A Future Pilot

K1 Community Patch

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Hey guys, 

I've noticed a couple of issues whilst on my playthrough: 

- You can't reenter the Vulkar Base to kill Kadon's main (female) bodyguard and his two henchman after basically betraying Gadon and fighting Brejik. You can tell I'm playing a darkside playthrough haha. I have a save for this issue just in case. 

- I am unable to find Calo's body in the fallen debris after you defeat Davik and Calo whilst trying to escape Taris.  I also have a save for this just in case. 

- Zaalbar and Canderous are standing in weird places when you enter the Ebon Hawk for the first time, just before fight the Star Fighters. I have a save for this issue. 

If I find anything else I'll report back :D

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1) I think the Vulkar Base being off-limits at that point is intended. 

2) IIRC Calo's and Davik's bodies are not visible after the fight but it might be a good idea to put them there.

3) Do you have a screenshot for that?


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  On 5/14/2020 at 2:37 PM, djh269 said:

You can't reenter the Vulkar Base

You can't enter the base after the race. That is intentional and the obvious developer intent. The enforced restriction was done to prevent an exploit.

  On 5/14/2020 at 2:37 PM, djh269 said:

I am unable to find Calo's body

There is no body. All you get is Davik.

  On 5/14/2020 at 2:37 PM, djh269 said:

Zaalbar and Canderous are standing in weird places

This is a known issue. I have a mod that addresses it - https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1192-taris-escape-sequence-adjustments/

Most of it is already included in K1CP, except the bit positioning the party.

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Hello all, 

I was going through my playthrough again with K1 Community Patch and have noticed a few things:

- Calo's inventory isn't the same on Tatooine, you don't get his Mandalorian Heavy Pistols

- The Sith students on Korriban don't have robes

- There's a random Aqualish standing in the opening initiation in the Korriban academy?

- footlocker03.utp in the Sith Base (manm26ab.rim) has Jedi Master Robe and a Sigil Crystal in the footlocker? Don't think it's vanilla. 

Many thanks :)

P.S. I am unable to take screenshots with the function enabled in the swkotor.ini and pressing the prtscrn button, weird. 

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  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, djh269 said:

Calo's inventory isn't the same on Tatooine,

It should be. That's one of the older fixes from previous versions.

  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, djh269 said:

The Sith students on Korriban don't have robes

No, as per vanilla. K1CP does not change this. Use a standalone mode like JC's Back in Black.

  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, djh269 said:

There's a random Aqualish standing in the opening initiation in the Korriban academy?

Not random, one of the applicants. You could just never see him properly before because of the terrible way the NPCs were positioned. Presumably he dies as soon as he gets into the Valley.

  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, djh269 said:

footlocker03.utp in the Sith Base (manm26ab.rim) has Jedi Master Robe and a Sigil Crystal in the footlocker? Don't think it's vanilla

I'd have to check, but my memory of that is it was moved from somewhere else, and is once again from an earlier version of K1CP (so blame @A Future Pilot).

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Yeah I should probably read the read-me, my bad haha. 

Thanks for the speedy reply as ever :D


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  On 5/31/2020 at 5:11 PM, djh269 said:

- footlocker03.utp in the Sith Base (manm26ab.rim) has Jedi Master Robe and a Sigil Crystal in the footlocker? Don't think it's vanilla. 

  On 5/31/2020 at 5:17 PM, DarthParametric said:

I'd have to check, but my memory of that is it was moved from somewhere else, and is once again from an earlier version of K1CP

That's right. They were moved from the Hrakert Station, and were originally on a Dark Jedi corpse there.

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I think I've found a bug on Dantooine that is related to the Community Patch. I was stuck with a black screen after the training montage, which persisted through the dialogue and wasn't fixed until I saved/reloaded (thankfully I was able to access the menu after the dialogue had finished). Just curious if anyone else has run into this. I didn't want to create an issue on github if this was just some freak thing that no one else has experienced.

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I had it during development when the player wasn't correctly jumped into position post-montage, but that shouldn't be present in any public build (and I haven't seen anyone else report it). I assume you aren't using any other mods that may edit that scene and its related scripts?

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If I remember correctly, the PC was standing slightly farther away from Zhar than usual - just outside Zhar's little room. I've tried to replicate the issue but haven't had any success 😕

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The issue happened for me when the conversation triggered without the player being jumped into position. If you want to try reproducing it again, you could try hammering on the left mouse button during the end of the montage. It's possible the script that jumps the player got skipped.

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Hello everyone!

Over the last little bit we've been requesting permission from all of the authors whose content is in the K1CP to host binaries on GitHub. Well, we've finally got permission from the last few people, so be on the lookout soon for releases to be downloadable from https://github.com/KOTORCommunityPatches/K1_Community_Patch

We'll continue to also keep the release here on DeadlyStream up-to-date, but now you'll be able to get alpha and beta builds from GitHub to help us test, or to get your hands on the latest fixes.



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Further to AFP's point, here on DS would be what you would call the "stable build" and should be what 99% of people use. Github will host occasional designated beta builds and the like, and the truly adventurous can clone the repo to get the bleeding edge development build as we push new fixes.

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Hi - I see that you've incorporated @ebmar's Unknown World lamp fixes, and was wondering if you also plan to include his 'pillar facing' adjustments. Imo they're a must-have, but maybe they're beyond the scope of the patch in the eyes of the K1CP contributors :s

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Just noticed these clipping issues (hair and eyelid) in PFHC01 during the listen animation. I can start an issue thread over at GitHub if that's more convenient.



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Yup. So no fix for that then. I won't be able to get to my main computer for some time so I'm stuck with a laptop to take the screenshots, but the eyelid clipping should be more noticeable comparing these two. You can see the eyelid popping up and almost clash with the eyebrow. It's certainly noticeable in-game during the response selection.


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Hopefully this doesn't count as resurrecting a dead thread, but I've run into a small issue and don't know whether or not I should submit it to GitHub, since it may have just been another freak thing. Malak's model was totally jumbled during the Unknown World torture scene with Bastila, which was funny, but an issue nonetheless. I know K1CP alters his model, so maybe that's it? I used to use Alvar007's Malak animation fix and I'm pretty sure I never had any problems with it. The only other mods I'm using couldn't possibly cause it (widescreen, HD textures, my dialog tlk, SS's fixed Revan model, etc.).

Never mind that - turns out I was using Alvar007's model. Feel free to delete this post. It doesn't look like I can do it myself?


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So... following a full light-side playthrough, I have found a couple issues induced from this mod.


1. Taris: After giving Christya the 20 credits in the Upper City cantina, the noble in Davik's estate does not spawn deceased.

2. Yavin Station: I cannot access the dialogue with Suvam Tan to deal with the gizka on the station.

3. Manaan: Jolan Aphett's dialogue recycles completely every time I exit the conversation so he has to keep introducing himself before I can play him at Pazaak.

4. Manaan: Upon encountering Elora the dialogue of Jolee being shocked to see her again is skipped as she just begs me to get Sunry free.

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