Hassat Hunter 572 Posted June 14, 2016 Here's the place to report bugs, errors with other mods etc. NOTE: Only report issues here if you use the latest version of TSLRCM (1.8.5). If you don't, please update to the latest version of TSLRCM! They very well might resolve your issue. When posting an issue, be able to state with your issue the following information (stolen from a wonderful post by Darth InSidious) . . . which I've amended. Quote 1) When did the problem begin to occur? 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? 😎 What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? 11) Have you tried using a different save game? 12) Have you tried starting a new game? 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Include these questions with your answers, please. This is now a requirement for bug posting. Thank you for your continued patronage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
casferas 0 Posted June 16, 2016 ) When did the problem begin to occur? When I try to continue in the Story to get on to the Ravenger2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? 4 CD4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? Yes7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? No8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) None 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? the Battle for Telos and after i have talked to Manalore and Visas and saying I am ready to board the Ravenger the normal cut scene will play and then a scene will play with a republic ship and the Admiral will walk forward to the front and the game keeps running but nothing progresses from there other than the Republic troopers typing into consoles pointlessly.10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes12) Have you tried starting a new game? No, because I don't want to have to Replay the entire game13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 7 Professional Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guibaesa 15 Posted June 16, 2016 There is still some issues with the lip synchronization in the cutscene that plays when you land on Korriban for the first time, plus, the problem with the broken camera angle durning your conversation with Kreia (Asking about details of what happened in Korriban) continue, I guess it happens only with widescreen users. For those who doesnt know of this camera bug, what happens is that G0-T0 constantly gets in the way of the camera view like a ghost (Of corse, for this issue to occur G0-T0 must be already in your crew) I did a fresh installation of the game and put the 1.8.5 right after it (Steam version). Here is a Picture of the problem: PS: Don't forget to correct the lip synchronization to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arblos 0 Posted June 17, 2016 1) When did the problem begin to occur? After I uninstalled and reinstalled 1.8.5 after I was told that this would fix some gameplay bugs. Now there is no music at all even though the music volume is set to default. The music just doesn't play. Even on older saved games.2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes.3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam.4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes.5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Does uninstalling 1.8.5 and reinstalling it count as the latter option?6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? No.7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? No.8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) Nothing but 1.8.59) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Today when I tried to start a new game. No music at all. The music files all seem to be in the folder.10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? I already did that for previous bugs.11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes.12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes.13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted June 18, 2016 Is the music volume above zero? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arblos 0 Posted June 18, 2016 Yes. It definitely was when I looked at it. But now that I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the mod again, I'm getting the "This Game Needs Steam" thing and it refuses to launch. Either that OR it says this game is now launching, I get the yellow popup about how the game is in administrator, then it goes back to the Steam launch, the yellow pop-up, repeat. It never launches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lumilara 0 Posted June 27, 2016 I cannot trigger Keira's "Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?" back story conversation even with enough influence is gained. I'm on Telos and I've passed the conversation that starts with "Do you know anything about the Sith who pursue us?", yet I cannot get the "Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?" conversation to show up with the mod enabled. If I start the game without the mod enabled (subscribed in Steam Workstop), I can see the option. If I start with the mod enabled, I can't see that conversation option even on a save that has already passed the check and done the pre-rendered cutscene. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? Whenever the TSLRCM 1.8.5 mod is enabled. 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes, via Steam Workshop. 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam version. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes. Steam auto-updated and I verified the local game cache on each computer I tried it from. 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? No, it was a fresh download for both the game and then the mod. No previous versions installed. 6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided? No, installed with Steam Workshop. 7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation? Not applicable. (Steam Workstop installed) 8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) None. No other mods. 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Happens continuously. I tried zoning, completing other quests, and so on and I still don't see the conversation option. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Yes, on multiple computers. 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes, all saves affected whether they were previously modded or un-modded. 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes, I started a fresh game with the 1.8.5 mod and I couldn't get the conversation option to show up. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Tried in both Windows and Linux (both via Steam). Issue acts the same on both. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted June 28, 2016 Not a glitch. You have to wait until you retrieve the Hawk I used to like doing it on Citadel Station too. But she explicitly mentions being on the Hawk. So it was made so you can only ask that while on-board Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lumilara 0 Posted June 30, 2016 Thanks. I can confirm that the conversation shows correctly with TSLRCM enabled once Telos is cleared. I'm just used to doing that conversation first thing on Telos as in the unmodded version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 6, 2016 @ casferas: That's a mod-conflict, so fairly sure your "no other mods" isn't accurate. Which mods do you use? @ guibaesa: Never had that Goto issue, and since I do Nar Shaddaa first he's always there. Can't really do much about the lipsync. @ lumilara: As goat stated, intentional fix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squall Lionhart 82 Posted July 7, 2016 1) When did the problem begin to occur? After training Bao-Dur to a Jedi 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Steam automatically updates 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh install 8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) None 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? After training Bao-Dur in the ways of a Jedi, there is now a clone that just stays in the cargo hold. He does nothing but stand there 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? Well, this bug has happened since 1.8.4 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes, still happens 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10, no virtual machines Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted July 8, 2016 Happened to me too and I think I reported it for 1.8.3b I believe they said they're looking into it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 8, 2016 No we're not, since it's a modconflict, not some thing wrong in TSLRCM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted July 8, 2016 Oh. Huh. I wonder what the conflict was.... because I don't remember having much else installed. Oh well. My memory must be blipping (Especially odd given Squall above said there are no other mods installed) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squall Lionhart 82 Posted July 8, 2016 I'll do a fresh reinstall on my laptop and see if anything comes up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 9, 2016 Oh. Huh. I wonder what the conflict was.... because I don't remember having much else installed. Oh well. My memory must be blipping (Especially odd given Squall above said there are no other mods installed) http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2571-bugs-and-minor-inconveniences-with-tslrcm-184/?p=45067 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted July 9, 2016 http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/2571-bugs-and-minor-inconveniences-with-tslrcm-184/?p=45067 Oh it's me My apologies, then Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 9, 2016 Well, I'm feeling up for a game of Devil's Advocate today. Squall or Goat: Send me a save with the clone being there and I'll check a few things out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 9, 2016 We've already established it last time around both were using a mod overwriting TSLRCM's a_makejedi.ncs. No mystery here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maximum Tomato 0 Posted July 23, 2016 I've made it up to the Harbinger in trying to get off Peragus. Everything has worked fine so far, except for the Sion confrontation. I enter the area, Atton gets a bad feeling, I trigger the cutscene, Sion walks up and says "I have come for the Jedi". He's... Supposed to say something else, isn't he? Something like "I have come to warn you Jedi you know not the path you walk" or something similar. It's making me nervous that if keep playing I might miss some of the other restored content. 1) When did the problem first occur? upon triggering the Sion cutscene on the Harbinger. 2) Did you install the latest version of the more? 1.8.5 3) What version of the game do you have? 4CD I believe it's the US version. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? ...no. 5) Did you install this over the previous version, or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read me file? I installed it over the previous version. 8) What other mods have you installed? The M4-78 droid planet mod 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Just before triggering the Sion confrontation on the Harbinger 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? No. 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes 12) Have you tried starting a new game? No. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them) Windows 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted July 23, 2016 I've made it up to the Harbinger in trying to get off Peragus. Everything has worked fine so far, except for the Sion confrontation. I enter the area, Atton gets a bad feeling, I trigger the cutscene, Sion walks up and says "I have come for the Jedi". He's... Supposed to say something else, isn't he? Something like "I have come to warn you Jedi you know not the path you walk" or something similar. It's making me nervous that if keep playing I might miss some of the other restored content. 1) When did the problem first occur? upon triggering the Sion cutscene on the Harbinger. 2) Did you install the latest version of the more? 1.8.5 3) What version of the game do you have? 4CD I believe it's the US version. 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? ...no. 5) Did you install this over the previous version, or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read me file? I installed it over the previous version. 8) What other mods have you installed? The M4-78 droid planet mod 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? Just before triggering the Sion confrontation on the Harbinger 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? No. 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes 12) Have you tried starting a new game? No. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them) Windows 8 I'm not sure if that is apart of TSLRCM but I can assure you I didin't get sion saying "I have come to warn you Jedi you know not the path you walk" And I can still play the game Just fine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
134340Goat 116 Posted July 27, 2016 I'd send a save if I still had it. But I'll play with just TSLRCM and make a couple saves at various parts along Bao-Dur's training I find it interesting that Squall claims to have no other mods. So @Tomato - I believe both lines are potentially restored. It might be random which you get, not too sure. Personally I prefer the "You know not" blah blah, because you can already hear "I have come for the Jedi" if you listen to the security records Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 28, 2016 @ Tomato: His line is gender-related. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maximum Tomato 0 Posted July 28, 2016 Yeah after looking up tslrcm playthroughs new and old I found that he would always say one or the other, as opposed to the vanilla version where I don't think he even says anything. I've kept going with my game and gotten all other restored content so far so everything's happy for me. Thank you DRe, Goat, and Hunter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted July 29, 2016 I am trying to play the TSLRCM 1.8.5 but I can't progress on Nar Shadda. I have done most quest you can do on Nar Shadda but I haven't gotten the Red eclispe slaver cutscene yet meaning I can't progress on Nar Shadda 1) When did the problem first occur? Upon completing most Nar Shadda sidequests avaliable 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? 1.8.5 3) What version of the game do you have? Steam 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? N/A 5) Did you install this over the previous version, or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read me file? Fresh installation 8) What other mods have you installed? Only a Mod I made that fixes the armor models (It hasn't been approved yet) and I am using an Xbox One controller 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? I haven't triggered the Red eclispe sidequest yet even though I've completed All avaliable sidequest on Nar Shadda 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? No. 11) Have you tried using a different save game? no 12) Have you tried starting a new game? No. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them) Windows 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites