
JC's Saber Workshop

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Yeah, I should have those hilts somewhere... You also made a wooden saber for me, based on Orgus Din's saber from TOR. The problem is, that I can't find them. I still have our PM conversation from back then but there's no link to these models in there, so maybe you never sent them to me? Or I have lost them somewhere, as I can't find them right now :/

Oh yeah, the Orgus Din saber. I have extremely vague memories of that, but I can't find any trace of it. I still have the source files for the Bastila and Malak hilts though.


Not sure what happened to the PM. Maybe I deleted it when I hit the inbox limit. Maybe forward that to me to see if there is anything in there that jogs my memory.


I'm not sure what I want.

Well like I said, you are free to use the saber if you want. You can do whatever with it - it doesn't need to be Revan's.

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I'd like to donate my TFU Lightsaber pike for this project. It's for TSL and only have 4 colors, but should be easy to convert to K1 and add more colors.

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Now, I'm willing to rule it all off anything as inconsistent art, and just pick whatever I want, but I'm not sure what I want. What really bothers me is none of these look anything alike when they were all meant to be built by the same person.


The second issue is that if we go with the MMO hilt for the one you make on Dantooine, then you're forced to start with that hilt. Which might be fine, but it would rule out the option of getting a hilt based on your class, or choosing from a variety of hilts, or anything of that nature. I'm not ruling it out, and I've certainly left room for it in the database, but I don't know what to do with it yet.


The third matter is what to call it. It can't be "Revan's lightsaber". But it's also not possible to put the player name into items in K1. I believe you yourself encountered this problem, Kexikus. A name can be picked, but I got no ideas.


I'd go with the TOR version as that's the only really interesting hilt out of those possibilites, but that's up to you. You're also completely right about all those complications with having that lightsaber as the starting one. I never figured that part out either.

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For what it's worth, it is on the cover of the Revan novel.



Well like I said, you are free to use the saber if you want. You can do whatever with it - it doesn't need to be Revan's.


Noted. :D


I'd like to donate my TFU Lightsaber pike for this project. It's for TSL and only have 4 colors, but should be easy to convert to K1 and add more colors.


Oh, nice. I suppose now is as good a time as any to mention I'm generally unware of what other lightsaber mods there are because I've had a broken copy of the Ultimate Saber Mod installed for years and it's incompatible with almost everything ever. I'll take a look at it when I get the chance... with that, I can likely check another one off the list. :D


I've also figured out a few more drop locations, so all that's left now are the longsaber, lightsaber pike, and the matter of the class hilts, which in turn depends on the Revan matter. Any of those could be placed in the enclave with the saberstaff, but I'd like a little more of a scavenger hunt if possible.


The one item drop I have not used so far is the Sith on Manaan. He normally drops a double-bladed lightsaber. Most others I listed were NPCs that have lightsabers but don't drop them - but this guy does drop his.

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Here are the hilts I made for Kex:




DP_Kexikus_Mod_Bastila_02_TH.jpg DP_Kexikus_Mod_Bastila_04_TH.jpg


DP_Kexikus_Mod_Malak_02_TH.jpg DP_Kexikus_Mod_Malak_04_TH.jpg


DP_Kexikus_Mod_Redeemer_02_TH.jpg DP_Kexikus_Mod_Redeemer_01_TH.jpg



It was so long ago that I forgot that I was the one that modelled them. Apparently I never got around to texturing the Redeemer hilt. I'm sure Kex can provide you with the reference sources for the Malak and Bastila hilts. I'm not sure if you also want the Redeemer hilt, since that is from TOR (used by Orgus Din, master to the Jedi Knight player).

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Nice. I remember seeing them that long ago.


So, here's part 1 of the plans in motion:






These are all the common hilts (and also material and individual hilts) planned so far. All of them will be available for the three standard lightsaber types and in all ten colors.


The first five are common hilts - the traditional hilt, just a simple replacement of the game one; three class hilts; and one Dark Jedi hilt. I'm not sure about the design for the last one, but be some sort of eviler version of the traditional hilt.


The next five are the material hilts - beskar, electrum, plasteel, rancor tooth, and ultrachrome. For each of these, there will be a unique crafting item found somewhere in the game.


The final five are the individual hilts. The hilts for Bastila, Jolee, Juhani, and the player all have reference images, fortunately. The Endar Legacy is a new hilt and I'm not sure of the design for that yet. It'll be found on the corpse of the Jedi who dies on the Endar Spire. (But I'm not giving the player a lightsaber that early in the game, if you're hoping for or worried about that. Just the hilt.)


I'm thinking when you first build your lightsaber, you will be able to choose the hilt, with your options being the traditional hilt, the hilt of your class, the canon Revan hilt, and any other hilts in your possession. At that point in the game, it will be possible to find the other class hilts, the Endar Legacy, and the saberstaff.


Parts 2 and 3 of the plans will wait until later. I think it might be a good idea to wrap up these before moving on to the exotic stuff. For future reference, though, the rest are: crossguard lightsaber, curved-hilt lightsaber, darkstaff, forcesaber, lightsaber pike, longsaber, and saberstaff for new saber types and Ajunta Pall's lightsaber, Darth Bandon's lightsaber, Darth Malak's lightsaber, Uthar's lightsaber, Yuthura's lightsaber, and the Sith ceremonial lightsaber for unique items. The new types will be available in all three colors, while the unique items will only come in whatever color they come in. Actually, it's red in every case. If anybody feels strongly about them being available in other colors, there is just barely enough room for all of them, but I felt that it would be strange to have an item called "Darth Bandon's lightsaber" available in blue or pink or whatever. Also, it would be good to leave a little space for future saber mods.


I'm also open to suggestions about hilt designs - whether anybody has any requests, or wants to donate a model, or model a particular one, or whatever. I'm not going to work on this stuff at all until I finish modeling the traditional hilts, and probably the class hilts too, so if anybody wants to tackle any aspect of it in the meantime, that would be nice.

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What's the source on that Stormtrooper saber? I thought the McQuarrie concept saber looked something more akin to this:




The classic image of the Stormtrooper with the saber:




doesn't appear to have anything much in the way of discernible hilt detail.

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Looks like something made by Apple.

Their overseas marketing is thorough and aggressive.


Kaidon Jorn gave permission for everyone to use his mods in any way they want. Meaning you can pick out Schematic Lightsabers from his SLM and integrate them into your own mods.


SLM- http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/551-schematic-lightsaber-mod-slm/

I've looked at some of his hilts but I didn't realize he did both the Revan versions. They should be good references, at least.


I also have a bit of bad news. I was overlooking this issue until I had to deal with it, but I happened to discover during testing that it was even worse than I anticipated. It seems that upcrystals.2da has a limit of a paltry 128 lines, so there can only be 128 color crystals. Meaning what I wanted is nowhere close to possible. I had planned for 10 colors, 6 crystal types, and 15 hilts for a total of 900 "crystals" needed. And we can have 128.


Needless to say, there will be some downsizing. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean scrapping a lot of it. It's still possible to have every combination of the above, so long as it isn't in the upgrade system. In other words, you'd have to change the color crystal through the new saber workshop console, and it couldn't have any power crystals put in it, just as I'd planned to do for the exotic lightsaber types. With that in mind, I'm putting off making any decisions until I finish a bunch of models I know I'm going to want in the mod no matter what.


I can say for now though that my crystal ideas are scrapped, which is a shame because that was originally the point of the mod. I thought I could get around the model limit by having crystals that change only the stats... but it turns out there's an even worse limit for that. With 10 colors and 6 types, we'd only have room for 2 hilts. Even my plans for Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force are now in question. But I don't want to decide anything right now. No point in worrying about getting assets into the game if the assets aren't done yet.

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Their overseas marketing is thorough and aggressive.


I've looked at some of his hilts but I didn't realize he did both the Revan versions. They should be good references, at least.


I also have a bit of bad news. I was overlooking this issue until I had to deal with it, but I happened to discover during testing that it was even worse than I anticipated. It seems that upcrystals.2da has a limit of a paltry 128 lines, so there can only be 128 color crystals. Meaning what I wanted is nowhere close to possible. I had planned for 10 colors, 6 crystal types, and 15 hilts for a total of 900 "crystals" needed. And we can have 128.



Are you positive?? Duplisaber adds more than that (although it is for Kotor 2)

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Their overseas marketing is thorough and aggressive.


I've looked at some of his hilts but I didn't realize he did both the Revan versions. They should be good references, at least.


I also have a bit of bad news. I was overlooking this issue until I had to deal with it, but I happened to discover during testing that it was even worse than I anticipated. It seems that upcrystals.2da has a limit of a paltry 128 lines, so there can only be 128 color crystals. Meaning what I wanted is nowhere close to possible. I had planned for 10 colors, 6 crystal types, and 15 hilts for a total of 900 "crystals" needed. And we can have 128.


Needless to say, there will be some downsizing. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean scrapping a lot of it. It's still possible to have every combination of the above, so long as it isn't in the upgrade system. In other words, you'd have to change the color crystal through the new saber workshop console, and it couldn't have any power crystals put in it, just as I'd planned to do for the exotic lightsaber types. With that in mind, I'm putting off making any decisions until I finish a bunch of models I know I'm going to want in the mod no matter what.


I can say for now though that my crystal ideas are scrapped, which is a shame because that was originally the point of the mod. I thought I could get around the model limit by having crystals that change only the stats... but it turns out there's an even worse limit for that. With 10 colors and 6 types, we'd only have room for 2 hilts. Even my plans for Heart of the Guardian and Mantle of the Force are now in question. But I don't want to decide anything right now. No point in worrying about getting assets into the game if the assets aren't done yet.


I thought K1 had a restriction on how many models a single Baseitem can have, and I always thought that it was 250 models for each Baseitem? 


The 2da limitation in K1 limits how many UPGRADEABLE lightsabers you can have but if you're creating/interchanging lightsabers from a dlg file from your Saber workshop that shouldn't be an issue. 

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Are you positive?? Duplisaber adds more than that (although it is for Kotor 2)

I'm not positive and more testing may be needed, but that was my initial impression.


I added in up to line 580 or so and tested the last one with dummy items. Initially, the game crashed on launching the upgrade screen. After a couple instances of that, it stopped crashing and would display the new crystal, but I couldn't select it.


I tried like 255 and this time I could select the new crystal and assemble the lightsaber. Then it completely destroyed the lightsaber. That's the sort of thing I would expect if it were generating nonexistent UTI items, but I think I had them set correctly. Also in this case, the preview would display a model of the lightsaber crystal rather than a lightsaber.


Finally, I tested line 127 and that performed as expected. So my tentative conclusion is it only supports 128 lines.


I should test it some more, but it was such a shocking, disappointing discovery that I haven't wanted to take a second look yet... I'll have to muster up the courage.


By the way, I've confirmed you can put anything into upcrystals.2da and it'll recognize it as a valid crystal item. So that's not an issue, at least.


I thought K1 had a restriction on how many models a single Baseitem can have, and I always thought that it was 250 models for each Baseitem?

It's 255, but yes, that's right. I've already planned around that, and have room to spare.


The 2da limitation in K1 limits how many UPGRADEABLE lightsabers you can have but if you're creating/interchanging lightsabers from a dlg file from your Saber workshop that shouldn't be an issue. 

That's the problem. I did want most of these to be in the upgrade system. The new exotic types (lightsaber pike, crossguard, etc) would not be upgradeable, due to either requiring new base item types or not making sense when applied to the upgrade system (imagine putting a longsaber crystal in a short lightsaber). So those are fine handled through the new console, as you say.


The regular hilts, though, the ones that only apply aesthetic changes, I had intended to be upgradeable. The console would create the hilt item and merge it with a crystal to create a new crystal item, but the rest would be handled through the existing upgrade system. And it seems the number of those possible is severely limited.

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