VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 2, 2016 I'm disappointed in their lack of effort to seek the permissions they claim to uphold. That's all. Does it not seem totally backwards that they claim to respect authorship rights, yet the burden of searching and claiming all of these mods lies with the mod authors that may or may not even know these are being hosted at nexus? Just saying that's preeeeeety convenient for them. Especially since they get ad revenue from page clicks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue 69 Posted June 2, 2016 Does it not seem totally backwards that they claim to respect authorship rights, yet the burden of searching and claiming all of these mods lies with the mod authors that may or may not even know these are being hosted at nexus? Just saying that's preeeeeety convenient for them. Especially since they get ad revenue from page clicks. And DeadlyStream has ads just for kicks eh? I'm really surprised to see this being repeated in this thread. Making money to support file hosting is a must. That's why places like FileFront go down because they can't do it for free. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 2, 2016 And DeadlyStream has ads just for kicks eh? I'm really surprised to see this being repeated in this thread. Making money to support file hosting is a must. That's why places like FileFront go down because they can't do it for free. The difference is people have chosen to host here or explicit permission has been granted for hosting. Unless Sith Holocron or Fair Strides have been lying about having acquired permission? Perhaps we start a tally on the number of mods with questionable/contested authorship? Please don't mistake me for someone who is really bothered by all this though. I will simply keep my eye on Nexus and ask my mods be removed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue 69 Posted June 2, 2016 And frankly, they did ignore my requests. Each of my mods had a specific clause prohibiting uploads to other sites. That is a very misleading comment as what I have been referring to is requests made since the deed has been done. Once again, few users have spoken negatively about it. The problem is that now the whole thing is a bit upside down. You have a flood of old mods that are more "recent" than the newer mods, which is confusing and hurts active members with newer mods. In addition, the categories are all weird now. You have duplicate categories, and it's difficult to navigate. Your point on presentation of the files on their website is not a very strong one as it is just aesthetic in nature and i'm sure they would love to hear your feedback on how they could improve the presentation of the mods. It's more visible. That's the big deal. And possibly the revenue issue. But really it's the same at its core. I think the Archive is now a non-issue though, as I believe Xander has been trying to access links from there but has been unable to, and getting various redirects. That sir is a total cop-out in my opinion. can't do what they do without any financial backing... if they were able to store that much data without any financial backing or donations I would very much like to learn a thing or two from them. And if theft of your intellectual property is truly the problem then it being a less visible outlet is a complete contradiction to your claimed offense. If Nexus gains advertising revenue from page views, part of their motivation very well could be a modest amount of profit from posting hundreds and hundreds of mods from now classic gains. Their motivations may not be as pure as they seem. That's just speculation, but could very well be the case. That sounds an awful lot like witch hunting to me. So they make money on ads to pay for the hosting of mods (DeadlyStream does so as well) so that everyone can get them for free... That does not make them evil or guilty until proven innocent. You can have that opinion but with out facts of actual intent to steal files to make money off of it, it is just that your opinion and is not a valid thing to hold against them. Nexus claims to do everything they can to maintain rights and permissions of the author, but then upload old, embarrassing mods that I was glad went down with the KotOR Files ship. All they had to do was ask. So you are embarrassed by old mods that you created and you want them scrubbed from existence so that the only ones that are available are the ones that are up to your current standards? That seems like a weak stance to base your crusade off of. As i'm sure they were not looking to intentionally embarrass you. (you asked them to remove them and i'm sure they will) The point that they didn't ask is in my opinion offset by the fact that they are letting the authors claim and manage the content so they can gain back control. If you were mad at first it should be pointless to be mad now because you got what you wanted the community is getting what they want and everyone can be happy if they choose to be. I'm glad some (let's be honest, a lot of the old, old mods were just terrible) of the mods are still available for posterity. I'm glad to see the original screenshots and descriptions. I'm disappointed in their lack of effort to seek the permissions they claim to uphold. That's all. i'm not sure you get to decide what is and is not worth saving. And this whole upholding their rules of having permission or ownership I can see as flexible when the alternative is them being lost. And yet in the end you still are able to get back control and have your way. This tirade is totally pointless because of that and until they do it again or refuse to give you ownership of your mods it is a non issue and people can begin to heal and move on now that the mods are safe and everyone is happy that wants to be. At this point i'm not sure how much more I can contribute to this thread. I feel I have done the best I can to convey my opinions on this matter. And if anyone can ever prove ill intent then you can be sure i'll be backing you up faster than you can blink. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Box 8 Posted June 2, 2016 Based on Sithspecter's explanation it sounds like we're carrying around baggage from a time when modding and mod hosting was more political perhaps. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted June 2, 2016 I wouldn't go so far as to assume anything, insofar as to avoid insulting anyone. Some members have strong reasons to protect their intellectual property; they put in the time, so it should be fair that they control how it is used. However, I also cannot see it fair that those who feel so slighted lash out at some who have likely never heard of some of the earlier modders, nor are (in theory) intending to infringe on that right. Our community is in general one of acceptance in regard to others voicing their opinion, and is among the most respectful of personal rights. I would hope that these actions don't jeopardize that in the minds of sites who are just now getting to know us. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xander2077 80 Posted June 2, 2016 i think it was a stellar decision for SS to try and help rectify the authors being reunited with their mods, since i am sure that is what most of us really want. there is a point to be made that unless the authors or people that know their work can identify bugged mods, or update them properly, it will harm both the nexus and deadly stream, because users will become disgruntled if it ruins their game. so i think that is really the next most important thing on the table. at the same time the additional exposure of some classic gems that were all but lost, or hidden from the average user, can inject new interest in the Kotor community, and traffic here will increase since many of the modders that may or may not have an account there, hang out here more. This is my go-to spot for kotor modding, and i only hang out there when it has to do with morrowind, since the other elder scrolls forums are either defunct or ailing. anyway i respect all of you guys, i may not be as "old" of a kotor modder as some here, and i may disagree on some things here and there, but i dont really care about all that. if i can learn something or help along the way, then it benefits everyone involved. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted June 2, 2016 I'm done making arguments in this thread. I've presented my beef with Nexus, explained my position, and defended my arguments. You can make your own conclusions. Since a reversal of the Nexus decision is out of the question at this point, the argument is moot anyways. i think it was a stellar decision for SS to try and help rectify the authors being reunited with their mods, since i am sure that is what most of us really want. there is a point to be made that unless the authors or people that know their work can identify bugged mods, or update them properly, it will harm both the nexus and deadly stream, because users will become disgruntled if it ruins their game. so i think that is really the next most important thing on the table. I'm trying to move on to the phase of what we can do about it. I've begun compiling a list of contact information for KotOR authors. Once I have a complete list, I will email/PM notifications that Nexus has uploaded KotOR Files' content. In addition, as I've been going through the files, I have been reporting duplicate and older versions of mods. That's about all that I can do at this point. Hopefully we can get some of the bugged or older versions off so that users don't end up with bugged games. I have also requested that Nexus change the dates to more accurately reflect the mods' original periods and allow newer mods to be seen better. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
redrob41 118 Posted June 3, 2016 Here is the e-mail conversation that I've had with one of their Community Managers (I've removed names and color coded them): Hello, I noticed that some of my mods that were previously hosted at FileFront are now being hosted on and I would like to claim them as mine. I am registered as redrob41 and this is a list of the mods you have so far: New Underwear Eleven PC Species Soundsets PC Species Soundset Booster Pack Playable Alien Species (Beta) Playable Echani Playable Lizardlike Characters Playable Rattataki (1.1) Playable Sand Person Male Playable Wookiees 1of4 (Brown) Playable Wookiees 2of4 (Gray) Playable Wookiees 3of4 (Dark) Playable Wookiees 4of4 (Blonde & Red) Species Specific Feats As I understand it, your archive team is currently adding old FileFront mods. Is there anyway to be notified when one of my other mods has been added? Can it be automatically linked to my user account, or do I need to search for them myself and claim them through e-mail? If there are any mods that I feel need to be removed (outdated or bugged), do I report it on the site somehow, or do I e-mail here as well? Thank you for your time. RedRob41 Hey there RedRob41. I'd be more than happy to help. The files you listed have now all been transferred to your ownership. Upon viewing the files, when logged in, you'll now see an admin panel on the right side of the page that you can use to modify or remove the files and their attributes as you see fit. Regarding the archiving process, all of the files and data that could be retrieved for KOTOR files has been posted already, so I don't think there should be any issues regarding other KOTOR files. Please let me know if you are referring to mods for another game however and I'll be sure to see what I can do. I hope this helps. Thank you so much for your contributions and support. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. Community Manager Oh, and if you're referring to outdated or buggy files from other authors, I'd love to know about them, but I'm not quite sure what route we will take regarding categorizing or possibly removing such files. However, the more we know about them the better informed our decisions will be, so I'd be happy to hear more if you have the time. Thanks again! I meant that there are still several of my mods (some for KotOR and some for KotOR 2 TSL) that were originally on FileFront but they haven't been uploaded on NexusMods yet. Either that, or I haven't been able to find them yet. If your archive team does find these and adds them, will I be notified, or do I just have to search? Also, I've noticed that now there are no longer any images displayed on my mods. There are three boxes with the words "no images uploaded by the author" where the images used to be. is that because they were uploaded by the placeholder user "GameFrontArchiver"? Or is there a setting that I have to change that allows other people to upload images? At the moment, there is no automation for notifications, but again, all of the KOTOR (and KTOR2) files that were able to be published, have been already. There are no more files that will be added for those titles. That said however, I'll be happy to try and make sure that no other files with the authorship "redrob41" are overlooked. Regarding the imagery that is indeed a problem with "GamefrontArchiver" having ownership of those images, currently. I'll look into getting those transferred to you as well. I'll let you know when this happens. Thanks for you patience! All of the images associated with those files now belong to your account. They should now be displayed as intended. Thank you very much for pointing this issue out to me! 12 of the 13 mods now have the images transferred over to me, but "New Underwear" still has the images attributed to "GameFrontArchiver". That's interesting that all the files that could be published, have been. I know that I had at least two more mods for KotOR and five mods for KotOR 2 that were on FileFront, but haven't shown up on Nexus. It's not that big a deal, since I still have all the original files, so I can easily upload them if I want. It just makes me wonder how many other mods from other authors are missing as well. Maybe some of those are truly lost forever. Maybe they weren't archived properly from GameFront to or something. It seems to me that they were originally saved on different servers (by Break Media), so maybe they were overlooked. Thanks again. My mistake! That file's images have now been corrected as well. I'm honestly not sure at the moment, but I'll see what I can find out about the possible reasons why some files may be missing, and let you know. Happy to help. Thank you! So far, I've found their help to be polite and timely. I've been trying out the site, and it seems easy enough to modify the file pages. The FileFront Review texts (by Shem, Jonathan7, et al) seem to have been saved as part of the mod description, and are fully editable by the owner. I've since re-arranged the text so that my description of the mod comes first, then the review, but I'll try contacting the reviewers through Lucas Forums so that I can ask if they want me to remove the text altogether. That would be a shame, since their reviews were one of my favourite parts of submitting to FileFront back in the day. This, of course, doesn't address the FileFront review text that is part of mod that hasn't yet been claimed by the original modder (whether due to inactivity or they don't know yet that this has all happened). One thing that I really enjoy about the Nexus site, is that I can easily add more images and change their order. That's something that I've always had trouble with on DeadlyStream, because no matter what order I've uploaded images, they never come out in the order that I want them. Oh well. All-in-all, I think that I'm going to continue to host my mods there, as well as here. The only thing is, I'm going to have to upload some of my newest mods, since it seems that the ones I uploaded to FileFront after Break Media took over are missing. I don't think it'll be a hassle (I've still got all the files), but I won't have any of the awesome FileFront reviews. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted June 4, 2016 Glad it went over so well. I have kept my Filefront and DeadlyStream accounts separate (I only made one mod officially on Filefront, but they deleted it a few years ago, so I kind of abandoned the account..), but I suppose it's time I join them along with my Fallout things too.(maybe upload some of my retexes, once I can find the time to crack open the BSA files, so my edits are actually on Vanilla assets ) EDIT: Sigh.. Looks like Filefront already deleted my mod before they closed down.. :/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted June 11, 2016 Jesus, what a pain in the ass. They didn't even do some basic checks to look for pre-existing uploads or authors. Now I not only have to manually claim all this crap (and via email, they could have at least made a form), I have to try and delete or hide the duplicates. I wish they had just kept their mitts off it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Canderis 180 Posted June 11, 2016 I'm a little late weighing in here, but as an author I have already uploaded all of the mods I want to still survive either here, on nexus, or on my own website. I'm strongly against what the nexus did here but I understand where they're coming from. It is a little annoying and came at an inconvenient time for me as I'm dealing with some account issues on the nexus (weird wrong emails and duplicate accounts) and won't be able to have the mods of mine they uploaded removed. I think two I'll allow to stay up but the rest I want gone. I made those mods when I was a kid and I want them gone.I've always had good dealings with the nexus and their staff members, I just hope every modder who still cares will come handle their mods how they choose. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted June 12, 2016 They've really screwed the pooch now. They've blindly combined all the categories, so you can't tell what's old or new. They have so many bugged versions and duplicate versions, and nobody is maintaining them. I'm also upset that my more modern mods are buried under decade old mods. They could have made an "Archive: Use At Your Own Risk" section. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted June 12, 2016 Yeah it's a freaking mess. At current count there are 929 mods for K1 and 827 mods for TSL uploaded by "GameFrontArchiver" (over 60,000 files across all games). At least once you gain control you can actually delete them outright, which is a relief. But there is a bunch of stuff there that will never get claimed that should never have been uploaded. As you said, broken/outdated/duplicate versions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revanator 60 Posted June 15, 2016 I've been a mod user for years, though only in the past few months have I begun to mod games myself. I'm not going to pretend to understand what used to happen 10 years ago in the modding community, or even 3-5. However, I do take issue with people being this uptight about their "intellectual property" being misused or stolen when it's entirely based off of, used assets and files from, and completely made possible by someone else's work. I get the frustration with the way Nexus acted. I understand why they did it, and even though it's not perfect, it has worked for some. For others, it's nothing more than an annoyance, or worse. Think what you will. I just question how legitimately you can claim full rights to a modification to a game you don't own the rights to. If there's been some well-known law on this, then please, enlighten me. But it's my understanding that this all falls under "fair use". In which case, so does Nexus' actions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted June 15, 2016 Since each side is currently willing to negotiate, this entire issue should see some sort of amicable solution. I cannot legitimately determine who is technically covered legally, but people's rights over their work (be it time or personal projects) is a very difficult issue. Take, for instance that some people spend countless days, months, or even years creating something of high enough quality with some even willing to help users after it has been produced. These people are doing this all for free, and want at the very least to be able to control what happens to their hard work. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revanator 60 Posted June 15, 2016 Since each side is currently willing to negotiate, this entire issue should see some sort of amicable solution. I cannot legitimately determine who is technically covered legally, but people's rights over their work (be it time or personal projects) is a very difficult issue. Take, for instance that some people spend countless days, months, or even years creating something of high enough quality with some even willing to help users after it has been produced. These people are doing this all for free, and want at the very least to be able to control what happens to their hard work. I don't disagree. These people should be recognized for their hard work. But I do question how much control they can truly claim over it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted June 15, 2016 I've been a mod user for years, though only in the past few months have I begun to mod games myself. I'm not going to pretend to understand what used to happen 10 years ago in the modding community, or even 3-5. However, I do take issue with people being this uptight about their "intellectual property" being misused or stolen when it's entirely based off of, used assets and files from, and completely made possible by someone else's work. I get the frustration with the way Nexus acted. I understand why they did it, and even though it's not perfect, it has worked for some. For others, it's nothing more than an annoyance, or worse. Think what you will. I just question how legitimately you can claim full rights to a modification to a game you don't own the rights to. If there's been some well-known law on this, then please, enlighten me. But it's my understanding that this all falls under "fair use". In which case, so does Nexus' actions. Basically, here's what happened. I logged into LucasForums after an unknown period of time. I was a moderator there. But now, everybody's gone. Something happened. All the sections are all destroyed, and I see these half-dead mods walking around. Then, I get hit on the head with a ban-hammer. I awake once again to find Canderis. He didn't meant to hit me with the ban-hammer, he thought I was one of them. Canderis tells me that there was a Nexus that has infected all of the old mods! They are now Zombie-Mods! They brainlessly make their way across the Internet, infecting the override folders of all the users who get near them. Without the brains behind them, they serve only to infect and destroy. Gone are their original forms! I leave Canderis' house in search of the modding community. I travel to the center of the Nexus. There, I become trapped as almost 900 Zombie-Mods try to destroy me! I'm able to recognize a few that used to mine, and destroy them, but the rest are trying to eat me. MilesTails calls to me from a private message system inside the walker, and is able to save me. I meet up with a few survivors from the Deadly Stream, and we make our way out of the chaotic Nexus. On the way back to the Deadly Stream, we arrive just to late to stop a group of Zombie-Mods from attacking. They claim some of our members for their own. Once I reach the Deadly Stream, I meet up with Sith Holocron and Fair Strides. We travel the Internet in search of a cure for the Zombie Mods. Eventually, the Deadly Stream finds a home in a nice secure location. We have walls and fences, and everything is good inside. We try to tend to our new mods, but find that the Nexus has taken up residence close by. Appearing to be gracious and righteous, the Nexus wants to draw us in. Little do we know that the Nexus is led by an evil ruler with only one eye, who happens to keep Zombie-Mods for his own personal uses. Pretty soon, the Nexus is knocking at the gates to destroy everything we've worked for in the name of unity. Modders are going down left and right and the whole place is overrun by Zombie-Mods! Why, oh why, couldn't the Nexus just let the Zombie-Mods die!? They try to eat our flesh and brains, and infect us. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted June 15, 2016 Maybe so, but I'm tired because the arguments in this thread can't seem to die. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sithspecter 909 Posted June 17, 2016 The plot thickens: Indeed, everything about the launch has stunk of “release now, fix later”. Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them? *facepalm* Let’s start off with the most important and most valid response to this statement: Mod authors can do whatever the hell they want with their own mods (within the licenses mentioned above), and that’s their prerogative, not yours. They do not need to justify why they will or will not upload their mods to another service or port them for use on consoles. Saying “I believe active mod authors should want their mods being spread uncontrollably around the internet, therefore it’s OK to share their work on other sites against their express wishes” is stupid, wrong, and unjustifiable. Just because mod authors motives or reasons for not wanting their work shared doesn’t align with yours doesn’t mean it’s OK for you to share their work against their permission. But since people tend to want a bit more reasoning than “because I don’t want to and because I can do whatever I want and you have no right to tell me what to do” even though that’s the best reason of the lot, I’ll list a few of the common and reasonable reasons for not wanting to share their work either on other sites, or specifically for console users. The mod author is aware the mod will not work on consoles or could even potentially harm a console, therefore will not port the mod to consoles. The mod author was actively working on porting their mod to consoles, but it actually required some work to do as they needed to make changes to their mod to accommodate the limits on mods and ensure it was as efficient as possible for console users. The author prides themselves on being able to tell their users it’s been optimised as much as possible, but sadly doesn’t own a console and doesn’t want to buy a console to ensure that same quality is also evident on consoles. In the same vein, it’s hard to fix bugs specific to console mods if you don’t actually own the console and can’t test it yourself. The author doesn’t want to release a mod they can’t actively support. The mod wouldn’t actually be allowed on due to the content of the mod conflicting with their mod uploading rules. The author doesn’t want to manage their mods in multiple locations on multiple sites and prefers to keep everything in one place, on one site. The author has made use of other user’s assets, with legal permission to do so, and therefore cannot grant others the right to share that work without first getting permission from the original creator of the work that may or may not be possible. The author doesn’t like Mods/whatever site we’re talking about so refuses to use it. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all. That list is by no means exhaustive, and there’s lots of other justifiable reasons for not wanting to share their mods on other sites. At the end of the day, we, the mod users, have absolutely no rights whatsoever in demanding mod authors do or do not do something with their mods. Nor do we have any right to take a mod and upload it somewhere else, just because other people want it. I don't care if you are fine with Nexus uploading the mods or not, but can we all appreciate the hypocrisy of this situation? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revanator 60 Posted June 17, 2016 I believe this proves several things...first, that Nexus really does care about the mod creators and their rights. What they wrote there shows a good understanding of the established rules and a desire to uphold them. Secondly, I think it shows that they believe they are doing the right thing for the sake of the community. Whether you think they are or not, this seems to point to them doing this out of a desire to protect the creations of other passionate fans. But yes, the irony here is very sweet. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seikan 22 Posted June 18, 2016 Yeah, I'm rather neutral to the issue since i don't give authorship as much importance as others do, as long as people use my mods (ok, I haven't done much...) with respect and give me credit ( even if asking is always better, or at least a letting me know), this one post they made is sure full of hypocrisy, i don't think they did it consciously or with bad intentions, people very often do things they wouldn't like done to themselves unconsciously with a certain sense of self-righteousness, I suspect they just don't fully realize what they did is exactly what they are talking about in this post, but to be fair there are some of the stuff he says that they did respect: a good and quick response to people bothered by their mods being re-uploaded. But yeah ultimately this post is what would make me tend towards a negative opinion on the archiving by Nexus, not by the fact itself which is debatable but doesn't personally bothers me (on of my mods did end up there), but by the fact that they pretend to defend values completely against said archiving and somehow deluded themselves that it wasn't the same thing they criticize in this post, it does show they took things a little bit too lightly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthParametric 3,811 Posted June 18, 2016 I don't care if you are fine with Nexus uploading the mods or not, but can we all appreciate the hypocrisy of this situation? It would be more apparent if you pointed out (for those that don't check the original source) that the comments are by Dark0ne, the owner and founder of the Nexus. I said when the news of the GameFront archiving was first announced that I was extremely surprised for exactly this reason, that it seemed to fly directly in the face of prior public statements by Dark0ne regarding mod author rights and respect thereof. I found this statement particularly amusing: However, the hope is that when you’re running the official mod hosting platform for a series of games, that your moderation system is more advanced than “send an email to this address”. Heck, even a template/form system built in to the site for the DMCA process would have been helpful. Now granted, Nexus isn't an official site, but Jesus, that's the exact same problem they have with their stupid GameFront archiving. Also, as an aside, I am #9 on his list. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 18, 2016 I found this statement particularly amusing: However, the hope is that when you’re running the official mod hosting platform for a series of games, that your moderation system is more advanced than “send an email to this address”. Heck, even a template/form system built in to the site for the DMCA process would have been helpful. To add another layer of sweet, decadent irony, here's an excerpt from his post about FileFront archiving Our archiving work continues, and will likely continue throughout the weekend and into next week at the current pace. If you have any problems or issues you’d like to report with the archive work please email us at or use the usual reporting methods on the site if you’re a Nexus member. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites