Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 7, 2018 Disney is not suddenly going to change course just because some fanboys on the internet don't like what they did. At the end of the day, that's a fact.They ARE going to change if people suddenly stopped watching Star Wars in cinema since it's dead to them. @Zbyl; Not much to do with luck, more with buying a super-popular IP. No "luck" involved there. And while they tear on said fanbase to be successful they also just gave us the finger. Is that a smart business decision? Time will tell but I would guess "no". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthVarkor 384 Posted March 7, 2018 They ARE going to change if people suddenly stopped watching Star Wars in cinema since it's dead to them. Yeah, okay. Good luck getting enough people to do that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,371 Posted March 7, 2018 They ARE going to change if people suddenly stopped watching Star Wars in cinema since it's dead to them. While the old school fans won't want to watch Star Wars in cinema wouldn't all the new generation of fans still watch them, you know the little kids who can't see how poor the plots are? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 8, 2018 Yeah, okay. Good luck getting enough people to do that. You'll see the proof when Solo underperforms, which mark my words, it will. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canderis 180 Posted March 8, 2018 You'll see the proof when Solo underperforms, which mark my words, it will. Is anyone denying that? Disney is even expecting that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 8, 2018 Is anyone denying that? Disney is even expecting that. It doesn't look good for KK is all I'm saying, seeing as she signed off on all of the awful recent decisions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sELFiNDUCEDcOMA 98 Posted March 8, 2018 I can't directly quote figures and the sources for such figures, but from what I've seen from what appear to be well informed commentators, TLJ has well under-performed to what Disney was expecting. They reportedly paid 4 billion for the IP -- or the deal was worth that to Lucas -- just because a movie makes a billion (or 2) doesn't mean that is a billion in profit for Disney. The movie cost something to make -- hundreds of millions -- then it cost something to market -- from other mediums, I know it can cost just as much to market the product as it cost to make. Then there is everyone who is getting a slice of the income coming in from the cinemas. Then there is the cost of merchandising, which sales for appear to be nonexistent. The poor user ratings for the film aren't "bots" or a minority with an agenda. The movie looks good but is actually utter rubbish. The main demographic for the film can easily see that, why TLJ is not performing as well as TFA as they are not opting to see the film multiple times -- again, based on what has been said by informed commentators; can't be sure on their sources. Disney wants to make a lot of money from Star Wars, not just break even or generate what is comparatively a small profit compared to what they paid for the IP. To think that Disney is not paying attention to all this, is rather naive. An example of what appears to me to be an informed commentator: https://youtu.be/-Xpm5LZaxZ0 https://youtu.be/i_PLxzm6uJQ As for contacting Disney to air my complaints, I won't be doing that but rather not paying to see either the Solo flick or episode IX. Not saying don't, as doing so stating you won't be seeing the next SW film because of TLJ, along with doing that. Could make it rather clear to disney the impact of TLJ. I'm just someone who prefers to allow actions to speak for themselves. BTW: how do you embed YouTube videos into a post -- I can't get it to work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted March 8, 2018 @Zbyl; Not much to do with luck, more with buying a super-popular IP. No "luck" involved there. And while they tear on said fanbase to be successful they also just gave us the finger. Is that a smart business decision? Time will tell but I would guess "no". I never said anything about luck in regards to Star Wars. Only time I used work "luck" was refferring to the first Iron Man. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted March 8, 2018 Honestly, despite my unfathomed distaste for Disney's rehash, this too shall pass. Kennedy and Peña's bad decisions will bite them in the face, but on the fan end, sheer volume will churn out something halfway decent sooner or later. You don't get your KOTORs without suffering through your Karen Travisses. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted March 9, 2018 Honestly, despite my unfathomed distaste for Disney's rehash, this too shall pass. Kennedy and Peña's bad decisions will bite them in the face, but on the fan end, sheer volume will churn out something halfway decent sooner or later. You don't get your KOTORs without suffering through your Karen Travisses.:\ Kotor was made wayyy before Republic Commando (And the like novels). I think you mean suffering through mediocre prequel games. (which weren't terrible) The most accurate comparison would be when the Expanded Universe started with the Dark Horse Comics and Timothy Zahn's novels after the terrible Christmas Special and glorified toy commercials that followed Return of the Jedi.. And those were different media... I don't think Star Wars has ever been that horrible in quite some time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted March 9, 2018 The timing isn't the point. Good and Bad come and go; the point is that one rarely exists without the other coming along sooner or later. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 9, 2018 While the old school fans won't want to watch Star Wars in cinema wouldn't all the new generation of fans still watch them, you know the little kids who can't see how poor the plots are?Doesn't seem like they would, looking at merch sales alone (-40% or somesuch I read) any further decreases put a serious dent on Disney's action. You can't just replace your old fanbase and expect a new one with shoddy materials. Just ask the Stargate Universe people who dumped Atlantis for their new baby and killed the popular franchise. Is anyone denying that? Disney is even expecting that.After the TLJ backlash yes. They seem to think what some people here seem to ignore is happening. I would agree. sheer volume will churn out something halfway decent sooner or later. You don't get your KOTORs without suffering through your Karen Travisses.Except EA has an absolute monopoly on SW-games at the moment, so there is no "volume" nor any chance for a KOTOR. So no, there's no chance of that suddenly happening without a direct chance of action by Disney. Sorry to blow your bubble. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sEcOnDbOuToFiNsAnItY 60 Posted March 9, 2018 Except EA has an absolute monopoly on SW-games at the moment, so there is no "volume" nor any chance for a KOTOR. So no, there's no chance of that suddenly happening without a direct chance of action by Disney. Sorry to blow your bubble. And again, the specifics aren't important. I was simply citing the KOTOR games as an example of something good. I could have just as easily have said Shatterpoint. I'm not saying we'll see KOTOR again (and based on Disney's attempts to import EU stuff so far, that might be for the best, especially if they draw from the mess that is TOR.) I'm saying that good stuff comes around sooner or later. Disney isn't exactly having a shortage of sheer stuff they're outputting. Sooner or later, some of that's gonna turn out something good. The EA situation is annoying, but given how that's gone down, I will not be surprised at all if Disney finds a way to worm their way out of the exclusivity deal soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted March 9, 2018 While the old school fans won't want to watch Star Wars in cinema wouldn't all the new generation of fans still watch them, you know the little kids who can't see how poor the plots are?Well, that would be true except a majority of the current new Star Wars fans are the slightly older crowd. Most of my friends in their twenties and thirties love it for their reasons. This could be because the new movies are targeted at teenagers and young adults (what with the character banter and the fact that most of the main characters are roughly that age), but who really knows. Whether by hype or some sort of coincidental mass group taste leaning toward a very specific type of movie, all of the adults who do know any better love or at least enjoy them. I guess there is also technically a difference between "old school" Star Wars fans and older people who like Star Wars.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haveayap 127 Posted March 11, 2018 well, it seems a lot of the bigger SW YouTubers seem to dislike Disney's vision for SW as well. Seems to be a strong anti-Kathleen Kennedy movement starting. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UnusualCharacters 105 Posted March 21, 2018 I'm reminded of this quote from Plinkett's TPM review: "[...]the unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequels is that they'll be around, forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone." Same is true for the sequels. It happened and now we have to live with it. The past, and Luke's character with it, was thrown out the window to make way for Rey. We'll see how well this strategy of Disney's pays off, but I think toy sales are a prime indicator for how well new generations are responding to these new characters - which haven't been great. I don't want to use hyperbole to belabor the point, but no one gives a sh*t about Rose. Finn, Hux, Poe and Phasma were wasted, demeaned, made foolish, and killed. The only new characters that people care about that are still around are Kylo and Rey. Maybe they're enough to inspire future generations, maybe not. But hey, we survived the prequels. Thank the Force for the EU for keeping this franchise afloat, because now the majority of it is crap to be honest. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites