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23 hours ago, Spectrometer said:

Hi @Kaidon Jorn,have you decided on releasing the Jedi Temple reskin? It seems inetresting to try.

I might, but it wouldn't be for a little while as I'm still going through it and deciding on what I really want to use and not use texture wise. I was even thinking about just kind of redoing the mod itself to add or subtract different things to make it not just seem like just a big cheat box. You can test it out first if you want.

17 hours ago, DeathScepter said:

to Kaidon Jorn, you are doing an excellent job with these lightsabers

Thank you very much.

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I did have to shorten it at the grip section by 4cm a side. Looks ok though.

K2_00011.jpg.765a94cc85b1079e0035b37e6e84e3bd.jpg is going to be a *****.


Edited by Kaidon Jorn
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This was going to be the orange/gold default...



But trying to make that a double bladed would absolutely suck.

So I'm trying to work out which of two other hilts I could use..






this bottom one doesn't line up nicely for a double bladed but also I've already used it in KSR.

So I'm trying to formulate another plan...


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On 10/13/2024 at 6:56 PM, Kaidon Jorn said:

I might, but it wouldn't be for a little while as I'm still going through it and deciding on what I really want to use and not use texture wise. I was even thinking about just kind of redoing the mod itself to add or subtract different things to make it not just seem like just a big cheat box. You can test it out first if you want.

Oh ok, thanks for clarifying. I don't think I have time to replay the game now, I was thinking about trying it out on summer holidays (I'm on Argentina so it would be winter in the US). But when you decide to release it I will gladly try it out on my next playthough and leave feedback. I really like the idea of further differentiating the Jedi Temple.

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So I wanted to use Rebuilt Jedi Enclave Sublevel new room models (by PapaZinos?) to renovate DeathDisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple models.  Which means Jedi Enclave's room models 01, 19, 24 and 32.

What else would I need to edit to convert those 610dan models into 952cor models aside from textures??

Lightmaps? .woks? .lyt's??

I am so lost.



Edited by Kaidon Jorn
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5 hours ago, Kaidon Jorn said:


So I wanted to use Rebuilt Jedi Enclave Sublevel new room models (by PapaZinos?) to renovate DeathDisco's Coruscant Jedi Temple models.  Which means Jedi Enclave's room models 01, 19, 24 and 32.

What else would I need to edit to convert those 610dan models into 952cor models aside from textures??

Lightmaps? .woks? .lyt's??

I am so lost.



I have some limited experience messing with the Sublevel room models, but I also am not familiar with the Coruscant mod at all. To my knowledge, you should be able to drag PapaZinos mdl, mdx, and wok for those rooms, rename them to 952cor variants matching the number that mod uses for the rooms, and that should give you an idea of what's working and what not. I've never changed what textures a model calls for so no clue on that front.


The best thing I can tell you is to play around with it and see what happens. Walkmeshes might be your issue. Can potentially use the same from the Coruscant mod. Lightmaps I would try one, then the other, and see what if anything changes. Layouts might also need to be Coruscant's but again I;m not familiar with that mod's room layout so not sure.

In case it's relevant, here's a map of the sublevel rooms

Enclave Sublevel Room Map.jpg

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Ok yeah, I used MDLEdit to make them ascii files and opened them up in a Text Editor to change all the "610DAN" references to "952COR", and converted back to binary.

Then I just used Model Viewer to change the textures. But then when I entered it was really dark and some textures were missing. See through walls and such. So that's where I thought I'd have to edit lightmaps. I'd walk through doors into blackness then the room would appear after. Which makes me think it's walk meshes. Is that what a .WOK file is?!?

I dunno, maybe I should stick to lightsabers, I've never done this before.

Thank you for the info.

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Seems like a .vis issue from what you're describing. Vis determines what areas of the map are visible from another. It might seem silly but ChatGpt has become a decent troubleshooter to at least give some insight into issues when they arise that are hard to browse DS for due to their nature.

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Ok. So I would need to rename or edit Rebuilt Jedi Enclave's 610DAN .vis file to use with it?

Am I way off base?

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Ok I can't get rid of these. Deleted every struct in the git file named "box1" and also the .utp file named box1 in the module file. 

But they're still there.

The droids are gone - took care of that no problem. But these huge metal box crate things won't delete.




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Hrm, can't see anything obvious loading up the layout with the edited models, so it seems like it's not the level models. Load up the module in Holocron Toolset and see if anything shows up there in the GIT editor. There's also the possibility of something being spawned in by script I guess.

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Oh no...maybe it wasn't box1

Maybe it was plccrt

That was my first time actually using Holocron Toolset and I was able to at least figure out which placeables I need to delete.

So that's good! Thanks for the help! :D

Well new problem. that the rubble supposedly taken out by PapaZino's model fixes?


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Maybe something is wrong with your .wok files? I was working on a Coruscant project a while ago (but it was left in beta state), and if I remember correctly had to delete objects with tags 'corcrate' and 'box1'.
Try .wok files from this archive.952cor walls.7z

Also, what is the endgoal of your project? I can help you with setting up map for 953cor module and some other things.

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Yes that's what I did - removing those placeables. 

I will try that .wok as you suggested.

Thanks for the tip.

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On 2/14/2025 at 1:31 PM, LoneWanderer said:

Maybe something is wrong with your .wok files? I was working on a Coruscant project a while ago (but it was left in beta state), and if I remember correctly had to delete objects with tags 'corcrate' and 'box1'.
Try .wok files from this archive.952cor walls.7z

Also, what is the endgoal of your project? I can help you with setting up map for 953cor module and some other things.

Hey hey hey ya that worked! Passed through both of those areas and did not run into any invisible barriers.  I just tossed those .wok files in override and it fixed it.

So thanks a ton for that. I am most grateful.

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Some things I've been doing...












Can anyone tell me why this happens?...what is that? CM_Bright on a door?

Only happens on the Jorran door, and the door to the library on Coruscant.



Still alot more to do for Coruscant. 

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Yeah the door meshes have a white self-illum. But I think all doors probably have self-illum, since they aren't lightmapped. That's a bad combo with a white texture, although the degree to which it glows depends on the environment.

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Ohhhh. Interesting.

Ok well..what I got from it was ...just change the door. 

malachor door2 don't work.

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Hey Kaidon, those Coruscant textures look amazing! I would just suggest adding in a colored carpet texture for some rooms (like the previous version).

And I love that Trayus Academy reskin, I always wanted a decent reskin of it.

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Thanks. I did leave the carpet in only the Library room. There is still just a few things I need to add or fix before I do anything with it.

I'm actually working on Trayus Academy now, doing the Trayus Core. Screenies incoming.

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