gthegenerous 2 Posted September 25, 2021 I feel conflicted about the change from Vrook and Zhar fix, I think the actual oversight was the cutscene using the wrong robe, could be that Bioware decided to swap their robe late in development but the old cutscene remained. After all the KOTOR comic has Vrook wearing red while Zhar wearing blue, and the red robe in SWTOR is also named Vrook's robe. Just my 2 cents. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted November 2, 2021 It has been a while between drinks, what with the last (full) release of K1CP coming out in 2019. So with the end of 2021 rapidly approaching, it's time for another status update. I'm targeting a release for v1.9 somewhere around Xmas, assuming things go to plan. There are still two full pages of issues on the Github repo, but not all of those are destined to be fixed in time for the next release. And no doubt I'll pick up a few new issues while beta testing, which I'll probably start in mid- to late-November. Here's the current changelog: New Additions Adjusted some SFX timings in the Taris Upper Sewers cutscene of the Rancor eating a grenade to sync more closely with the VFX Changed an incorrect animation reference in Shaardan's intro cutscene in Korriban Dreshdae Fixed a flag placeable in the Elder's Compound on the Unknown World that was floating above the ground Repositioned the selection icon for the Sith Embassy transport on Manaan Switched the appearance of the Duros prisoner in the Taris Sith Base to match his apartment appearance Added some missing lamp models to the Unknown World temple interior and tweaked the orientation of some pillar placeables Removed an extraneous yell from Calo Nord during his demise cutscene in Davik's hangar on Taris Fixed an incorrect credit deduction bug in the Sarna/Yun conversations in the Taris Upper City Cantina Stopped the party from backtracking through the outer hull walkway on the Leviathan to prevent being stuck in the space suit appearance Swapped the class skills for Consular and Sentinel Removed a repeated VO line from Komad in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea and adjusted the cropping on another Herded the party and prevented the speaking party member looking at the ground during the Zaalbar-less scene at the start of the Great Walkway on Kashyyyk Plugged some holes in the ceiling of the training room in the Manaan Sith Base Addressed a number of problems with Eli and Matton in the Kashyyyk Landing Pad, including a potential soft-lock, duplicate outfits, a missing DLG line, and lack of continuance between some scenes Fixed numerous issues with the springing Zaalbar from prison scene in the Taris Lower Sewers, correcting facing, herding the party, changing camera angles, and correcting one of Mission's lines that had contradictory information Tweaked the hood of the cutscene Revan model to prevent certain hair models clipping through Fixed some incorrect skin weights on Admiral Dodonna's body model Revised the scene where Mission opens the forcefield in the Taris Lower Sewers so that she interacts with the terminal Replaced a function in one of the Ebon Hawk's module scripts to store Juhani's state in line with the other party members Trimmed the silences from the beginning of Bastila's post-vision cutscene lines Moved a blaster on the Jedi corpse in the Krayt cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea to a different nearby corpse Changed the green lightsaber crystal drop on Korriban from the Torturer in the Academy to the Qel-Droma Robes corpse in the Shyrack Caves Tweaked the Calo vs Vulkars cutscene in the Taris Lower City Cantina to add missing SFX, make him dual wield, and fix some clipping issues Forced Ithorak in the Manaan Docking Bay to equip his weapon before initiating combat and corrected his soundset Changed the appearance of one of the thugs accompanying Hulas in the Tatooine Dune Sea to give him a different outfit Switched a number of plot-related doors across Taris to use keys in order to remove the unnecessary security UI Enlarged the trigger outside the Taris Sith Base entrance and altered the scripts to prevent the scene of T3 opening the door failing to fire correctly Addressed a number of facing issues during the finale of the Taris swoop race, made Brejik wait to equip his blaster, and prevented the swoop fans from being removed prematurely Edited player head PFHB03 to fix clipping, UV issues, and odd geometry Changed ambient colour value for referenced lamp model in the Unknown World Temple interior to account for no lightmapping and fixed some sloppy geometry Edited player head PFHB04 to fix sloppy eyeball UVs Added some backfaces to various pipes in the Taris Black Vulkar base to prevent culling issues Added speaker tag to Taris Upper Sewers cutscene so the Rancor's snorting would be properly attributed Changed corpse pile placeable in the Taris Upper Sewers so it is destroyed after the Rancor is dead, and added a filter to the Give Item UI to only show relevant items Temporarily disabled the AI of the droids in the Korriban Tomb of Ajunta Pall to prevent them activating prematurely, and stopped them reorienting on the player if clicked on Removed an unintended exploit in Gonto Yas's dialogue on Manaan that allowed players to bypass his Pazaak match loss limit Corrected one of the endgame Admiral Dodonna cutscenes to use proper speaker labels in the subtitles Prevented the party from staring at the floor during the initial cutscene of the showdown with Saul Karath on the Leviathan Bridge Adjusted the rotation of various placeables in the Korriban Sith Academy that were facing in awkward (or plain wrong) directions Changed the description of the pass card in the Taris Black Vulkar Base (Upper) to more correctly reflect its intended purpose Made the player the listener in the final conversation after defeating Dark Side Bastila on the Star Forge to prevent her talking to herself Trimmed a repetitive phrase from one of lines used by the Twi'lek messenger that appears after winning the swoop race on Taris Prevented one of Bastila's lines during the Leviathan interrogation scene skipping if the player was female Edited Dark Side transition textures for player head PFHB02 to fix incorrect duplicated irises Changed a camera angle during The One's initial conversation on the Unknown World to prevent a line being spoken off-screen Jumped the party when talking to Greeta about Griff in the Tatooine Czerka Office to prevent Mission skating across the floor Adjusted the global party banter trigger script to account for the delay in Carth's "out of the loop" conversation Amended global level scaling buff script to ensure that a creature's current hit point and new max hit points match Reduced the maximum walk speed for player characters to prevent power walking during cutscenes Closed a gap around the doorway in one of the side rooms in Davik's estate on Taris Fixed some gaps around a couple of wall pillars in the Unknown World temple main floor Replaced some of Bastila's duplicate lines that were sped up and/or pitch shifted with the original version Corrected how random loot is spawned in a few corpse placeables in the Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands Adjusted the position of a tree mesh in the Kashyyyk Great Walkway to eliminate a gap Made changes to Zaalbar's return in the Chieftain's Hall on Kashyyyk to hide the swap between the stunt and party versions Added speaker/listener tags to the Freyyr and Chuundar conversations to resolve various facing issues in the Chieftain's Hall on Kashyyyk Addressed some facing and party wrangling issues in the Yuka Laka and HK-47 conversations in the Tatooine Droid Shop Camouflaged the swap between stunt and party versions of HK-47 when adding him to the party after buying him in the Tatooine Droid Shop Wrangled the party into proper positions based on the entry point, cleaned up some facing, and tweaked some camera angles during the cutscene in the foyer of the Sith Base on Manaan Gave a Sith captain in the Manaan Sith Base the correct soundset for his appearance Swapped the appearance of the training droids in the Manaan Sith Base to match their soundset and template name Cleaned up the party's positioning during the player's arrest outside the Sith base in Manaan Ahto East Changed the variant of the war droids used by Selkath security during the player's arrest outside the Sith base in Manaan Ahto East to differentiate them from the Sith droids Delayed the spawn-in of a replacement Sith war droid outside the Sith base in Manaan Ahto East until after the player's trial Adjusted the walkmesh for the Yavin station to prevent the player escaping the level and the camera clipping through the observation window Tweaked Jolee's global dialogue to prevent him talking about Rakatan influence on the Wookiees before having opened the Kashyyyk Star Map Edited female Republic officer head model to correct offset pivot for left eyelid mesh and remove spurious skin weights Added a check to Ebon Hawk exit script to force the player character as party leader Revised the OnUsed script for the galaxy map in the Ebon Hawk when crashed on the Unknown World to avoid displaying an empty bark bubble Herded the party during the meeting with Mission in the Taris Undercity and cleaned up her integration into the party post-scene Edited one of HK-47's lines in the Tomb of Tulak Hord on Korriban referring to the player as "he", regardless of their gender Moved Lashowe a little closer to her console in the Korriban Sith Academy so she didn't need to rely on the Force to activate the keypad Prevented an infinite XP exploit when repeatedly asking Yuthura about the Sith Code in the Korriban Sith Academy Adjusted the walkmesh for Manaan East Central to properly conform to the arches in the central corridor Reduced left/right brow bone influence on PFHC01 to avoid the eyelids clipping during certain facial animations Revised some minor Mandalorian variant appearance values, such as body bag type and footstep sounds Corrected a starting conditional script that prevented some minor dialogue nodes appearing in the Korriban Sith Academy Wrangled the party during the initial cutscene of the first time meeting The One on the Unknown World to keep the party members under control Some plot-related doors in the temple on the Unknown World were edited to remove the Security UI since they should not be sliceable Prevented an unnecessary duplicate pass card dropping in the upper level of the Taris Black Vulkar Base Added a missing dialogue node when reinitiating conversation with Bastila on the Star Forge Removed extraneous Jolee and Juhani journal entries after siding with Bastila on the Unknown World Prevented Vandar using the flirt animation when asking the player about the Sandrals and Matales being wiped out in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Added a starting conditional to replies in Vandar's Dantooine Jedi Enclave DLG to prevent the player asking what to do about the Sandral/Matale feud after it was already resolved Resolving the Promised Land quest in the Taris Undercity could leave the Infected Outcasts quest in an orphaned state Adjusted Vandar's body model UVs to fix some inappropriate texture assignments and reduce stretching Corrected the missing teeth texture for Korriban Sith Academy student Mekel's head model Ensured that the line by the crazed merc in Manaan Hrakert Station about returning to the surface fired under the correct circumstances Made sure the player was facing the trooper at the door during the Sith interrogation scene in the Taris Upper City North Apartments Reduced some of the duplication amongst male NPC appearances in the Taris Upper City Cantina Prevented camera clipping and the party running into each other when chasing Vorn Daasraad's droid in the Tatooine Sand People Territory Corrected some facing issues during conversations with Igear in the Taris Undercity Changes/Revisions from 1.8 Revised previously adjusted lightmap UVs for the floor of the training room in the Manaan Sith Base, adding a new, cleaner custom lightmap Revised the wrangling of party Trask's spawn-in on the Endar Spire, forcibly jumping the player to try and finally eliminate Trask randomly teleporting Merged some hijacked module OnEnter/Heartbeat scripts after finding a method to decompile the vanilla scripts Tweaked the exit script for the Dantooine Murder Mystery quest to better hide the NPCs being destroyed under the fade-out Fixed clashing row ID assignment for the Knight and Master speed blur removal configs Removed some in-DLG forced animations for Bastila and Carth when talking to Zelka Forn in the Taris medical clinic that were causing a pause, switched to scripted anims Removed the now deprecated facing script for Carth during the meeting with Mission in the Taris Undercity Revised OnEnter scripts that set up the Xor ambush to prevent an unintentional duplication when fast travelling to the Hawk afterwards Corrected the alternative version of the fight scene with The One on the Unknown World that was partial broken by a missing script Made sure the third trooper in the Sith interrogation team in the Taris Upper City Apartments attacked when ordered 3 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djh269 266 Posted November 2, 2021 You've all done excellent work on this mod, can't wait for the new release mate! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted November 2, 2021 I wonder if the massive amount of improvements might justify a jump in version number to 2.0? Thanks for your excellent work on this, DP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 3, 2021 You really make the vanilla game look like a beta. As always, very appreciative of the improvements. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifeMaster 33 Posted August 11, 2022 Thanks for continuing to work on this, DP. I was wondering about something - I'm sure it's crossed your mind before... The whole "you must gather your party before venturing forth" thing can be pretty bad. Do you think it'd be too tacky/ugly just to auto-jump the party to the player whenever it happens? Not sure if it's even possible, and seeing them being teleported might not look great, but it would fix the problem. I figured this didn't merit its own issue on github. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,242 Posted August 11, 2022 That would have a significant impact on gameplay, as it would allow you to flee from combat in situations that are not currently possible, so I think it falls out of the Community Patch's scope. I believe it would be possible, though, for another mod to do so by editing the scripts related to k_transabort.dlg. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted August 12, 2022 It would be very nice if it replicated the K2 behavior. Vanilla is completely obnoxious 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted August 12, 2022 6 hours ago, KnifeMaster said: Do you think it'd be too tacky/ugly just to auto-jump the party to the player whenever it happens? TSL has the companions always try to stay within 10-15m (off the top of my head) of the controlled character. If they are too far away, they get jumped back. I have tried to implement this in K1 a couple of times, but it's not practical to do it the way TSL does it, as they added additional functionality for it. 1 hour ago, darthbdaman said: Vanilla is completely obnoxious That's why I created this when I was doing K1CP beta testing. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifeMaster 33 Posted August 12, 2022 15 hours ago, JCarter426 said: as it would allow you to flee from combat in situations that are not currently possible True. Maybe this hypothetical script edit could just check whether or not combat is active? But to be fair, I know absolutely nothing about scripting and this is just a shot in the dark. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted August 12, 2022 Hi! 18 hours ago, KnifeMaster said: Thanks for continuing to work on this, DP. I was wondering about something - I'm sure it's crossed your mind before... The whole "you must gather your party before venturing forth" thing can be pretty bad. Do you think it'd be too tacky/ugly just to auto-jump the party to the player whenever it happens? Not sure if it's even possible, and seeing them being teleported might not look great, but it would fix the problem. I figured this didn't merit its own issue on github. I have been bothered by this and tried to find a solution to the problem of one party member being left behind (and not only that...) and my current remedy works somewhat fairly but is not perfect. I tweaked both the k_hen_spawn01 (and Canderous's custom version k_hen_candspwn) and the k_hen_heartbt01 scripts to try to accomplish my goal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifeMaster 33 Posted August 12, 2022 2 hours ago, Salk said: my current remedy works somewhat fairly but is not perfect Ooh neat. How does your current solution work in practice, and what problems have you run into? Sounds like it must be an improvement over the stock game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted August 13, 2022 Hello again. 10 hours ago, KnifeMaster said: Ooh neat. How does your current solution work in practice, and what problems have you run into? Sounds like it must be an improvement over the stock game. In short, it checks on the distance between the party leader and the henchmen, if there are any, and then if some specific conditions are met, the henchmen jump to the party leader. The condition being several, including checks for no party member being in combat and no "combat zone" nearby, no solo mode activated, and no conversation taking place. The drawbacks are in the execution: 1) I could either choose to make the jump a "cutscene" or not. The first one would make it a bit less jarring but it'd slow down the game pace and the frequency of it would become an annoyance. The second (which I went for) doesn't really pause the game for the jump but rather triggers a short fade out / fade in and a short message when a party member jumps. 2) It may happen that the jumping party member and the party leader get "stuck" against each other (I suppose they "share" the same coordinates or something similar). If that happens, the player needs to switch party leader back and forth and the party members "disentangle" from each other automatically. It is not game breaking and it doesn't happen often but it surely is quite bad. Because of the issues I'd not call it an improvement over the stock game. Of course if somebody more capable than me could work things out to remove those issues then I guess you could say it'd be. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifeMaster 33 Posted August 18, 2022 Ah thanks for the explanation. It definitely sounds like it's possible to improve upon the stock behavior. Not using a cutscene for the jump sounds better to me, even if you do see the party members being moved. The second problem (getting "stuck") does sound pretty bad lol. This might be a silly question, since I know so little about scripting, but would it make sense just to have the script run itself multiple times to try and eliminate the possibility of getting stuck? Or would that not help to solve the problem? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted August 20, 2022 KnifeMaster, On 8/18/2022 at 10:50 PM, KnifeMaster said: The second problem (getting "stuck") does sound pretty bad lol. I forgot that I believe I have fixed the issue at a later stage, actually, by switching the party leader twice during the process. I'm not 100% sure though I will be able to confirm it once I do my next playing test (might be far away). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted October 5, 2022 It's closing in on a year since the last K1CP release, so I figured it's time for a status update. There won't be a new release this year, but we'll see how June/July 2023 shapes up for v1.10.0. For now, here are the current changes added since v1.9.2 (base 1.9.0 release was Dec 2021, last hotfix was in March): v1.10.0 - TBA Additions Adjusted the eyelid and mouthbox UVs for the old black male head 2 to move them from the beard texture Prevented the inadvertent removal of the first journal entry of the "Dwindling Supplies" quest on the Ebon Hawk Destroyed the moisture vaporators after giving them to the Chieftain in the Tatooine Sand People Enclave to prevent them dropping as loot if the Sand People turn hostile Corrected the orientation of the walkmesh for the force cage placeable Prevented the cutscene of the party approaching the ruins in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Courtyard from triggering without Bastila in the party Switched a number of plot-related doors in the Leviathan Prison Block to use keys in order to remove the unnecessary Security UI Switched the Rancor pen doors in The One's Settlement on the Unknown World to use keys in order to remove the unnecessary Security UI Made the Rakatan hologram in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands immortal to prevent it being killed as collateral damage by the guard droids Replaced the incorrect Dark Side underwear texture for the male Scoundrel with the Xbox version Corrected the texture assignment for the first Rodian appearance Plugged some gaps in the Leviathan Hangar central hallway Switched the appearances of a Republic Soldier and Officer in the group arguing with the Sith in Manaan East Central Removed the plot flag from the rough-cut Upari amulet gained in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands Removed the plot flags from Ajunta Pall's sword and the Naga Sadow ceremonial lightsaber when returning to the Korriban Sith Academy post-final trial Prevented the "Invisible Mandalorians" journal entry on the Unknown World being orphaned if the Rakata turned hostile before completing it Changed the ambient behaviour of one of Calo Nord's thugs when encountering him in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords Corrected the starting conditional for reporting back to Hulas in Manaan East Central about Zuulan post-Leviathan Adjusted room geometry in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor to prevent light bleed and camera clipping around the Lower Catacombs doorway, plugged gaps in the walls Adjusted room geometry in the Unknown World Temple Summit to prevent light bleed, added static doors to empty doorways Added some static doors to the end cutscene stunt versions of the Unknown World Temple Summit and exterior Repositioned the GWing placeable on the Unknown World Temple Summit to provide more room to access the containers behind it Swapped some incorrect soundset assignments for Rakghouls and droids in the Taris Lower and Upper Sewers Made the Sith officers in the DS end cutscene in the Unknown World Temple Summit face the right direction and play their correct animations Replaced low poly Sith fighter meshes in the Manaan Docking Bay and rebaked the lightmap for their support pillars Removed unnecessary Security UI from the Sith hangar door in the Manaan Docking Bay Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHA04 Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHC01 Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHC03 Switched the patrolling Sith soldiers in Taris Upper City South to use bark bubbles like those in Upper City North Revised some lightmap UVs and rebaked all lightmaps for the Unknown World Temple Summit to address a number of artefacts and add missing shadows Added missing DS hits when choosing to kill Largo in the Taris Upper City North Apartments Corrected the stunt Revan models so that the cape properly animated during the revelation cutscene Added some thickness to the hallway walls in the Unknown World Temple torture cutscene Adjusted the UserDefine of the Rakghoul that attacks Hendar in the Taris Undercity to make sure Hendar acts a little quicker Stripped the party of Force Speed to prevent them power walking during the cutscene outside The One's compound in Unknown World North Beach Ensured that the sound effect for the cell forcefield doors in the Leviathan Prison Block looped correctly and restarted after the doors were closed Moved the two lightsaber crystals inside the Krayt cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea to from rubble to the Jedi corpse Prevented needing to loot the two crates outside the Czerka office in the Kashyyyk Landing Pad twice in order for their loot to spawn Forced the Gizka on the Ebon Hawk to keep clear of the party member spawn points Hid any equipped masks and weapons for the initial conversation with Bastila and the post-vision conversation with Carth when first entering the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Plugged a gap between the torso and head of Zaalbar's model Replaced the empty Sith Apprentice soundset with the Sith Apprentice Male soundset Changed the item type of the Rakghoul Serum in the Taris Undercity from Adrenaline to Plot Useable Item as it was in the Xbox version of the game Prevented an exploit in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea that allowed the player to bypass the Calo Nord and/or Darth Bandon fights Prevented an exploit in the Manaan Docking Bay that allowed the player to bypass the exile for tainting the kolto supply Made the cutscene of Calo Nord's hunting Rodian bounties in the Taris Lower City Apartments (West) unskippable Adjusted the timing of the VFX in the cutscene of the Sith Master sparring a droid in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor to sync with the animations and made Jolee and Juhani join the fight Forced Jolee and Juhani to participate in the fight against the two Dark Jedi outside the Sith Master's room in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor Changes/Updates/Revisions Revised the function order for the script that triggers the Star Map cutscene in the Dantooine Ruins to (hopefully) prevent a potential sequence break Revised the pre-Leviathan scene on the Ebon Hawk to properly hide Carth's equipped mask Adjusted the trigger script for the Saul showdown cutscene on the Leviathan Bridge to strip Force Speed from Bastila and the player Prevented Zaedra playing her ambient animations in the background while speaking to Gadon in the Taris Hidden Bek Base Corrected the config for the torture scene in the Leviathan Prison Block to properly assign static cameras on nodes where they were missing Revised the conversation for the rep in the Tatooine Czerka Office to finally prevent her line being spoken off-screen when Force Persuaded (for real this time) Herded the party for the conversation with the rep in the Tatooine Czerka Office to ensure correct static camera framing Tweaked party member facings and hid masks for the Griff and Greeta conversions in the Tatooine Czerka Office Added additional party jump for Matrik convos in the Taris Lower City Apartments (East) when wearing a Sith disguise to prevent an endless black screen Corrected some additional offscreen party member interjections in the convo with Matton in the Kashyyyk Landing Pad Revised Jolee's joining script in Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands to improve visual consistency and jumped party for his conversation Addressed player's facing after one of Bastila's interjections during the first meeting with the Council in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Corrected post-Leviathan scene Carth romance checks Removed the ported TSL blue male Twi'lek appearance and reverted the sole use of it in the Taris Lower City Javyar's Cantina back to vanilla green Replaced the higher resolution N_CommF07/M07 textures with the correct versions (renamed N_CommFD01/MD01) Made some further tweaks to the intro of the cutscene of the Sith Master in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EduAAA 0 Posted December 9, 2022 On 10/5/2022 at 5:35 PM, DarthParametric said: It's closing in on a year since the last K1CP release, so I figured it's time for a status update. There won't be a new release this year, but we'll see how June/July 2023 shapes up for v1.10.0. For now, here are the current changes added since v1.9.2 (base 1.9.0 release was Dec 2021, last hotfix was in March): Reveal hidden contents v1.10.0 - TBA Additions Adjusted the eyelid and mouthbox UVs for the old black male head 2 to move them from the beard texture Prevented the inadvertent removal of the first journal entry of the "Dwindling Supplies" quest on the Ebon Hawk Destroyed the moisture vaporators after giving them to the Chieftain in the Tatooine Sand People Enclave to prevent them dropping as loot if the Sand People turn hostile Corrected the orientation of the walkmesh for the force cage placeable Prevented the cutscene of the party approaching the ruins in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Courtyard from triggering without Bastila in the party Switched a number of plot-related doors in the Leviathan Prison Block to use keys in order to remove the unnecessary Security UI Switched the Rancor pen doors in The One's Settlement on the Unknown World to use keys in order to remove the unnecessary Security UI Made the Rakatan hologram in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands immortal to prevent it being killed as collateral damage by the guard droids Replaced the incorrect Dark Side underwear texture for the male Scoundrel with the Xbox version Corrected the texture assignment for the first Rodian appearance Plugged some gaps in the Leviathan Hangar central hallway Switched the appearances of a Republic Soldier and Officer in the group arguing with the Sith in Manaan East Central Removed the plot flag from the rough-cut Upari amulet gained in the Kashyyyk Lower Shadowlands Removed the plot flags from Ajunta Pall's sword and the Naga Sadow ceremonial lightsaber when returning to the Korriban Sith Academy post-final trial Prevented the "Invisible Mandalorians" journal entry on the Unknown World being orphaned if the Rakata turned hostile before completing it Changed the ambient behaviour of one of Calo Nord's thugs when encountering him in the Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords Corrected the starting conditional for reporting back to Hulas in Manaan East Central about Zuulan post-Leviathan Adjusted room geometry in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor to prevent light bleed and camera clipping around the Lower Catacombs doorway, plugged gaps in the walls Adjusted room geometry in the Unknown World Temple Summit to prevent light bleed, added static doors to empty doorways Added some static doors to the end cutscene stunt versions of the Unknown World Temple Summit and exterior Repositioned the GWing placeable on the Unknown World Temple Summit to provide more room to access the containers behind it Swapped some incorrect soundset assignments for Rakghouls and droids in the Taris Lower and Upper Sewers Made the Sith officers in the DS end cutscene in the Unknown World Temple Summit face the right direction and play their correct animations Replaced low poly Sith fighter meshes in the Manaan Docking Bay and rebaked the lightmap for their support pillars Removed unnecessary Security UI from the Sith hangar door in the Manaan Docking Bay Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHA04 Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHC01 Corrected Dark Side transitions for female player head PFHC03 Switched the patrolling Sith soldiers in Taris Upper City South to use bark bubbles like those in Upper City North Revised some lightmap UVs and rebaked all lightmaps for the Unknown World Temple Summit to address a number of artefacts and add missing shadows Added missing DS hits when choosing to kill Largo in the Taris Upper City North Apartments Corrected the stunt Revan models so that the cape properly animated during the revelation cutscene Added some thickness to the hallway walls in the Unknown World Temple torture cutscene Adjusted the UserDefine of the Rakghoul that attacks Hendar in the Taris Undercity to make sure Hendar acts a little quicker Stripped the party of Force Speed to prevent them power walking during the cutscene outside The One's compound in Unknown World North Beach Ensured that the sound effect for the cell forcefield doors in the Leviathan Prison Block looped correctly and restarted after the doors were closed Moved the two lightsaber crystals inside the Krayt cave in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea to from rubble to the Jedi corpse Prevented needing to loot the two crates outside the Czerka office in the Kashyyyk Landing Pad twice in order for their loot to spawn Forced the Gizka on the Ebon Hawk to keep clear of the party member spawn points Hid any equipped masks and weapons for the initial conversation with Bastila and the post-vision conversation with Carth when first entering the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Plugged a gap between the torso and head of Zaalbar's model Replaced the empty Sith Apprentice soundset with the Sith Apprentice Male soundset Changed the item type of the Rakghoul Serum in the Taris Undercity from Adrenaline to Plot Useable Item as it was in the Xbox version of the game Prevented an exploit in the Tatooine Eastern Dune Sea that allowed the player to bypass the Calo Nord and/or Darth Bandon fights Prevented an exploit in the Manaan Docking Bay that allowed the player to bypass the exile for tainting the kolto supply Made the cutscene of Calo Nord's hunting Rodian bounties in the Taris Lower City Apartments (West) unskippable Adjusted the timing of the VFX in the cutscene of the Sith Master sparring a droid in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor to sync with the animations and made Jolee and Juhani join the fight Forced Jolee and Juhani to participate in the fight against the two Dark Jedi outside the Sith Master's room in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor Changes/Updates/Revisions Revised the function order for the script that triggers the Star Map cutscene in the Dantooine Ruins to (hopefully) prevent a potential sequence break Revised the pre-Leviathan scene on the Ebon Hawk to properly hide Carth's equipped mask Adjusted the trigger script for the Saul showdown cutscene on the Leviathan Bridge to strip Force Speed from Bastila and the player Prevented Zaedra playing her ambient animations in the background while speaking to Gadon in the Taris Hidden Bek Base Corrected the config for the torture scene in the Leviathan Prison Block to properly assign static cameras on nodes where they were missing Revised the conversation for the rep in the Tatooine Czerka Office to finally prevent her line being spoken off-screen when Force Persuaded (for real this time) Herded the party for the conversation with the rep in the Tatooine Czerka Office to ensure correct static camera framing Tweaked party member facings and hid masks for the Griff and Greeta conversions in the Tatooine Czerka Office Added additional party jump for Matrik convos in the Taris Lower City Apartments (East) when wearing a Sith disguise to prevent an endless black screen Corrected some additional offscreen party member interjections in the convo with Matton in the Kashyyyk Landing Pad Revised Jolee's joining script in Kashyyyk Upper Shadowlands to improve visual consistency and jumped party for his conversation Addressed player's facing after one of Bastila's interjections during the first meeting with the Council in the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Corrected post-Leviathan scene Carth romance checks Removed the ported TSL blue male Twi'lek appearance and reverted the sole use of it in the Taris Lower City Javyar's Cantina back to vanilla green Replaced the higher resolution N_CommF07/M07 textures with the correct versions (renamed N_CommFD01/MD01) Made some further tweaks to the intro of the cutscene of the Sith Master in the Unknown World Temple Main Floor Hi, I just registered to ask how can I update the K1CP with what you have improved since last release, I don't mind if it isn't the 1.10 official release. I checked the github page but didn't see any instructions on building a new patch. Can I just download tslpatchdata folder and use the exe of last release to patch the game with latest commits? I'm playing a new game and I'm having some weird troubles for example the dialogues sometimes don't show until they have finished talking, and by reading the new fixes, I'd like to have them on my new play. Can I become a beta tester or something please? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted December 10, 2022 It's very much not recommended for people to be using in-progress builds, and the repo is deliberately set up to prevent you simply downloading it directly as an archive as a safeguard against doing so. If you insist on it however, then you'll need to learn how to use Git to clone a repository locally: We do not offer support for this, so if you have questions you'll need to Google it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EduAAA 0 Posted December 12, 2022 Thanks, already done and actually I'm using the up to date changes ( Btw, I had 1 error and 36 warnings while installing the mod, guess some changes won't be there for me ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d-man9000 0 Posted January 12, 2023 Hey guys, hopefully this is the right spot. I followed the mod install guide on Reddit ( The Dantooine murderer quest seems to be bugged. I go through the first couple of phases of it, and get to the point where you're supposed to ask Rickard and Handon how they know Calder. The only problem; I can't ask Rickard that question. It's not an option. So poking around, I found danm14ac.mod had been updated by the Community patch, among others. I started in reverse, of my install order, replacing the backup from each mod. Eventually, what got me through the quest was replacing danm14ac.mod from the backup folder from the K1. I'm not looking for help, as I got by it. I just wanted to share this, in case there is an issue with scripts in that module. I realize, I've installed a handful that altered that zone, but like I said, only replacing the backup from this mod got me through it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted January 12, 2023 That module has scripts with special characters (+, -, etc.) in the filenames. Those get broken when using the older version of TSLPatcher. K1CP's version does not cause this issue, so I would suggest the root cause is something you installed afterwards. I routinely test that quest when beta testing a new version and haven't encountered the problem you describe when only using K1CP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d-man9000 0 Posted January 12, 2023 I suppose restoring the backup from K1CP would restore the initial version of it, so maybe I missed one of the restorations along the way. I'll try to narrow it down and let whichever mod author know. Thanks! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted January 12, 2023 It should also be noted that K1CP doesn't make any material changes to the structure of that quest. We edit Handon's appearance, swap out the placeable corpse for a creature-based one, force Handon to play an injured animation, and change the exit scripts for both Handon and Rickard at the end of the quest, but don't touch any of the progression/states at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d-man9000 0 Posted January 12, 2023 Aaaand figured it out. It was KSR 2022. I even remembered reading that they used an old TSLPatcher. I reinstalled that, using the K1CP installer, and was able to proceed. I'll go post over on the KSR 2022 thread, so if anyone else encounters it, they'll know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leilukin 292 Posted January 12, 2023 30 minutes ago, d-man9000 said: I'll go post over on the KSR 2022 thread, so if anyone else encounters it, they'll know. There were already multiple users reporting in the comment section of KSR 2022's mod page about the issue of KSR 2022 breaking the Murdered Settle quest due to the mod using an old TSLPatcher. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites