danil-ch 68 Posted March 19, 2018 View File Kreia's Fall cutscene (in-game) ======================================================== A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: (THE SITH LORDS) MODIFICATION Kreia's Fall cutscene (in-game) ======================================================== Author: danil-ch Contact: danil-ch can be reached via pm at deadlystream. Filename: Kreia_Fall_In-game_1.2 1. Description: ---------- This is a Kreia's Fall scene turned from BIK movie into in-game cutscene. 2. Install: ---------- This is a mod for TSLRCM 1.8.6, it will not work otherwise. So have that installed. To install, extract the mod folder to anywhere you like, as long as it is not the SWKotOR2 folder. Simply run 'install.exe’. 3. Uninstall: ---------- There has been a backup made of the modified files, within a folder titled 'backup' in the mod folder. Simply copy 003EBO.mod into your Modules folder and appearance.2da into your Override folder, and delete baseitems.2da (Override), 910mal.mod (Modules), mus_a_kremov.mp3 (StreamMusic) and you will have reverted to TSLRCM 1.8.6. 4. Bugs: ---------- This has been tested several times to make sure nothing weird happens. If you find anything, let me know. 5. Compatibility: ---------- For this particular scene I’ve created several "new" models: 1) Lightsaber (no sound) baseitems.2da - Added Row_104_Lightsaber_No_Sound 910.mod - g_w_lghtsbr_cut.uti 2) Characters (no sound) appearance.2da - Added Row_692_Kreia_Evil_Fall_Cutscene_Only 910.mod - p_kreia_evil001.utc appearance.2da - Added Row_ 693_Darth_Sion_Fall_Cutscene_Only 910.mod - n_darthsion.utc 6. Thanks: ---------- *DarthParametric for his help. *TSLRCM team, your work has been outstanding. *Moustache Verte for French translation. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter danil-ch Submitted 03/19/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted March 19, 2018 If we have our music turned off will this cutscene not work as intended? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 68 Posted March 19, 2018 If we have our music turned off will this cutscene not work as intended? You will have no audio during the cutscene. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted March 19, 2018 You will have no audio during the cutscene. Good to know, does this work on Steam? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roth9 14 Posted March 20, 2018 Mine wont work. When I talk to Kreia and lods the module, it remains a black screen. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 68 Posted March 20, 2018 1) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD) 2) What other mods did you have installed? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthRaindrops 7 Posted March 21, 2018 One thing I would recommend for a version 1.1 is this: Currently TSLPatcher just replaces appearance.2da in my Override. But I have some mods which have made changes to this file. Regrettably this means I won't be using this in my game for now. maybe change the installer so it adds the rows to the file instead of replacing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted March 21, 2018 Try opening changes.ini in a text editor and replacing the entirety with the following: ; =====================================================[v1.0.5b1]==== ; TSLPATCHER - GENERATED MODIFICATIONS FILE (14/12/2013) ; =================================================================== ; This file is automatically generated and as such has no formatting ; to speak of. You can insert blank lines between sections (but NOT ; between keys within a section!) and add comment lines starting ; with semicolon to make it more readable without breaking anything. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- [Settings] FileExists=1 WindowCaption=Kreia's Fall cutscene (in-game) 1.0 ConfirmMessage=Ready to install? LogLevel=3 InstallerMode=1 BackupFiles=1 PlaintextLog=0 RequiredMsg=Well, um this is embarrassing. It seems TSLRCM is not installed properly. LookupGameFolder=1 LookupGameNumber=2 SaveProcessedScripts=0 [TLKList] [InstallList] install_folder0=Modules\003EBO.mod install_folder1=Modules install_folder2=StreamMusic [2DAList] Table0=appearance.2da Table1=baseitems.2da [GFFList] File0=p_kreia_evil001.utc File1=n_darthsion.utc File2=g_w_lghtsbr_cut.uti [CompileList] [SSFList] ; =================================================================== [appearance.2da] AddRow0=appearance_row_kreia_evil_fall_cutscene_only_0 AddRow1=appearance_row_darth_sion_fall_cutscene_only_0 [appearance_row_kreia_evil_fall_cutscene_only_0] label=Kreia_Evil_Fall_Cutscene_Only race=P_Kreiaevil02 walkdist=1.6 rundist=3.66 driveanimwalk=1.6 driveanimrun_pc=3.66 driveanimrun_xbox=3.35 modeltype=F modela=P_Kreiaevil02 modelb=P_Kreiaevil02 modelc=PFBCM texc=PFBC modeld=PFBDM texd=PFBD modele=PFBEM texe=PFBE modelf=PFBFM texf=PFBF modelg=PFBGM texg=PFBG modelh=PFBHM texh=PFBH modeli=P_Kreiaevil02 modelj=PFBJM texj=PMBJ modelk=PFBKM texk=PFBK modelm=PFBMM texm=PFBM modeln=PFBNM texn=PFBN envmap=DEFAULT bloodcolr=R wing_tail_scale=1 moverate=NORM driveaccl=50 drivemaxspeed=5.4 hitradius=0.25 perspace=0.35 creperspace=0.36 height=1.6 targetheight=l abortonparry=0 racialtype=20 haslegs=1 hasarms=1 footstepvolume=1 sizecategory=3 perceptiondist=9 footsteptype=17 soundapptype=17 headtrack=1 head_arc_h=30 head_arc_v=15 hitdist=1 prefatckdist=0.5 groundtilt=0 body_bag=3 freelookeffect=15 equipslotslocked=32 2DAMEMORY1=RowIndex [appearance_row_darth_sion_fall_cutscene_only_0] label=Darth_Sion_Fall_Cutscene_Only race=N_DarthSion walkdist=1.813 rundist=3.66 driveanimwalk=1.813 driveanimrun_pc=3.66 driveanimrun_xbox=3.96 modeltype=F modela=N_DarthSion envmap=DEFAULT bloodcolr=R wing_tail_scale=1 moverate=NORM driveaccl=50 drivemaxspeed=5.4 hitradius=0.25 perspace=0.35 creperspace=0.4 height=1 targetheight=l abortonparry=0 racialtype=20 haslegs=1 hasarms=1 footstepvolume=1 sizecategory=3 perceptiondist=9 footsteptype=17 soundapptype=17 headtrack=0 head_arc_h=30 head_arc_v=15 hitdist=1 prefatckdist=1.4 groundtilt=0 body_bag=2 2DAMEMORY2=RowIndex [baseitems.2da] AddRow0=baseitems_row_lightsaber_no_sound_0 [baseitems_row_lightsaber_no_sound_0] name=496 label=Lightsaber_No_Sound equipableslots=0x00030 modeltype=0 itemclass=w_Lghtsbr genderspecific=0 partenvmap=0 defaultmodel=w_Lghtsbr_001 defaulticon=iw_sword container=0 weaponwield=2 weapontype=1 damageflags=4096 weaponsize=3 prefattackdist=0.5 minrange=0 maxrange=10 bloodcolr=S numdice=2 dietoroll=10 critthreat=2 crithitmult=2 basecost=10 stacking=99 itemmultiplier=2 invsoundtype=1 maxprops=8 minprops=0 propcolumn=0 reqfeat0=43 ac_enchant=0 baseac=0 dexbonus=-1 accheck=0 armorcheckpen=0 chargesstarting=0 rotateonground=1 tenthlbs=30 weaponmattype=1 powereditem=1 itemtype=41 specfeat=50 focfeat=36 droidorhuman=1 denysubrace=0x00000000 storepanelsort=30 2DAMEMORY3=RowIndex [install_folder0] Replace0=a_playkremov01.ncs Replace1=k_003ebo_enter.ncs [install_folder1] Replace0=910mal.mod [install_folder2] Replace0=mus_a_kremov.mp3 [p_kreia_evil001.utc] !Destination=Modules\910mal.mod Appearance_Type=2DAMEMORY1 [n_darthsion.utc] !Destination=Modules\910mal.mod Appearance_Type=2DAMEMORY2 [g_w_lghtsbr_cut.uti] !Destination=Modules\910mal.mod BaseItem=2DAMEMORY3 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danil-ch 68 Posted March 21, 2018 maybe change the installer so it adds the rows to the file instead of replacing? Done. Mod has been updated. If we have our music turned off will this cutscene not work as intended? You will have no audio during the cutscene. Actually, that's incorrect. Music Volume slide won't affect this scene, but if you turn off Sound Effects then the sound in this scene will be muted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axanik 12 Posted April 12, 2018 Tomorrow i will test it with my unique apperance for Dark Kreia (Traya) with her animations Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remirius 0 Posted March 14 Hey, I'm using this mod rn and my screen just fades to black and it all freezes there. I can hear some BGM and when I hover my mouse to the bottom, I click and it makes those dialoge option selection sfx. Idk what to do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites