N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 4, 2017 While I was digging through a pile of decade old threads on the Obsidian Forum's I discovered a user by the name of Xard posting an entire "What's restored in TSLRP" list. For those who do not know what TSLRP is it was basically the first TSLRCM attempt starting in 2005 and being discontinued in 2008, TSLRP stands for "The Sith Lords Restoration Projection" while TSLRCM stands for "The Sith Lords the Restored Content Mod". TSLRP was developed by a modding group called Team Gizka which in 2008 (Or 2009 don't kill me if I'm wrong) the team disbanded and the mod was discontinued. Soon afterward Zbyl2 and Stoney began working on TSLRCM. TSLRP while it was a massive three year long tease it did pave the way for TSLRCM to be the mod that no player would dare play without.Back to 2017 if you are one of the veterans who has endured said tease you might want to see what they intended to restore for the sake of Nostalgia or you might want to compare the list to the "What's restored in TSLRCM" list. I do believe this list is TSLRP version 1.0b1 from around the 8th of November 2007 Wild and the fine folks at starwars wikia coalesced the "What's been cut?" post into an easy-on-the-eyes list. In an effort to verify that we caught all the material we wanted to restore we made a list of our own. Anything not appearing on this list is either a) so obvious/large that it probably didn't need mentioning and has already been/will be restored (read: the factory) or so insignificant that we opted to not even move it onto this list and won't be restored. There is at least a mediocre reason for choosing the content to restore. Posts asking the reasoning behind any NR's may or may not be answered; in some cases it's just been a very long time since we decided and the logic in the decision has simply been lost to time. Any post(s) telling us that we should restore something on this list will result in a warning and deletion of the offending post(s).[R] - Restored[RM] - Restored But Moved[NR] - Not To Be Restored[PR] - Possible Restoration[TBR - Member] - To Be Restored by MemberEbon Hawk[TBR - TA] Ratrin Vek on the Ebon Hawk - During the Red Eclipse invasion, the PC can sell Ratrin Vek into slavery.[TBR - JD] Visas and Handmaiden go at each other. In vishand in 003 the audio makes an obvious change to a "winded" sound for both Visas and the Handmaiden as if they have just exchanged blows. The dialog itself supports this theory.[R - you can get enough influence] The story of Canderous Ordo - After discovering that Mandalore traveled with Revan and the story of the helmet (currently impossible without manually editing Mandalores influence) the PC can ask T3 if he knew Mandalore. T3 displays a hologram and shows when Revan left (this isn't actually shown.)[R - This will play if you have enough influence with Mandalore and Bao] Bao-Dur and Mandalores second discussion - Sometime after their first argument, Mandalore goes to Bao-Dur about how he destroyed the Mandalorians and activated the MSG.[R] T3 shows Disciple the message - Disciple asks T3 to show him the Council meeting hologram.[R - if this the "I don't know how you do it" set of lines, I've restored them for after the first Bao/Mand cutscene. -JD] Bao-Durs anger with Mandalore - After returning from Onderon for the first time, Bao-Dur asks the PC why he trusts Mandalore to be among them.[R] Mandalores reinforces his reasons - More of a global but oh well. Mandalore will tell the Exile that the ONLY reason he is with him is to gather the clans.[R - random chance of alternate lines. -JD] Meditation Envy Alternate Lines - When Atton watches the Disciple and PC meditate, Mira and Atton say some alternate lines including about Atton's mentality and behavior ("scratching his equipment" when nobody is looking)[R] Mandalore and the Ebon Hawk - After returning from Onderon for the first time, Mandalore was supposed to comment to the PC about the Ebon Hawk. And ask where the PC got it from.[R] Bao-Dur upgrades HK - Like Goto, the Remote and T3, Bao upgrades HK though at first he refuses.[R] Handmaiden's Own Volition - Handmaiden claims she is joining you against the wishes of Atris and her sisters in her first appearance on the Hawk.[R] The Red Eclipse Boarding - The Red Eclipse boards the Ebon Hawk. Handmaiden/Disciple/Bao-Dur were supposed to take note while in the ****pit. However, they are stopped by Kreia who incapacitates them and then throws a poison grenade down. Cahmakt orders his men to throw the party into the cargo hold when stumbling upon the two incapcitated members.[R] Reaching Out - the PC lies in the medical room unconscious. He reaches out to the party members as they are a bit panicked and worried about losing the Exile and stopping Kreia.[R] Spar Practice - After Visas joins the party (and has a lightsaber) the player would be able to spar with her under Kreias supervision.[R] Atton and T3 play Pazaak - Atton and T3 play pazaak. T3 apparently wins all games.[R] Disciples Choice - After Kreia reveals the truth about herself to him, she goads him into telling the Republic what's happening but in doing so, he'd indanger the Exile.[R] Kelborns message - When supposed to return to Onderon, T3 displays a hologram from Kelborn.[R] Atton Bath Jokes - When Atton describes Nal Hutta, Handmaiden/Disciple chips in about Atton not bathing.[RM] The PC dies again - the Party is upset because of what happened in the Jedi Enclave.[RM] It is time - Kreia was supposed to come on board the Ebon Hawk and tell Atton that it is time for them to leave for Malachor (or Telos since she stops there first after Dantooine). Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk from Dantooine to Telos. Player is forced to find an alternate means of transportation to get there.[RM] HK-50s attack - Randomly, the HK-50s were to attack the PC. If HK was in the party then he was to capture one and torture it to reveal the location of the factory on Telos.[NR - JD] Disciples Distress Call - Before traveling to Telos, Disciple calls Admiral Onasi/Cede about the impending attack on Telos. Content reveals that he was originally supposed to be a pawn of Atris.[NR] Kreia isn't fond of droids either - After the player has witnessed the message from Bastila/Carth, Kreia, during an entry scene, will blast T3 with some force lightning in anger since the PC seemed to have a fondness for the droids.[NR] Goto threatens Bao-Dur - If the PC knows that Goto is actually G0-T0, then Goto will threaten Bao-Dur that he better take care of the remote before he finds a permanent solution. Presumbly comes before Goto "repairs" the remote himself. Probably removed since the Goto/Remote destruction scene must be triggered and the player may not find out about Goto being a droid.[NR - there's no "lying" dialog for Atton, only his comment to Kreia] Atton lies to the player - When the PC asks about Attons past, depending on the influence probably, Atton lies to the player and then tells Kreia about it.Telos - COMPLETE[R] Handmaiden leaves with Kreia - After Kreias discussion with Atris (or Handmaidens fight) Kreia takes the Handmaiden to Malachor to prepare for Visas' arrival.[R] I've come for my lightsaber - Atris wields the players lightsaber in the final battle when she is torturing the Handmaiden.[R] The Handmaidens Mission - Before leaving, Atris summons the Last of the Handmaidens. She gives her the mission to accompany the Exile and she is not to tell her sisters. Alternate dialogue between Sisters and Atris (Last is not among us) reveals that Atris did tell the sisters herself that she sent the Handmaiden with the Exile.[R]Helping or not helping Atris was supposed to have an effect on cutscenes when leaving the polar academy.[R] The HK Factory - HK-47 discovers the location of the factory and goes there during the attack on Telos. He is forced to find a way into the actual factory and before that, deactivate his self-preservation program. He can activate the HK-51s and destroy them or have them turn to his side. OR HK can turn the HK-50s to his side and destroy the 51s. OR HK can just blow them all up. Determines final fate of Malachor[R] Batu Rem of the GenoHaradan - the false Batu Rem is actually a GenoHaradan disciple and makes it perfectly clear when he attempts to kill the PC.[R] Bounty Hunters of the GenoHaradan - Luxas Bounty Hunter contacts are actually GenoHaradan agents hunting the PC.[R] Missing HK-47 and Bao-Dur - When arriving on Citadel Station due to the Sith Attack, Grenn notes that he thought he Bao-Dur disembark with you but he is missing. Atton notices HK is missing also if the HK Factory was triggered properly.[R] HK-50s Concern - When awakening on the Ice Cap, instead of the HK saying "There you are!" he was to say that he is glad that the PC is still intact.[R] Kreia and Atris' alternate lines - Kreia alternate lines when talking to Atris were that she asked for the Exiles exile. And they discuss the Sith Holocrons that Atris had gathered.[R] Handmaidens Fight - Instead of the Handmaidens just dropping dead when the Handmaiden walks in, they were to fight each other. The Handmaiden can either kill them or incapacitate them.[NR] Come, Last of the Handmaidens - The player was supposed to be the one to kill the Handmaidens and as a result, the Last attacks after killing Atris. Dark side option.[NR] Corrun Falts Plan - Infiltrating the main frame was not always an Ithorian quest. But the PC was supposed to learn from Corrun Falt that he had planned on exposing Lorsos dirty dealings himself, if PC had sided with Czerka. PC can help or expose Falt to Lorso. Exposing Falt to Lorso will result in Falt attacking the PC but then the Czerka guards kill him anyway.[NR] The Crash - Atton is supposed to say a few lines as the shuttle from Citadel Station plummets into the ground. And when the shuttle crashes again at the Ice Cap, Atton takes note that it wasn't his fault.[NR] Duro Thug - A random Duro thug simply attacks the PC for asking questions. Probably asking around about the blaster and then he just spawns in.[NR] Lt. Yimas Mission - Yima, the one Grenn always talks about, was supposed to give the PC a mission to expose a corrupt TSF officer in the Czerka docking bays. Probably connected to the alternate docking bays that can be seen.[NR] Bao-Durs return to Citadel Station - Bao-Dur was supposed to take the PC back to Citadel Station and then it'd be there that he'd track the Ebon Hawk to the polar ice cap instead of going through the Czerka base.[NR] Czerka takes control - Czerka was to completely take over the modules, threatening the Ithorian herd. The PC is supposed to get to the communications station and call for help since the TSF can't do anything else. Probably connected to Jana Lorsos lines about taking over Citadel Station due to Onderons succession from the Republic and because of that, Lorso lies to Citadel Station that the Telosian Council has entered an anti-Republic treaty with Onderon.[NR] An option to see Carth - PC had the option of denying Carth an audience after saving Telos.[NR] Atton and Bao-Dur take note of surrounding obstacles - Minefields, sentry droids, and mercenaries, Bao-Dur and Atton take note that all are present and that the PC needs to get around them.[NR] HK-50s congratulate the shooter - After the shuttle is shot down, the HK-50s tell the shooter of his excellent shot.[NR] Attack! - Player had the option of killing all the Handmaidens during the first visit to the Academy.[NR] White/Black Corruption - Originally, Atris was supposed to be clad in black robes during the final sequences. As well as the corrupted Handmaidens. Cut since it'd be odd for Atris to conveniently have Sith Robes lying around.Dantooine - COMPLETE[R] Gerevicks Plans - Gerevick is supposed to contact someone inside Khoonda as the Exile eavesdrop. Looks like he wants to claim the bounty on the Exile and Vrook as well.[R] Atris' absence- Brianna is supposed to arrive somewhat earlier, during the meeting and ask Kreia what was going on. She looks into the chamber and notices that Atris is not present and wonders why. She realizes Kreia is evil.[R] Kreia talks of the Enclave - when approaching the Enclave, Kreia is supposed to chime in about how you are to gather the Jedi here.[R] Azkul Spies on the Militia - Right before the Battle of Khoonda (if player sides with Khoonda), Azkul will tell a trooper to tell him what he sees. They see the militia mobilizing. Azkul orders the captains to prepare their men.[R] The Attack on Khoonda - Battle of Khoonda was supposed to be larger then what is in the game currently. Including mines disabling/planting. Player would actually get to fight outside Khoonda, defending one of the entrances or simply attack Khoonda with Azkul (where you'd kill Zherron). Then it'd move into Khoonda. Also, the player would deploy squadrons of troops to defend the administrators door, the back door and the front door, based on their skills.[R] Suulrus Thief Problem - Instead of Jorran giving Suulru a bad deal with a vaporator, Suulru would have a problem with a thief stealing his farming equipment, thinking it's the salvagers. When completing the quest, the player can convince Suulru to change his ideas about the Jedi and how they messed up Dantooine.[R] A Lost Padawan - Kaevee, the thief from Suulrus quest, is here, master of the laigreks. The player meets up with her and can either turn her to the dark side, kill her, or tell her to seek out real Jedi not the mysterious holocron that she threw into the ruins before.[NR - Lack of VO/text for the holocron - feel free to change this TA] Disciples Hidden Holocron - Disciple takes the Exile into a hidden, locked room in the Enclave and displays a holocron as well as recording of when the Exile left for the Mandalorian Wars, leaving a padawan without a master behind.[NR] Kreia taunts each master - During the Masters infamous speech about how they must cut the Exile off from the force, Kreia comes in as usual and throws them back. However, after she drains them, it's not over. Kreia was to ask each master how they could not have felt the echo and how close they were to giving up the Force but they failed. Kreia puts each of them in a crush, thus killing them.[NR] The Exile reads party members minds - When asked if he could not sense his party members thoughts, the party member with the Exile were supposed to have their mind read.[NR] A Bounty for Vrook - Originally, the player could capture Master Vrook and Azkul would send him to Nar Shaddaa.[NR] Visas' involvement - Visas notices Kreia is evil. After Kreia goes attacks player or masters, Kreia asks her to take her to Nihilus.Nar Shaddaa[TBR - Dash] The Zhug Brothers Chase - When the players go to rescue the Exile from Goto, the leader tells the others to follow the Ebon Hawk.[R] The Zhug Brothers Plan - The Zhug Brothers discuss the Exiles meeting with Visquis and plan an attack on the party members.[R] A rude little man - An NPC is supposed to try and score with a twi'lek who attempts to shove off his efforts. Exile steps in to stop the man.[R] Adana - Adana thanks the Exile in the main refugee quad when she is returned to safety instead of not appearing at all.[R] Goto and Vogga - When entering Voggas chambers, Goto comments that he should stay outside.[R] Opo Chano's Debt - When arriving in the flophouse, Chano is supposed to be challenged by thugs for not paying his debts on Citadel Station. This happens when the Exile helps Chano get off Citadel station in the Czerka plot.[R] Fight to the Exile (really Mira/Hanharr) - Immediately after Atton returns to warn the party, you were to form a group to fight to the Jekk Jekk Tarr. Presumably you would encounter Mira or Hanharr before arriving at the Jekk Jekk Tarr at which point you would learn of the Exile's abduction. (multiple dlg's 301NAR and 303NAR)[R] Kreia's Premonition - On the first entrance to Nar Shaddaa if Kreia is in party she will stop and look around as though anticipating the troubles to come on the planet.[R] Atton Doesn't Wait - When the Exile has gone off to meet Visquis in the Jek'Jek Tarr, if the player has low influence with him, he will not rush off to meet with her to tell her to be careful but instead just stay by the Ebon Hawk and leave the other party members there while he goes to the cantina.[R] Vossk and the GenoHaradan - Vossk makes references to the GenoHaradan being on the Smugglers Moon.[R] More then one Jedi on the moon - If Disciple or Kreia was in the party when Mira spied on the Exile, she'd make note of them.[R] Return of B-4D4 and T-1N1 - The pair from Telos Czerka Corp now guard the entrance to the room with the transponder codes. T3 attacks T1 and B-4D4 is grateful for letting him leave.[R] Sold or left? - If T3 was not sold to Kodin then he would have said "What kept you?" when T3 returned from Voggas warehouse.[R] Find the Gand Quest - A sullustan in the Gand section of the Jek'Jek Tarr: find the name of a great Gand warrior. Options were to lie to the Sullustan, find the Gand (with a high awareness) and then refuse to tell the sullustan due to the Gands request or tell the sullustan anyway.[R] Kreia (speaking to Hanharr about another life debt) - Additional line from Kreia "The screams of your tribe of primitives, the scene of lying blinded with the huntresses' blaster at your skull, I shall make it so that is all you hear and see for the rest of your days."[R] GenoHaradan are none of the bounty hunters concern - One of the Zhug brothers will mention that the GenoHaradan are also after the Exile during their meeting with Goto and so Goto commands them to ignore them and that they aren't any concern.[RM] Dessicus of the GenoHaradan - Obviously, the GenoHaradan would be the organization beneath the Jek'Jek Tarr. Dessicus will challenge the Exile. After they fight, Dessicus blows the Jek'Jek Tarr up.[NR - Possible patch] Gotos Orders - Goto will command his droids not only to activate the mines but raise the force shield, poison them and deploy guard droids. And finally, Goto notices the bounty hunters on his ship and gives the self-destruct order.[NR - Interferes with return to ship battle w/ Twin Suns] Threatening Goto - When stumbling upon the control center, the player threatens to use a certain skill to dismantle his vessel, however, Goto says that his droids will just turn off the oxygen.[NR] Time to abandon ship! - When the Bounty Hunters appear on Gotos vessel, Goto makes note of them and says it's time for him to take his leave. Also, HK-50s were supposed to be among the bounty hunters there. As well as more Zhug brothers.[NR] Fight Back to the Ship - After T3 returns with the codes from the warehouse the party was to fight back to the Tienn.[NR] Magic Eight Ball - In the Jek'Jek Tarr, there was to be a Weequay who had an orb where you can ask questions.[NR] Attons Lap Dance - Atton was supposed to receieve the Star Wars equivalent of a lap dance - a neck massage. Also, Atton is supposed to do sort of a confession of his "confused, stupid" love for the female Exile. During this scene, under the right circumstances, Atton instantly knows they are assassins from the clothes and concealed weapons.[NR] Bao-Durs old friend - Tien Tubb and Bao-Dur were once friends and important plot points are made.[NR] A Dead Exile - Dessicus (GenoHaradan) blows up the JekJek Tarr and the party thinks the player is dead. Visas or Kreia will say that the betrayals will start to mount between the Sith.[NR] Zez-Kai Ell's Rescue - Since Dessicus was originally supposed to be in the JekJek Tarr (instead of Visquis) and he was supposed to set off an explosion. Zez-Kai Ell rescues the Exile from an explosive death, though the party still thinks the Exile is dead.[NR] Fassa is a Toydarian - Fassa was probably originally supposed to be Quello, the toydarian who greeted the Exile at the landing pad. And then at the docks, be the overseer instead of the twi'lek.[NR] Mira and the Exile plan things out - Mira, instead of knocking the player out, will explain Zez-Kai Ell early and have the Exile go in first instead of her stealing the environmental suit.[NR] Spa Treatment at the Jek'Jek Tarr - The twi'leks were supposed to be like the twi'lek slaves at Davik's estate and offer steam baths and massages.[NR] Environment suit stays on - The player would have the option to leave the environment suit on when speaking with Visquis. This exchange was moved to the arena to replace the GenoHaradan. Visquis later would be able to capture the Exile and order the Ubese to take him to Goto.[NR] Mira's escape from the Jek'Jek Tarr - Instead of the Exile killing Visquis, it would be a party member and then Mira would lead them out of the Jek'Jek Tarr into her safehouse. Also, Mira was to be held in some cell in which she says that Visquis will execute her, and where the party member would rescue her.Dxun - COMPLETE[NR] Controlling the beast - somewhere within the tomb of Freedon Nadd, a scene where the Sith is controlling a beast and onlookers wonder how it's possible.[NR] An Option to see Mandalore - Instead of player just killing the Mandalorians if he doesn't want to meet Mandalore, the PC has an option of leaving them alone.[NR] Kreia goes to the tomb - Kreia was originally supposed to be allowed to join the party that goes to the tomb. Cut so that it'd make sense with the Tobin scene in the Onderon Royal Palace where Kreia reveals the Jedis hiding place.Onderron[TBR - JD] The Sith Revelation - If the PC sides with Vaklu, the Sith will notice that the beasts no longer obey them. The Sith order Vaklus death for the betrayal.[NR] Kadrons Fall - If the player sides with Vaklu, then when the PC arrives in the room where Kadron is then he will defend the terminal with his life.[NR] Vaklus Entrance - If the player sides with Vaklu, then he should not have been waiting in the throne room but after the beast is dead, he arrives and runs to defeat Talia. Kavar rushes in to stop him. PC stops him. The options here are much more lenient to the light side in which the PC has the option of saying "Onderon would be better off".Korriban - COMPLETE[R] Apathy is death! - Currently, only Atton, T3, Bao-Dur and Disciple/Handmaiden appear in the tomb. Originally, all the party members were to be there to either defeat Kreia, or attack you.[NR] Party cannot enter - Before entering the tomb of Ludo Kressh, a party member chips in about not being able to move.[NR] Dustil Onasi - The dead Jedi in the tomb was supposed to be none other then Dustil Onasi. He was to be insane and then attack the PC.The Ravager - COMPLETE[R] Tobins message - Tobin arrives on the Ravager after Onderon and informs Nihilus about the Jedi at Telos to feed on.[R] Nihilus Fight expanded - Nihilus raises Visas and the PC up. PC then has the option of becoming his apprentice (lie or not). If lie then the PC and Visas attack Nihilus. If truth, PC turns on Visas and kills her. Either way, PC fights Nihilus. When Visas does die, Mandalore chips in with some dlg and the PC can just leave her to die alone or mercy kill her.[R] Mandalore and Visas - Mandalore and Visas tell each other not to betray each other. Later, Mandalore is hurt and Visas heals him and Mandalore tells all about what Revan did to him.[NR] Fragile Alliance Falls apart - After Sion discovers the Exile is truely dead, he confronts Darth Nihilus on the Ravager. Sion claims that he is more powerful and never needed Nihilus' help. Nihilus, in anger, shows Sion that he is the more powerful one.Malachor V - COMPLETE[R] If Mira was a Jedi, then Hanharr makes note of it and how the grey female told him that she claimed the title Jeedai.[R] After the fight, Mira can ask Hanharr to lead her to Kreia. Hanharr says he will do so and she will kill her, ending both of his debts.[R] Spare me? - Kreia puts Sion into a force choke and shows him that his stregnth is as meaningless as the strength of her cut-off hand.[R] Sion reports the Exiles arrivial - After crash landing on Malachor V, Sion goes to Kreia and tells her that the Exile has arrived. Kreia tells Sion to bring her/him before her.[R] HK-47's interference - Depending on the choices in the HK factory, HK-47 shows up during the Remote/Goto confrontation. Either the HK50/51s come in and then HK blasts Goto or Goto would have taken control of HK and then HK would have blasted the Remote.[R] Attons Grudge - Atton tells the Disciple how he lost what mattered to him. Disciple and Atton fight. Triggered by Attons alignment.[R] Handmaidens Grudge - Handmaiden tells Visas how she seduced the Exile. Handmaiden/Visas fight. Triggered by whatever happened on the Ebon Hawk (if Handmaiden became angry at PC)[R] Two Paths - When the PC enters the academy, Kreia tells Sion of the PCs choices to save the party or just slaughter the way to Kreia.[R] Atton and Darth Sion - Atton and Darth Sion fight (player controlled). If wins, Atton lives. If lost, Atton was to have his arm chopped off and then Sion would torture him. Triggered if Atton is LS.[R] Attons Death - Should Atton have lost to Sion, Atton dies in the players arms. Both male and female though the female version , he confesses his love.[R] Atton lives - Atton can live if he won the fight with Sion. He and the PC simply leave the Trayus Core together.[R] Handmaiden/Visas want to go - Handmaiden or Visas ask if she can go with the Exile wherever he is going. However, the PC tells them that they cannot.[R] Leaving the Republic to die - Another choice for the PC was to leave Malachor V and then leave the Republic to die.[R] The Party Attacks - The party plan an attack on Kreia. They attack Kreia who disposes of them easily after taunting them a bit.[NR] Hanharr and Mira - Hanharr was to slam Mira into the rock wall before their fight.[NR] A powerful crystal - When entering one of the cells, the player can find a crystal of a dead Jedi.[NR] Sion travels to the Smugglers Moon - Sion announces that he will travel to the Smugglers Moon (while observing a hologram of the Exile) himself to see if the Exile is truely dead.[NR] Darth Traya is Atris - Instead of Kreia being at the core, it'd be Atris in her dark robes.[NR] Hanharrs Sacrifice - Presumbly, if the player has Hanharr in the party and Malachor V is being destroyed, Hanharr would throw the player onto the Ebon Hawk. Hanharr would then die with Malachor V.Unknown Areas[NR] Bao-Durs Sacrifice - In the released audio demo, one of Bao-Durs lines is "Make my sacrifice matter". Presumbly, Bao-Dur dies at some point near the end-game. Just in case someone *Cough* Hassat Hunter *Cough* thinks of commenting "But this list is totally useless to us now since we have TSLRCM" this list is for archiving purposes and should not be taken seriously at all. As I said above the best this list can be useful for is comparing it to TSLRCM's "What's restored" list and if Sith Holocron ever decides to make a TSLRP documentary. For those looking for the TSLRCM, it's currently available on Moddb and the Steam Workshop. I'd recommend checking out Sith Holocron's latest blog as Snigaroo has left a pretty powerful comment on the whole situation. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted August 4, 2017 and if Sith Holocron ever decides to make a TSLRP documentary. That won't be happening by me. I would be interested in viewing such a thing created by someone involved with that project's team (and beta-testers.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted August 8, 2017 TSLRP while it was a massive three year long tease it did pave the way for TSLRCM to be the mod that no player would dare play without. Back to 2017 if you are one of the veterans who has endured said tease you might want to see what they intended to restore for the sake of Nostalgia or you might want to compare the list to the "What's restored in TSLRCM" list. I do believe this list is TSLRP version 1.0b1 from around the 8th of November 2007. Apparently, they even teased a few pieces of content in the link below. Most of this content should look familiar to TSLRCM players, with the exception of the first trailer's mentions of the cut GenoHaradan plotline. https://www.youtube.com/user/TSLRP/videos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 8, 2017 Apparently, they even teased a few pieces of content in the link below. Most of this content should look familiar to TSLRCM players, with the exception of the first trailer's mentions of the cut GenoHaradan plotline. https://www.youtube.com/user/TSLRP/videos The GenoHaradan Plotline for TSLRP mainly consisted of Batu and Luxa's bounty hunters then Vossk's dialogue on them then they aren't mentioned till after the Enclave scene where you confront them on Nar Shaddaa...Don't ask how that happens or when exactly it happens. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mellowtron11 180 Posted August 8, 2017 There's some dialogue between the Exile and Atton that was supposed to show up in the dialogue shortly after the Batu Rem assassination attempt. Scorchy included the dialogue in one of his posts down below. The dialogue is about two-thirds down the page. https://lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update%206/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 9, 2017 Just in case someone *Cough* Hassat Hunter *Cough* thinks of commenting "But this list is totally useless to us now since we have TSLRCM" this list is for archiving purposes and should not be taken seriously at all. As I said above the best this list can be useful for is comparing it to TSLRCM's "What's restored" list and if Sith Holocron ever decides to make a TSLRP documentary. For those looking for the TSLRCM, it's currently available on Moddb and the Steam Workshop. I'd recommend checking out Sith Holocron's latest blog as Snigaroo has left a pretty powerful comment on the whole situation. Seems people think so positively about me here. Just lovely. Fix a zillion bugs, get scorned. Love it! The GenoHaradan Plotline for TSLRP mainly consisted of Batu and Luxa's bounty hunters then Vossk's dialogue on them then they aren't mentioned till after the Enclave scene where you confront them on Nar Shadda...Don't ask how that happens or when exactly it happens. Basically; * The assassin in TSF. * Then an Atton branch unlocks talking about them * The Luxa path assassins. * A few lines in the Goto introduction scene * Vossk dialogue. Then a whooooooooole lot of nothing till just before going to Malachor, where you suddenly get contacted by them since they'll blow up Nar Shaddaa and have to face them, fight the guy dude, fight his Rancor. Then he blows himself up, "Exile is dead" dialogue when an animated camera loops around the Hawk till Bao's lines, then Malachor. And that was the GenoHaradan. Not quite explained how you survive, your sudden ressurection on Malachor etc. etc. It felt *very* jarring to me. The pre-Malachor scene was pretty great though, would have loved to have that animated camera. Alas, they rather just died rather than have others fix their stuff. You know, giving us a major headstart instead of redoing all of it over. Then again since how much was re-written code-wise for no reason while we just stick to Obsidian's stuff and fix what needs fixed, in the end it turned out better, even if it was much work. But still, if I could, I would so love that camera. Actually have it, but it wouldn't really be ethitical (/legal) to use it, so I don't. There's some dialogue between the Exile and Atton that was supposed to show up in the dialogue shortly after the Batu Rem assassination attempt. Scorchy included the dialogue in one of his posts down below. The dialogue is about two-thirds down the page. https://lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update%206/ This is actually in the vanilla game (and thus TSLRCM). It's just the flag unlocking it is never set. If you use KSE to set the flag, you can listen to it yourself. Far I know, that flag doesn't do anything else in the game to screw you over. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 9, 2017 Seems people think so positively about me here. Just lovely. Fix a zillion bugs, get scorned. Love it! Basically; * The assassin in TSF. * Then an Atton branch unlocks talking about them * The Luxa path assassins. * A few lines in the Goto introduction scene * Vossk dialogue. Then a whooooooooole lot of nothing till just before going to Malachor, where you suddenly get contacted by them since they'll blow up Nar Shaddaa and have to face them, fight the guy dude, fight his Rancor. Then he blows himself up, "Exile is dead" dialogue when an animated camera loops around the Hawk till Bao's lines, then Malachor. And that was the GenoHaradan. Not quite explained how you survive, your sudden ressurection on Malachor etc. etc. It felt *very* jarring to me. The pre-Malachor scene was pretty great though, would have loved to have that animated camera. Alas, they rather just died rather than have others fix their stuff. You know, giving us a major headstart instead of redoing all of it over. Then again since how much was re-written code-wise for no reason while we just stick to Obsidian's stuff and fix what needs fixed, in the end it turned out better, even if it was much work. But still, if I could, I would so love that camera. Actually have it, but it wouldn't really be ethitical (/legal) to use it, so I don't. This is actually in the vanilla game (and thus TSLRCM). It's just the flag unlocking it is never set. If you use KSE to set the flag, you can listen to it yourself. Far I know, that flag doesn't do anything else in the game to screw you over. Can't the TSLRCM team just try to recreate the camera movement manually? I mean, I know it would be difficult, but the fanfilms put out by DarthYcey and DarthVarkor have done some impressive camerawork, as well as M4-78EP when the artificial intelligence is first shown to the player. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 9, 2017 Nah, that introduction is choppy as hell. I tried to smoothen it out a bit, and lengthened it for 1.1 or 1.2 (don't recall) so it better matched up with the music and you didn't have this bombastic beat overshadowing the VO.That's because TSLRCM's and M4-78EP's camera's are done with AniCam, and while it can extrapolate paths for smoother movement, I never really found it much use.Fairly sure TSLRP uses (used?) a different system that extrapolated a camera path from an excel sheet that was MUCH smoother than AniCam can produce for us. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted August 9, 2017 The only camera path excel sheet I've ever heard of is the one made by bead-v, and since he produced some of the best camera work I've ever seen in KOTOR, I'm sure it's good. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 9, 2017 Where can I find bead-v's sheet? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 10, 2017 Seems people think so positively about me here. Just lovely. Fix a zillion bugs, get scorned. Love it! It wasn't because you fixed a zillion bugs it's because you're opposed to anything that turns TSLRCM content back into its vanilla state for example if I put the "The ship we arrived in it must still be in this place we must recover it and leave" line back into the game you would be the first comment hating the mod and I figured a "What's restored in TSLRP" list wasn't a stretch. If you want I can remove it. This is actually in the vanilla game (and thus TSLRCM). It's just the flag unlocking it is never set. If you use KSE to set the flag, you can listen to it yourself. Far I know, that flag doesn't do anything else in the game to screw you over. I think in Vanilla the GenoHaradan dialogue is on the bottom of the DLG in the "{Scrap}" part but in TSLRCM it's actually with the "Something up" part with a flag never allowing it to unlock. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bead-v 251 Posted August 10, 2017 Where can I find bead-v's sheet? It wasn't good enough for me, so I made this. But once the new modeling tools are out, the best way to create them will probably just be with max/blender. I could also update ACDC to export MDLs directly, since I have the knowledge now, but unfortunately I won't be able to find the time for that anytime soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 10, 2017 because you're opposed to anything that turns TSLRCM content back into its vanilla state for example if I put the "The ship we arrived in it must still be in this place we must recover it and leave" line back into the game you would be the first comment hating the modNo I wouldn't but apparently you think very lowly of me. I think in Vanilla the GenoHaradan dialogue is on the bottom of the DLG in the "{Scrap}" part but in TSLRCM it's actually with the "Something up" part with a flag never allowing it to unlock.Did a quick check and you're right, we moved it to an usable state, just need to use KSE to set yourself the flag. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 10, 2017 No I wouldn't but apparently you think very lowly of me. You seemed disappointed when you saw the TSLRCM Icon Fix (While I can agree with your comment on this one do you expect someone fresh out of steam to know what to delete and what not to delete) and the Hssiss XP glitch restoration. I don't think lowly of you, it's just you take your big mod very seriously and find it insulting that people are making mods reverting things to their vanilla state even if those things were really cool in the vanilla game or provide no difference to gameplay whatsoever. But we should keep on topic: TSLRCM has made my life slightly easier when it comes to restoring the dialogue in my GenoHaradan Legacy mod. Did a quick check and you're right, we moved it to an usable state, just need to use KSE to set yourself the flag. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 10, 2017 And then you realise stuff like this; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/396-coruscant-scene-no-overlay/ or the tweakpack. Heck, I even modified a few of it's issues it had in base TSLRCM since I definitely agreed (mine on Ravager for example). Dunno what TSLRCM Icon fix is, but seeing the comment following it it's overwriting out logo with the vanilla logo, basically overwriting the overwrite? While you could, you know, just remove our .tga from override? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N-DReW25 1,374 Posted August 10, 2017 Quote While I can agree with your comment on this one do you expect someone fresh out of steam to know what to delete and what not to delete. Quo While you could, you know, just remove our .tga from override? At least 83 people do not know what the logo texture file is thus have resorted to the icon fix. While you are completely correct about removing the tslrcm file from the override it's just easier on the users who are not modders and do not know the file types and names. And then you realise stuff like this; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/396-coruscant-scene-no-overlay/ or the tweakpack. Heck, I even modified a few of it's issues it had in base TSLRCM since I definitely agreed (mine on Ravager for example). You've proven your point you don't hate mods that change TSLRCM content back to its vanilla state you simply dislike the select few that bring back actual bugs into the game. Let's just agree to stay on topic before this gets out of hand. And then you realise stuff like this; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/396-coruscant-scene-no-overlay/ or the tweakpack. Heck, I even modified a few of it's issues it had in base TSLRCM since I definitely agreed (mine on Ravager for example). You are right, I can argue some more on this but for now, let's just agree to stay on topic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,242 Posted August 10, 2017 The pre-Malachor scene was pretty great though, would have loved to have that animated camera. Alas, they rather just died rather than have others fix their crap. You know, giving us a major headstart instead of redoing all of it over. Then again since how much was re-written code-wise for no reason while we just stick to Obsidian's stuff and fix what needs fixed, in the end it turned out better, even if it was much work. But still, if I could, I would so love that camera. Actually have it, but it wouldn't really be ethitical (/legal) to use it, so I don't. Can't the TSLRCM team just try to recreate the camera movement manually? I mean, I know it would be difficult, but the fanfilms put out by DarthYcey and DarthVarkor have done some impressive camerawork, as well as M4-78EP when the artificial intelligence is first shown to the player. Nah, that introduction is choppy as hell. I tried to smoothen it out a bit, and lengthened it for 1.1 or 1.2 (don't recall) so it better matched up with the music and you didn't have this bombastic beat overshadowing the VO. That's because TSLRCM's and M4-78EP's camera's are done with AniCam, and while it can extrapolate paths for smoother movement, I never really found it much use. Fairly sure TSLRP uses (used?) a different system that extrapolated a camera path from an excel sheet that was MUCH smoother than AniCam can produce for us. The only camera path excel sheet I've ever heard of is the one made by bead-v, and since he produced some of the best camera work I've ever seen in KOTOR, I'm sure it's good. It wasn't good enough for me, so I made this. But once the new modeling tools are out, the best way to create them will probably just be with max/blender. I could also update ACDC to export MDLs directly, since I have the knowledge now, but unfortunately I won't be able to find the time for that anytime soon. I made a spreadsheet as well but I don't use a spreadsheet or AniCam to make my cameras anymore because that way is terrible and I know how to make them with 3ds Max. When I get a chance I am going to go refresh my memory as to what TSLRP's camera looked like and then recreate it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 10, 2017 And then you realise stuff like this; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/396-coruscant-scene-no-overlay/ or the tweakpack. Heck, I even modified a few of it's issues it had in base TSLRCM since I definitely agreed (mine on Ravager for example). Dunno what TSLRCM Icon fix is, but seeing the comment following it it's overwriting out logo with the vanilla logo, basically overwriting the overwrite? While you could, you know, just remove our .tga from override? If I may, I can see where you're both coming from and appreciate your work on TSLRCM a great deal but I understand that you might be somewhat protective of changes being made to TSLRCM and understand that would frustrate people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,242 Posted August 22, 2017 The pre-Malachor scene was pretty great though, would have loved to have that animated camera. Is this the one? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino5555 119 Posted August 22, 2017 Is this the one? I think so, it looks great. I've noticed that the camera seems to start facing the medical bay bed for some reason. I'm guessing that in TSLRP, after the Exile narrowly escaped the Genoharadan base exploding, he/she was injured and was restrained to the medical bay for the trip to Malachor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 9, 2017 I don't think that's it, or I was much more impressionable back in the day since that has the same AniCam roughness to it our own M4 cams have. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites