrook & Zhar wearing some sort of hybrid between K2 cloaked robes and the colored K1 Robes, these look very similar to JCarters cloaked robes!




Above we see Vrook wearing the K2 Cloaked Robes during the Exile's hologram cutscene, this takes place after the Mandalorian Wars and before the Jedi Civil War.


So here's what we can assume: young Vrook wore blue robes, Vrook during the Mandalorian Wars wore red robes, Vrook after the Mandalorian Wars wore a cloaked robes, Vrook during the Jedi Civil War wore red robes and Vrook during Kotor 2 wore cloaked robes.


With this in mind, it isn't necessarily a contradiction for Vrook to wear blue robes in Kotor 1... though that's just my opinion.


9 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

Also, do any of your mods or the K1CP restore Sharina Fizark's appearance on Dantooine if you buy the wraid plate from her? 

As DarthParametric already done you, the K1CP is NOT a restoration mod.


Sure, by restoring Sharina to Dantooine we get to explore her content further... but in the vanilla game her absence from Dantooine doesn't break the game in anyway and it's still a satisfactory conclusion for her to just leave Tatooine leaving it up to the players imagination what became of her.


And as I said earlier, I'll try to restore cut content to the best of my ability when the time is right... but if I alone cannot restore Sharina Fizark on Dantooine than it won't come (because I might not know how to), no matter how much you ask of me.

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I like the TOR History cinematic version the best and JC could've been inspired by that artwork for his mod. Personally, I use the 100% Brown option. 


Oh and I noticed that Jolan Aphett, the Pazaak player on Manaan, is now a Rodian instead of a Nikto. Is this a bug or feature? I know he uses the Rodian soundset by default, though. 

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On 6/25/2023 at 6:30 PM, JasonRyder said:

Oh and I noticed that Jolan Aphett, the Pazaak player on Manaan, is now a Rodian instead of a Nikto. Is this a bug or feature? I know he uses the Rodian soundset by default, though. 



On 6/25/2023 at 1:09 AM, DeathScepter said:

Just curious, other than appearances, what other content are you planning for Heart of Beskar?

Time for a leak for the Heart of Beskar mod!




Thus far, most of my NPC Overhaul mods have been "very basic" or "minimum effort".


What do I mean by this? Well, the NPC Diversity Pack is made using only what is available to me in the vanilla game. I only use vanilla appearances on the vanilla appearance.2da file and I only use vanilla clothing/armor to make my unique NPCs, by only using the vanilla assets this mod is compatible with most other mods and thus is considered "very basic".


Other mods in the NPC Overhaul Series are "minimum effort" such as Onderon Fashion or Smuggler's Deluxe which either take a vanilla body model like the smugglers jacket or ports a K2 body model like Onderon Clothing and makes new NPC variants out of those body models to create further outfit diversity in the game... I consider these mods "minimum effort" as they were somewhat easy to make (in my opinion) though they're not all compatible with other mods like the NPC Diversity Pack is. For example, the standard quality smuggler's jackets of Smuggler's Deluxe would look strange next to AI Upscale texture packs or the AI Upscaled Onderon Clothing by Effix in Onderon Fashion would look strange next to Dark Hope's texture packs.


But this mod, Hearts of Beskar, is something I'd consider a "complex mod", a mod that was harder to make which might not be compatible with some mods, and I have a few complex mods in planning... though for now Heart of Beskar is the one we shall focus on today!


Heart of Beskar requires Duros: Armed & Ready to be installed beforehand, and as with my other NPC Overhaul mods, this mod shall require the K1 Community Patch to work as well!


This mod is a total NPC Overhaul of ALL Mandalorian NPCs in the game, you might notice how my other NPC Overhaul seemingly randomizes  NPC appearances to prevent the 'clone affect'... but since Mandalorians all wear identical armor you might ask "well how would you Overhaul the Mandalorians?" to which I answer: With New Mandalorian Ranks!


1) The Mandalorian Recruit:




The Mandalorian Recruits are the lowest ranking Mandalorians in the game. After the Mandalorian Wars and the death of Mandalore the Ultimate, the unity of the Mandalorian people was diminished and Mandalorians who survived were left without purpose in a war torn galaxy.


The Mandalorians are not a race, rather, they are a members of a group united by a common culture. This culture started when a Taung named Mandalore the First and his warriors conquered a planet which he would later name after himself, the planet of Mandalore, this led to the establishment of the Mandalorian Crusaders alongside the Mandalorian culture we know today.


The culture of the Mandalorians shares similar aspects to religion as the Mandalorians allow other sentients to convert to the Mandalorian culture thus making those other sentients proper Mandalorians. In K2, the Mandalorian Kex was a convert who was formally a Hutt enforcer whilst the Mandalorian Kelborn was a Scout before he too converted to the Mandalorian culture.


Mandalorian converts would earn their place in Mandalorian society by climbing the ranks through honorable achievements and battles well fought, these new converts are represented in the Hearts of Beskar mod as "Mandalorian Recruits".


The Recruits are the weakest Mandalorian enemy you'll encounter, they'll wear a new armor called the "Mandalorian Combat Suit". This Combat Suit is inspired from the Mandalorian Combat Suit of K2, though the K2 version has a Defense Bonus of 3 whereas the default Combat Suit (the weakest armor in the game) has a Defense Bonus of 4... I won't yet reveal the stats of my own Mandalorian Combat Suit though do know that it's better than the K2 version.


The skin you see in the screenshot is from the K2 Armor Nitpicks mod by @TK-664 with his permission! The K2 Mandalorian Combat Suit reuses the Massassi Ceremonial Armor texture so I couldn't repat that here.


2) The Mandalorian Initiate:




The Mandalorian Initiates is the rank between fresh Mandalorian Recruits and battle hardened Mandalorian Troopers, they wear an armor called a "Mandalorian Heavy Suit" which is again based off a K2 armor of the same name. Whilst the K2 Mandalorian Heavy Suit has a unique texture, it doesn't really look like it would belong to a Mandalorian... I'll probably reuse the K2 Mandalorian Heavy Suit skin for a different mod, though for this mod I instead decided to use K2 Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit texture.


Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Suit already appears in K1 and it has its own unique texture thus making the new K2 skin unnecessary, as with the Mandalorian Combat Suit of the Mandalorian Recruits above the Mandalorian Heavy Suit will again feature new stats.


3) The Mandorian Trooper: The Mandalorian Trooper is the classic blue Mandalorian, there's nothing to show here.


4) The Mandalorian Scout:




This is the exact same Mandalorian Scout that appeared in SIlverEdge9's Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge, a mod which SilverEdge9 gave blanket permission for all modders to use assets from.


Unlike the Brotherhood of Shadow mod, the Mandalorian Scout shall now appear throughout the galaxy in places where Mandalorians may be found... and unlike Brotherhood of Shadow, the Mandalorian Scout Armor shall not be a disguise item: it shall instead be wearable just like Mandalorian Battle Armor for both male and female party members!


5) The Mandalorian Marauder:




The Mandalorian Marauder are a Neo-Crusader Mandalorian variant who only ever appeared in a Star Wars Miniatures toy series. Brought to life from a texture lifted from the K1 Enhancement Pack modder's resource by SpaceAlex, the Mandalorian Marauders shall use melee weapons against the player!


6) The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper:




If you're familiar with the Mandalorian armors of vanilla K1 and K2, you'll know that there are blue Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, red Mandalorian Rally Masters and yellow Mandalorian Field Marshals but the armor you can obtain and wear is a blue Mandalorian Armor that was cut, the blue Mandalorian Battle Armor that the Neo-Crusaders wear, yellow Mandalorian Heavy Armor that doesn't match the Field Marshals armor and an even stronger white Mandalorian Assault Armor that doesn't look like any Mandalorian NPC... and lets not forget Cassus Fett's pink armor when he wore yellow armor in the comics!


This mod shall fix that inconsistency! First, the cut Mandalorian Armor has been renamed to "Echani Battle Armor" making it unique from the Mandalorian Armors, however, it's stats and description shall have ties to the Mandalorians in ways I shall reveal at a later date!


The Mandalorian Heavy Trooper as shown above is a new Mandalorian variant that wears the vanilla Mandalorian Heavy Armor whilst the Rally Masters & Field Marshals shall get their own unique armor without replacing the vanilla Mandalorian Heavy Suit or Mandalorian Assault Armor.


This skin is made by a long-time friend of mine @90SK back in the day for his "Armor Accurate Mandalorian" mod. In recent years, some might feel that 90SK's work has taken a dip in quality with his current unorthodox art techniques, though just like how I make mods as a passion... 90SK makes art as a passion, and just like how I make whatever I want/can, 90SK does the same with his unorthodox art techniques (he also makes art in general, not just Kotor textures btw).


Though when I either make, or use someone else's (with permission), new textures I want these textures to fit in with the vanilla game to match that classic Kotor experience... and I think much of 90SK's old work really does fit with the experience I want to create! For Hearts of Beskar, I shall use both Armor Accurate Mandalorian skins for these new Mandalorian NPCs and I hope to use more of 90SK's old skins for future mods so that his work may be appreciated once again in the modern age for a new audience to enjoy!


That's all for the Mandalorian ranks of the Dantooine Mandalorians, in my next leak of the Kashyyyk Mandalorians I shall reveal additional ranks that have yet to be implemented.


The Heart of Beskar mod is not just limited to new Mandalorian ranks, however, it also adds the following:

Helmetless Mandalorians for additional diversity:




Alien Mandalorians for additional varity:




The long awaited Female Mandalorian, who can appear with all the previously mentioned ranks (For example, a female Mandalorian Scout can be encountered!)



This mod uses the models from Female Mandalorians by Inyri Forge, whilst the main page makes no mention of permission the readme in the downloaded mod does and it reads as follows:



This mod may not be distributed to another site without my express permission. The contents may also not be altered or redistributed (in whole or in part) without my express consent. If I become unreachable for whatever reason, you must make reasonable efforts to contact me before altering my work. This is the only case I will allow it to be altered/distributed without my consent.


Inyri Forge has not been an active member of the community for a very long time, not posting since 2015. I once asked them permission years ago to use these same models for my now removed "N-DReW's K1 Gameplay Improvement" mod for the same thing I've done in Hearts of Beskar via email and they did in-fact give permission.


Should my previously granted permission for the now removed K1GI not apply for Hearts of Beskar, I did in-fact make a reasonable effort to contact the author before altering their mod and Inyri is still an inactive user making them unreachable.


As of right now, there seems to be a weird bug with Inyri's original female Mandalorian model. When a female Mandalorian is in the same module as a male Mandalorian the male Mandalorian shall instead use the female Mandalorian model instead of his default male model.


This has created the cursed Sherruk with big titties bug!


What other features shall Hearts of Beskar have?

Well, this mod contains Mandalorian Iron... or Beskar if you're a fan of Disney's "The Mandalorian"!


What does that mean? Well, most Mandalorian armors found in this mod shall contain Beskar in their metal chassis thus making it resistant to energy based damage. Now this mod won't turn every Mandalorian into DIn Djarin with his literal plot armor, but it will give the Mandalorians a buff against you when you fight them.


For example, the armor of the Mandalorian Trooper was Mandalorian Battle Armor which had a Defense Bonus of 11 with 25 resistance to electricty damage. In Hearts of Beskar, the Mandalorian Battle Armor shall be renamed to "Mandalorian Light Armor" and shall instead have a Defense Bonus of 9 with 5% immunity to energy damage. This 5% immunity is caused by the Beskar, a material which is highly resistant to blaster bolts and lightsaber blades. The extremely rare "pure beskar" would make a wearer impervious to oncoming blaster shots and lightsaber strikes, Din Djarin of the Mandalorian wears (plot) armor forged from pure beskar.


So Din Djarin can get shot and not take any damage because of pure Beskar, so why do other Mandalorian NPCs die in one hit like Storm Troopers? That is because those Mandalorians are wearing armor made from "Beskar Alloy", since Beskar is a rare material the mass production of Mandalorian armor is done via mixing what little pure beskar they can muster with other metals like Durasteel thus turning small amounts of pure Beskar into large amounts of weaker Beskar Alloy which can be used to forge the armor of the Mandalorian army.


The Mandalorian Light Armor I used as an example is forged with Beskar Alloy, thus the 5% Immunity... though the next rank after Mandalorian Trooper, the Mandalorian Heavy Trooper, has a Defense Bonus of 10, immunity to mind-affecting, 10% immunity to energy damage and 5% immunity to fire damage. It's a pattern, with each rank that goes higher so too does the Beskar alloy become purer thus making the armor stronger and the Mandalorian NPC harder to defeat.


An energy immunity of 100%, like Din Djarin, would make the Mandalorian wearing that overpowered armor almost invincible to all incoming damage. Even if the party can kill that Mandalorian with other damage types, I'm certain unsuspecting players would get their butts kicked trying to take him or her down.


As of right now, an energy immunity of 90% is the highest thus far and it belongs to Cassus Fett's Battle Armor though I assure you this mod shall be play tested with a vanilla build and weapons to ensure that they can be defeated. If need be the armors offered shall be nerfed, though do expect the strongest Mandalorian Armors to have a high energy immunity.


The new Mandalorian armors shall be scattered throughout the game as either loot dropped by enemies, loot found in objects or items to be bought from merchants. I do want to note that I really don't want Cassus Fett's Battle Armor, the strongest armor, sold on Dantooine by Adum Larp. I'm thinking of moving that armor to Mika Dorin on Korriban, a merchant restricted to post-Leviathan part of the game, or from the loot of the Mandalorian leader of Lehon as an end game reward.


Thus far, that's what Hearts of Beskar has to offer on Dantooine! Stay tuned for future leaks regarding Kashyyyk, Lehon and any of your suggestions I may implement... and before you ask, this mod shall contain new Mandalorian items and weapons though those shall come in an update after the first release containing new Mandalorian ranks and armor.


Feel free to leave feedback, suggestions, criticisms and recommendations!


"This is the way!"

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